


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、According to Colin Jack, although a symbiosis between SOA and DDD is definitely possible, it has to be implemented very carefully.(按照ColinJack的说法,尽管SOA与DDD之间完全可以有共生关系,但在实现时要相当谨慎。)

2、Industrial symbiosis Network is an important research field of Industrial Ecology.(工业共生网络是工业生态学理论的重要研究领域。)

3、Safety and the benefit counterparts, accidents and loss of symbiosis.(安全与效益同行,事故与亏损共生。)

4、The third type of symbiosis, mutualism, benefits both partners in the relationship.(第三种共生关系是互利共生,这种关系中的双方均能受益。)

5、It is said that the underlying spirit of Chinese culture endorses the spirit of symbiosis and mutuality of individuals and the community formed by them.(我们说,中国文化的基本精神赞成共生的精神与个人和个人所组成的社区相互存在。)

6、Humans must enter the dream for symbiosis or become a symbiotic counterpart to nature or cease to exist in the coming cycle.(人类必需进入共生的梦想或成为自然共生关系的一个补充部分,否则就是在将来的周期中停止存在。)

7、The means to achieve symbiosis is to pursue well-managed tourism in cultural and natural heritage Settings.(达到共生的方法是坚持人文自然遗产规则下的有序游览。)

8、That led to an extraordinary symbiosis between the management and the workers' representatives, ten of whom sit on VW's supervisory board.(于是在大众产生了管理层与工人代表间不同寻常的合作关系,大众的监事会上有10名工人代表。)

9、The particular partnership under study is the symbiosis of the fungus Rhizopus microsporus and Burkholderia bacteria that live within its cells.(这种特殊的共生合作关系存在于真菌Rhizopusmicrosporus和生活在其细胞内的细菌Burkholderia之间。)

10、your mind is an interesting tool and lives in symbiosis with the sensations from your body.(你的思维是一项非常有趣的工具,思维与你身体的感觉互相影响。)

11、Mixed culture of mold and yeast can increase the protein content greatly because of the relationship of reciprocal symbiosis.(霉菌与酵母混合培养由于二者的互惠共生关系使秸秆蛋白含量有较大提高。)

12、The use of antibiotics disturbed the symbiosis between bacteria and fungi.(抗生素的应用,扰乱了细菌和真菌的共生现象。)

13、Ultra-structure of symbiosis mycorrhizal between cymbidium goeringii and rhizoctonia sp.(春兰与丝核菌共生菌根及结构研究。)

14、In a rare symbiosis of analyses, both sides decided to spend most of the time on trying to explore each other's perception of the international order.(双方的分析罕见地一致,我们决定利用大部分时间探讨彼此对国际秩序的看法。)

15、symbiosis with acidic potassium feldspar, plagioclase, biotite.(与钾长石、酸性斜长石、黑云母共生。)

16、Since the Bradyrhizobium strains still form nodules to establish symbiosis, they must be using different signalling molecules to do so.(既然慢生根瘤菌也会生成根瘤从而建立共生关系,它们一定使用了不同的信号分子来实现这个目的。)

17、Another principle often observed in nature is symbiosis, the formation of Allies.(自然界中经常能观察到的另一法则就是结盟共生。)

18、For Putin, there is a symbiosis between the nature of his rule and his success in returning Russia to "great power" status.(对普京来说,国内统治的牢固与否与恢复俄罗斯大国地位的成败有着直接的关联。)

19、One consequence for coral reefs is that the symbiosis between the corals and algae that constitute a living reef is breaking down.(珊瑚礁面临的一个后果是,构成活珊瑚礁的珊瑚和藻类之间的共生关系正在瓦解。)

20、Your voluntary contribution, is the company's brilliant wisdom, harmony symbiosis.(你的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌群策群力,相融共生。)

21、But forecasting earthquakes represents only one half of that geological "symbiosis," Snow said.(但是,斯诺说:预测地震代表的只是地震和火山喷发“共生”关系的其中之一。)

22、It’s a weird symbiosis, just as with anti-virus companies and virus makers.(他们之间本来就有着共生共利的依存关系,这种关系很微妙,就像杀毒软件公司和病毒制造者之间一样。)

23、The nature, city, mankind become an organic whole, forming the structure of mutualistic symbiosis.(自然、城市、人类融为有机整体,形成互惠共生结构。)

24、This residence is designed for getting the most relaxation and pleasure from the symbiosis between a human and nature.(该住宅从人与自然的共生中提供了最大程度的放松和快乐。)

25、This is the first documented case of a plant living in partnership, or symbiosis, with a vertebrate.(这是首个被记录在案的植物与脊椎动物共生的例子。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


