

2023-01-04 来源:年旅网

Text Book 4

Unit 1 Text

Two college-age boys, unaware that making money usually involves hard work, are tempted by an advertisement that promises them an easy way to earn a lot of money. The boys soon learn that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

一个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。男孩们很快 就明白,如果事情看起来好得不像真的,那多半确实不是真的。



John G. Hubbell

\"You ought to look into this,\" I suggested to our two college-age sons. \"It might be a way to avoid the indignity of having to ask for money all the time.\" I handed them some magazines in a plastic bag someone had hung on our doorknob. “你们该看

看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。“你们若想避免因为老是向人讨钱而有失尊 严的话,这兴许是一种办法。”我将挂在我们门把手上的、装在一个塑料袋里的几本杂志拿给他们。

A message printed on the bag offered leisurely, lucrative work (\"Big Bucks the Easy Way!\") of delivering more such bags. 塑料袋上印着一条信息说,需要招聘人投递这样的袋子,这活儿既轻松又赚钱。(“轻轻松松赚大钱!”)

\"I don't mind the indignity,\" the older one answered. “我不在乎失不失尊严,”大儿子回答说。

\"I can live with it,\" his brother agreed. “我可以忍受,”他的弟弟附和道。

\"But it pains me,\" I said,\"to find that you both have been panhandling so long that it no longer embarrasses you.\" “看到你们俩伸手讨钱讨惯了一点也不感到尴尬的样子,真使我痛心,”我说。 The boys said they would look into the magazine-delivery thing. Pleased, I left town on a business trip. By midnight I was comfortably settled in a hotel room far from home. The phone rang. It was my wife. She wanted to know how my day had gone. 孩


\"Great!\" I enthused. \"How was your day?\" I inquired. “好极了!”我兴高采烈地说。“你过得怎么样”我问道。

\"Super!\" She snapped. \"Just super! And it's only getting started. Another truck just pulled up out front.\" “棒极了!”她大声挖苦道。“真棒!而且这还仅仅是个开始。又一辆卡车刚在门前停下。” \"Another truck?\" “又一辆卡车”?

\"The third one this evening. The first delivered four thousand Montgomery Wards. The second brought four thousand Sears, Roebucks. I don't know what this one has, but I'm sure it will be four thousand of something. Since you are responsible, I thought you might like to know what's happening. “今晚第三辆了。第一辆运来了四千份蒙

哥马利-沃德百货公司的广告;第二辆运来四千份西尔斯-罗伯 克百货公司的广告。我不知道这一辆装的啥,但我肯定又是四千份什么的。既然这事是你促成的,我想你或许想了解事情的进展。”

What I was being blamed for, it turned out, was a newspaper strike which made it necessary to hand-deliver the advertising inserts that normally are included with the Sunday paper. The company had promised our boys $600 for delivering these inserts to 4,000 houses by Sunday morning. 我之所以受到指责,事情原来是这样:由于发生了一起报业


\"Piece of cake!\" our older college son had shouted. “不费吹灰之力!”我们上大学的大儿子嚷道。

\" Six hundred bucks!\" His brother had echoed, \"And we can do the job in two hours!\" “六百块!”他的弟弟应声道,“我们两个钟点就能干完!” \"Both the Sears and Ward ads are four newspaper-size pages,\" my wife informed me. \"There are thirty-two thousand pages of advertising on our porch. Even as we speak, two big guys are carrying armloads of paper up the walk. What do we do about all this?\" “西尔斯和沃德的广告通常都是报纸那么大的四页,”妻子告诉我说,“现在我们门廊上堆着三万二千页 广告。就在我们说话的当儿,两个大个子正各抱着一大捆广告走过来。这么多广告,我们可怎么办”。 \"Just tell the boys to get busy,\" I instructed. \"They're college men. They'll do what they have to do.\" “你让孩子们快干,”我指示说。“他们都是大学生了。他们自己的事得由他们自己去做。” At noon the following day I returned to the hotel and found an urgent message to telephone my wife. Her voice was unnaturally high and quavering. There had been several more truckloads of ad inserts. 第二天中午,我回到旅馆,看到一份紧急留言,要我马上给妻子回电话。她的声音高得很不自然,而 且有些颤抖。家里又运到了好几卡车的广告插页。 \"They're for department stores, dime stores, drugstores, grocery stores, auto stores and so on. Some are whole magazine sections. We have hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of pages of advertising here! “有百货公司的,廉价商店的,杂货店的,食品店的,汽 车行的,等等。有些像整本杂志那么厚。我们这里有数十万页,说不定是几百万页的广告!

They are crammed wall-to-wall all through the house in stacks taller than your oldest son. There's only enough room for people to walk in, take one each of the eleven inserts, roll them together, slip a rubber band around them and slide them into a plastic bag. 我们家整个房子 从东墙到西墙,从南墙到北墙统统堆满了广告,一堆又一堆,比你大儿


We have enough plastic bags to supply every takeout restaurant in America!\" Her voice kept rising, as if working its way out of the range of the human ear. \"All this must be delivered by seven o'clock Sunday morning.\"我们的塑料袋足够供应全美所有的外卖餐厅!”

她越讲声音越响,几乎震耳欲聋。“这么多的广告必须在星期日早晨七 点以前统统送出去。”

\"Well, you had better get those guys banding and sliding as fast as they can, and I'll talk to you later. Got a lunch date.” “嗯,你最好让孩子们尽快地捆扎装袋,等会儿我再跟你谈。我有个午餐约会。” When I returned, there was another urgent call from my wife. 我餐后回来,妻子又打来一只紧急电话。

\"Did you have a nice lunch?\" she asked sweetly. I had had a marvelous steak, but knew better by now than to say so. “你午餐吃得不错吧”她用悦耳的声音问道。我吃的牛排好极了,但这次我学乖了,还是不说为妙。

\"Awful,\" I reported. \"Some sort of sour fish. Eel, I think.\" “糟透了,”我报告说。“一种什么酸溜溜的鱼,我想大概是鳗鲡吧。” \"Good. Your college sons have hired their younger brothers and sisters and a couple of neighborhood children to help for five dollars each. Assembly lines have been set up. In the language of diplomacy, there is 'movement.'\"“不错嘛。你的大学生儿子

已经雇了他们的弟弟妹妹和两三个邻居的小孩帮忙,工钱一人五块,建起了 流水作业线。用外交术语来说,事情有进展。”

\"That's encouraging.\" “这确实令人鼓舞。” \"No, it's not,\" she corrected. \"It's very discouraging. They're been as it for hours. Plastic bags have been filled and piled to the ceiling, but all this hasn't made a dent, not a dent, in the situation! It's almost as if the inserts keep reproducing themselves!\" “不,并非如此,”她纠正说。“相反,非常叫人泄气。他们干了好几个小时了。装好的塑料袋,一直堆到天花板,但一切努力收效很小。这些广告宣传品简直就像是不停地自行生产出来一样!” \"Another thing,\" she continued. \"Your college sons must learn that one does not get the best out of employees by threatening them with bodily harm. “还有一件事,”她接着说,“你那上大学的儿子必须明白,威胁雇员,说要揍他们,是不可能使他们卖力的。” Obtaining an audience with son NO. 1, I snarled, \"I'll kill you if threaten one of those kids again! Idiot! You should be offering a bonus of a dollar every hour to the worker who fills the most bags. 我跟大儿子一通上话,便咆哮道,“你如果再威胁那些孩子,我就对你不客气了!白痴!你应该给奖金,对装袋最多的工人每小时奖励一块。” \"But that would cut into our profit,\" he suggested. “可那要减少我们的利润啦,”他提醒道。

\"There won't be any profit unless those kids enable you to make all the deliveries on time. If they don't, you two will have to remove all that paper by yourselves. And there will be no eating or sleeping until it is removed.\" “那些孩子不帮你按时


There was a short, thoughtful silence. Then he said, \"Dad, you have just worked a profound change in my personality.\" 电话里出现了短暂的沉默,他在思考。接着,他说,“爸爸,你刚才使我深受启迪,令我恍然大悟。” \"Do it!\" “那就干吧!” \"Yes, sir!\" “是,阁下!”

By the following evening, there was much for my wife to report. The bonus program had worked until someone demanded to see the color of cash. 到第二天傍晚,我妻子就


Then some activist on the work force claimed that the workers had no business settling for $5 and a few competitive bonuses while the bosses collected hundreds of dollars each. The organizer had declared that all the workers were entitled to $5 per hour! They would not work another minute until the bosses agreed. 接着工人队伍里的一位活

动家声称,老板每人拿几百块钱,工人们决没有理由满足于每人五块外加一点点竞争性的奖金。劳工组织人宣布,所有工人的工资都应该达到每小时五块钱! 在老板答应之前,他们不再干活儿,一分钟也不干。

The strike lasted less than two hours. In mediation, the parties agreed on $2 per hour. Gradually, the huge stacks began to shrink. 罢工持续了不到两小时。通过调解,双方达成协议,每小时两块。渐渐地,大堆的广告开始减少。

As it turned out, the job was completed three hours before Sunday's 7 a.m. deadline. By the time I arrived home, the boys had already settled their accounts: $150 in labor costs, $40 for gasoline, and a like amount for gifts - boxes of candy for saintly neighbors who had volunteered station wagons and help in delivery and dozen roses for their mother. 结果,全部工作比最后限期星期日早晨七点提前三个小时完成。等我回到家里,孩

子们已经结了账。 劳务支出 150 元,汽油费40 元,还有 40 元买礼品——几盒糖果,送给乐于助人的邻居,他们主动开出 自家的车帮助投递,还有一打玫瑰送给他们的母亲。

This left them with $185 each - about two-thirds the minimum wage for the 91 hours they worked. Still, it was \"enough\as one of them put it, to enable them to \"avoid indignity\" for quite a while. 除去以上开支,他们每人得到 185 元 --大约相当于 他们所干的 91

小时的最低工资的三分之二。 虽然如此,可正如一个儿子所说,那还是“足够”他们花一阵子,使他们“避免那种有失尊严的事。”

All went well for some weeks. Then one Saturday morning my attention was drawn to the odd goings-on of our two youngest sons. They kept carrying carton after carton from various corners of the house out the front door to curbside. 几个星期过去了,


I assumed their mother had enlisted them to remove junk for a trash pickup. Then I overheard them discussing finances. 我以为他们的妈妈在指挥他们清除破烂,好让垃圾车运走呢。正在这时,我听到他们在议论经济问题。

\"Geez, we're going to make a lot of money!\" “哟,我们会赚许多钱呢!” \"We're going to be rich!\" “我们要发财啦!” Investigation revealed that they were offering \" for sale or rent\" our entire library. 经查问发现,他们正在把我们的全部图书“出售或出租”。 \"No! No!\" I cried. \"You can't sell our books!\" “不成!不成!”我叫道。“不能把我们的书卖了!”

