We will depart from New York City at 8 am and arrive in Boston around noon. 我们将于上午8点从纽约市出发,于中午左右抵达波士顿。
The train is scheled to depart from platform 3 in five minutes. 火车定于五分钟后从3号站台出发。
After a long flight, we finally depart from the airplane and arrive at our destination. 经过漫长的飞行,我们终于从飞机上下来并到达了目的地。
The departing passengers queued up at the check-in counter to receive their boarding passes. 离开的乘客在值机柜台排队领取登机牌。
Before they depart for their road trip, they always make sure to check the tire pressure and oil levels in the car. 在开始公路旅行之前,他们总是确保检查汽车的轮胎气压和机油水平。