第一部分 基础理论题
第1章 概论
1.What’s your comprehension of the concepts of GIS?
2.What are the difference and the relation between the basic function and the applied function of GIS?
3.With the development of the modern information technique, what kind of changes has brought to the survey ing and mapping technique and geographic analysis technique?
4.What are the difference and the relation between instrumental GIS and applied GIS?
第2章 地理空间数学基础
1.What are the relations between the earth surface, the geoid, and the Earth spherop?
2.How many coordinate systems are there to describe the geographic spatial data? What are the relations between them?
3.What are the advantage and the disadvantage of describing a point on the ground by using geodetic coordinate and geocentric coordinate?
4.What are the main characteristics and the applicability of the UTM Projection and the Lambert Projection?
5. How to transform the elevation of the different datum?
第3章 空间数据模型
1.What are the main characters of the spatial objects?
2.What’s the meaning of spatial relationship? What’s the advantage of spatial relationship in describing the spatial objects?
3、 空间数据的概念模型有哪些组成部分?试分析他们之间的关系?
4、 试分析GIS的几种主要的数据模型各自的优缺点。
5、 空间数据类型有哪些?简述其特征。
第4章 空间数据结构
1、Comparing raster data structure with vector data structure, what are their respective characters?
2.Do raster data and vector data structure have their interchange standard? Please explain your point of view.
3.Someone think of the vector data’s innate character is raster data. What’s your opinion of this sentence?
第5章 空间数据组织与管理
1、What’s the meaning and the character of spatial database?
2、How many kinds of vector data management are there? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them?
第6章 空间数据采集与处理
1、How many kinds of GIS data source are there? Describe their characters and the way of collecting them briefly.
2.Can we get all the data from the map? Please explain it by using an example.
3.How can users find the mistakes from the data which was inputted into GIS?
4.Compare the ways of resampling the raster data.
5.How many ways are there to do data format conversion?
6.Describe the main contents and ways of editing spatial data briefly.
第7章 空间数据查询与空间度量
1,Describe the types and the contents of the spatial data query briefly.
2.Describe the meaning of topological relationships query in the field of geographic analysis.
2. 说明空间数据查询的一般过程及查询结果的显示方式。
4. 说明分形维数提取方法及其在空间分析中的作用。
第8章 GIS基本空间分析
1,Describe the principle and the usage of buffer analysis, and compare the two ways of building buffer areas which introduced in this chapter.
2.What are the basic demands of spatial data for network analysis?
3. 栅格数据与矢量数据在多层面叠置方法与结果上有什么差异?叠置分析的地学意义是什么?
4. 举例说明不同形状的空间分析窗口在地学分析中的作用。
5. 试分析栅格数据在GIS空间分析中的优点与局限性。
第9章 DEM与数字地形分析
1. What are the position and the function of DEM in the field of GIS spatial data and analysis?
2.Describe the source of DEM data and tell the character of it briefly.
3.Describe the concepts, extract method and geographic meanings of slope, aspect, plan curve and profile curve.
6. 说明数字高程模型(DEM)的分类体系。
第10章 空间统计分析
1..What’s the meaning of statistics analysis, spatial statistics analysis, spatial autocorrelation and spatial interpolation.
2.How to explain the variograms?
第11章 地理信息可视化
1. Describe the concept and the form of spatial information visualization briefly.
2. Describe the output products of GIS and tell the character of them.
3.Describe the function and the meaning of map symbols, which used in spatial information visualization.
4.What’s visual reality? What’s the meaning and function of the visual reality in spatial information visualization?
第12章 地理信息的传输
1. What’s the concept of WebGIS? What are the main character and advantage of WebGIS?
2.Describe the key technique of WebGIS briefly.
3.What’s the concept of WebGIS which based on Grid? What’s the chatacter of it?
第二部分 提高练习题
第1章 概论
1.please search GIS application samples that interests you at home and aboard through the Internet.
2.please search the research institutes related to GIS and its distribution by the Internet.
3. 我国有关地理信息系统技术的主要刊物有哪些?各有什么特点?
4. 根据你掌握的资料,分析地理信息系统的发展前景。
第2章 地理空间数学基础
1.what is the effect in the definition and application ways of the traditional maps because of the emergence of Digital map ?
2.what is the relationship between the scalar and spatial resolution of the map?
3.try to realize the transformation between the Xi’an 1980 Geodetic Coordinates and Beijing 1954 Geodetic Coordinates by computer programming.
4. 试说明地球表面的磁偏角什么地方等于0度、90度、180度、大于90度、小于90度;
5. 试分析,经纬度为什么采用60进制而不是10进制?
第3章 空间数据模型
1、Generally explain the Object Oriented GIS system and its potential advantages compared to other systems.
2,how to use the current data model to create the GIS model of a garden?please list you detailed steps and plan.
第4章 空间数据结构
1.try to explain the possible ways about the combination of vector data structure and raster data structure.
第5章 空间数据组织与管理
1、compare the characteristic of ArcSDE,OracleSpatial and other spatial data engine by reading GIS materials.
2、taking jiangsu province for example, try to explore the ways and methods of data
management in creating the provincial GIS of Jiangsu province.
第6章 空间数据采集与处理
1、by reading literatures and web materials, analyze the new technology and method in data acquisition in current GIS.
2.what are the methods of spatial data sharing?
第7章 空间数据查询与空间度量
1.practise each operation of spatial data query and spatial measure introduced in this chapter by the software ArcView.
2. 试设计两种以上的算法,实现图斑的周长和面积计算?
第8章 GIS基本空间分析
1. suppose the affection of a pollution declines with distance exponentially, the effect radius and the classification index are known, try to explain the steps and ways analyzing the pollution source with a buffer.
2.take grid DEM data as data source, find the peak point of a hill by raster window analyze(there is no limitation to GIS software).
3. 设某项应用为核电站选址,要求核电站临近海湾,交通便捷,地形坡度小于5度,地质条件安全,并避开居民区。请试以GIS方法,设计该位置选择的应用模型,用框图表示其运行过程,并说明其有关的操作和算子。
第9章 DEM与数字地形分析
1. write a program to generate slope and aspect form a regular grid DEM.
2.explain the definition of grid DEM View Shed analyze, please write a program to analyze point to point view shed of regular DEM.
第10章 空间统计分析
1.what are the contents of explorative data analyze? use the GDP and population data as data source, carry out explorative data analyzing and explain the result in geography.
2. Try to compare the advantages and use conditions of the interpolation methods to a certain dataset, these methods are IDW,tendency surface,Spline function, Kring.
第11章 地理信息可视化
1.please make a small regional DEM with illuminated counter by ArcView.
第12章 地理信息的传输
1.what is Embedded WebGIS? According to what you know, talk about the development of the embedded technology now and in the future.