造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【Big Bang造句】内容,供您参考。
1、And an infinitely small universe is one that would undergo a Big Bang.(而一个无穷小的宇宙便会经历一场大爆炸。)
2、Why did this particular Big Bang—the world-changing birth of industry—happen in Britain?(为什么这个特别的爆炸性事件——改变世界的工业的诞生——会发生在英国?)
3、Or, to be more specific, a Big Bang of a guest star!(具体来说就是一位“大爆炸”明星要来客串了!)
4、I remember the episode I watched of "The Big Bang Theory" was about several protagonists who like comic books.(我记得我在《大爆炸宇宙论》看的那集是关于几个主角都喜欢漫画书。)
5、Big Bang fans: Do you want Leonard and Penny back together?(大爆炸粉丝们:你们是想让莱纳德和佩妮复合呢?)
6、So the Big Bang starts it all.(所以大爆炸开启了这一切。)
7、Nothing has been created since the Big Bang.(自从宇宙大爆炸以来,没有任何东西创造出来。)
8、I guess that would be fair to say I spend most of my time studying the Big Bang theory and where our universe came from.(我想,公平地说,我花了大部分时间研究大爆炸理论和我们的宇宙从何而来。)
9、And at the Big Bang, what it expanded was the potential for difference.(而在大爆炸扩散开的是差别的潜能。)
10、We do not recommend a "Big Bang" approach to implementing these best practices.(我们并不推荐您使用“大爆炸”方法来实施这些最佳实践。)
11、But change is difficult and the last thing you want is some 'Big Bang'.(但这个改变是艰巨的,你最后需要的是一些‘大爆炸’。)
12、The Big Bang theory leaves several major questions unanswered.(大爆炸理论留下了几个尚待回答的问题。)
13、Ironically, the Big Bang was initially silent.(具有讽刺意义的是,宇宙大爆炸初期是无声的。)
14、Integration is not one "Big Bang" at the end of a project.(集成不是在项目的尾声进行的“大动作”。)
15、That may sound odd, but the fact is at the moment of the Big Bang, both matter and antimatter were created for a short time.(那听起来可能很奇怪,但事实是:在大爆炸的那一刻,物质和反物质都在很短的时间内被创造出来。)
16、The Big Bang starts it all.(大爆炸开启了这一切。)
17、So during the first few moments of the Big Bang, the universe was an extremely hot and very small matter.(所以在大爆炸的最初几分钟内,宇宙是种温度极高且非常小的物质。)
18、What is a "Big Bang" release?(什么是“大爆炸”式发布?)
19、What is needed is a Big Bang.(而它需要的是一次重击。)
20、The property boom reflects the City's expansion since Big Bang.(地产业的兴旺折射出金融城大变革后的扩张。)
21、much to the bewilderment of professional scientists, quasi-religious cults are being formed around such unlikely topics as quantum physics, space-time relativity, black holes and the big bang.(令专业水准的科学家十分困惑的是,围绕量子物理学、时空相对论、黑洞和大爆炸等不太可能的话题,准宗教崇拜正在形成。)
22、The universe started off in the Big Bang, expanding faster and faster.(宇宙从大爆炸开始,膨胀得越来越快。)
23、But what did result in The Big Bang?(但为什么会大爆炸?)
24、I'm watching a comedy called The Big Bang Theory.(我在看喜剧《生活大爆炸》。)
25、Just like the Big Bang, we have huge energy in a small space.(正如宇宙大爆炸一样,我们在一个小空间里面有巨大的能量。)
26、Scientists can't be sure exactly how the universe evolved after the Big Bang.(科学家们不是很确切的确定大爆炸之后宇宙是如何演化的。)
27、One is the original cause of the Big Bang itself.(其中一个是大爆炸本身产生的初始原因。)
28、Only then can they hope to describe conditions at the Big Bang, when all space and time was compressed into a volume far smaller than a proton.(只有那样他们才能指望描述大爆炸的情况,所有的空间和时间全部在那时被压缩成一个远小于质子的体积。)
29、They suggested that all particles had no mass just after the Big Bang.(他们提出大爆炸最初所有的粒子都没有质量。)
30、The universe encompasses all of space and time we know, so it is beyond the realm of the Big Bang model to postulate what the universe beyond our horizon is.(宇宙包含我们所知的所有空间和时间,所以要求用大爆炸模型解释我们视界之外的宇宙超出了这个模型的限定范围。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。