




1. Essays in Prokaryotic Biology
1.1 How We Do, Don’t and Should Look at Bacteria and Bacteriology 3
carl r. woese
1.2 Databases 24
wolfgang ludwig, karl heinz schleifer and erko stackebrandt
1.3 Defining Taxonomic Ranks 29
erko stackebrandt
1.4 Prokaryote Characterization and Identification 58
hans g. trüper and karl-heinz schleifer
1.5 Principles of Enrichment, Isolation, Cultivation, and
Preservation of Prokaryotes 80
j鰎g overmann
1.6 Prokaryotes and Their Habitats 137
hans g. schlegel and holger w. jannasch
1.7 Morphological and Physiological Diversity 185
stephen h. zinder and martin dworkin
1.8 Cell-Cell Interactions 221
dale kaiser
1.9 Prokaryotic Genomics 246
b. w. wren
1.10 Genomics and Metabolism in Escherichia coli 261
margrethe haugge serres and monica riley
1.11 Origin of Life: RNA World versus Autocatalytic Anabolism 275
günter w鋍htersh锓ser
1.12 Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology 284
eugene rosenberg
1.13 The Structure and Function of Microbial Communities 299
david a. stahl, meredith hullar and seana davidson
2. Symbiotic Associations
2.1 Cyanobacterial-Plant Symbioses 331
david g. adams, birgitta bergman, s. a. nierzwicki-bauer,
a. n. rai and arthur schü遧er
2.2 Symbiotic Associations between Ciliates and Prokaryotes 3
hans-dieter g鰎tz
2.3 Bacteriocyte-Associated Endosymbionts of Insects 403
paul baumann, nancy a. moran and linda baumann
2.4 Symbiotic Associations Between Termites and Prokaryotes 439
andreas brune
2.5 Marine Chemosynthetic Symbioses 473
colleen m. cavanaugh, zoe p. mckiness, irene l.g. newton and
frank j. stewart
3. Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology
3.1 Organic Acid and Solvent Proction 509
palmer rogers, jiann-shin chen and mary jo zidwick
3.2 Amino Acid Proction 754
hidehiko kumagai
3.3 Microbial Exopolysaccharides 7
timothy harrah, bruce panilaitis and david kaplan
3.4 Bacterial Enzymes 775
wim j. quax
3.5 Bacteria in Food and Beverage Proction 795
michael p. doyle and jianghong meng
3.6 Bacterial Pharmaceutical Procts 810
arnold l. demain and giancarlo lancini
3.7 Biosurfactants 832
eugene rosenberg
3.8 Bioremediation 848
ronald l. crawford
viii Contents
3.9 Biodeterioration 862
ji-dong gu and ralph mitchell
3.10 Microbial Biofilms 902
dirk de beer and paul stoodley
Index 937
sunny 发表于 2007-3-30 14:49

Volume 2
1. Ecophysiological and Biochemical Aspects
1.1 Planktonic Versus Sessile Life of Prokaryotes 3
kevin c. marshall
1.2 Bacterial Adhesion 16
itzhak ofek, nathan sharon and soman n. abraham
1.3 The Phototrophic Way of Life 32
j鰎g overmann and ferrau garcia-pichel
1.4 The Anaerobic Way of Life 86
ruth a. schmitz, rolf daniel, uwe deppenmeier and
gerhard gottschalk
1.5 Bacterial Behavior 102
judith armitage
1.6 Prokaryotic Life Cycles 140
martin dworkin
1.7 Life at High Temperatures 167
rainer jaenicke and reinhard sterner
1.8 Life at Low Temperatures 210
siegfried scherer and klaus neuhaus
1.9 Life at High Salt Concentrations 263
aharon oren
1.10 Alkaliphilic Prokaryotes 283
terry ann krulwich
1.11 Syntrophism Among Prokaryotes 309
bernhard schink and alfons j. m. stams
1.12 Quorum Sensing 336
bonnie l. bassler and melissa b. miller
1.13 Acetogenic Prokaryotes 354
harold l. drake, kirsten küsel and carola matthies
Contents ix
1.14 Virulence Strategies of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria 421
barbara n. kunkel and zhongying chen
