G. Ackermann, L. Sommer, and D. Thorburn Burns
Alizarin Red SAluminon
Aluminon + Cetyltrimethylammonium bromideChrome Azurol S
Chrome Azurol S + Cetyltrimethylammonium bromideChromazol KS + Cetylpyridinium bromideEriochrome Cyanine R
Eriochrome Cyanine R + Cetyltrimethylammonium 8-Hydroxyquinoline
Phenol + Sodium hypochloriteBrilliant Green
Bromopyrogallol RedRhodamine B
Silver diethyldithiocarbamateSilver diethyldithiocarbamateSulfonazo III
Beryllon II
Chrome Azurol S
Chrome Azurol S + Cetyltrimethylammonium bromideEriochrome Cyanine R
Eriochrome Cyanine R + Cetyltrimethylammonium Dithizone
bromide Pyrocatechol Violet
Pyrocatechol Violet + Cetyltrimethylammonium bromideThiourea
Xylenol OrangeAzomethine HCarminic acidCurcuminMethylene Blue
Phenol Red
4–(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinolChlorophosphonazo IIIGlyoxal-bis(2-hydroxyanil)Murexide
Phthalein Purple
Onishi, Part II a, p 28. (5), Snell, Fries/Getrost, p 16. (2), Onishi, IIa, p 21. (5), Snell, Metals I, p 587. (7)
Metals I, p 590. Huaxue Shiji, (7)
Onishi, Part IIa, p 26. (5), Snell, 8, 85, (1986)
Marczenko, p 133. (3), Snell, Metals I, p 605. (7)Analyst,Fries/Getrost, p 19. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 25. (5), Snell, 107, 428, (1982).
Metals I, p 606. (7)Metals I, Snell, 611. (7)
p Metals I, p 613. (7), Analyst, 107, 1431, (1982).
Fries/Getrost, p 22. (2), Marczenko, p 131. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p 31. Boltz, p 210 (1), Marczenko, p 413. (3), Snell, (5), Snell, Metals I , p 622. (7)
Onishi, Part IIa, p 102. (5), Snell, Nonmetals, p 604. (9)Talanta,Fries/Getrost, p 32. (2), Marczenko, p 141. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p 93. 13, 507, (1966).
Metals I, p 384. (7)Fries/Getrost, p 36. (2)
(5), Snell, Metals I, p 404. (7)Fries/Getrost, p 41. (2), Marczenko, p 153. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p Fries/Getrost, p 46. (2), Snell, 153. (5), Snell, Metals I, p 370. (7)
Snell, p 202. (5)
Metals II, p 1782. (8), Onishi, Part IIa, Marczenko, p 163. (3), Snell, Metals I, p 667. (7)
Marczenko, p 164. (3), Snell, Metals I,Snell, Metals I, p 672. (7) p 673. (7)Zh. Anal. Khim.Metals I, p 675. (7), , 33, 1298, (1978).
Talanta, 31, 249, (1984).Onishi, Part IIa, p 262. (5), Snell, Fres. Z. Zh. Anal. Chem., 186,Metals I, p 303. (7)Onishi, Part IIa, p 260. (5), Snell, Anal. Khim., 38, 216, (1983).
418, (1962).Friez/Getrost, p 57. (2), Marczenko, p 172. (3), Snell, Metals I, p 317. (7)
Snell, Nonmetals, p 165. (9)
Metals I, p 320. Boltz, p 14. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 65. (2), Snell, Boltz, p 8. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 68. (2), Marczenko, p 180. (3), Snell, Williams, p 35. (11)
Nonmetals, p 170. (9), Boltz, p 21. (1), Marczenko, p 183. (3), Snell, Nonmetals, p 180. (9), Fres. Z. Anal. Chem., 323, 266, (1986).Boltz, p 48. (1), Snell, Talanta, 31, 547, (1984).
Nonmetals, p 205. (9), Nonmetals, p 276., Fres. Z. Anal. Chem., 301, Boltz, p 44. (1), Marczenko, p 190. (3), Snell, Nonmetals, p 28. (9)28 (1980).
Marczenko, p 197. (3)Onishi, Part IIa, p 323. (5)
Fries/Getrost, p 78. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 315. (5), Snell, Metals I, p Fres. Z. 279. (7), West, p 25. (10).
Marczenko, p 207. (3), Snell, Anal. Chem., 310, 51, (1982).
Fries/Getrost, p 86. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 352. (5), Snell, Metals II, p 1744. (8)
Metals I, p Onishi, Part IIa, p 357. (5), Snell, 1762. (8)
Anal. Chim. ActaAnal. Chim. Acta,, 34,Metals II, p 1769. (8)48, 71 (1966). 155, (1969).
