
用on loan造句子

2022-05-03 来源:年旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【on loan造句】内容,供您参考。

1、The stolen items - which were on loan to the museum - include a purse and women's make-up cases.(这批展品是博物馆借来展出的,被盗展品中包括一个手袋和化妆盒。)

2、I would let him go on loan because Craig deserves to play and he deserved to play for a good team.(我让他租借因为他值得去比赛,值得为一个好球队比赛。)

3、The book is currently on loan.(该书已借出。)

4、Milan can easily take him on loan with an option to buy.(米兰能够轻易地用先租后买的方式得到他)

5、according to data explorers, a research firm, only 4.5% of the ftse 100 index's value is out on loan.(根据一家研究公司的数据,在金融时报100指数中仅有百分之四点五的股票被用于借股沽空。)

6、Bolton want to sign Hassan Yebda, who spent last season on loan at Portsmouth, but face competition from Fulham. (People).(博尔顿想签约上赛季被租借到朴茨茅斯的哈桑·耶布达(HassanYebda),不过面临着富勒姆的竞争。)

7、She said supervisors had told employees to white out incomes on loan applications and substitute higher Numbers.(她说监事让职员们白了贷款申请中收入,换成更高的数字。)

8、Chelsea's young Dutch star Jeffrey Bruma is ready to sign for Steve McClaren's German champions Wolfsburg on loan. (Mirror).(切尔西年轻的荷兰球星杰弗里?布鲁马(JeffreyBruma)准备以租借方式签约麦克拉伦的德甲冠军队沃尔夫斯堡。)

9、Norwood has just gone on loan to Scunthorpe United where the learning process will accelerate.(诺伍德刚被租借到了斯肯索普联队,他将在那里学习和提升自己。)

10、Weekend reports suggested the Swede, who is at Milan on loan from Barcelona, was City's latest high-profile target.(周刊报道,从巴塞罗那租借到米兰的瑞典人是曼城俱乐部最新的目标。)

11、The English lesson papers, described by Dr Hicks as "quite remarkable", are on loan from the Foundation Napoleon in Paris.(这几张被希克斯博士称为“相当不平凡的”学习英语的碎纸片是从巴黎拿破仑基金会借来的。)

12、The book you wanted is out on loan.(你要的那本书借出去了。)

13、on loan from Madame Tussauds Shanghai for six months, Yao's wax figure made its debut in Madame Tussauds, New York.(据悉,这座姚明的蜡像是从上海杜沙夫人蜡像馆租借而来,在纽约的展期为六个月。)

14、"He's got great potential and I'm pleased Arsene Wenger has let him go out on loan," Redknapp told Sky Sports.(“他拥有很大的潜力,我很开心阿瑟·温格同意租借。”雷德克纳普告诉天空体育报。)

15、That will put a ceiling on loan losses and help lending restart.(此举将设置贷款损失限额,并协助了重新贷款。)

16、For many, the most visible result of their four years is the loan payments, which now average hundreds of dollars a month on loan balances in the tens of thousands.(对于许多人来说,这四年来最明显的结果就是贷款支付,现在有数以万计的贷款余额,每月需要偿还数百美元。)

17、This week, the resident exhibition is a display of ancient wall paintings on loan from Australia.(本周的驻地展是一场从澳大利亚借来的古代壁画展。)

18、But Portsmouth won the race, and he will now spend the season on loan at Fratton Park with the FA Cup holders.(但朴茨茅斯赢得了胜利,现在他将和足总杯的拥有者们在弗兰顿球场度过他的赛季。)

19、King, who has 13 international caps for Jamaica, was on loan at Middlesbrough during the second half of last season.(金为牙买加打了13场国际比赛,上赛季下半段被租借至米德尔斯堡俱乐部。)

20、When you lend an eBook to your friend, you will not be able to read it while it is on loan.(当你借出一本电子书时,在这期间你就不能阅读该书。)

21、We have a bad moment for maybe two or three months, "said Adebayor, who is on loan at Real Madrid."(“有两到三个月中我们关系很差,”阿德巴约说,“如果我回去,我们需要像男人一样坐下来解决这个问题。”)

22、These works are now held at the in Munich, on loan from Mr Economou.(这些作品现在的保管权属于慕尼黑的,其所有权属于艾科·诺莫先生。)

23、Alberto Aquilani has joined Juventus on loan for the rest of the season.(阿奎拉尼通过租借方式加盟尤文图斯直到赛季末。)

24、Pakistan has deployed more than 80 helicopters, including some on loan from other countries, for the relief effort.(巴基斯坦已经为救援工作部署了80多架直升机,其中一些直升机是从其它国家借来的。)

25、Onuoha is already on loan at Sunderland, where he has helped make Bruce's side a defensive force to be reckoned with.(奥诺哈已经被租借到桑德兰了,在帮助布鲁斯的球队做好防守方面他有着至关重要的发挥。)

26、Holloway also wants to sign Nile Ranger on loan from Newcastle and Nicky Butt on a free. (Express).(霍洛韦还想以租借方式从纽卡斯尔签下尼尔·兰格(NileRanger),并自由转会尼基·巴特(NickyButt)。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


