造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、This is because the parasite which causes malaria can only mature above 18c.(这是因为促使疟疾成熟的寄生虫需要18摄氏度以上的温度。)
2、One of the ways the parasite spreads is through faecal matter.(寄生物传播的方式之一就是透过排泄物。)
3、An example of a parasite is a tapeworm that lives inside the intestines of a larger animal and absorbs nutrients from its host.(寄生虫的一个典例是绦虫,它生活在更大的动物的肠道内,从宿主那里吸收营养。)
4、Fear and greed expose the spaceship crew to an alien parasite.(恐惧和贪婪使太空船成员受到外星寄生虫的威胁。)
5、parasite resistance to our best antimalarial medicines is a major threat.(寄生虫对我们最好的抗疟药品所具的抗药性是一个巨大的威胁。)
6、Parasitism is a kind of predator-prey relationship in which one organism, the parasite, derives its food at the expense of its symbiotic associate, the host.(寄生是一种捕食者与被捕食者之间的关系,寄生者利用共生伙伴——宿主来获取食物。)
7、In the tiny South American nation of Guyana lives a parasite called Wuchereria bancrofti.(在南美洲小国圭亚那,生活着一种寄生虫,叫做乌拉里亚·班克罗夫特蒂。)
8、Sometimes I think TV is a kind of parasite.(有时候我觉得电视是寄生虫。)
9、It is a time when the malaria parasite is peculiarly vulnerable.(疟原虫最脆弱的时候正是我们下手的时机。)
10、A big problem, for example, is the varroa mite, a deadly parasite.(例如,最大的问题就是瓦螨—一种致死性寄生虫。)
11、Used consistently, it can stop transmission of the parasite.(持续使用还能阻止这种寄生虫的传播。)
12、The lazy man was a parasite on his family.(那懒汉是家里的寄生虫。)
13、They pass a parasite called trypanosoma cruzi in their faeces.(它们将一种叫作克氏锥虫的寄生虫排到其粪便中。)
14、In the late 1960s, when Sri Lanka's flourishing coconut groves were plagued by leaf-mining hispides, a larval parasite imported from Singapore brought the pest under control.(20世纪60年代末期,当斯里兰卡繁荣的椰子果园被潜叶昆虫侵扰时,一种从新加坡引进的寄生幼虫将这种害虫控制住了。)
15、Upon phagocytosis by a macrophage, the "Leishmania" parasite ended up in a phagocytic vacuole.(在巨噬细胞的吞噬作用下,利什曼原虫最后被吞噬泡吞噬。)
16、At times, it is actually possible to watch the effects of natural selection in host-parasite relationships.(有时,在宿主-寄生虫关系中观察自然选择的影响实际上是可能的。)
17、In 1950, myxoma virus, a parasite that affects rabbits, was deliberately introduced into Australia to control the rabbit population.(在1950年,粘液瘤病毒,一种影响兔子的寄生虫,被故意引入澳大利亚来控制兔子的数量。)
18、They're just parasite hotels, even their parasites have parasites.(它们就是寄生虫的“酒店”,甚至它们的寄生虫也有寄生虫。)
19、Thus, natural selection stabilized this host-parasite relationship.(因此,自然选择让这种寄主-寄生关系变得稳定。)
20、The host grabbed the bills and initiated a verbal assault upon the cabby, calling him a worthless parasite and a disgrace to their country for trying to overcharge visitors.(房东一抢而空,对出租车司机进行了口头攻击,说他是一文不值的寄生虫,试图向游客多收费的行为是对他们国家的耻辱。)
21、A parasite is an organism that feeds on other organisms.(寄生虫是一种以其它生物为食的生物。)
22、the malaria parasite is a terrible foe.(疟原虫是一个可怕的敌人。)
23、Schistosomiasis is diagnosed through the detection of parasite eggs in stool or urine specimens.(血吸虫病的诊断方法是,检测粪便或尿液标本中寄生虫卵。)
24、In the tiny South American nation of Guyana lives a problematic parasite called Wuchereria bancrofti.(南美小国圭亚那境内有一种名为班氏线虫的寄生虫。)
25、Study the anti-fecundity effect of artesunate against the schistosoma mansoni by observation and analysis of the parasite egg laying.(通过观察青蒿琥酯对曼氏血吸虫雌虫产卵的影响,分析药物的抗生殖作用。)
26、Tellingly, bees in Australia have not been infected by the parasite.(很明显,澳大利亚的蜜蜂并没有感染这种寄生虫。)
27、Malaria is caused by a one-celled parasite called a Plasmodium.(疟疾是由称为疟原虫的一种单细胞寄生虫造成的。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。