Organic Analytical Reagents for the Determination of Inorganic Substances
4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinol + Tetradecyldimethyl-4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinol + Hydrogen peroxidebenzylammonium chloride
Nitroso-R salt1-Nitroso-2-naphthol2-Nitroso-1-naphthol
4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinol + DiphenylguanidineBathocuproine
Bathocuproine disulfonic acidDithizoneNeocuproineCuprizone
4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol + Tetradecyldimethyl-Barbituric Acid + Pyridine
benzylammonium chlorideBarbituric Acid + Pyridine-4-carboxylic acidAlizarin Fluorine blue + Lanthanum(III) ionEriochrome Cyanine R + Zirconium(IV) ionPyrocatechol violet + Diphenylguanidine8-Hydroxyquinoline
1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinolRhodamine B
Xylenol Orange
Xylenol Orange + 8-HydroxyquinolineBrilliant Green + MolybdatePhenylfluorone
5-(4-Diethylaminobenzylidene) rhodanineRhodamine B
Arsenazo III
Bromopyrogallol RedChrome Azurol S
Chrome Azurol S + Cetyltrimethylammonium bromideDithizone
1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinolNeocuproine + Copper(II)Starch
Rhodamine 6G + Tin(II)
Bathophenanthroline disulfonic acid
Fries/Getrost, p 93. (2), Marczenko, p 220. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p Ref.
Boltz, p 92. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 101. (2), Snell, Nonmetals, p 225. 383. (7)
Fries/Getrost, p 105. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 412. (5), Snell, (9), Analyst, 90, 187, (1965).
Metals I, Snell, p 714. (7), West, p 12. (10)
West, p 17. (10), AMetals I, p 736. (7), West, p 17. (10)
nal. Chim. Acta, 67, 297, (1973).
Fres. Z. Fries/Getrost, p 118. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 454. (5), Snell, Anal. Chem., 304, 382, (1980).
Fries/Getrost, p 111. (2), Marczenko, p 246. (3), Snell, p 953. (7)
Metals I, Metals I, p Fries/Getrost, p 113. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 459. (5), Snell, 947. (5)
Snell, p 949. (7), West, p 45. (10)
Metals I, Zh. Fries/Getrost, p 135. (2), Snell, Anal. Khim.,Metals I, p 969. (7), West, p 44. (10) 35, 1306, (1980).
Fries/Getrost, p 137. (2), West, p 52. (10)
Metals I, p 148. (7)Marczenko, p 258. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p 529. (5), Snell, Metals I, p Snell, 199. (7)
Onishi, Part IIa, p 534. (5), Snell, Metals I, p 217. (5), West, p 51. (10)
Anal. Chim.(10)
Metals I, p 157. (7), West, p 53. Acta, 138, 321, (1982).
Fries/Getrost, p 153. (2), Snell, Anal. Chim. ActaNonmetals, p 653. (9)Boltz, p 129. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 158. (2), Snell, , 99, 197, (1978).
Nonmetals,Boltz, p 119. (1), Snell, (9), Williams, p 354. (11)
p 333. Snell, Nonmetals, p 359. (2), Williams, p 357. (11)Onishi Pt IIa, p 582. (5), Snell, Metals I, p 500. (7)
Snell, Metals I,Snell, Metals I, p 512. (7) p 505. (7)Marczenko, p 284. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p 578. (5), Snell, Metals I, p 513. (7)
Metals I, Fries/Getrost, p 166. (2), Snell, 515. (7)
p Zh. Anal. Khim.Metals I, p 523. (7)Snell, , 26, 75, (1971).Fries/Getrost, p 168. (2), Marczenko, p 292. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p Metals I, p 562. (7)
Fries/Getrost, p 173. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 631. (5), Snell, 607. (5), Snell, Metals I, p 570. (7)
Metals II, Fries/Getrost, p 175. (2), Marczenko, p 301. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p p 1516. (8)
Snell, 637. (5), Snell, Snell, Metals II, p 1184. (8), Metals II, p 513. (8)
Talanta, 19, 807, (1972).Snell, Metals I,Anal. Chim. Acta,Metals I, p 469. (7) p 474. (7)
Fries/Getrost, p 179. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 672. (5), Snell, 67, 107, (1973).
Metals I, Onishi, Part IIa, p 670. (5), Snell, p 474. (7)
Snell, Metals I, p 475. (7)Marczenko, p 309. (3), Snell, Metals I, p 480. (7)
Anal. Chim. Acta,Boltz, p 162. (1), Marczenko, p 316. (3), Snell, 69, 321, (1974).