\"Geez, Dad, we thought you were done with them!\" “哎唷,爸,我们以为你用不着它们了呢!” \"You're never 'done' with books,\" I tried to explain. “书永远不会'用'不着的,”我尽力解释道。

\"Sure you are. You read them, and you're done with them. That's it. Then you might as well make a little money from them. We wanted to avoid the indignity of having to ask you for……\"“你肯定用不着了。你都看过了,再也不用了。没有错。既然不用,还不如卖点钱。我们想避免那种有 失尊严的事,不再伸手向你要……”

New Words buck

n. (sl.) U.S. dollar plastic a. 塑料的 n. (pl) 塑料 doorknob n. 门把手 leisurely

a. unhurried 从容的,慢慢的


n. free time 空闲时间,闲暇 lucrative

a. profitable 有利的;赚钱的 pain vt. cause pain to panhandle

vi. (AmE) beg. esp. on the streets delivery

n. delivering (of letters, goods, etc.)投递;送交 enthuse

vi. show enthusiasm inquire vt. ask


a. (colloq.) wonderful, splendid; excellent snap

vt. say(sth.) sharply 厉声说

insert n. 插页


ad. in the usual conditions; ordinarily 通常 company n. 公司 echo

vt. say or do what another person says or does; repeat 附和;重复 ad

n. (short for) advertisement inform

vt. tell; give information 告知 porch

n. (AmE) veranda 门廊 armload

n. as much as one arm or both arms can hold; armful walk

n. a path specially arranged or paved for walking 人行道 unnaturally

ad. in an unnatural way 不自然地 quaver

vi. (of the voice or sound) shake; tremble 颤抖 truckload

n. as much or as many as a truck can carry department store

n. store selling many different kinds of goods in separate departments 百货公司


n. coin of U.S. and Canada worth ten cents dime store

n. (AmE) a store selling a large variety of low-priced articles; variety store 廉价商品店;小商口店 drugstore

n. (AmE) a store that sells not only medicine, but also beauty products, film, magazines, and food 药店,杂货店 grocery

n. a store that sells food and household supplies 食品杂货店 section

n. part of subdivision of a piece of writing, book, newspaper, etc.; portion (文章等的)段落;节;部分 cram

vt. fill too full; force or press into a small space 把……塞满;把……塞进 stack

n. an orderly; heap or group of things 一叠(堆、垛等) band

n. flat, thin piece of material 带;带状物 vt. tie up with a band 捆扎 rubber band n. 橡皮筋 takeout

a. (餐馆)出售外卖菜的 range

n. the distance at which one can see or hear (听觉、视觉等)的范围 marvel(l)ous

a. wonderful; astonishing steak

n. 牛排;大块肉(或鱼)片 sour a. 酸的 eel n. 鳗鲡

diplomacy n. 外交

encouraging a. 鼓舞人心的 dent

n. a hollow in a hard surface made by a blow or pressure; initial progress凹痕,凹坑,初步进展 reproduce

vt. produce the young of (oneself or one's own kind) 生殖,繁殖 bodily

a. of the human body; physical harm

n. damage or wrong 伤害 audience

n. the people gathered in a place to hear or see; a chance to be heard 观众;听众;陈述意见的机会 snarl

vt. speak in a harsh voice 咆哮着说 bonus

n. an extra payment to workers 奖金 thoughtful

a. give to or indicating thought 沉思的,思考的 cash

n. money in coins or notes 现金 activist

n. a person taking an active part esp. in a political movement 激进分子 work force

n. total number of workers employed in a particular factory, industry or area 工人总数;劳动人口 competitive a. 竞争的 organizer

n. person who organizes things 组织者 mediation n. 调解 party

n. one of the people or sides in an agreement or argument 一方;当事人 gradually

ad. slowly and by degrees. gradual a.逐渐的

shrink (shrank, shrunk)

vi. become less or smaller 减少;变小 deadline

n. fixed limit of finishing a piece of work 最后期限 station wagon

n. 小型客车,客货两用车

minimum (pl. minima or minimums)

n. the smallest possible amount, number, etc. 最低限度的量、数等 minimum wage

n. the lowest wage permitted by law or by agreement for certain work 法定最工资 odd

a. strange; unusual goings-on

n. activities, usu. of an undesirable kind carton

n. a cardboard box for holding goods 纸板箱(或盒) curbside

n. the area of sidewalk at or near curb (curb: 人行道的镶边石) enlist

vt. obtain the support and help of; cause to join the armed forces 取得……的支持和帮助;征募 trash

n. waste material to be thrown away; rubbish 垃圾 pickup

n. a small light truck with an open back used for light deliveries 小卡车;轻型货车


vt. hear by chance; hear without the knowledge of the speaker(s)无意中听到;偷听到


n. money matters; (used in pl.) money; (science of ) the management of funds 财政;钱财;金融 geez int.哎呀,呀 sale

n. the act of selling sth.

Phrases & Expressions pull up

bring or come to a stop (使)停下 a piece of cake

(informal) sth. very easy to do even as

just at the same moment as know better than

be wise or experienced enough not (to do sth.) 明事理而不至于 be at

be occupied with, be doing make a dent (in)

make less by a very small amount; reduce slightly; make a first step towards success(in)减少一点;取得初步进展 cut into

reduce; decrease 减少 have no business

have no right or reason 无权,没有理由 settle for

accept, although not altogether satisfactory (无可奈何地)满足于

settle one's account pay what one owes 结帐 quite a while a fairly long time

draw(sb.'s) attention to

make sb. notice, or be aware of for sale

intended to be sold for rent

available to be rented be done with

stop doing or using; finish 做完,不再使用 may/might/could as well

with equal or better effect 不妨,还不如,最好

Proper Names Montgomery Ward

蒙哥马利—沃德百货公司 Sears, Roebuck


Unit 2 Text Is there anything we can learn from deer? During the \"energy crisis\" of 1973-1974 the writer of this essay was living in northern Minnesota and was able to observe how deer survive when winter arrives. The lessons he learns about the way deer conserve energy turn out applicable to our everyday life. 有什么是我们能从鹿身上学

到的吗在 1973-1974 年的“能源危机”期间,本文作者正住在明尼苏达北部,能够观察当冬天来临时,鹿如何生存。他从鹿储存能量的方法上得到的经验也能够运用到我们的日常生活中。



Some persons say that love makes the world go round. Others of a less romantic and more practical turn of mind say that it isn't love; it's money. But the truth is that it is energy that makes the world go round. 有些人说,爱情驱使世界运转;另一些并


Energy is the currency of the ecological system and life becomes possible only when food is converted into energy, which in turn is used to seek more food to grow, to reproduce and to survive. On this cycle all life depends. 能量是生态系统的货币,只


It is fairly well known that wild animals survive from year to year by eating as much as they can during times of plenty, the summer and fall, storing the excess, usually in the form of fat, and then using these reserves of fat to survive during

the hard times in winter when food is scarce. But it is probably less well known that even with their stored fat, wild animals spend less energy to live in winter than in summer. 差不多众所周知,野生动物得以年复一年地生存下去,主要依靠在夏秋生长旺季尽量


A good case in point is the whiter-tailed deer. Like most wildlife, deer reproduce, grow, and store fat in the summer and fall when there is plenty of nutritious food available. A physically mature female deer in good condition who has conceived in November and given birth to two fawns during the end of May or first part of June, must search for food for the necessary energy not only to meet her body's needs but also to produce milk for her fawns. 一个很好的例证是白尾鹿。与大多数野生动物一样,鹿在


The best milk production occurs at the same time that new plant growth is available. This is good timing, because milk production is an energy consuming process — it requires a lot of food. The cost can not be met unless the region has ample food resources.产乳的最佳期也正是植物生长茂盛之时。这个时机选择得很好,因为乳汁生产是一个消耗能

量的过程 -- 它需要大量的食物,除非该地区具有丰富的食物资源,否则无法满足这种消耗。

As the summer progresses and the fawns grow, they become less dependent on their mother's milk and more dependent on growing plants as food sources. The adult males spend the summer growing antlers and getting fat. 夏季一天天过去,幼鹿日渐生长,它们


Both males and females continue to eat high quality food in the fall in order to deposit body fat for the winter. In the case of does and fawns, a great deal of energy is expended either in milk production or in growing, and fat is not accumulated as quickly as it is in full grown males. 在秋天,雄鹿和雌鹿都继续进食高质量食物,贮存体内


Fat reserves are like bank accounts to be drawn on in the winter when food supplies are limited and sometimes difficult to reach because of deep snow. 脂肪储备如同银行里的存款,供冬天食物来源不足时和有时由于雪深难以获得时,支取使用。

As fall turns into winter, other changes take place. Fawns lose their spotted coat. Hair on all the deer becomes darker and thicker. The change in the hair coats is usually complete by September and maximum hair depths are reached by November or December when the weather becomes cold. 随着秋去冬来,还会发生其他变化: 幼鹿失去皮毛上

的斑纹,所有鹿身上的毛长厚,颜色变深。毛皮 的变化通常持续到 9 月。到11 月或 12 月天气变冷时,毛长得最厚。

But in addition, nature provides a further safeguard to help deer survive the winter -- an internal physiological response which lowers their metabolism, or rate of bodily functioning, and hence slows down their expenditure of energy. 此外,大自

然还为鹿提供进一步的保护以帮助它们度过冬天 -- 体内生理机能作相应调节,放慢新陈 代谢,亦即生理活动的速度,从而降低能量的消耗。

The deer become somewhat slow and drowsy. The heart rate drops. Animals that

hibernate practice energy conservation to a greater extreme than deer do. Although deer don't hibernate, they do the same thing with their seasonal rhythms in metabolism. Deer spend more energy and store fat in the summer and fall when food is abundant, and spend less energy and use stored fat in the winter when food is less available. 鹿变得有点动作迟缓、嗜睡。它们的心率减慢。冬眠的动物保存能量的习性胜过鹿。


When the \"energy crisis\" first came in 1973-1974, I was living with my family in a cabin on the edge of an area where deer spend the winter in northern Minnesota, observing the deer as their behavior changed from more activity in summer and fall to less as winter progressed, followed by an increase again in the spring as the snow melted. 1973-1974 年间,第一次出现“能源危机”的时候,我正与家人住在明尼苏达州北部一处


It was interesting and rather amusing to listen to the advice given on the radio: \" Drive only when necessary,\" we were told. \"Put on more clothes to stay warm, and turn the thermostat on your furnace down.\" 当时广播电台常告诫我们:“没有必要不开车,”“多穿衣服好保暖,并请调低锅炉上的恒温器。”这些话听起来既有趣又逗笑。 Meanwhile we watched the deer reduce their activity, grow a winter coat of hair, and reduce their metabolism as they have for thousands of years. It is biologically reasonable for deer to reduce their cost of living to increase their chance of surviving in winter. 因为与此同时,我们一直注视着鹿减少活动,长出越冬的厚毛,并减缓新陈代


Not every winter is critical for deer of course. If the winter has light snow, survival and productivity next spring will be high. But if deep snows come and the weather remains cold for several weeks, then the deer must spend more energy to move about, food will be harder to find, and they must then depend more on their fat reserves to pull them through. 当然,对鹿来讲,并非每个冬天都处于危难之中。如果冬天雪下


If such conditions go on for too long some will die, and only the largest and strongest are likely to survive. That is a fundamental rule of life for wild, free wandering animal such as deer. 如果这种情况持续太久,有些鹿就要死亡,只有体型最大最壮的,才有可能存活。对于像鹿这样四处自由奔走的野生动物来说,这是一条根本的生存规律。

Yes, life - and death, too - is a cycle that goes round and round, and when animals die their bodies become food for other life forms to use by converting them into energy. 的确,生命--还有死亡--周而复始,循环不已。当动物死亡的时候,他们的尸体转化为能量,变成食物,供其他生命形式使用。

