


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Some people refer to such modification as maturity.(有些人把这种变化称为成熟。)

2、When I refer to the Morning Star, I'm talking about Venus, whether or not I realize it's Venus.(当我提到晨星时,我指的是金星,不管我是否意识到它是金星。)

3、Do you think it's reliable to refer to rating websites?(你认为参考评级网站可靠吗?)

4、I promised not to refer to the matter again.(我答应过再不提这事了。)

5、Stone meteorites, which we refer to simply as stones, are almost entirely rock material.(我们简单地称之为“石头”的石头陨石,我们简单地称之为石头,几乎完全是由岩石组成的。)

6、They come from Tuam, a place they refer to on the title track of their album, "All the Way From Tuam."(他们来自蒂厄姆,一个他们在专辑的标题曲《从蒂厄姆远路而来》中提到的地方。)

7、And then there those who, not knowing what questions are coming at them, and having no resources to refer to, can freeze.(然后,那些不知道题干在说什么,也没有资源可以参考的人,可能会整个人呆在那里。)

8、Study this example and refer to the explanation below.(研究这个例子并参考下面的解释。)

9、I will take the suggestion under advisement, and refer it to the board.(我会认真考虑这个建议,并把它提交给董事会。)

10、You may refer your complaint to an independent adjudicator.(你可以向独立裁判投诉。)

11、They can also refer to pop culture and new cultural trends.(它们也可以指流行文化和新文化趋势。)

12、Used metaphorically, the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a mode of poetry as an almost habitual form of expression.(用比喻的方式,并列的术语隐含着它们所指称的存在的具体或本质的特征,引入了一种诗歌的模式作为习惯性的表达形式。)

13、You may refer to your notes if you want.(如果需要,可以查阅笔记。)

14、He could refer the matter to the high court.(他可以把这件事提交高等法院。)

15、Over time, people began to use the word "restaurant" to refer to a place selling soup rather than the soup itself.(随着时间的推移,人们开始用“餐馆”这个词来指代卖汤的地方,而不是汤本身。)

16、Writers often refer to a dictionary.(作家时常参考字典。)

17、They should then be able to refer you to the appropriate type of practitioner, whether it be your GP, dentist, or optician.(然后他们应当能够介绍你去见合适科别的执业医生,不管是你的全科医师、牙医还是配镜师。)

18、It was Granovetter who first coined the term "weak-ties", which he used to refer to people's loose acquaintances—in other words, friends-of-friends.(格兰诺威特是第一个造出“弱连接”一词的人,他用此词来指代人们不太亲密的相识——换句话说,就是“朋友的朋友”。)

19、topics which essentially refer to the three previously mentioned tracks are discussed below.(主要涉及前面提到的三个方面的主题将在下面讨论。)

20、The term "time machine", coined by Wells, is now universally used to refer to a vehicle transporting people into the far future.(“时间机器”一词,由威尔士创造,现在普遍用来指将人类运送到遥远未来的交通工具。)

21、Clearly, either these customers cannot distinguish butter from margarine or they use the term "butter" to refer to either butter or margarine.(显然,这些顾客要么是分不清黄油和人造黄油,要么就是用“黄油”这个词来指黄油或人造黄油。)

22、Don't ever refer to it again, please.(请不要再提它了。)

23、May I refer you to my letter of 14 May?(你查看一下我5月14日给你的信好吗?)

24、The statistic figures in the report are not accurate. You should not refer to them.(这篇报告中的统计数据不精确,你不应该参照他们。)

25、Our observations may contain a grain of truth for you to refer to.(我们的意见也许会有千虑一得之处,供你参考。)

26、Ecologists use the term "succession" to refer to the changes that happen in plant communities and ecosystems over time.(生态学家使用“演替”一词来指植物群落和生态系统随时间发生的变化。)

27、That remark does not refer to [direct at] her.(那句话不是指她说的。)

28、I decided to make notes during the lecture, and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.(我决定在讲座中做笔记,参考有趣的部分,代表社会感谢她。)

29、I refer to the thousands of pottery vessels and ancient lamps that are essentially duplicates of one another.(我指的是成千上万的陶器器皿和古老的灯,它们基本上是一个接一个的复制品。)

30、They are similar in meaning in that they refer to becoming familiar with or understanding something.(它们在意思上是相似的,因为它们指的都是熟悉或理解某物。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


