


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、In this world there is nothing that exists as purifying, in comparison with transcendental knowledge.(在这个世界上,与超然智慧相比,没有什么东西是以更净化的形式存在的。)

2、To Heidegger, "being" is an incomparable, transcendental mystery, something that confers existence on individual, particular beings.(对于海德格尔来说,“存在”是一种无以伦比的、超自然的奥秘,甚至是个人的、独特的。)

3、The proposed method dealt with measurable signal of the aircraft, mathematical model and no relevant transcendental knowledge was needed.(粗集方法可直接处理歼击机的可测输出信号,不需要对象的数学模型和相关先验知识。)

4、On the transcendental plane, one service is as good as another.(在超然的层面上,一个服务和另一个服务是一样好的。)

5、The differential phase shift changes as the change in the thickness of the ferrite phase shifter is calculated with the transcendental equation.(根据超越方程对单环非互易铁氧体移相器的差相移随铁氧体厚度的变化进行了数值计算。)

6、The transcendentalists organized "conversations" through the transcendental Club and other means.(先验论者在超验主义俱乐部和其他途径组织会话。)

7、Misuse of transcendental analytic.(先验分析论的误用。)

8、The system of identity philosophy includes the philosophy of nature and transcendental philosophy.(同一哲学之作为一个体系,包含自然哲学和先验哲学两个部分。)

9、Few men have had such transcendental capacity to stir the heart of people.(很少人有如此超群出众的打动人心的才能。)

10、Kant's meaning of transcendental may be gathered by the way he distinguishes it from transcendent.(康德所说的“先验的”的意义,可从他所划分的“先验的”和“超越的”区别,绎出来。)

11、I think similar considerations would tell against another way of using transcendental arguments ambitiously.(还有类似的论证也揭示了反先验论证的另一条道路。)

12、Surrounded by the mountains, he marveled at the transcendental beauty of nature, totally oblivious of the secular unhappiness.(置身于群山之中,他诧异于自然的奇美,完全忘却了尘世的烦恼。)

13、Oh, and the fact that you can't use the floating point processor directly to calculate transcendental functions (it's done in software instead).(最后我们发现无法使用浮点处理器直接计算超函数(结果使用软件实现了)...)

14、The analysis of discourse operates therefore without reference to the transcendental subject.(因此,对话语所作的分析就无需参照先验主体。)

15、It is the most direct way to approach the transcendental state and the most subtle way to express spiritual energy in audible form.(这是接近超自然状态最直接的方式,也是用声音来表达灵性能量最精微的方法。)

16、Man has become the transcendental signified.(人类成了超验所指。)

17、He likens posing for a portrait to a cross between "transcendental meditation and a visit to the barber's."(他把为肖像画摆姿势比作“超验主义的沉思和去理发店”的混合。)

18、Now, this is supposed to be one sixth, but I know I don't want any transcendental numbers here.(现在,这是六分之一,但是,我知道我不想要任何的超越数。)

19、The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental.(实际的和实用的,否定了空想的和先验的东西。)

20、Your name is the wellspring of supreme bliss, the embodiment of Brahman, is readily available, and is full of transcendental knowledge.(您的圣名是至尊喜悦赐福的泉源,是梵的化身,是触手可及的,充满超然知识。)

21、I never had the great fortune to have been a part of that transcendental devotional service.(我从来没有得到过那样的好运而成为那些超然奉爱服务的一分子。)

22、If soulmates really are a thing, I think science, math and psychology all take a backseat to transcendental phenomena.(如果灵魂伴侣是真的,我想科学数学和心理学都应该置于这种超自然现象之后。)

23、Two 30-minute sessions of transcendental meditation a day, he says, enable a person to perceive the divinity within himself.(他主张一天进行两次30分钟的超在禅定派的修炼,会使人领悟到自己内在的神性。)

24、A proper transcendental philosophy should show how the two are united into one, part of the same allembracing truth, aspects of the Absolute.(合适的超越哲学可以显示出这两个概念怎样联合成一体,与某些包罗万象的真理是部分相同的,比如绝对。)

25、Yet, again, beyond the body and mind She resides in Her transcendental Absolute aspect.(她至今仍然超越于身体和精神之上,居住在她超出人类经验的绝对外貌里面。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