And the cycle continues. 如此循环,永不止息。

New Words


n. (sing. or pl.)鹿


a. belonging to or suggesting romance; fanciful not practical 浪漫的;幻想的 turn

n. a natural tendency; inclination(天生)倾向 currency

n. money that is actually in use in a country 通货,货币 ecological

a. of or concerning interrelationship of organisms and their environment 生态的 ecology n. 生态学 convert

vt. change (from one form, use, etc. into another); cause (a person) to change his beliefs, etc. 使转变;使改变信仰(等) excess

n. the part that is more than enough; the condition of exceeding what is usual or necessary 过量;过度 reserve

n. sth. that is being or has been stored for later use 储备(物)


a. not available in sufficient quantity 缺乏的 wildlife

n. animals and plants which live and grow wild


a.Providing nourishment; nourishing有营养的;滋养的 mature

a. full grown and developed 成熟的;成年的 female

a. of the sex that gives birth to young 女(性)的;雌的 n. a female person, animal or plant conceive

vt. become pregnant with (young); form (an idea, plan, etc.) in the mind 怀(胎);构思 fawn

n. a young deer less than a year old timing

n. selection for maximum effect of the precise moment for beginning or doing sth. 时机的选择 consume

vt. eat or drink; use; use up 消耗;消费 region

n. a place, space or area; a part of the body 地区;(身体的)部位 ample

a. plentiful 充裕的 resource

n. (pl.) possessions (esp. of a country). in the form of wealth and goods, that help one to do what one wants 资源 dependent

a. relying (on another) for support male

a. of the sex that does not give birth to young 男(性)的;雄的 n. a male person, animal or plant antler

n. the solid, bony horn of a male deer 鹿角,茸角


vt. put or store for safe keeping; (esp. of a liquid, a river) leave lying (a layer of matter)存放;使沉积 doe

n. a fully-grown female deer expend

vt. spend or use up 花费;耗尽 accumulate

v. make or become greater in number or quantity; collect or gather 积累;积聚 account

n. a sum of money kept in a bank which may be added to or taken from 帐户;存款 spotted

a. marked with spots有斑点的 depth

n. the state or degree of being deep 深;深度,厚度 safeguard

n. a means of protection against sth. unwanted 预防措施 internal

a. of or in the inside, esp. of the body 内部的;体内的 physiological a. 生理的;生理学的 metabolism n. 新陈代谢 hence

ad. therefore 因此,所以 expenditure

n. expending or using up; the amount of money, time, etc. expended 花费;用光;支出额,费用 somewhat

ad. by some degree or amount; a little 有点,稍微 drowsy

a. sleepy or half sleepy; making one sleepy 困倦的;催眠的 hibernate

vi. (of some animals) pass the whole of the winter in a state like sleep 冬眠


n. either end of anything; highest degree 极端 seasonal

a. depending on the season; changing with the seasons 季节性的 rhythm n. 节奏 abundant

a. more than enough 充足的;丰富的 cabin

n. a small roughly built, usu. wooden house 小木屋;茅舍 melt

v. cause (a solid) to become liquid; (of a solid ) become liquid (使)融化;(使)熔化


a. funny 逗人笑的;引起乐趣的 amuse

vt. cause to laugh or smile thermostat

n. an automatic device for regulating temperature 恒温器 biologically ad. 生物学上

biological a.生物学的

biology n.生物学 survival

n. the fact or likelihood of surviving 幸存 productivity

n. the ability or capacity to produce, productiveness 生产力;生产率;多产 fundamental

a. basic; most important

Phrases & Expressions go round function smoothly in the form of 以…形式 in point

appropriate; pertinent 适用的;相关的 in (good) condition

in good health, physically fit give birth (to)

bear; (fig.) produce 生(孩)子,产(仔);产生,引起 draw on

take or use as a source 利用;动用 slow down

(cause to ) go more slowly than usual; (cause to ) live, work, etc. in a less active and intense way (使)慢下来;(使)放松 turn down

reduce the force, speed, loudness, etc. of (sth.) by using controls 减弱;关小,调低

move about

travel around; go from one place to another pull through

help (sb.) to survive a period of danger or crisis 使渡过危险或危机

Proper Name

Minnesota 明尼苏达(美国州名)

Unit 3


Can you prove that the earth is round? Go ahead and try! Will you rely on your senses or will you have to draw on the opinions of experts?你能证明地球是圆的吗来试试看吧!你将依靠你自己的智力还是不得不引用专家的观点呢? WHY DO WE BELIEVE THAT THE EARTH IS ROUND?


George Orwell

Somewhere or other — I think it is in the preface to saint Joan — Bernard Shaw remarks that we are more gullible and superstitious today than we were in the Middle Ages, and as an example of modern credulity he cites the widespread belief that the earth is round. 记得在什么地方--我想是在《圣女贞德》序言中--肖伯纳评论说,今天我们比在中世

纪时更加轻 信,更加迷信。而作为现代轻信的例证,他举出地圆说这一广为传播的信念。

The average man, says Shaw, can advance not a single reason for thinking that the earth is round. He merely swallows this theory because there is something about it that appeals to the twentieth-century mentality. 肖伯纳说,普通人举不出一条理由来说明为什么相信地球是圆的。他全盘接受这一理论,只是因为这一理论中有一种迎合20世纪心态的东西。 Now, Shaw is exaggerating, but there is something in what he says, and the question is worth following up, for the sake of the light it throws on modern knowledge. 当


Just why do we believe that the earth is round? I am not speaking of the few thousand astronomers, geographers and so forth who could give ocular proof, or have a theoretical knowledge of the proof, but of the ordinary newspaper-reading citizen, such as you or me. 我们究竟为什么会相信地球是圆的呢我说的不是数千位天文学家、地理学家之类


As for the Flat Earth theory, I believe I could refute it. If you stand by the seashore on a clear day, you can see the masts and funnels of invisible ships passing along the horizon. This phenomenon can only be explained by assuming that the earth's surface is curved. 至于“地平说”,我相信我能够加以驳斥。如果你在天气晴朗的日子站立海边,你


But it does not follow that the earth is spherical. Imagine another theory called the Oval Earth theory, which claims that the earth is shaped like an egg. What can I say against it? 但不能由此推断地球是球形的。设想另一个称做“地球卵形说”的理论吧,这一学说声称地球形如蛋状。对此,我能说什么加以反驳呢?

Against the Oval Earth man, the first card I can play is the analogy of the sun and moon. The Oval Earth man promptly answers that I don't know, by my own observation, that those bodies are spherical. 面对“地球卵形说”者,我能打的第一张牌是,可以根据太阳


I only know that they are round, and they may perfectly well be flat discs. I have no answer to that one. Besides, he goes on, what reason have I for thinking that the earth must be the same shape as the sun and moon? I can't answer that one either.


My second card is the earth's shadow: When cast on the moon during eclipses, it appears to be the shadow of a round object. But how do I know, demands the Oval Earth man, that eclipses of the moon are caused by the shadow of the earth? 我的第二张

牌是地球的影子: 月食期间,地球投在月亮上的影子看上去呈圆形物体状。但“地球卵形说”者马上要问,我怎么知道月食是由地球的影子造成的呢?

The answer is that I don't know, but have taken this piece of information blindly from newspaper articles and science booklets. 回答是,我并不知道,我只是照搬报刊文章


Defeated in the minor exchanges, I now play my queen of trumps: the opinion of the experts. The Astronomer Royal, who ought to know, tells me that the earth is round.

小小交锋受挫,于是我打出一张王牌“Q”: 专家的看法。英国格林威治皇家天文台台长总该是权威了,他告诉我说地球是圆的。

The Oval Earth man covers the queen with his king. Have I tested the Astronomer Royal's statement, and would I even know a way of testing it? “地球卵形说”者用他


Here I bring out my ace. Yes, I do know one test. The astronomers can foretell eclipses, and this suggests that their opinions about the solar system are pretty sound. I am, to my delight, justified in accepting their say-so about the shape of the earth.


If the Oval Earth man answers — what I believe is true — that the ancient Egyptians, who thought the sun goes round the earth, could also predict eclipses, then bang goes my ace. 如果“地球卵形说”者反驳道--我以为他反驳得有理--认为太阳绕地球转的古代埃及人也


I have only one card left: navigation. People can sail ship round the world, and

reach the places they aim at, by calculations which assume that the earth is spherical. I believe that finishes the Oval Earth man, though even then he may possibly have some kind of counter.我只剩下一张牌: 航海。人们可以扬帆绕地球航行而到达他们的目的地,其航


It will be seen that my reasons for thinking that the earth is round are rather precarious ones. Yet this is an exceptionally elementary piece of information. 由


On most other questions I should have to fall back on the expert much earlier, and would be less able to test his pronouncements. And much the greater part of our knowledge is at this level. 在别的大多数问题上,我只得更早地依赖专家的理论,且更少有办法


It does not rest on reasoning or on experiment, but on authority. And how can it be otherwise, when the range of knowledge is so vast that the expert himself is an ignoramus as soon as he strays away from his own specialty? 它不是依靠推理或实验,


Most people, if asked to prove that the earth is round, would not even bother to produce the rather weak arguments I have outlined above. They would start off by saying that \"everyone knows\" the earth to be round, and if pressed further, would become angry. 对大多数人来说,如果要他们证明地球是圆的话,就连我上面概述的这些相当无力的论

据,他们也不愿提供出来。他们一开始就会说: 谁都知道地球是圆的。要是再加追问,就会生气了。

In a way Shaw is right. This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible. 在某种程度上讲,肖伯纳是说对了,如今是一个轻信的时代。究其缘由,部分在于,我们现今必须掌握的知识实在太多了。

New Words preface

n. an introduction to a book or speech 前言,序 gullible

a. easily deceived or cheated esp. into a false belief; credulous 易受骗的;轻信的


a. full of superstition; believing in superstitions 迷信的 credulity

n. a tendency to believe to readily 轻信 cite

vt. mention as an example; quote (a passage, book, etc.) 举出;引出 widespread

a. found or distributed over a large area 分布广的;普遍的 advance

vt. put or bring forward; offer 提出 appeal

vi. please, attract or interest 投合所好;有感染力;有吸引力


n. way of thinking, outlook; mental power or capacity 心理,思想;脑力 exaggerate

vt. think, speak or write of as greater than is really so; overstate 夸张;夸大 sake

n. end, purpose 缘故 geographer

n. a specialist in geography ocular

a. of, for, by the eyes; based on what has been seen 眼睛的;凭视觉的 theoretical

a. of or based on theory citizen n. 公民;市民 refute

vt. prove (a statement) to be untrue; prove (a person) to be mistaken 驳斥 mast

n. a long upright pole of wood or metal for carrying flags or sails on a ship 桅杆


n. a metal chimney for letting out smoke from a steam engine or steamship (蒸汽机,轮船等的)烟囱 invisible

a. that can not be seen horizon

n. the line where the sky seems to meet the earth or sea 地平线 phenomenon (pl. phenomena) n. 现象 curve

vt. bend so as to form a line that has no straight part 使成曲线 n. a continuously bending line without angles 曲线 follow

vi. result or occur as a consequence, effect, or inference 结果产生;得出 spherical

a. shaped like a ball 球形的 oval

n.& a. (anything which is) egg-shaped 卵形的(东西), 椭圆的(东西) card n. 纸牌 analogy

n. comparison of things that have a certain likeness; similarity 类比; 相似 promptly

ad. quickly and willingly 敏捷地;迅速地


a. 敏捷的;迅速的;及时的 body

n. =celestial body 天体 disc n. 圆盘 cast

vt. throw or drop; cause (light or shadow) to appear (on) 扔,投; 投射 eclipse

n. the total or partial hiding of one celestial body by another (天文学)食 booklet

n. a small book, usu. with a paper cover 小册子 exchange

vt. give and receive (one thing in return for another) 交换 trump n. 王牌 royal

a. for, belonging to, or connected with a king or queen 皇家的; 王室的 statement

n. expression in words; a written or spoken declaration, esp. of a formal kind 陈述;声明 ace

n. (纸牌中的)\"A\"牌,爱司 foretell

vt. tell beforehand; predict 预言 solar

a. of the sun

the solar system

the sun and the planets which revolve round it justify

vt. give a good reason for; show to be just, right or reasonable 证明……是正当的;为…辩护 say-so

n. an authoritative pronouncement; one's unsupported assertion 权威性声明;无证据的断言 Egyptian

n.,a. (native) of Egypt 埃及人;埃及的 predict

vt. announce or tell beforehand; forecast 预言 bang

ad. with a sudden loud noise; with a sudden impact 砰地 navigation

n. the act or process of navigating 航海 calculation

n. the act of adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing to find a result 计

calculate vt.计算

calculator n. 计算器 counter

n. sth. of value in bargaining; a return attack, such as a blow in boxing 讨价还价的本钱;回击,反击 precarious

a. insecure; depending upon mere assumption 不安全的;根据不足的,靠不住的 exceptionally ad. unusually authority

n. power to influence; power to give orders and make others obey 权威;权力 ignoramus

n. an ignorant person 无知的人 stray

vi. wander away; (of thoughts or conversation) move away from the subject 走离;离题


n. a special field of work or study 专业 outline

vt. indicate the main ideas or facts of

n. a systematic listing of the important points of a subject 提纲 press

vt. demand or ask for continuously 催促,逼迫 credulous

a. tending to believe sth. on little evidence, arising from credulity 轻信的 burden

n. sth. difficult to bear; load 重负;负荷

Phrases & Expressions follow up

pursue or investigate closely; take further action after (sth.) 深入研究或调查;采取进一步行动 for the sake of

for the good or advantage of; for the purpose of 为了…的利益;为了 throw/shed light on

make clear; explain 使明白,使明朗;解释 and so forth and so on as for

with regard to, concerning 至于 may well (not)

be very likely (not) to 完全(不)可能 bring out

show; offer to the public 拿出;使显出;推出(新产品等) aim at

have as one's target, objective, etc. fall back on

turn to for support 求助于 rest on

depend on, rely on stray away from

wander from; move from 偏离 start off begin; depart in a way

to a certain extent; a little; somewhat 在某种程度上

Proper Names Saint Joan 圣女贞德

Bernard Shaw 萧伯纳

Unit 4 Text

Jim Thorpe, an American Indian, is generally accepted as the greatest all-round athlete of the first half of the 20th century. Yet the man, who brought glory to his nation, had a heartbreaking life. What caused his sadness and poverty? Jim Thorpe,




Steve Gelman

The railroad station was jammed. Students from Lafayette College were crowding onto the train platform eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Carlisle Indian school's track and field squad. 火车站挤得水泄不通。拉斐德学院的学生们一齐拥上月台,热切地等待着卡莱尔印


No one would have believed it a few months earlier. A school that nobody had heard of was suddenly beating big, famous colleges in track meets. Surely these Carlisle athletes would come charging off the train, one after another, like a Marine battalion. 倘若在几个月前,准无人会相信,一个谁也没听说过的学校,会在田径场上突然大败许多有名的大学。不用说,这些卡莱尔的运动员抵达后,一个接着一个冲下火车,准会像一营海军陆战队那样。 The train finally arrived and two young men -- one big and broad, the other small and slight -- stepped onto the platform. 火车终于到站,两位年轻人--一位,大个儿,体格魁梧,另一位,小个儿,长相瘦弱--踏上了月台。

\"Where's the track team?\" a Lafayette student asked. “田径队在哪儿?”一位拉斐德的学生问道。

\"This is the team,\" replied the big fellow. “就在这儿。”大个子回答道。 \"Just the two of you?\" “就你们两个?”

