1.我和妈妈乘飞机去I will fly to HongKong with my mum.
2.这是我第二次去,不过还是很期待。It's my second time will be there,but sitll looking forward indeed.
3.那里是购物天堂。It's(HongKong) a paradise for shopping.
4.那里的一切让人感到放松。Everything over there makes me feel relaxed.
5.今天天气很糟糕。The weather is terrible today.
6.在那里买东西会相对便宜。Shopping over there will be cheaper relatively.
1. My mother and I flew to Hong Kong 2. This is the second time I went, but still very much looking forward to. 3. There is a shopper's paradise. 4. Where all people feel relaxed. 5. Today the weather was very bad. 6. Where to buy things would be relatively cheap.