


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、A fascia board can be built to introduce some down lighters for aesthetic lighting.(招牌板可以被建立介绍审美照明设备的一些下来打火机。)

2、The large overhang of the roof and the thin fascia board makes the building as light and airy as possible.(屋顶大的垂悬部分和薄的封檐板使建筑尽可能的明亮通风。)

3、The tibialis anterior muscle and deep fascia flaps possess regular vasa vasorum and abundant vascularity.(胫骨前肌肌筋膜瓣解剖血管恒定,血运丰富。)

4、You've inflamed the fascia in your hips, the flexible fibers in the joint.(这说明连接腿和髋关节的非常灵活的纤维发炎了。)

5、the outside sheet was the smooth visceral fascia which was composed by collagen.(其最外面是一层光滑的盆脏筋膜,主要由胶原纤维组成。)

6、It indicated that fibulae and the deep fascia or the ligament of extensors are the anatomy basis of entrapment syndromes.(提示腓骨下端骨前嵴与深筋膜或伸肌支持带是对腓浅神经皮支卡压的解剖学基础。)

7、The lower fascia splitter is punctuated by two fairings.(较低的筋膜分离器是由两个整流罩打断。)

8、Between the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder muscle fascia.(认识手、手腕、手肘和肩膀之间的肌筋膜。)

9、All the fascia board and letterform must be carried out at a uniform standard.(所有未经主办单位允许的楣板或字体,必须由参展商制作成合乎主办单位的标准。)

10、Thus the purchaser of a Swatch has thousands of different options in terms of colour, straps, fascia, and so on.(所以Swatch的消费者可以在手表的颜色,表带,表盘等等方面有数以千计的不同选择。)

11、Install push-in fastener holding center of fascia to rear closure panel.(安装中心面板紧固到后罩盘上的推进式固定件。)

12、This directly stretches the plantar fascia and the calf muscles.(这种方法可以有效的拉伸足跟筋膜和小腿排肠肌。)

13、Objective: To investigate the biomechanical property of deep fascia strip grafts after replacing flexor tendons.(目的:了解深筋膜条移植替代屈肌腱后力学性能变化情况。)

14、There was relationship between the grouping of inguinal hernia and three important anatomic structure(transverse fascia, iliopubic tract and myopectineal orifice).(腹股沟区有三个重要的解剖结构即腹横筋膜、髂耻束、耻骨肌孔与腹股沟疝分型有密切关系。)

15、Muscle fascia is the third connective tissue that affects flexibility, and by far the most important.(肌肉筋膜是第三种影响柔韧性的结缔组织,也是最重要的一种。)

16、The posterior renal fascia composed of superficial layer(lateral conal fascia) and the deep one(posterior lamella).(肾后筋膜分两层,包括侧锥筋膜和肾筋膜后叶。)

17、The superficial fascia is a soft connective tissue located just below the skin.(表面筋膜是一种位于皮肤下方的软结缔组织。)

18、It's a tiny structure, so you need only the smallest amount of fascia and chips.(这是非常微小的结构,所以你仅需要最小的筋膜和碎骨。)

19、No logo or special designs are to be attached to the fascia.(招牌上不允许有商标或者特殊的设计。)

20、We also discuss about the anatomy concept of fascia skin flap and operation indication.(并对筋股皮瓣的临床解剖学概念及手术适应证进行讨论。)

21、Both problems can be solved by escharotomy of the burned skin down to the deep fascia.(上述两个问题都可用切开焦痂直至深筋膜来解决。)

22、TheAMG package includes a set of front, side and rear fascia treatments plus sport pedals and painted brake calipers.(的AMG套件包括一套前端,侧面和后部筋膜疗法加上运动踏板和画制动卡钳。)

23、Plantar fasciitis occurs because the supporting ligament (plantar fascia) of the arch becomes strained and inflamed.(发生足跟筋膜炎是因为足弓的支撑韧带(跖腱膜)拉紧并发生炎症。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