\"Nope, just me,\" said the big fellow. \"This little guy is the manager.\" “不,就我一个,”大个子说。 “这位小兄弟是领队。” The Lafayette students shook their heads in wonder. Somebody must be playing a joke on them. If this big fellow was the whole Carlisle track team, he would be competing against an entire Lafayette squad. 拉斐德的学生们诧异地摇摇头。一定有人在开他们的玩笑。


He did. He ran sprints, he ran hurdles, he ran distance races. He high-jumped, he broad-jumped. He threw the javelin and the shot. Finishing first in eight events, the big fellow beat the whole Lafayette team. 确实如此。他短跑,他跨栏,他长跑,他跳高,他跳远。他又投标枪又掷铅球。大个子赢得八项第一,一个人击败了整个拉斐德田径队。

The big fellow was Jim Thorpe, the greatest American athlete of modern times. He was born on May 28,1888, in a two-room farmhouse near Prague, Oklahoma. His parents were members of the Sac and Fox Indian tribe and he was a direct descendant of the famous warrior chief, Black Hawk. 这位大个子就是吉姆·索普,现代美国最伟大的运动员。他


As a Sac and Fox, Jim had the colorful Indian name Wa-Tho-Huck. Which, translated, means Bright Path. But being born an Indian, his path was not so bright. Although he had the opportunity to hunt and fish with great Indian outdoorsmen, he was denied opportunity in other ways. 作为袋与狐部落的成员,吉姆有一个动听的印第安名字:瓦·索·哈


The United States government controlled the lives of American Indians and, unlike other people, Indians did not automatically become citizens. It was almost impossible for an Indian to gain even a fair education and extremely difficult, as a result, for an Indian to rise high in life. 当时,美国政府控制了全美印第安人的生活,


Young Bright Path seemed destined to spend his life in the Oklahoma farmland. But when he was in his teens, the government gave him the chance to attend the Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania. 年轻的“光明之路”似乎注定要在俄克拉荷马的农田里度过一生。


Soon Carlisle was racing along its own bright path to athletic prominence. In whatever sport Jim Thorpe played, he excelled, He was a star in baseball, track and field, wrestling, lacrosse, basketball and football. 不久,卡莱尔学校沿着自己的光明


He was so good in football, in fact, that most other small schools refused to play Carlisle. The Indian school's football schedule soon listed such major powers of the early twentieth century as Pittsburgh, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Penn State and

Army. 事实上,他的橄榄球打得十分出色,以至于大多数其它规模较小的学校都不肯与卡莱尔比赛。不久,


Thorpe was a halfback. He was six feet one inch tall, weighed 185 pounds and had incredible speed and power. 索普打前卫。他身高6.1英尺,体重185磅,速度奇快,力量惊人。 He built upon these natural gifts daily. He would watch a coach or player demonstrate a difficult maneuver, then he would try it himself. Inevitably, he would master the maneuver within minutes. 在天赋的基础上,他坚持训练,技艺与日俱增。他仔细观察教练或运动员示范难度大的动作,然后自己试着练。往往只消几分钟,他就学会了。

During every game, opponents piled on Thorpe, trampled him, kicked him and punched him, trying to put him out of action. They were never successful. Years later someone asked him if he had ever been hurt on the field. \"Hurt?\" Thorpe said. \"How could anyone get hurt playing football?\" 每次比赛,对方的球员们常一块儿压在索普的身上,踩他,

踢他,用拳头猛击他,试图使他丧失比赛能力。但他们的企图从未得逞。数年之后,有人问他在球场上受过伤没有。 “受伤?”索普回答说, “打橄榄球怎么会受伤呢?”

But Jim never played his best when he felt he would have to no fun playing. \"What's the fun of playing in the rain?\" he once said. And his Carlisle coach, Pop Warner, once said, \"There's no doubt that Jim had more talent than anybody who ever played football, but you could never tell when he felt like giving his best.\" 但是每当吉


Football, though, did not provide Thorpe with his finest hour. He was selected for the United States Olympic track team in 1912, and went to Sweden with the team for the Games. On the ship, while the other athletes limbered up, Thorpe slept in his bunk. In Sweden, while other athletes trained, Thorpe relaxed in a hammock. He never strained when he didn't feel it necessary. 1912年,他被选入美国奥林匹克田径代表队,随


Thorpe came out of his hammock when the Games began, to take part in the two most demanding Olympic events. 运动会开始了,索普这才从吊床上下来,参加奥林匹克运动会对体力和


He entered the pentathlon competition, a test of skill in five events: 200-meter run, 1500-meter run, broad jump, discus and javelin; 他参加5项全能比赛,这是对个项


and the decathlon competition, a series of ten events: 100-meter run, 400-meter run, 1500-meter run, high hurdles, broad jump, high jump, pole vault, discus, javelin and shot put. 他还参加10项全能比赛,这10项系列竞赛是“100米跑、400米跑、1500米跑、高栏、跳远、跳高、撑杆跳、铁饼、标枪和铅球。

Though most athletes were utterly exhausted by the decathlon alone, Thorpe breezed through both events, his dark hair flopping, his smile flashing, his muscled body gliding along the track. He finished first in both the pentathlon and decathlon, one of the great feats in Olympic history.大多数运动员参加10项全能这一项就精疲力尽了,



\"You sir,\" King Gustav V of Sweden told Thorpe as he presented him with two gold medals, \"are the greatest athlete in the world.\" 瑞典国王古斯塔夫五世在把两块金牌授给

索普的时候说:“先生,” “你是世界上最伟大的运动员。”

And William Howard Taft, the President of the United States, said, \"Jim Thorpe is the highest type of citizen.\" 美国总统威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱也说:“吉姆·索普是公民的最高典范。” King Gustav V was correct, but President Taft was not. Though Jim Thorpe had brought great glory to his nation, though thousands of people cheered him upon his return to the United States and attended banquets and a New York parade in his honor, he was not a citizen. 古斯塔夫五世国王讲对了,但塔夫脱总统却没有说对。尽管吉姆·索普为他的国


He did not become one until 1916. Even then, it took a special government ruling because he was an Indian. 直到1916年,他才取得公民资格。而且,那还是经过政府特别裁决才授予他的,因为他是一个印第安人。

Jim Thorpe was a hero after the Olympics and a sad, bewildered man not too much later. Someone discovered that two years before the Olympics he had been paid a few dollars to play semiprofessional baseball. 奥林匹克运动会后,吉姆·索普成了英雄,但没过多久,他


Though many amateur athletes had played for pay under false names, Thorpe had used his own name. 许多业余运动员使用假名参赛赚钱,而索普却用自己的真名。

As a result, he was not technically an amateur when he competed at Stockholm as all Olympic athletes must be. His Olympic medals and trophies were taken away from him and given to the runners-up. 如果,从技术上来讲,他在斯德哥尔摩参赛时,已不是一名业余运


After this heartbreaking experience, Thorpe turned to professional sports. He played major league baseball for six years and did fairly well. 在这次令人心碎的经历之后,


Then he played professional football for six years with spectacular success. 接


His last professional football season was in 1926. After that, his youthful indifference to studies and his unwillingness to think of a nonsports career caught up with him. He had trouble finding a job, and his friends deserted him. 1926年,


He periodically asked for, but never was given back, his Olympic prizes. From 1926 until his death in 1953, he lived a poor, lonely, unhappy life. 他不时地要求,发还给他,但最终也未能要回他的奥林匹克奖牌。从1926年直到1953年世,他过着贫穷、寂寞、不幸的生活。 But in 1950 the Associated Press held a poll to determine the outstanding athlete of the half-century. Despite his loss of the Olympic gold medals and a sad decline in fortune during his later years, Thorpe was almost unanimously chosen the greatest

athlete of modern times. 1950年,美联社举行民意测验以确定半个世纪中最杰出的运动员。尽管索普失去了奥林匹克金牌,晚年境遇凄楚,人们依然几乎一致地推选他为现代最伟大的运动员。

New Words jam v. fill or block up (the way) by crowding; (cause to ) be packed, pressed, or crushed tightly into a small space 堵塞;(使)塞满 platform

n. a raised flat surface built along the side of the track at a railway station for travellers getting on or off a train 月台 await

vt. wait for; look forward to track

n. a course for running or racing; track-and-field sports, esp. those performed on a running track 跑道;径赛运动;田径运动 field

n. an area, esp. circled by a track where contests such as in jumping or throwing are held; the sports contested in this area 田赛场地;田赛运动 squad

n. a small group of persons working, training, or acting together; the smallest military unit, usually made up of eleven men and a squad leader 小队;班 charge

vi rush in or as if in an attack 向前冲;冲锋 Marine

n. a member of the U.S. Marine Corps (美国)海军陆战队士兵或军官 battalion

n. military unit made up of several companies 营 broad

a. wide, large across 宽的,广阔的 nope

ad. (AmE sl.) no compete

vi. take part in a race, contest, etc.' try to win sth. in competition with sb. else 比赛;竞争 sprint

n. short race; dash 短跑

vi. run at one's fastest speed, esp. for a short distance hurdle

n. a light frame for people or horses to jump over in a race 栏;跳栏 broad(-) jump

n.& vi. (AmE) (do) a long jump 跳远 javelin

n. light spear for throwing (usu. in sport) 标枪 shot

n. the heavy metal ball used in the shot put 铅球 tribe n. 部落


n. a person descended from another or from a common stock 子孙;后裔 warrior

n. a man who fights for his tribe; a soldier or experienced fighter 斗士,勇士;(老)战士 colorful

a. full of color; exciting the senses or imagination 艳丽的;丰富多彩的 hunt

v. go after (wild animals) for food or sport; search (for) 追猎,打猎;搜寻 outdoorsman

n. a man, such as a hunter, fisherman, or camper, who spends much time outdoors for pleasure deny

vt. say that (sth.) is not true; refuse to give 否认;拒绝给予 destine

vt. (usu. passive) intend or decide by fate; intend for some special purpose 命中注定;预定 farmland

n. land used or suitable for farming 农田 teens

n. the period of one's life between and including the ages of 13 and 19 prominence

n. the quality or fact of being prominent or distinguished 凹出;杰出

prominent a.杰出的 卓越的 excel

vi. be very good (in or at sth) 突出,超常 wrestling

n. a sport or contest in which each of two opponents tries to throw or force the other to the ground 摔跤(运动)


v.摔跤 使劲搬动 lacrosse

n. 长曲棍球(运动) football

n. 橄榄球(运动) power

n. a person, group or nation that has authority or influence 握有大权的人物;有影响的机构;强国 halfback