Metals I, p 480. (7)Marczenko, p 323. (3)
Nonmetals, p 307. (9)Anal. Chem.,Fries/Getrost, p 189. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 729. (5), Snell, 27, 1776, (1955).
Fries/Getrost, p 191. (2), Snell, p 763. (7)
Metals I, Metals I, p 772. (7)
Organic Analytical Reagents for the Determination of Inorganic Substances
Chrome Azurol S + Cetyltrimethylammonium ´-Bipyridyl
1,10-Phenanthroline + Bromothymol BlueFerrozineArsenazo IIIDithizone
Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinol
Eriochrome Black T
8-Hydroxyquinoline + ButylamineTitan YellowXylidyl Blue
Michler’s thioketoneXylenol Orange
Bromopyrogallol Red + Cetylpyridium chloridePhenylfluoroneToluene-3,4-dithiol
Dimethylglyoxime + Oxidant2,22-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol´-Furildioxime
NPyrocatechol + EDTA or 2,2-Benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine
´Bromopyrogallol red
3,3,3,-trifluoroacetoneBipyridyl or 1-(2-thenoyl)-Bromopyrogallol red + Cetylpyridinium chloride4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinolSulfochlorophenol SXylenol OrangeBrucine
Chromotropic acid
Sulfanilamide + N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine Sulfanilamide + dihydrochloride
N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine Sulfanilic acid + 1-Naphthylamine
2-(5 Bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol
Snell, Ref.
Snell, Metals I, p 750. (7)
Fries/Getrost, p 199. (2), Marczenko, p 331. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p (1980).
Metals I, p 757. (7), Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm., 45, 2656, Zh. Anal. Khim.,725. (5), Snell, Metals I, p 795. (7)Onishi, Part IIa, p 730. (5), Snell, 25, 1348, (1970).
Marczenko, p 468. (3), Snell, Metals I, p 783. (7)Fries/Getrost, p 207. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 824. (5), Snell, Metals II, p 1910. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 214. (2), Snell, p 2. (7), West, p 34. (10)
Metals I, Fries/Getrost, p 220. (2), Marczenko, p 347. (3), Snell, Metals I, p 27. (7)
Metals I, p 34. Onishi, Part IIa, p 863. (5), Snell, (7)
Fries/Getrost, p 226. (2), Marczenko, p 355. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 587, (1983).
Metals II, p 1726. (8), Talanta, 30, Onishi, Part IIb, p 11. (6), Snell, 13. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1932. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 228. (2), Snell, Fries/Getrost, p 234. (2), Marczenko, p 352. (3), Snell, Metals II,Metals II, p 1938. (8)
p 1938. (8)Metals II, p Fries/Getrost, p 231. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 14. (6), Snell, 1945. (8)
Metals II, p Fries/Getrost, p 236. (2), Marczenko, p 364. (3), Onishi Part IIb, p 1950. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 243. (2), Marczenko, p 373. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 38. (6), Snell, Metals II, 1010. (8)
Marczenko, p 375. (3), Snell, 66. (6), Snell, Metals I, p 107. (7), West, p 29. (10)Talanta,Metals I, p 126. (7)West, p 58. (10)
16, 1023, (1969)Snell, Fries/Getrost, p 251. (2), Marczenko, p 384. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p Metals II, p 1311. (8), Microchem. J., 31, 56, (1985).
Marczenko, p 397. (3), 96. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1301. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 263. (2), Marczenko, p 393. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p Talanta 28, 189, (1981).
Fries/Getrost, p 263. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 125. (6), Snell, 125. (6), Snell, Metals I, p 887. (7)
Metals I, Marczenko, p 396. (3), Snell, p 887. (7)
Snell, Metals I, p 904. (7)Snell, Metals I,Snell, 431, (1976).
Metals I, p 910. (7)
p 911. (7), West, p 39. (10), Anal. Chim. Acta, 82, Snell, Metals II,Metals II, p 1425. (8) p 1427. (8)
Marczenko, p 407. (3), Snell, Talanta,Metals II, p 1426. (8)Fries/Getrost, p 274. (2), Marczenko, p 406. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 32, 189, (1985).
Onishi, Part IIb, p 161. (7), Snell, 160. (7), Snell, Metals II, p 1447. (8)
Onishi, Part IIb, p 164. (7)
Metals II, p 1430. (8)Boltz, p 227. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 280. (2), Snell, Boltz, p 229. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 281. (2), Snell, (9)
Nonmetals, p 546. Fries/Getrost, p 279. (2), Snell, (9), Williams, p 132. (11), Fres. Z. Anal. Chem., 320,Nonmetals, p 548. Nonmetals, p 559. (9)
490, (1985).Boltz, p 241. (1), Snell, Boltz, p 237. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 285. (2), Marczenko, p 419. (3), (1984).
