

2022-05-04 来源:年旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、For example, the Society of Interventional radiology (SIR) has endorsed further research into Dr. Zamboni's theory.(比如,放射型干预社会学(SIR)对Zamboni博士理论的深入研究进行了资助。)

2、The American College of radiology also recommends that all medical radiology units be professionally accredited, yet many are not.(美国辐射大学也建议所有的医疗辐射单位应该按职业进行授权,但是许多都没有。)

3、One team works on a radiology Information System (RIS) solution that handles these tasks(一个处理radiologyInformationSystem(X光信息系统,RIS)解决方案的团队将负责以下任务)

4、I want to pull him down by his white lapels and shout in his face: radiology!(我想扯着他白色的衣襟,冲他喊叫,要他规矩点:放射学!)

5、The service I used as an example in this article (the radiology Department application service) is based on WSDL.(在本文中我所用的示例服务(radiologyDepartment应用程序服务)是基于WSDL的。)

6、Open the same client.html file that you used earlier while testing the radiology Department application in your browser.(在您的浏览器中打开与之前您用来测试radiologyDepartment应用程序相同的client.html文件。)

7、Zip files you created at the end of the packaging the radiology Department application and Configuring and packaging a service consumer sections.(它们为您在打包radiologyDepartment应用程序和配置并打包服务客户部分的结尾处创建的两个.zip文件匹配文件名。)

8、the branch of radiology that deals with the nervous system.(神经放射学放射学中研究神经系统的分支。)

9、You have packaged your radiology application, which is a service provider.(您已经打包了您的radiology应用程序,这是一个服务提供商。)

10、Following a doctor's recommendation after a physical, he went for an exam at a Fort Myers radiology center.(在一次体检后遵循医生的建议,他来到福特·梅尔斯的一个放射治疗中心做检查。)

11、Instead, I'll use a simple default combination of ready-made interceptors that can invoke the radiology Department application.(相反,我将使用一个简单默认的现成的拦截器组合,该组合可调用radiologyDepartment应用程序。)

12、Service: Name of the radiology service provider that is hosted on the second JBI server.(service:托管在第二台JBI服务器上的放射服务提供商的名称。)

13、Listing 3 shows another tag that tells how to configure an se - an internal service provider (such as the radiology Department application)?(清单3显示另一个标记,它描述了如何配置SE—一个内部服务提供者(例如radiologyDepartment应用程序)?)

14、This means that your JBI environment should be able to host the radiology Department application as an internal service.(这意味着JBI环境还应当能托管radiologyDepartment应用程序作为内部服务。)

15、The radiology theatre is the latest in a series of prototypes for Blue Spruce.(“放射影像诊室”只是BlueSpruce的系列原型中最新发布的一个。)

16、This means you can simply use the configuration of the radiology Department application as the second JBI server.(这意味着您可以简单地使用radiologyDepartment应用程序的配置作为第二台JBI服务器。)

17、Listing 4 shows the WSDL binding for the radiology Department application.(清单4显示radiologyDepartment应用程序的WSDL绑定。)

18、You are configuring the radiology Department application in Listing 2, so you use an tag directly inside a tag.(您正在清单2中配置radiologyDepartment应用程序,因为您直接在标记内使用标记。)

19、Assembling the radiology application together with the prescription application.(将radiology应用程序与Prescription应用程序组装在一起。)

20、radiology is an expanding field in medicine.(放射科是中医药领域扩大。)

21、The prescription application sends these prescriptions over the bus to the medical facility's in-house pharmacy and radiology department.(处方应用程序通过总线发送处方到医疗机构内部的药房和放射科。)

22、Write the JBI configurations for the service provider (that is the radiology Department application) as well as the service consumer.(为服务提供商(radiologyDepartment应用程序)和服务客户编写JBI配置。)

23、"We don't do those anymore," said Dr. Marta Hernanz-Schulman, director of pediatric radiology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.(“我们不能再这么做了,”MartaHernana-Schulman医生说,他是Vanderbilt大学医疗中心的儿科辐射主管。)

24、Sure, it’d be easier to work at a hospital on Staten Island, but I don’t know anybody there; in radiology, a lot of it is who you know.(在斯坦顿岛的医院工作当然会轻松一点,但我在那不认识任何人;在放射技师领域,交情很重要。)

25、Perform the following steps to test the radiology Department application.(执行以下步骤来测试radiologyDepartment应用程序。)

26、On the debate TV program today, some specialist of "radiology" is invited.(今天的电视讨论节目里,一位辐射医学的专家接到招待。)

27、Hosting the radiology Department application as an internal service.(托管radiologyDepartment应用程序为一个内部服务。)

28、Perhaps the biggest potential benefit of the online radiology theatre is that it will enable experts from all over the world to consult on cases.(网络“放射影像诊室”带来的一个最大的潜在好处就是他可以让世界各地的专家对某一个病例作诊断。)

29、Listing 3 shows the WSDL interface for the radiology Department application.(清单3显示radiologyDepartment应用程序的WSDL接口。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


