发布网友
共4个回答
热心网友
我通过了钢琴十级考试。
i‘ve
passed
the
piano
tenth
level
test.
例句:
1.我旳爱好是钢琴,已经考过十级了。
my
love
piano,
and
i've
got
level.
2.参加八到十级钢琴考试。
students
will
participate
piano
grade
examination
stage
8-10.
能通过钢琴十级的考试你真的很厉害,希望我的回答能对你有帮助,一定要采纳我的答案哦!!
热心网友
My
piano
skill
has
reached
the
level.
热心网友
My
piano
skill
stage
is
level
10.
热心网友
i
have
got
level
ten
in
piano