n. (橄榄球、足球等)前卫


a. too extraordinary to be believed, unbelievable 难以置信的 coach

n. a person who trains sportsmen for games, competitions, etc. 教练 demonstrate

vt. explain by carrying out experiments or by showing examples 用实验或实例说明;演示


n. a skillful move or trick, intended to deceive, to gain sth., to escape, or to do sth. 机动动作;策略;花招 opponent

n. a person who is on the other side in a fight, game, or discussion 对手;反对者


vt. step heavily with the feet on; crush under the feet 踩;践踏 punch

vt. strike (sb. or sth.) hard with the fist 用拳猛击 Olympic

a. of or connected with the Olympic Games limber

v. make or become flexible (使)变得柔软灵活 可塑的 bunk

n. a narrow bed fixed on the wall, e.g. of a cabin in a ship or in a train 床铺,铺位


n. a hanging bed of canvas or rope network, e.g. as used by sailors, or in gardens (帆布或网状)吊床 strain

vi. make violent efforts; strive hard 尽力,使劲 demanding

a. making severe demands 要求高的;苛求的 pentathlon

n. an athletic contest in which each contestant takes part in five events 五项运动


n. competing; contest; match discus

n. a heavy, circular plate of rubber, plastic or wood with a metal rim 铁饼 decathlon

n. an athletic contest consisting of ten events 十项运动 shot put

n. a competition to throw a heavy metal ball the furthest distance 推铅球 utterly

ad. completely; totally


a.全然的 绝对的 breeze

vi. move or go quickly and in a carelessly confident way 轻快地行动 flop

vi. move or bounce loosely 扑动 flash

vi. give out sudden, brief light or flame; shine or gleam 闪光;闪烁 glide

vi. move in a smooth continuous manner which seems easy and without effort 滑动,滑行 feat n. an act showing great skill, strength, or daring; a remarkable deed, notable esp. for courage 武功;技艺;功绩 glory n. high fame and honour won by great achievements; sth. deserving respect and honour 光荣,荣誉;荣誉的事 banquet

n. a dinner for many people, at which speeches are made, in honour of a special person or occasion 宴会 ruling

n. an official decision 裁决 Olympic

n. Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 professional

a. done by, played by, or made up of people who are paid 职业的

n. a person who lives on the money he earns by practising a particular skill or sport 以特定职业谋生的人 amateur

n. a person playing a game, taking part in sports, etc. without receiving payment 业余爱好者

a. of, by, or with amateurs; not paid lacking skill 业余的 technically

ad. in technical terms; in a technical sense; according to fixed rules 技术上;按规则 trophy

n. a prize given for winning a race, competition, or test of skill 奖品 runner-up

n. a player or team that comes second in a contest 亚军 heartbreaking

a. causing great sorrow or grief; extremely distressing 令人心碎的 league

n. a group of sports clubs or teams that play matches among themselves 联赛协会 spectacular

a. strikingly grand or unusual 壮观的;惊人的 season

n. the period of time during which a sport is played 赛季 youthful

a. young; having the qualities of young people indifference

n. absence of interest or feeling 不关心,冷漠

indifferent a.无关紧要的 periodically

ad. at regular intervals, every now and then outstanding

a. much better than most others; very good 杰出的 despite

prep. in spite of decline

n. losing of power, strength, wealth, or beauty; falling to a lower level 衰落;下降


a. with complete agreement; without a single opposing vote 一致地;无异议地区性

Phrase & Expressions track and field the sport or athletic events, such as running, jumping and weight throwing performed on a running track and on the adjacent field 田径运动 play a joke on sb.

do sth. to make other people laugh at someone 同某人开玩笑 put……out of action

stop…working, make…unfit for a typical activity 使停止工作;使不再起作用;使失去战斗力 limber up

make the muscles stretch easily by exercise, esp. before violent exercise(比赛等前)做准备活动 take part in

have a share or part in; join in 参加 breeze through

proceed with effortlessly in a carefree manner 轻而易举地完成 in one's hono(u)r/in

向……表示敬意;为庆祝……;为纪念…… catch up with

have the expected ill effect or result on 对……产生预期恶果

Proper Names Thorpe 索普

Lafayette College 拉斐德学院

Carlisle Indian School 卡尔印第安人学校 Prague 布拉格(文中指美国地名) Oklaboma 俄国拉何马(美国州名) Sac and Fox 印第安人部落之一

Black Hawk 黑隼(印第安人首领名) pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚(美国州名) Pittsburgh 匹兹堡(美国城市) Penn (short for) Pennsylvania Pop Warner 波伯.沃纳 Sweden 瑞典

Gustav V 古斯塔夫五世

William Howard Taft 威谦.霍华德.塔夫脱 Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)

the Associated Press 联合通讯(简称美联社)(美国通讯社名)

Unit 5


Is it ever proper for a medical doctor to lie to his patient? Should he tell a patient he is dying? These questions seem simple enough, but it is not so simple to give a satisfactory answer to them. Now a new light is shed on them.医生可以对



Sissela Bok

Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patients -- to speed recovery or to conceal the approach of death? 为了对病人有好处--为了加快病人康复或不让病人知道死亡的来临--医生到


In medicine as in law, government, and other lines of work, the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed by greater needs: the need to shelter from brutal news or to uphold a promise of secrecy; to expose corruption or to promote the public interest. 医疗行业与法律、政府及其他行业一样,往往显得对诚实与否的问题不那么看重,要紧的倒


What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? 举例说吧。一个46岁的男子,在与家人外出度假之前进行常规体格检查,虽然他自我感觉


Is it best to tell him the truth? If he asks, should the doctors deny that he is ill, or minimize the gravity of the illness? Should they at least conceal the truth

until after the family vacation? 这时,医生该怎么对他讲呢是不是最好对他讲实话要是他问起


Doctors confront such choices often and urgently. At times, they see important reasons to lie for the patient's own sake; in their eyes, such lies differ sharply from self-serving ones. 医生们常常面临这样的非常紧迫的选择。他们不时认为,为了病人自身的利益,撒谎很有必要,在他们看来,这种谎言与利己的谎言截然不同。

Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill do not want to know the truth about their condition, and that informing them risks destroying their hope, so that they may recover more slowly, or deteriorate faster, perhaps even commit suicide. 研究结果表明,大多数医生深信身患重病的人不想知道他们的真实病情,如果

将真情相告,则有可能 使他们完全失去希望,结果使他们恢复得更慢或恶化得更快,甚至会自寻短见。

As one physician wrote: \"Ours is a profession which traditionally has been guided by a precept that transcends the virtue of uttering the truth for truth's sake, and that is 'as far as possible do no harm.'\"正如一位内科医生写道:“我们这个职业,传统上恪守一条信条,那就是 '尽可能不造成伤害',这一信条胜过为讲真话而讲真话的美德”。 Armed with such a precept, a number of doctors may slip into deceptive practices that they assume will \"do no harm\" and may well help their patients. They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news, especially to the incurably ill and the dying. 有了这样一个指


But the illusory nature of the benefits such deception is meant to produce is now coming to be documented. 然而,现在开始有人提出证据,说明这种欺骗旨在给病人带来好处的说法


Studies show that, contrary to the belief of many physicians, an overwhelming majority of patients do want to be told the truth, even about grave illness, and feel betrayed when they learn that they have been misled. 研究结果表明,与许多医生


We are also learning that truthful information, humanely conveyed, helps patients cope with illness: helps them tolerate pain better, need less medicine, and even recover faster after surgery. 我们还获悉,将真实情况妥当地告诉病人,能帮助他们与病魔作斗争,有助于他们更好地忍受疼痛,减少用药,甚至在手术后更快地康复。

Not only do lies not provide the \"help\" hoped for by advocates of benevolent deception; they invade the autonomy of patients and render them unable to make informed choices concerning their own health, including the choice of whether to be patient in the first place. 谎言不仅不能提供鼓吹“仁慈”欺骗的人们所希望的那种“帮助”,它还侵犯了病人的个


We are becoming increasingly aware of all that can befall patients in the course of their illness when information is denied or distorted. 我们越来越意识到,病人发病期间,在不知病情或未被如实地告知病情的情况下,他们会遭到什么样的不幸。

Dying patients especially -- who are easies to mislead and most often kept in the

dark -- can then not make decisions about the end of life: about whether or not they should enter a hospital, or have surgery; about where and with whom they should spend their remaining time; about how they should bring their affairs to a close and take leave.特别是濒临死亡的病人--他们最易受骗也最会被人蒙在鼓里--因此而不能作出临终前的种种有关

抉择: 是否要住进医院,或进行手术,在何处与何人度过所剩下的一点时间,以及如何处理完自己的事务而后与世长辞。

Lies also do harm to those who tell them: harm to their integrity and, in the long run, to their credibility. Lies hurt their colleagues as well. 谎言也伤害说谎的人,

损害他们的诚实,并最终损害他们的信誉。谎言还伤害他们的同事。由于病人 怀疑有欺骗行为,许多对病人十分开诚布公的医生的工作也因此受到影响。

The suspicion of deceit undercuts the work of the many doctors who are scrupulously honest with their patients; it contributes to the spiral of lawsuits and of \"defensive medicine,\" and thus it injures, in turn, the entire medical profession.


Sharp conflicts are now arising. Patients are learning to press for answers. 剧


Patients' bills of rights require that they be informed about their condition and about alternatives for treatment. 根据病人应享有的权利的规定,医生应将病情和可供选择的


Many doctors go to great lengths to provide such information. Yet even in hospitals with the most eloquent bill of rights, believers in benevolent deception continue their age-old practices. 许多医生尽可能向病人提供这些情况。然而,即使在对病人的权益考虑得


Colleagues may disapprove but refrain from objecting. Nurses may bitterly resent having to take part, day after day, in deceiving patients, but feel powerless to take a stand. 同事们也许不赞同,但避免公开表示反对。护士们对不得不日复一日地参与欺骗病人的做法也许深恶痛绝,但要抵制却感到无能为力。

There is urgent need to debate this issue openly. Not only in medicine, but in other professions as well, practitioners may find themselves repeatedly in difficulty where serious consequences seem avoidable only through deception. 及时对这个问题进


Yet the public has every reason to be wary of professional deception, for such practices are peculiarly likely to become deeply rooted, to spread, and to erode trust. Neither in medicine, nor in law, government, or the social sciences can there be comfort in the old saying, \"What you don't know can't hurt you.\" 但是公众完全有


