在这首歌中,歌手表达了对生活的重新审视和自我觉醒。他曾经对生活保持距离,挣扎在谎言编织的网中,大半生的时间似乎都被浪费在小心翼翼的应对与思考上,"Riding waves, playing acrobat, Shadow boxing the other half" 形象地描绘了这种内心的挣扎。
然而,他决定改变,"Letting it go",开始释放自我,不再让演艺事业牵绊,"Turning my cheek for the sake of the show",他选择向生活展现真实的自我。他知道,"No one can hold me back",他不再被他人左右,决心不让任何人拖累自己,"I ain’t got time for that"。
他的目标变得明确,"It’s all so simple now",他找到了真爱,"Addicted to the love I’ve found",并决定把时间留给真正重要的人,"Making time for the ones that count"。他决定不再"spending the rest of my life catching my breath",而是活在当下,"Laughing hard with the windows down",享受生活的每一刻。
这首歌表达了歌手的觉醒和决心,他不再听从外界的期待,"I won’t be told what’s supposed to be right",而是勇敢地追求自己的生活,"This is my life",坚定地"won’t let em get me down",朝着目标坚定前行。