1.15 The Chemolithotrophic Prokaryotes 441
donovan p. kelly and ann p. wood
1.16 Oxidation of Inorganic Nitrogen Compounds as an Energy Source 457
eberhard bock and michael wagner
1.17 The H2-Metabolizing Prokaryotes 496
edward schwartz and b鋜bel friedrich
1.18 Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Bacteria 5
eugene rosenberg
1.19 Cellulose-Decomposing Bacteria and Their Enzyme Systems 578
edward a. bayer, yuval shoham and raphael lamed
1.20 Aerobic Methylotrophic Prokaryotes 618
mary e. lidstrom
1.21 Dissimilatory Fe(III)- and Mn(IV)-Recing Prokaryotes 635
derek lovley
1.22 Dissimilatory Sulfate- and Sulfur-Recing Prokaryotes 659
ralf rabus, theo hansen and friedrich widdel
1.23 The Denitrifying Prokaryotes 769
james p. shapleigh
1.24 Dinitrogen-Fixing Prokaryotes 793
esperanza martinez-romero
1.25 Root and Stem Nole Bacteria of Legumes 818
michael j. sadowsky and p. h. graham
1.26 Magnetotactic Bacteria 842
stefan spring and dennis a. bazylinski
1.27 Luminous Bacteria 863
paul v. nlap and kumiko kita-tsukamoto
1.28 Bacterial Toxins 3
vega masignani, mariagrazia pizza and rino rappuoli
1.29 The Metabolic Pathways of Biodegradation 956
lawrence p. wackett
1.30 Haloalkaliphilic Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria 969
dimitry yu. sorokin, horia banciu, lesley a. robertson and
j. gijs kuenen
1.31 The Colorless Sulfur Bacteria 985
lesley a. robertson and j. gijs kuenen
x Contents
1.32 Bacterial Stress Response 1012
eliora z. ron
1.33 Anaerobic Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons Including Methane 1028
friedrich widdel, antje boetius and ralf rabus
1.34 Physiology and Biochemistry of the Methane-Procing Archaea 1050
reiner hedderich and william b. whitman
Index 1081
sunny 发表于 2007-3-30 14:50

Volume 3
A: Archaea
1. The Archaea: A Personal Overview of the Formative Years 3
ralph s. wolfe
2. Thermoproteales 10
harald huber, robert huber and karl o. stetter
3. Sulfolobales 23
harald huber and david prangishvili
4. Desulfurococcales 52
harald huber and karl o. stetter
5. The Order Thermococcales 69
costanzo bertoldo and garabed antranikian
6. The Genus Archaeoglobus 82
patricia hartzell and david reed
7. Thermoplasmatales 101
harald huber and karl o. stetter
8. The Order Halobacteriales 113
aharon oren
9. The Methanogenic Bacteria 165
william b. whitman, timothy l. bowen and david r. boone
10. The Order Methanomicrobiales 208
jean-louis garcia, bernard ollivier and william b. whitman
11. The Order Methanobacteriales 231
adam s. bonin and david r. boone
12. The Order Methanosarcinales 244
melissa m. kendall and david r. boone
Contents xi
13. Methanococcales 257
william b. whitman and christian jeanthon
14. Nanoarchaeota 274
harald huber, michael j. hohn, reinhard rachel and
karl o. stetter
15. Phylogenetic and Ecological Perspectives on Uncultured
Crenarchaeota and Korarchaeota 281
scott c. dawson, edward f. delong and norman r. pace
B: Bacteria
1. Firmicutes (Gram-Positive Bacteria)
1.1. Firmicutes with High GC Content of DNA
1.1.1 Introction to the Taxonomy of Actinobacteria 297
erko stackebrandt and peter schumann
1.1.2 The Family Bifidobacteriaceae 322
bruno biavati and paola mattarelli
1.1.3 The Family Propionibacteriaceae: The Genera Friedmanniella,
Luteococcus, Microlunatus, Micropruina, Propioniferax,
Propionimicrobium and Tessarococcus 383
erko stackebrandt and klaus schaal
1.1.4 Family Propionibacteriaceae: The Genus Propionibacterium 400