New Words dilemma

n. a situation in which one has to make a choice between two equally unsatisfactory things; a difficult choice 窘境,进退两难


vt. do good to 有益于 recovery

n. the process or fact of getting back to a former state of good health; the state of recovering or being recoverd 痊愈;复得 conceal

vt. hide, keep from being seen or known 隐瞒 line

n. a business, profession, trade, etc. 行业 dwarf

vt. cause to appear small by comparison 使矮小,使相形见绌

n. a person, animal, or plant of much less than the usual size 矮小;矮小的动(植)物


vi. take shelter; find protection 躲避

vt. provide shelter for; protect 掩蔽;庇护 brutal

a. cruel, severe残忍的 uphold

vt. support 支撑;维护 secrecy

n. the practice of keeping secrets; the state of being secret expose

vt. disclose; leave uncovered or unprotected 揭露;暴露 corruption

n. dishonesty; immoral behaviour 腐化,道德败坏 promote

vt. help to grow or develop; raise in rank, condition, or importance 促进,推进;提升


n. a general medical examination minimize

vt. reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree gravity

n. the quality of being serious critical 严重性 confront

vt. meet face to face; oppose (勇敢地)面对;对抗 urgently

ad. in an urgent manner 紧急地,急迫地


a. 紧急的,急迫的 self-serving

a. serving one's own interests; seeking advantage for oneself 利已的 recover

vi. get well; get back to a normal condition deteriorate

v. (cause to ) become worse (使)恶化 suicide

n. the act of killing oneself physician

n. a doctor of medicine 内科医生 traditionally

ad. by tradition; in a traditional manner precept

n. a rule of moral conduct; maxim 戒律;格言 transcend

vt. rise above or go beyond the limits of; surpass 超越 virtue

n. goodness or moral excellence; a good quality 美德;优点 utter

vt. speak; give out发声 做出 deceptive

a. deceiving or misleading; meant to deceive innumerable

a. too many to be counted placebo

n. substance given instead of real medicine to a patient for psychological effect 安慰剂


vt. justify; authorize; guarantee 使有(正当)理由;授权(给);担保 distort

vt. give a false account of; twist out of the usual shape 歪曲;弄歪 grave

a. serious; requiring careful consideration 严重的;严肃的 incurably ad. beyond cure illusory

a. deceptive and unreal; based on an illusion 虚幻的 deception

n. deceiving or being deceived; a trick intended ot deceive 欺骗;诡计 document

vt. prove or support with documents 用文件证明 contrary

a. completely different or wholly opposed 相反的;对抗的 overwhelming

a. too many, too great, or too much to be resisted 势不可挡的;压倒之势的 betray

vt. be unfaithful to; deceive 背叛

truthful a. true


ad. tenderly, kind-heartedly 仁爱地;人道地 tolerate

vt. allow or endure with protest 容忍 advocate

n. person who speaks for an idea, way of life, etc. 拥护者,倡导者 benevolent

a. intending or showing good will, kindly, friendly 仁慈的 invade

vt. enter (a country) with armed forces in order to attack; violate, interfere with 侵犯

autonomy n. (the right of) self-government; freedom to determine one's own actions, behavior, etc. 自治(权);自主 render

vt. cause to be致使 给与补偿 informed

a. having knowledge or information; having and using suitable knowledge 了解情况的;有见识的 concerning

prep. about, with regard to increasingly

ad. more and more all time befall( befell, befallen)

vt. (use. sth. bad ) happen to (sb.) 降临到……头上 integrity

n. honesty or sincerity; wholeness 诚实,正直;完整 credibility

n. the quality of being believable; trustworthiness 可靠性;可信 colleague

n. an associate; fellow worker or member of a profession or organization 同事 suspicion

n. doubt; mistrust 怀疑 deceit

n. deception; a dishonest trick 欺骗 undercut

vt. undermine; weaken 暗中破坏;削弱 scrupulously

ad. carefully; conscientiously 一丝不苟地 spiral n. a curved shape which winds round; a continuous and expanding increase or decrease 螺旋(形);盘旋上升(或下降)


n. a noncriminal case in a court of law 诉讼(案件) injure

vt. cause physical harm to; damage arise (arose)

vi. move or go upward; come into existence 上升;出现 bill

n. 法案;议案;账单 alternative

n. a choice between two or more things; any of the things to be chosen 抉择;可供选择的东西 treatment

n. a substance or method used in treating someone medically 治疗;疗法 eloquent

a. having the power of expressing one's feeling or thoughts with grace and force 雄辩的


vt. consider not good or not suitable; have or express an opinion against 不赞成 refrain

vi. hold oneself back; keep oneself (from doing sth.) 忍住;戒除 object

vi. be against sth. or sb. 反对

objection n. 反对


ad. sharply severely deceive

vt. cause (sb.) to believe sth. that is false 欺骗 debate

vt. argue about (sth.) in an effort to persuade other people 辨论 issue

n. a question that arises for discussion 问题;争端 practitioner

n. a professional man, esp. in medicine or in law 开业者(尤指医生、律师等) consequence

n. result; importance 后果;重要性 avoidable

a. that can be prevented from happening wary

a. cautious; in the habit of looking out for possible danger or trouble 谨慎的;谨防的 erode

vt. wear away; eat into 腐蚀 saying

n. a well-known wise statement; proverb 格言;谚语

Phrases & Expressions go on (a trip, vacation) depart for the purpose of at times

occasionally; now and then 间或;有时 in one's eyes in one's opinion

for one's (own) sake

for one's own benefit 为了某人自己的利益 slip into

fall into; enter (esp. through carelessness) 陷入 contrary to

opposite to; despite in the first place firstly

in the course of during during

in the dark

uninformed; ignorant 不知情,蒙在鼓里 bring to a close end 结束,终止 take leave (of) say goodbye (to) in the long run

in the end; ultimately 从长远的观点看;最终 go to great lengths

do anything possible, however dangerous, unpleasant, wicked, etc. 不遗余力 refrain from not do, stop day after day each day

take a/ one's stand declare one's position, loyalty, opinions, etc., and be prepared to fight (for these opinions, etc.)表明立场、意见等 Unit 6


\"Don't ever mark in a book!\" Thousands of teachers, librarians and parents have so advised. But Mortimer Adler disagrees. He thinks so long as you own the book and

needn't preserve its physical appearance, marking it properly will grant you the ownership of the book in the true sense of the word and make it a part of yourself.

“不要在书上做记号!”无数教师、图书管理员和家长都曾这样建议。但是莫蒂默• 艾德勒并不同意。他认为只要你拥有这本书而且不需要保护它的外观,做记号将会让你真正意义上拥有这本书并且使它成为你的一部分。怎样在书上做记号


Mortimer J. Adler

You know you have to read \"between the lines\" to get the most out of anything. I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading. I want to persuade you to \"write between the lines.\" Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading. 你知道读书要“深入字里行间”,以求最充分的理


You shouldn't mark up a book which isn't yours. Librarians (or your friends) who lend you books expect you to keep them clean, and you should. If you decide that I am right about the usefulness of marking books, you will have to buy them.你不

应该在不是你自己的书上做记号。借给你书的图书管理员 (或你的朋友) 希望你保持书的整洁,再说你也应该这样做。如果你认为我说的在书上做记号颇有益处这番话是对的话,你就得自己买书。

There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. 一个人拥有


But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it. 但花钱买书只是占有它的前奏。只有在你将它化为你自己的一部分之后,你才完全占有了它。而把你自己变为书的一部分的最好方法就是在书中写字。

An illustration may make the point clear. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own. But you do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your bloodstream. I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good. 打个比


There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standard sets and best-sellers -- unread, untouched. (This individual owns wood-pulp and ink, not books.) 书籍拥有者可以分为三种。第一种人藏有全部标准的成套书和畅销书--既没有读过,也没有碰


The second has a great many books -- a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. (This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) 第二种人藏书很多--有几本从头至尾读过,大部分浅尝辄止,但全都


The third has a few books or many -- every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This man owns books.) 第三种人藏书或多或少--因不断使用,每本书都弄成书角卷起,破旧不堪,装订破损,书页松散,全书从扉页至末页画满了记号,涂满了字句。(此人是书的真正拥有者。) Is it false respect, you may ask, to preserve intact a beautifully printed book, an elegantly bound edition? Of course not. I'd no more scribble all over a first edition of \"Paradise Lost\" than I'd give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt! I wouldn't mark up a painting or a statue. 你或许会问,将一本印刷精美、装

帧雅致的书保存完好,难道也是不恰当的吗当然不是。我决不会在一本初版的《失乐园》上乱涂乱写,就像我不会把一幅伦勃朗的原作连同一盒蜡笔交给我的婴孩任意涂抹一样! 我决不会在一幅油画或一尊塑像上画记号。

Its soul, so to speak, is inseparable from its body. And the beauty of a rare edition or of a richly manufactured volume is like that of painting or a statue. If your respect for magnificent binding or printing gets in the way, buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author. 可以说,它们的灵魂与其躯体是不可分开的。


Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading? First, it keeps you awake. (And I don't mean merely conscious; I mean wide awake.) 为什么在书上做记号对阅读是必不可少的呢?首先,它会使你保持清醒。(我不是仅仅指它让你神 志清醒;我的意思是它能使你全神贯注。) In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking tends to express itself in words, spoken or written. The marked book is usually the thought-through book. 其次,如果阅读是一种能动的行为,那么它就是思考,而思考常常需借助口


Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the author expressed. Let me develop these three points. 最后,写可以帮助你记住你阅读时的思想,


If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it must be active. you can't let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an understanding of what you have read. 如果阅读的目的不仅仅是消磨时间,那就应该是一种积极的思维活动。仅仅


Now an ordinary piece of light fiction, like, say, \"Gone with the Wind,\" doesn't require the most active kind of reading. 当然,一部普通的消遣小说,譬如说《飘》,并不需


The books you read for pleasure can be read in a state of relaxation, and nothing is lost. But a great book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions, demands the most active reading of which you are capable. 作为消遣的书,可以轻松地读而不会有所失。但一本思想丰富、文字华美,试图提出带根


You don't absorb the ideas of John Dewey the way you absorb the crooning of Mr. Vallee. You have to reach for them. That you cannot do while you're asleep. 你不能像欣赏瓦

利先生的低声吟唱那样,学到约翰• 杜威的思想。你得花费气力方可获得。漫不经心是做不到这一点的。

If, when you've finished reading a book, the pages are filled with your notes, you know that you read actively. 如果当你读完一本书的时候,书页上写满了你的批注,你就知道你


The most famous active reader of great books I know is President Hutchins, of the University of Chicago. He also has the hardest schedule of business activities of any man I know. 我所知道的最有名的采用积极方式阅读伟大著作的人,是芝加哥大学的校长哈钦斯。


He invariably read with pencil, and sometimes, when he picks up a book and pencil in the evening, he finds himself, instead of making intelligent notes, drawing what he calls \" caviar factories\" on the margins. When that happens, he puts the book down. He knows he's too tired to read, and he's just wasting time.他读书时总是拿着


But, you may ask, why is writing necessary? Well, the physical act of writing, with your own hand, brings words and sentences more sharply before your mind and preserves them better in your memory. To set down your reaction to important words and sentences you have read, and the questions they have raised in your mind, is to preserve those reactions and sharpen those questions. 但是,你或许会问,写有何必要呢要知道,亲手书写


You can pick up the book the following week or year, and there are all your points of agreement, disagreement, doubt and inquiry. It's like resuming an interrupted conversation with the advantage of being able to pick up where you left off.当你


And that is exactly what reading a book should be: a conversation between you and the author. Presumably he knows more about the subject than you do; naturally you'll have the proper humility as you approach him. 读书就该这么个读法: 你同作者应进行对话。


But don't let anybody tell you that a reader is supposed to be solely on the receiving end. Understanding is a two-way operation; learning doesn't consist in being an empty receptacle. The learner has to question himself and question the teacher. He even has to argue with the teacher, once he understands what the teacher is saying. And marking a book is literally an expression of your differences, or agreements of opinion, with the author. 但不要轻信他人,以为读者只有全盘接受的份儿。理解是一种双向活动。


There are all kinds of devices for marking a book intelligently and fruitfully. Here's the way I do it: 在书上做记号,有各种各样好的、行之有效的方法。现将我的做法叙述如下:

1. Underlining: of major points, of important or forceful statements. 在文字下面划线: 划出主要论点及重要的或者有力的论述。

2. Vertical lines at the margin: to emphasize a statement already underlined. 在页边空白处划竖线: 强调已划线的论述部分。

3. Star, asterisk, or other doo-dad at the margin: to be used sparingly, to emphasize the ten or twenty most important statements in the book. 在页边空白处画五星或六星记号,或其他小符号: 这种记号宜珍惜着用。可用来强调书中十处或二 十处最重要的论述。

4. Numbers in the margin: to indicate the sequence of points the author makes in developing a single argument. 在页边空白处写数字: 标明作者展开一个论据的各点顺序。

5. Number of other pages in the margin: to indicate where else in the book the author made points relevant to the point marked; to tie up the ideas in a book, which, though they may be separated by many pages, belong together. 在页边空处写其他页的页码: 标明

作者在本书其他地方所写的与本论点有关的论点,也可以 通过这一办法将书中虽分散各处,但密切有关的观点联系起来。

6. Circling of key words or phrases. 在关键字眼或短语上画圆圈。

7. Writing in the margin, or at the top or bottom of the page, for the sake of: recording questions (and perhaps answers) which a passage raise in your mind; reducing a complicated discussion to a simple statement; recording the sequence of major points right through the book. 在页边空白处或上下两端加批注: 其目的是记下某段文章在你脑子里引起的问题 (也许还有答案);简要记下复杂的论述;记录贯串全书的一系列的重要论点。 I use the end-papers at the back of the book to make a personal index of the author's points in the order of their appearance. 我利用书末的衬页将作者的观点按出现的先后 次序编成一个索引。