Nonmetals, p 585. (8), Analyst, 109, 1281, Marczenko, p 428. (3)Snell, Nonmetals, p 586. (9)Talanta, 33, 939, (1986).
Organic Analytical Reagents for the Determination of Inorganic Substances
Rare Earths
RheniumRhodium Ruthenium
4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinolRhodamine B + MolybdateMalachite Green + MolybdateSulfochlorophenolazorhodamineDithizone
2-MercaptobenzothiazoleArsenazo IArsenazo III
Xylenol Orange2,2´-Furildioxime
1,4-DiphenylthiosemicarbazideAlizarin red SArsenazo III
Chrome Azurol SXylenol Orange
Eosin + 1,10-PhenanthrolineMethylthymol blue + Barium (II)
N,N,-Dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediaminePararosaniline + FormaldehydeMethyl Violet
DiethyldithiocarbamateBismuthiol IIBrilliant greenDithizoneRhodamine B
Arsenazo IIIThoron
Xylenol Orange
Xylenol Orange + Cetyltrimethylammonium bromidePyrocatechol violet (and + Cetyltrimethylammonium Gallein
Marczenko, p 440. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 227. (6), Snell, Ref.
Metals II, p Fries/Getrost, p 294. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 226. (6), Snell, 1577. (8)
Metals II, Snell, p 1581. (8)
Snell, Metals II, p 1583. (8) Analyst, 107, 708, (1982).Snell, Nonmetals, p 103. (9)
Onishi, Part IIb, p 253. (6), Nonmetals, p 12. (9), Analyst, 108, 361, (1983).Fries/Getrost, p 300. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 253. (6), Snell, Talanta, 34, 87, (1987).
Fries/Getrost, p 302. (2), p 1534. (8)
Metals II, Marczenko, p 470. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p 785. (5), Snell, Zh. Anal. Khim., 24, 1172, (1969).
Metals II, p Fries/Getrost, p 309. (2), Marczenko, p 468. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p 1857. (8)
Onishi, Part IIa, p 787. (5), Snell, 786. (5), Snell, Metals II, p 1862. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 310. (2), Marczenko, p 481. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p Metals II, p 1874. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 311. (2), Snell, 288. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1659. (8)
Onishi, Part IIb, p 331. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1553. (8)Fries/Getrost, p 318. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, 329. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1623. (8)
Metals II, p Marczenko, p 493. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 330. (8)
1626. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 319. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 360. (6), Snell, Onishi, Part IIb, p 359. (6), Snell, p 536. (7)
Metals I, Snell, Metals I, p 539. (7)
Marczenko, p 501. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 357. (6), SnellMetals I, p 551. (7), Anal. Chim. Acta, 159, 309, (1984).
, Metals I, p Boltz, p 391. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 323. (2), Marczenko, p 508. (3), 547. (7)
Snell, Snell, Nonmetals, p 490. (9), West, p 4. (10).Fries/Getrost, p 328. (2), Marczenko, p 524. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p Nonmetals, p 501. (9)
Snell, 379. (6), Snell, Snell, Metals I, p 93. (7)Metals I, p 82. (7)Boltz, p 483. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 344. (2), Snell, Nonmetals, p 457. (9)
Nonmetals, p 400. Boltz, p 478. (1), Marczenko, p 540. (3), Snell, (9), Williams, p 578. (11)
Nonmetals,Marczenko, p 551. (3), Snell,Williams, p 591. (11)
p 430. (9), Snell, Metals II, p 1485. (8)Onishi, Part IIb, p 166. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1488. (8)
Boltz, p 402. (1), Fries/Getrost, p 348. (2), Snell, Metals II, p 1486. (8)
Boltz, p 401. (1), Marczenko, p 557. (3), Snell, (9), Williams, p 220. (10)
Nonmetals, p 533. Fries/Getrost, p 352. (2), Marczenko, p 567. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p Nonmetals, p 524. (9)Fries/Getrost, p 355. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 426. (6), Snell, 426. (6), Snell, Metals I, p 45. (7)
Fries/Getrost, p 354. (2), Marczenko, p 566. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p p 54. (7)
Metals I, Fries/Getrost, p 360. (2), Marczenko, p 575. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 424. (6), Snell, Metals I, p 63. (7)
Marczenko, p 574. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 463. (6), Snell, 460. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1820. (8)
Metals I, Snell, 1835. (7)
p Talanta,Metals I, p 1852. (7)Marczenko, p 585. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 501. (6), Snell, M 26, 499, (1979).