erko stackebrandt, cecil s. cummins and john l. johnson
1.1.5 The Family Succinivibrionaceae 419
erko stackebrandt and robert hespell
1.1.6 The Family Actinomycetaceae: The Genera Actinomyces, Actinobaculum,
Arcanobacterium, Varibaculum and Mobiluncus 430
klaus p. schaal, atteyet f. yassin and erko stackebrandt
1.1.7 The Family Streptomycetaceae, Part I: Taxonomy 538
peter k鋗pfer
1.1.8 The Family Streptomycetaceae, Part II: Molecular Biology 605
hildgund schrempf
1.1.9 The Genus Actinoplanes and Related Genera 623
gernot vobis
1.1.10 The Family Actinosynnemataceae 654
david p. labeda
1.1.11 The Families Frankiaceae, Geodermatophilaceae, Acidothermaceae
and Sporichthyaceae 669
philippe normand
xii Contents
1.1.12 The Family Thermomonosporaceae: Actinocorallia, Actinomara,
Spirillospora and Thermomonospora 682
reiner michael kroppenstedt and michael goodfellow
1.1.13 The Family Streptosorangiaceae 725
michael goodfellow and erika teresa quintana
1.1.14 The Family Nocardiopsaceae 754
reiner michael kroppenstedt and lyudmila i. evtushenko
1.1.15 Corynebacterium—Nonmedical 796
wolfgang liebl
1.1.16 The Genus Corynebacterium—Medical 819
alexander von graevenitz and kathryn bernard
1.1.17 The Families Dietziaceae, Gordoniaceae, Nocardiaceae
and Tsukamurellaceae 843
michael goodfellow and luis angel maldonado
1.1.18 The Genus Mycobacterium—Nonmedical 8
sybe hartmans, jan a. m. de bont and erko stackebrandt
1.1.19 The Genus Mycobacterium—Medical 919
beatrice saviola and william bishai
1.1.20 Mycobacterium leprae 934
thomas m. shinnick
1.1.21 The Genus Arthrobacter 945
dorothy jones and r. m. keddie
1.1.22 The Genus Micrococcus 961
miloslav kocur, wesley e. kloos and karl-heinz schleifer
1.1.23 Renibacterium 972
hans-jürgen busse
1.1.24 The Genus Stomatococcus: Rothia mucilaginosa, basonym
Stomatococcus mucilaginosus 975
erko stackebrandt
1.1.25 The Family Cellulomonadaceae 983
erko stackebrandt, peter schumann and helmut prauser
1.1.26 The Family Dermatophilaceae 1002
erko stackebrandt
1.1.27 The Genus Brevibacterium 1013
matthew d. collins
1.1.28 The Family Microbacteriaceae 1020
lyudmila i. evtushenko and mariko takeuchi
Contents xiii
1.1.29 The Genus Nocardioides 1099
jung-hoon yoon and yong-ha park
Index 1115
sunny 发表于 2007-3-30 14:51

Volume 4
1. Firmicutes (Gram-Positive Bacteria)
1.2 Firmicutes with Low GC Content of DNA
1.2.1 The Genera Staphylococcus and Macrococcus 5
friedrich g鳄z, tammy bannerman and karl-heinz schleifer
1.2.2 The Genus Streptococcus—Oral 76
jeremy m. hardie and robert a. whiley
1.2.3 Medically Important Beta-Hemolytic Streptococci 108
patrick cleary and qi cheng
1.2.4 Streptococcus pneumoniae 149
elaine tuomanen
1.2.5 The Genus Enterococcus: Taxonomy 163
luc devriese, margo baele and patrick butaye
1.2.6 The Genus Enterococcus: Medical Importance 175
donald j. leblanc
1.2.7 The Genus Lactococcus 205
michael teuber and arnold geis
1.2.8 The Genera Pediococcus and Tetragenococcus 229
wilhelm h. holzapfel, charles m. a. p. franz, wolfgang lugwig,
werner back and leon m. t. dicks
1.2.9 Genera Leuconostoc, Oenococcus and Weissella 267
johanna bj鰎kroth and wilhelm holzapfel
1.2.10 The Genera Lactobacillus and Carnobacterium 319
walter p. hammes and christian hertel
1.2.11 Listeria monocytogenes and the Genus Listeria 403
nadia khelef, marc lecuit, carmen buchrieser, didier cabanes,
olivier ssurget and pascale cossart
