造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、His wife even threatened to stop sleeping with him, but she gave in first, insisting she should be loyal and put up with the stench.(辛格的妻子甚至用拒绝同床来威胁丈夫,但她还是先妥协了,她认为自己应该对丈夫忠诚并忍受其恶臭。)
2、The streets seem calm, and are now largely free of corpses and their stench.(街道已趋于平静,很难再看到成具的尸体、闻到难闻的恶臭。)
3、A line of young soldiers, their faces covered by blue masks against the stench of decomposing bodies, stand guard.(一队年轻的士兵正站立着,为了防止尸体分解的刺鼻味道,脸上都带着蓝色的口罩。)
4、I stayed at a hostel in the Howrah slums and regretted that my camera could record only images, not the equally memorable stench.(我住在豪拉市贫民窟的一家旅社,遗憾的是我的相机只能记录影像,而不能保存那同样令人印象深刻的恶臭。)
5、The stench of burning rubber was overpowering.(燃烧橡胶散发出的臭味极其强烈。)
6、A line of young soldiers, their faces masked against the stench, stood guard across the entrance.(一排脸上蒙着防臭面罩的年轻士兵守在入口。)
7、and since they are smaller waste bins, they get cleaned our more regularly, reducing the possibility of stench in the kitchen.(由于那些是比较小的垃圾袋,我能够更有规律地将它们及时清理干净,减少它们在厨房的逗留时间。)
8、A hundred yards from the house the smell was unbearable, the garbage-heap stench of hyenas, and he felt it tear into his lungs.(屋子周围百码范围内的气味刺鼻,鬣狗身上散发的仿佛垃圾般的恶臭,让他生出肺被撕烂般的错觉。)
9、Like a man dying for many days he is numb to the stench.(像是已经死去数日的人,他对恶臭已经麻木了。)
10、She had tried to dispose of his body by rolling it up in a carpet and putting it into a storage room, but the stench gave her away.(她用地毯包裹死者尸体存放到储藏室里,试图掩盖,但尸体的恶臭使其罪行暴露。)
11、The stench of death mingled with the stench of urine.(死亡的臭味与尿臭味混搅在一起。)
12、We are heading through the Indus Valley and, after the stench and fumes of Karachi, it is all the more beautiful.(我们行进在印度河峡谷中(IndusValley),在经历了卡拉奇恶臭的空气之后,更觉这里的景色宜人。)
13、The stench from rotting food is stomach-churning.(腐烂食物散发的恶臭让人反胃。)
14、So no, they can't immediately sense when a baby has been tainted by human stench.(所以它们不能立即判断自己的宝宝是不是带上了人类的味道。)
15、The stench of death is everywhere.(到处都是尸体散发的臭气。)
16、He couldn't see the hyena, but the stench of it was there, the stagnant reek of meat and sweat and piss.(他看不见鬣狗,但却能闻到那股恶臭,那股肉、汗和尿的恶臭。)
17、The weekly market announces itself by sending out a pungent stench, from pile after pile of cured fish.(每周一次的市场以刺鼻的臭味彰显着自己的存在,(臭味来自)一堆又一堆的腌鱼干。)
18、Now there may be a new way to get rid of the lampreys-with the stench of death.(现在,我们也许可以尝试一种新的方法摆脱七鳃鳗---死亡气息。)
19、A teenager braves the flies and stench of a leaking outdoor toilet to draw water from a standpipe.(一位少年不顾横飞的苍蝇和户外厕所发出的臭气在供水站取水。)
20、IDE-only builds prohibit automation, and the only way to fix this stench is to create a scriptable build.(惟ide的构建有碍自动化,清除的惟一方法就是创建可编写脚本的构建。)
21、The room had two mattresses on the floor, a TV set on a cardboard box and a strong stench from the lavatories next door.(房间底板上有两个床垫,一个纸板箱上放着电视机,从隔壁的厕所里还飘出阵阵臭气。)
22、But sometimes the stench is just too much. It'll make you light-headed.(但是有时候那恶臭简直能把你臭晕。)
23、The US army believes there are 200, 000 dead in the city and you can smell the stench as you pass the city cemeteries.(美军估计死亡人数有20万,经过城市这个大墓场的时候,你都能闻到尸体的恶臭味。)
24、Here are some other rules for keeping the stench of a decaying career away.(要想避开演艺生涯腐朽衰坏的恶臭还有几条其它规则一定要看一看。)
25、Residents have been told to avoid drinking tap water. They say there is a terrible stench.(沿岸居民被告知禁止饮用喝水,他们还称河水发出阵阵恶臭。)
26、I suggest that you use valerian in its tincture or solid extract form to stem the stench.(我建议你还是将缬草用作固体装饰或用其他形式提取出来,以防臭味。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。