The front end-papers are, to me, the most important. Some people reserve them for a fancy bookplate, I reserve them for fancy thinking. 书前的衬页对我来说是最重要的。


After I have finished reading the book and making my personal index on the back end-papers, I turn to the front and try to outline the book, not page by page, or point by point (I've already done that at the back), but as an integrated structure, with a basic unity and an order of parts. This outline is, to me, the measure of my understanding of the work.在我读完一本书并在卷尾衬页上做好我的个人索引之后,我便翻到


New Words persuade

vt. cause (sb.) to do sth. by reasoning, arguing, etc. 说服,劝服 librarian n. 图书馆管理员 property

n. (collectively) things owned; possessions 财产 prelude

n. action, event, etc. that serves as an introduction 序幕;前奏曲 possession

n. possessing; ownership; (pl.) property 拥有;所有权;财产 ownership

n. the possessing (of sth.); right of possessing 所有(权) illustration

n. an example which explains the meaning of sth.; an explanatory picture, diagram, etc. 例;图例;插图 beefsteak n. 牛排 transfer vt. hand over the possession of (property, etc.); change officially from one position, etc. to another 转移;调动 butcher

n. a person who kills, cuts up and sells animals for food 屠夫 icebox

n. a box where food is kept cool with blocks of ice; (AmE) refrigerator bloodstream

n. the blood as it flows through the blood vessels of the body 血流 absorb

vt. take or such in (liquids); take in (knowledge, ideas, etc.)吸收 best-seller

n. book that is sold in very large numbers 畅销书 individual

n. any one human being ( contrasted with society ) 个人 woodpulp n. 木(纸)浆 dip

v. plunge or be plunged quickly or briefly into a liquid, esp. to wet or coat 浸;蘸


a. giving off light as if polished; bright 发亮的 restrain

vt. prevent; control; hold back 抑制;控制,约束 dogeared a. (of a book) having the corners of the pages bent down with use, like a dog's ears(书页)卷角的


a. (of things) broken and old; falling to pieces 破旧的;倾坍的 loosen

v. make or become loose or looser (使)松开 continual

a. repeated; frequent 不断的;频繁的 scribble

v. write hastily or carelessly; write meaningless marks on paper, etc. 潦草书写;乱涂


vi. keep safe from harm of danger 保护;保存 intact

a. untouched; undamaged 完整无损的 elegantly

ad. beautifully; gracefully 优美地;雅致地


a. 优美的;雅致的 bind (bound)

vt. tie or fasten with a rope, etc.; fasten together sheets of (a book) and enclose within a cover 捆,绑;装订(书) edition

n. form in which a book is published; total number of copies (of a book, newspaper, etc.) issued from the same types (书等的)版本;版 paradise

n. the Garden of Eden; Heaven 伊甸园;天堂 crayon

n. 蜡笔; 颜色笔 original

a. of or relating to an origin or beginning; being the first instance or source from which a cop can be made 最初的;原著的;原创作者的 painting

n. a painted picture; picture statue

n. an image of a person or animal in wood, stone, bronze, etc. 雕像 inseparable

a. impossible to separate from one another manufacture

vt. make, produce on a large scale by machinery 制造;(大量)生产 magnificent

a. splendid; remarkable 华丽的;宏伟的 indispensable

a. absolutely essential or necessary 必不可少的 conscious

a. aware; able to feel and think 有意识的;神志清醒 understanding

n. knowledge of the nature of sth., based esp. on learning or experience 理解 fiction

n. (branch of literature concerned with) stories, novels and romances 小说 croon

vi. sing gently in a low soft voice, usu. with much feeling 低声吟唱 reader

n. person who reads invariably

ad. unchangeable; constantly 不变地;始终如一地 intelligent

a. having or showing a high degree of powers of reasoning or understanding 聪明的

caviar(e) n. 鱼子酱 sharpen

v. become or make sharp(er) disagreement

n. the fact or a case of disagreeing; lack of similarity 分歧;不一致

disagree vi. 不同意 inquiry

n. question; asking 询问 resume

vt. go on after stopping for a time (中断后)重新开始 naturally

ad. of course; as one could have expected humility

n. humble condition or state of mind 谦卑 solely

ad. not including anything else or any others; only


a.单独的 唯一的 receptacle

n. a container for keeping things in 容器 literally

ad. actually; virtually 确实地;简直 fruitfully

ad. productively; with good results 富有成果地

fruitful a. 富有成果的 underline

vt. draw a line under (a word, etc.) esp. to show importance 在……下划线(表示强调)


a. strong; powerful vertical a. 垂直的 emphasize

vt. call attention to; stress 强调 asterisk

n. a starlike mark used to call attention to sth. 星号(即*) doo-dad

n. (informal) a fancy, trifling ornament 小装饰物 sparingly

ad. economically; frugally 节约地 sequence

n. succession; connected line of events, ideas, etc. 顺序;连续;一连串 relevant

a. connected with what is being discussed; appropriate 有关的;适宜的 phrase n. 短语


n. (often pl.) a piece of blank paper stuck inside the cover at the beginning or end of a book 衬页 index n. 索引 fancy

a. not ordinary; brightly coloured 别致的;花哨的 bookplate

n. a piece of paper with the owner's name, usu. pasted to the inside front cover of a book藏书票 integrate

vt. put or bring together (parts) into a whole 使成一整体 structure n. way in which sth. is put together, organized, etc.; framework or essential parts of a building 结构 basic

a. essential; fundamental 主要的;基本的 unity

m. an arrangement of parts to form a complete whole; the state of being united 总体布局;统一

Phrases & Expressions read between the lines

(fig.) find more meaning than the words appear to express 体会字里行间的言外之意 do(sb.) good

help or benefit (sb.) 帮助(某人);对(某人)有益 dip into

read or study for a short time or without much attention 浏览;稍加探究 no more……than……

in no greater degree……than…… a set of

a number of (thing that belong together) 一套 so to speak/ say

(used as an apology for an unusual use of a word or phrase) as one might say; if I may use this expression, etc. 可以说;容许我打个譬喻

get in the way

become a nuisance or hindrance 挡道;碍事 in the second place

as the second thing in order or importance 第二,其次 think through

think about until one reaches an understanding or conclusion 彻底全面考虑 reach for

stretch out one's hand to grasp; make an effort to grasp 伸手去抓;努力争取 set down

write down on paper pick up

start again after interruption 中断后重新开始 leave off stop

consist in

lie in; be equivalent to 在于;存在于 tie up

connect closely; fasten with rope, etc. 系紧;捆牢 reduce……to

state in a more concise form; summarize as 把……归纳为

Proper Names

Rembrandt 伦勃朗(姓氏) Dewey 杜威(姓氏) Vallee 瓦利(姓氏) Hutchins 哈钦斯

Chicago 芝加哥(美国城市)

Unit 7 Text

A young man finds it very difficult to say no to a woman as a result he gets into trouble. The restaurant to which he has agreed to take his luncheon date is far too expensive for his small pocketbook. How, then, will he be able to avoid the embarrassing situation?一个年轻人发觉很难拒绝一位女士,他因此陷入了困境。他同意进行午餐聚




W.Somerset Maugham

I caught sight of her at the play, and in answer to her beckoning I went over during the interval and sat down beside her. 我是在看戏的时候见到她的。幕间休息时,我应她的招


It was long since I had last seen her, and if someone had not mentioned her name I hardly think I would have recognised her. She addressed me brightly. 我上次见到


\"Well, it's many years since we first met. How time does fly! We're none of us getting any younger. Do you remember the first time I saw you? You asked me to luncheon.\"

“瞧,自从我们初次相见已经好多年了。真是光阴似箭啊!我俩都不年轻啦。你还记得我初次见到你吗 你请我吃的午餐。”

Did I remember? 我能不记得吗?

It was twenty years ago and I was living in Paris. I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarter overlooking a cemetery, and I was earning barely enough money to keep body and soul together. 那是20年前的事了,当时我住在巴黎。我在拉丁区租了一套小小的公寓,


She had read a book of mine and had written to me about it. I answered, thanking her, and presently I received from her another letter saying that she was passing through Paris and would like to have a chat with me; but her time was limited, and the only free moment she had was on the following Thursday; she was spending the morning at the Luxembourg and would I give her a little luncheon at Foyot's afterwards?


Foyot's is a restaurant at which the French senators eat, and it was so far beyond my means that I had never even thought of going there. But I was flattered, and I was too young to have learned to say no to a woman. (Few men, I may add, learn this until they are too old to make it of any consequence to a woman what they say.) 福


I had eight francs (gold francs) to last me the rest of the month, and a modest luncheon should not cost more than fifteen. If I cut out coffee for the next two weeks I could manage well enough.我当月的生活费还有 80法郎 (金法郎),一顿便餐花不了15


I answered that I would meet my friend -- by correspondence -- at Foyot's on Thursday at half past twelve. She was not so young as I expected and in appearance imposing rather than attractive, she was, in fact, a woman of forty (a charming age, but not one that excites a sudden and devastating passion at first sight), and she gave me the impression of having more teeth, white and large and even, than were necessary for any practical purpose. 我回信说,我将于下星期四十二点半在福伊约餐厅会见我的朋友。她

并不如我想象的那么年轻。她的外表与其说美貌动人,毋宁说丰腴魁伟,气概非凡。事实上,她已有40岁了 (这是一个有魅力的年龄,但不是初次相见就能令你激情迸发、神魂颠倒的那种年纪),长着一口洁白整齐的大牙齿,给我的印象是,其数目之多已超过了实际需要。

She was talkative, but since she seemed inclined to talk about me I was prepared to be an attentive listener. 她很健谈,不过因为她想谈的话题似乎总是关于我的事,所以我便洗耳恭听。

I was startled when the bill of fare was brought, for the prices were a great deal higher than I had anticipated. But she reassured me. 菜单拿来时,我大吃一惊。价格比我预料的要高出许多。但她的话使我宽了心。

\"I never eat anything for luncheon,\" She said. “我午餐从不吃什么东西,”她说。 \"Oh, don't say that!\" I answered generously. “哦,可别这么说!”我慷慨地回答。

\"I never eat more than one thing. I think people eat far too much nowadays. A little fish, perhaps. I wonder if they have any salmon. “我从来只吃一道菜。我认为现在人们吃得太多。或许来点鱼还行。我不知道他们有鲑鱼没有。” Well, it was early in the year for salmon and it was not on the bill of fare, but I asked the waiter if there was any. Yes, a beautiful salmon had just come in, it was the first they had had. I ordered it for my guest. The waiter asked her if she would have something while it was being cooked. 啊,吃鲑鱼的季节还没有到,菜单上也没


\"No,\" she answered, \"I never eat more than one thing. Unless you have a little caviare. I never mind caviare.\" “不要,”她回答说,“我向来只吃一道菜,除非你有鱼子酱。鱼子酱我是从不拒绝的。” My heart sank a little. I knew I could not afford caviare, but I could not very well tell her that. I told the waiter by all means to bring caviare. For myself I chose the cheapest dish on the menu and that was a mutton chop. 我的心微微一沉。我知道我


\" I think you are unwise to eat meat,\" she said. \" I don't know how you can expect to work after eating heavy things like chops. I don't believe in overloading my stomach.\" “我看你吃肉是不明智的,”她说。“我不知道你吃了羊排这种油腻的东西后还怎么工作。我不赞成把肚子撑得太饱。” Then came the question of drink. 接着而来的是饮料问题。

\"I never drink anything for luncheon,\" she said. “我午餐从不喝饮料,”她说。 \"Neither do I,\" I answered promptly. “我也是如此,”我马上答道。

\"Except whiter wine,\" she proceeded as though I had not spoken. \"These French white wines are so light. They're wonderful for the digestion.\" “但白葡萄酒例外,”她接着说,就好像我刚才没说似的。“法国的白葡萄酒非常清淡,十分有助消化。” \"What would you like?\" I asked, hospitable still, but not exactly effusive. “你想喝点什么”我依然客气地问道,但算不上热情。