1.2.12 The Genus Brochothrix 473
erko stackebrandt and dorothy jones
1.2.13 The Genus Erysipelothrix 488
erko stackebrandt, annette c. reboli and w. edmund farrar
xiv Contents
1.2.14 The Genus Gemella 507
matthew d. collins
1.2.15 The Genus Kurthia 515
erko stackebrandt, ronald m. keddie and dorothy jones
1.2.16 The Genus Bacillus—Nonmedical 526
ralph a. slepecky and h. ernest hemphill
1.2.17 The Genus Bacillus—Insect Pathogens 559
donald p. stahly, robert e. andrews and allan a. yousten
1.2.18 The Genus Bacillus—Medical 605
w. edmund farrar and annette c. reboli
1.2.19 Genera Related to the Genus Bacillus—Sporolactobacillus,
Sporosarcina, Planococcus, Filibacter and Caryophanon 627
dieter claus, dagmar fritze and miloslav kocur
1.2.20 An Introction to the Family Clostridiaceae 650
juergen wiegel, ralph tanner and fred a. rainey
1.2.21 Neurotoxigenic Clostridia 674
cesare montecucco, ornella rossetto and michel r. popoff
1.2.22 The Enterotoxic Clostridia 693
bruce a. mcclane, francisco a. uzai,
mariano e. fernandez miyakawa, david lyerly and
tracy wilkins
1.2.23 Clostridium perfringens and Histotoxic Disease 748
julian i. rood
1.2.24 The Genera Desulfitobacterium and Desulfosporosinus: Taxonomy 766
stefan spring and frank rosenzweig
1.2.25 The Genus Desulfotomaculum 782
friedrich widdel
1.2.26 The Anaerobic Gram-Positive Cocci 790
takayuki ezaki, na li and yoshiaki kawamura
1.2.27 The Order Haloanaerobiales 804
aharon oren
1.2.28 The Genus Eubacterium and Related Genera 818
william g. wade
1.2.29 The Genus Mycoplasma and Related Genera (Class Mollicutes) 831
shmuel razin
1.2.30 The Phytopathogenic Spiroplasmas 7
jacqueline fletcher, ulrich melcher and astri wayadande
Contents xv
1.3 Firmicutes with Atypical Cell Walls
1.3.1 The Family Heliobacteriaceae 943
michael t. madigan
1.3.2 Pectinatus, Megasphaera and Zymophilus 957
auli haikara and ilkka helander
1.3.3 The Genus Selenomonas 974
robert p. hespell, bruce j. paster and floyd e. dewhirst
1.3.4 The Genus Sporomusa 983
john a. breznak
1.3.5 The Family Lachnospiraceae, Including the Genera Butyrivibrio,
Lachnospira and Roseburia 994
michael cotta and robert forster
1.3.6 The Genus Veillonella 1014
paul kolenbrander
1.3.7 Syntrophomonadaceae 1033
martin sobieraj and david r. boone
2. Cyanobacteria
2.1 The Cyanobacteria—Isolation, Purification and Identification 1045
john b. waterbury
2.2 The Cyanobacteria—Ecology, Physiology and Molecular Genetics 1066
yehuda cohen and michael gurevitz
2.3 The Genus Prochlorococcus 1091
anton f. post
Index 1103
sunny 发表于 2007-3-30 14:51

Volume 5
3. Proteobacteria
Introction to the Proteobacteria 3
karel kersters, paul de vos, monique gillis, jean swings,
peter vandamme and erko stackebrandt
3.1. Alpha Subclass
3.1.1 The Phototrophic Alphaproteobacteria 41
johannes f. imhoff
xvi Contents
3.1.2 The Genera Prosthecomicrobium and Ancalomicrobium 65
gary e. oertli, cheryl jenkins, naomi ward, fred rainey,
erko stackebrandt and james t. staley
3.1.3 Dimorphic Prosthecate Bacteria: The Genera Caulobacter,
Asticcacaulis, Hyphomicrobium, Pedomicrobium, Hyphomonas
and Thiodendron 72
jeanne s. poindexter
3.1.4 The Genus Agrobacterium 91
ann g. matthysse
3.1.5 The Genus Azospirillum 115
anton hartmann and jose ivo baldani
3.1.6 The Genus Herbaspirillum 141
michael schmid, jose ivo baldani and anton hartmann
3.1.7 The Genus Beijerinckia 151
jan hendrick becking
