造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Saif al-Islam, Gaddafi's powerful son, told TIME that he was confident that those companies would seek a quick return to Libya.(卡扎菲强大的儿子Saifal-Islam告诉时代杂志,他坚信那些公司会寻求快速回到利比亚。)
2、He converted to Islam at the age of 16.(他在16岁时皈依了伊斯兰教。)
3、WHEN Saif al-Islam, the favoured son of Muammar Qaddafi, was captured by a militia from the mountain town of Zintan on November 19th, thousands danced in the streets of Libya's capital, Tripoli.(11月19日卡扎菲最宠爱的儿子赛义夫(Saifal-Islam)在山区城镇津坦(Zintan)被一位民兵抓到之时,数千名民兵在利比亚首都的黎波里街头手舞足蹈以示庆贺。)
4、However last night his son Saif al-Islam who rebels said had been captured, appeared in front of western journalists and claimed his father was still somewhere in the Libyan capital.(然而昨晚反对派说卡扎菲之子萨义夫已经被俘,萨义夫对西方记者声称他的父亲依然在利比亚首都某处。)
5、They carried with them the idea and the traditions that laid the foundation for the major religions of the western world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.(他们传承下来的的思想和传统为西方世界的主要宗教——犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教——奠定了基础。)
6、I first became interested in Islam while I was doing my nursing training.(我在进行护理训练的时候,我初次对伊斯兰教产生了兴趣。)
7、Mr Islam reckons overseas investors have been buying around 30% of recent gilt issuance.(Islam认为海外投资者购买了大约30%的金边债券。)
8、It's not clear where Saif al-Islam will be taken to next, but for now celebrations of his capture are likely to continue well into the night across the country.(赛义夫将会被带去哪里尚不清楚,但目前来看,全国庆祝他被捕的活动大概会持续到晚上了。)
9、Rasmussen dismissed the possibility of Ciolonel Gadhafi stepping down in favor of his son, Seif al-Islam, pointing to a new International Criminal Court arrest warrant against both men.(拉斯穆森排除了让卡扎菲下台由他儿子接任的可能性。他指出,国际刑事法庭对他们父子都下达了缉捕令。)
10、Luis Moreno-Ocampo has also said there may be mercenaries offering Saif al-Islam refuge in countries like Zimbabwe that don't subscribe to the Rome Statute that underpins the ICC.(LuisMoreno-Ocampo还表示,在诸如津巴布韦等不受《罗马规约》约束的国家,可能有雇佣军向Saifal-Islam提供避难所,《罗马规约》是国际法庭的基础。)
11、Even the televised speeches by Saif al-Islam and Mr Qaddafi himself, while more chilling in tone, echoed performances by Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.(赛义夫及卡扎菲先生亲自在电视上发表演说,然而其更为冰冷的语气,就好比在效仿突尼斯的本。阿里和埃及的穆巴拉克的论调。)
12、he straddles two cultures, having been brought up in the united states and later converted to islam.(他跨越两种文化,从小在美国受教育,后来又改信伊斯兰教。)
13、The jury was unable to reach a verdict about the role of Umar Islam, 31, of Plaistow, east London. However, he was found guilty of an alternative charge of conspiracy to murder.(陪审团还无法裁定UmarIslam(31岁,生于伦敦东部的Plaistow区)在团伙成员中担任的角色,不过他被控犯有阴谋谋杀的交替控罪。)
14、The spiritual leader charged that the book blasphemed against Islam.(精神领袖指责这本书亵渎了伊斯兰教。)
15、For Saudi Arabia is a country in which both rulers and ruled are equally arch- conservative, adhering, for the last two centuries, to the puritanical Wahhabi doctrine of Islam.(至此打破了原本因循守旧的罕百里学派和瓦哈比教派联合在一起形成的垄断,这种垄断只是发生在沙特。)
16、Since the Yuan Dynasty of Islam input at this time also brings a wealth of design, coupled with the use of Chinese painting, layout, clarity clear, feeling out his forceful simplicity.(元代以来回教的输入也给此时带来丰富的图案,加上中国绘画的运用,布局内容清晰明朗,感觉出他的雄浑古朴。)
17、He converted from Christianity to Islam.(他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。)
18、The point of intersection between the commercial law of the Islam and market-oriented economy rules;(本文讨论了等值线与网格线交点的追踪和计算方法。)
19、He learned Mandarin, started a trading business and married a Chinese woman, who converted to Islam.(他学会了普通话,开始做生意,还娶了个扳依伊兰教的中国姑娘。)
20、The jury has not been able to adjudge the role of Umar Islam among the gang members, but he has been charged with convictions for conspiracy to murder.(陪审团还无法裁定UmarIslam在团伙成员中担任的角色,不过他被控犯有阴谋谋杀的交替控罪。)
21、One of the most startling turn of events was the saga of the arrest of Saif al-Islam, the second son and the man widely seen, until several months ago, as his likely successor.(最令人吃惊的转机是萨义夫被逮捕,萨义夫是卡扎菲的次子而且被广泛熟知,直到几个月前,作为他最有可能的继任者出现在公众视野中。)
22、Zintan's fighters have so far declined to turn the captured Saif al-Islam over to the central authorities and may be using him as a bargaining chip.(津坦的武装人员至今依然拒绝把被捕的赛义夫移交给中央政府,还可能把他作为交易的筹码。)
23、The International Criminal Court in the Hague says it's had indirect contact with Colonel Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. He's believed to be interested in surrendering to the ICC.(海牙的国际刑事法院称其已经与卡扎菲的儿子Saifal-IslamGaddafi间接接触,据悉他有意到国际法庭自首。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。