etals I, p Onishi, Part IIb, p 507, 510. (6), Snell, 422. (7)
Fries/Getrost, p 368. (2), Marczenko, p 582. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p Metals I, p 432. (7)
497. (6), Snell, Metals I, p 444. (7)
Organic Analytical Reagents for the Determination of Inorganic Substances
DeterminationToluene-3,4-dithiol + DispersantReagents
Chromotropic acidDiantipyrinylmethaneTiron
Pyrocatechol Violet
Tetraphenylarsonium chloride + ThiocyanateToluene-3,5-dithiolUranium
Arsenazo III
2-(5-Bromo-2-pyridylazo)diethylaminophenolChlorophosphonazo III1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol
YttriumAlizarin Red SArsenazo IIIXylenol Orange
1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphtholXylenol OrangeZircon
ZirconiumAlizarin Red SArsenazo IIIPyrocatechol VioletMorinXylenol Orange
Sommer, L, Ackermann, G., Thorburn Burns, D., and Savvin, S. B., Sommer, L., Ackermann, G., and Thorburn Burns, D., and Applied Chem., 62, 2147, 1990.
Pure and Applied
Sommer, Chem., L., 62, 2323, 1990)
Komarek, J., and Thorburn Burns, D., Pure and Applied
Savvin, S. B., Chem., 64,Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem., 213, 1992.
8, 55, 1979.
1. Boltz, 2. Nonmetals,D. F., Fries, J. and Getrost, H., 2nd ed, Wiley, New York, 1978.
and Howell, J. A., Colorimetric Determination of
3. Darmstadt, 1977.
Organic Reagents for Trace Analysis, E Merck,
Marczenko, Z., Elements, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1986.
Separation and Spectrophotometric Determination of
Fries/Getrost, p 366. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 502. (6), Snell, Ref.
Metals I, Marczenko, p 593. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 551. (6), Snell, p 427. (7)
Metals II, p Onishi, Part IIb, p 545. (6), Snell, 1080. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 376. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 549. (6), Snell, Metals II, 1085. (8)
Metals II, Snell, p 1114. (8)
Onishi, Part IIb, p 596. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1265. (8)
Marczenko, p 605. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 590. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1278. (8)
Metals II, p Marczenko, p 611. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 627. (6), Snell, 1267. (8)
Metals II, Fries/Getrost, p 388. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 625. (6)
1356. (8)
p Snell, Fries/Getrost, p 386. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 625. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1367. (8), Fres. Z. Anal. Chem., 306, 110, (1981).Metals II, Fries/Getrost, p 395. (2), Marczenko, p 625. (3), Snell, p 1387. (8)
Metals II, p Marczenko, p 623. (3), Snell, 1196. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 404. (2), Marczenko, p 628. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p Metals II, p 1209. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 406. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 784. (5), Snell, 625. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1226. (8)
Metals II, Marczenko, p 468. (3), Onishi, Part IIa, p 786. (5), Snell, p 1919. (8)
Metals II, p Fries/Getrost, p 406. (2), Onishi, Part IIa, p 787. (5), Snell, 1921. (8)
Metals II, Fries/Getrost, p 408. (2), Marczenko, p 637. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p p 1923. (8)
Marczenko, p 639. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p 719. (6), Snell, 708. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1042. (8)
Metals II, p Fries/Getrost, p 417. (2), Snell, 1056. (8)
Metals II, p 1062. (8), Talanta, 26, Fries/Getrost, p 412. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 719. (6), Snell, 693, (1979).
Metals II,Fries/Getrost, p 421. (2), Marczenko, p 647. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p p 1063. (8), West, p 23. (10)
Fries/Getrost, p 421. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 770. (6), Snell, 763. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1136. (8)
Metals II, Onishi, Part IIb, p 771. (6), Snell, p 1143. (8)
Fries/Getrost, p 424. (2), Onishi, Part IIb, p 765. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1149. (8)
Metals II, Fries/Getrost, p 419. (2), Marczenko, p 648. (3), Onishi, Part IIb, p p 1158. (8)
767. (6), Snell, Metals II, p 1167. (8)
4. Sandell, E. B. and Onishi, H., 5. Metals. General Aspects, Part I,Photometric Determination of Traces of
Onishi, H., 4th ed, J. Wiley, New York, 1978.
6. Metals, Aluminium to Lithium,Photometric Determination of Traces of Metals. Part IIa: Individual
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