3.1.8 The Family Acetobacteraceae: The Genera Acetobacter, Acidomonas,
Asaia, Gluconacetobacter, Gluconobacter, and Kozakia 163
karel kersters, puspita lisdiyanti, kazuo komagata and
jean swings
3.1.9 The Genus Zymomonas 201
hermann sahm, stephanie bringer-meyer and georg a. sprenger
3.1.10 The Manganese-Oxidizing Bacteria 222
kenneth h. nealson
3.1.11 The Genus Paracoccus 232
donovan p. kelly, frederick a. rainey and ann p. wood
3.1.12 The Genus Phenylobacterium 250
jürgen ebersp鋍her and franz lingens
3.1.13 Methylobacterium 257
peter n. green
3.1.14 The Methanotrophs—The Families Methylococcaceae and
Methylocystaceae 266
john bowman
3.1.15 The Genus Xanthobacter 290
juergen wiegel
3.1.16 The Genus Brucella 315
edgardo moreno and ignacio moriyón
3.1.17 Introction to the Rickettsiales and Other Intracellular Prokaryotes 457
david n. fredricks
3.1.18 The Genus Bartonella 467
michael f. minnick and burt e. anderson
Contents xvii
3.1.19 The Order Rickettsiales 493
xue-jie yu and david h. walker
3.1.20 The Genus Coxiella 529
robert a. heinzen and james e. samuel
3.1.21 The Genus Wolbachia 547
markus riegler and scott l. o’neill
3.1.22 Aerobic Phototrophic Proteobacteria 562
vladimir v. yurkov
3.1.23 The Genus Seliberia 585
jean m. schmidt and james r. swafford
3.2. Beta Subclass
3.2.1 The Phototrophic Betaproteobacteria 593
johannes f. imhoff
3.2.2 The Neisseria 602
daniel c. stein
3.2.3 The Genus Bordetella 8
alison weiss
3.2.4 Achromobacter, Alcaligenes and Related Genera 675
hans-jürgen busse and andreas stolz
3.2.5 The Genus Spirillum 701
noel r. krieg
3.2.6 The Genus Aquaspirillum 710
bruno pot, monique gillis and jozef de ley
3.2.7 Comamonas 723
anne willems and paul de vos
3.2.8 The Genera Chromobacterium and Janthinobacterium 737
monique gillis and jozef de ley
3.2.9 The Genera Phyllobacterium and Ochrobactrum 747
jean swings, bart lambert, karel kersters and barry holmes
3.2.10 The Genus Derxia 751
jan hendrick becking
3.2.11 The Genera Leptothrix and Sphaerotilus 758
stefan spring
3.2.12 The Lithoautotrophic Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria 778
hans-peter koops, ulrike purkhold, andreas pommerening-r鰏er,
gabriele timmermann and michael wagner
xviii Contents
3.2.13 The Genus Thiobacillus 814
lesley a. robertson and j. gijs kuenen
3.2.14 The Genera Simonsiella and Alysiella 830
brian p. hedlund and daisy a. kuhn
3.2.15 Eikenella corrodens and Closely Related Bacteria 842
edward j. bottone and paul a. granato
3.2.16 The Genus Burkholderia 850
donald e. woods and pamela a. sokol
3.2.17 The Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria 863
aharon abeliovich
3.2.18 The Genera Azoarcus, Azovibrio, Azospira and Azonexus 875
barbara reinhold-hurek and thomas hurek
Index 000
sunny 发表于 2007-3-30 14:52



《伯杰氏系统细菌学手册》(Bergey’s Manual of Systemaic Bacteriology)

一本有代表性的、参考价值极高、比较全面系统的细菌分类手册。由美国布瑞德(Breed)等人主编。1923年第1版,后于1925、1930、 1934、1939、1948、1957、1974年相继出版了第2至第8版,每个版本都反映了当时细菌学发展的新成就。其中第8版有美、英、德、法等 14个国家的细菌学家参加了编写工作,对系统内的每一属和种都做了较详细的属性描述。近年来,由于细胞学、遗传学和分子生物学的渗透,大大促进了细菌分类学的发展,使分类系统与真正反映亲缘关系的自然体系日趋接近。第9版(1984,1986)中实质性的变化,象征着细菌分类学的发展进入新的阶段。第一,手册更名,原书名为《伯杰氏鉴定细菌学手册》(Bergey’s Manual of Determinatie Bacteriology),第9版由于内容增加,范围扩大,提高了手册的实用性,同时指出各类细菌间的关系,所以改名为《伯杰氏系统细菌学手册》;第二,由1卷分成4卷,这是考虑到能及时反映新进展和使用者的方便;第三,细菌在生物界的地位,8、9版间无变动,但它们的高级分类单位有很大变化(见下表),尤其嗜盐细菌和产甲烷细菌,根据胞壁分析和DNA序列分折,另列疵壁菌门,古细菌纲;第四,趋近自然体系,在各级分类单位中全面应用核酸研究;在表型特征的基础上,以DNA资料给予决定性的判断。使人为的分类体系过渡到自然体系的理想进一步付诸实现。