She gave me a bright and amicable flash of her white teeth. 她嫣然一笑,露出一口白牙。

\"My doctor won't let me drink anything but champagne.\" “我的医生只让我喝香槟。” I fancy I turned a trifle pale. I ordered half a bottle. I mentioned casually that my doctor had absolutely forbidden me to drink champagne. 我猜想我的脸色一定有点发白了。我要了半瓶,顺便提及我的医生绝对禁止我喝香槟酒。 \"What are you going to drink, then?\" “那你喝什么呢” \"Water.\" “水。”

She ate the caviare and she ate the salmon. She talked gaily of art and literature and music. But I wondered what the bill would come to. When my mutton chop arrived she took me quite seriously to task. 她吃了鱼子酱,又吃鲑鱼。她兴高采烈,大谈艺术、文学、音乐。但我心里却在嘀咕,不知这顿饭要 花多少钱。当我的羊排上来时,她一本正经地教训起我来。 \"I see that you're in the habit of eating a heavy luncheon. I'm sure it's a mistake. Why don't you follow my example and just eat one thing? I'm sure you'd feel ever so much better for it.\" “我看你习惯中午吃得很多。我肯定这样不好,你为什么不效法我的样子,只吃一道菜呢我相信那样 你会感觉好得多。” \"I am only going to eat one thing.\" I said, as the waiter came again with the bill of fare. “我是打算只吃这一道菜,”我说。这时侍者又拿着菜单走了过来。

She waved him aside with an airy gesture. 她轻轻地一挥手,让他走开。

\"No, no, I never eat anything for luncheon. Just a bite, I never want more than that, and I eat that more as an excuse for conversation than anything else. “我可不这


I couldn't possibly eat anything more unless they had some of those giant asparagus. I should be sorry to leave Paris without having some of them.\" 我可不能再吃什么东西了,除非他们有那种大芦笋。到了巴黎,不吃点芦笋,那就太遗憾了。” My heart sank. I had seen them in the shops, and I knew that they were horribly expensive. My mouth had often watered at the sight of them. 我的心一沉。我曾在店里见过芦笋,我知道它贵得可怕。过去我每见芦笋,常常馋涎欲滴。

\"Madame wants to know if you have any of those giant asparagus,\" I asked the waiter. “夫人想知道你们有没有那种大芦笋,”我问侍者。 I tried with all my might too will him to say no. A happy smile spread over his broad, pries-like face, and he assured me that they had some so large, so splendid, so tender, that it was a marvel. 我竭尽全力想使他说没有。他那张宽阔的教士般虔诚的脸上展露出愉快的笑容,他用肯定的语气对我说,他们有又大、又好、又嫩的芦笋,简直是罕见的珍品。

\"I'm not in the least hungry,\" my guest sighed, \"but if you insist I don't mind having some asparagus.\" “我一点也不饿,”我的客人叹道,“不过如果你执意要请我吃,我也不反对吃点芦笋。” I ordered them. 我便点了这道菜。

\"Aren't you going to have any?\" “你不吃点吗” \"No, I never eat asparagus.\" “不,我从不吃芦笋。”

\"I know there are people who don't like them. The fact is, you ruin your taste by all the meat you eat.\" “我知道有人不喜欢芦笋。事实是,你吃肉太多,伤了胃口。”

We waited for the asparagus to be cooked. Panic seized me. It was not a question now how much money I should have left over for the rest of the month, but whether I had enough to pay the bill. 我们等着芦笋烹制好送上来。我突然惊恐起来。现在的问题已不是我还能剩下几个钱来维持这个月的生计了,而是我的钱够不够付账。

It would be embarrassing to find myself ten francs short and be obliged to borrow from my guest. I could not bring myself to do that. I knew exactly how much I had, and if the bill came to more I made up my mind that I would put my hand in my pocket and with a dramatic cry start up and say it had been picked. 要是我差十法郎,不得不



Of course, it would be awkward if she had not money enough either to pay the bill. Then the only thing would be to leave my watch and say I would come back and pay later.当然,如果她的钱也不够付账的话,那就尴尬了。那样,唯一的办法就是将我的手表留下,言明以


The asparagus appeared. They were enormous, juicy, and appetising. I watched the wicked woman thrust them down her throat in large mouthfuls, and in my polite way I spoke about the condition of the drama in the Balkans. At last the finished. 芦


\"Coffee?\" I said. “喝点咖啡”我说。

\"Yes, just an ice-cream and coffee,\" she answered. “好,就来一客冰淇淋和咖啡吧,”她回答说。

I was past caring now, so I ordered coffee for myself and an ice-cream and coffee for her. 到这时,我什么也不在乎了,为自己叫了咖啡,为她叫了一客冰淇淋和咖啡。

\"You know, there's one thing I thoroughly believe in,\" she said, as she ate the ice-cream. \"One should always get up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more.\"


\"Are you still hungry?\" I asked faintly. “你还饿吗?”我有气无力地问道。

\"Oh, no, I'm not hungry; you see, I don't eat luncheon. I have a cup of coffee in the morning and then dinner, but I never eat more than one thing for luncheon. I was speaking for you.\" “噢,不,我不饿。你知道,我不吃午餐。我早晨一杯咖啡,然后到晚上用餐,但我午餐向来最多只吃一道菜。适才我这样说是为了你啊。” \"Oh, I see!\" “哦,我明白啦!” Then a terrible thing happened. While we were waiting for the coffee the head waiter, with an ingratiating smile on his false face, came up to us bearing a large basket full of huge peaches. They had the blush of an innocent girl; they had the rich tone of an Italian landscape. 接着,发生了一件可怕的事情。当我们在等咖啡的时候,那个领班侍者,


But surely peaches were not in season then? Lord knew what they cost. I knew too -- a little later, for my guest, going on with her conversation, absentmindedly took one. 当时桃子肯定还没有到上市季节,只有上帝晓得买它们得花多少价钱。不过很快我也晓得了,因为我的客人一边说着话,一边心不在焉地拿了一只。

\"You see, you've filled your stomach with a lot of meat\" -- my one miserable little chop -- \"and you can't eat any more. But I've just had a snack and I shall enjoy a peach.\" “你看,你已经塞了一肚子肉,”--她是指我那可怜的一小块羊排 --“不能再吃什么了。而我只不过来了点小吃,我还可以再品尝一只桃子。” The bill came, and when I paid it I found that I had only enough for a quite inadequate tip. 账单来了。付过账后,我发现剩下的钱连付点像样的小费都不够了。

Her eyes rested for an instant on the three francs I left for the waiter, and I knew that she thought me mean. But when I walked out of the restaurant I had the whole month before me and not a penny in my pocket. 她的目光在我留给侍者的三个法郎上停了一


\"Follow my example,\" she said as we shook hands, \"and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.\" “你学学我,”她边握手边说道,“午餐顶多只吃一道菜。”

\"I'll do better than that,\" I retorted. \"I'll eat nothing for dinner tonight.\" “我会做得更好,”我回敬道,“我今晚什么也不吃了。” \"Humorist!\" she cried gaily, jumping into a cab. \"You're quite a humorist!\" “幽默家!”她得意洋洋地大声说着,跳上了一辆马车。“你是个十足的幽默家!” But I have had my revenge at last. I do not believe that I am a vindictive man, but when the immortal gods take a hand in matter it is pardonable to observe the result with complacency. Today she weighs twenty-one stone. 但是我终于报了仇。我自认不是一


New Words luncheon

n.& vi. (formal word for) lunch beckon

vt. signal to (sb.) by a motion of the hand or head 向……招手或点头示意 apartment

n. a single room; (AmE) flat or a set of rooms 房间;(美)一套公寓住房 Latin

a. 拉丁的 n. 拉丁文 quarter

n. division of a town, esp. one of a special class of people (都市的)区,街 overlook

vt. have a view of from above; fail to see or notice 俯视;忽略 presently

ad. soon; (AmE) at the present time 不久;(美)目前 chat

n., vi. (have) a friendly informal conversation 闲谈,聊天 senator

n. a member of a senate 参议员,上议员 means

n. money, income, or wealth, esp. large enough to afford all one needs 财富,资产


n. the unit of money in France, Belgium. Switzerland, and some other countries 法郎


a. not large in quantity, size, value, etc. 不太大的;适度的 imposing

a. impressive because of size, appearance, or dignity 仪表堂堂的;宏伟的 attractive

a. having the power to attract; pleasing 吸引人的;有魅力的 charming

a. very pleasing; fascinating 有魅力的 devastating

a. destructive; causing ruin; sweeping everything before it 毁灭性的;压倒一切的


n. strong feeling or enthusiasm, esp. of love or anger 激情 impression n. 印象


a. having the habit of talking a great deal; fond of talking 好说话的;健谈的 inclined

a. likely; tending(to); encouraged 有……倾向的 attentive

a. listening carefully; doing acts to satisfy the needs of another 专注的;体贴的,殷勤的 startle

vt. give a shock of surprise to; cause to move of jump 使吃惊,使惊跳 fare

n. food, esp. as provided at a meal 食物 bill of fare

a list of dishes; menu 菜单 reassure

vt. set a person's mind at rest 使安心 generously

ad. with readiness to give money, help, kindness, etc. 慷慨地,大方地


a. 慷慨的,大方的 nowadays

ad. at the present time, now salmon n. 鲑鱼 menu

n. a list of courses at a meal or of dishes that can be served in a restaurant 菜单


n. meat from a fully grown sheep 羊肉 chop

n. a small piece of meat with bone in it (连骨的)块肉 overload

vt. put too large a load on or in; overburden 使过载消化 digestion n. 消化


a. generous in the treatment of a guest 好客的 effusive

a. (of feelings, signs of pleasure, gratitude, etc.) pouring out too freely; too demonstrative or emotional 热情洋溢的;感情(过多)流露的 amicable

a. friendly; peaceful flash

n. a sudden, quick bright light; a sudden display 闪烁;闪现 champagne n. 香槟洒 fancy

vt. suppose, imagine trifle

n. a thing, event, etc. of little value or importance 琐事 forbid (forbade or forbad, forbidden)

vt. command(sb.) not to do sth.; refuse to allow (sb.) to have, use, enter etc.禁止


ad. in a happy and joyous manner literature n. 文学(作品) airy

a. light-hearted; affected 轻盈的;做作的 bite

n. piece cut off by biting asparagus

n. (sing. or pl.) 芦笋 water

vi. (of the eyes or mouth) fill with watery liquid, esp. tears or saliva Madame

n. use as a title of respect for a woman (esp. a foreign married woman)夫人 might

n. power, strength, force will

vt. influence or compel, by exercising the power of the mind 以意志力使 assure

vt. tell firmly and with confidence esp. with the aim of removing doubt 保证;使确信


a. delicate; not hard or difficult to bit through 柔弱的;柔嫩的 marvel

n. a wonderful thing. sth. causing great surprise sigh

vi. let out a deep breath slowly and with a sound (indicating sadness, tiredness, relief, etc.)叹气 ruin

vt. destroy or spoil (completely) 毁灭 n. a condition of destruction and decay panic

n. sudden, uncontrollable terror or anxiety 恐慌 oblige

vt. compel; require, bind (sb.) by a promise, oath, etc. 强迫,使不得不 dramatic

a. of drama; sudden or exciting, like an event in a stage play pick vt. steal juicy

a. having a lot of juice 多液汁的 appetising

a. arousing or exciting the desire for food 引起食欲的,美味可口的 wicked

a. very bad, evil 邪恶的 thrust

vt. push suddenly or violently; make a forward stoke with a sword, knife, etc. 猛推;刺,戳 throat n. 咽喉 mouthful

n. as much (food or drink) as fills the mouth drama

n. a play for the theatre, radio or TV; composition, presentation and performance of such plays 戏剧 head waiter

n. a man in charge of the waiters in a restaurant hotel, or dining car ingratiating

a. making oneself very pleasant to sb. in order to gain favour 讨好的,奉承的 peach n. 桃子 blush

n. reddening of the face, from shame or confusion innocent

a. (of people) simple, not able to recognize evil; not guilty 天真的;无罪的 landscape

n. a wide view of natural scenery; a picture of such a scene 风景;风景画 Lord

n. God 上帝,主 snack

n. a small, usu. hurriedly eaten meal 小吃


n. a moment of time mean

a. ungenerous; unkind 吝啬的;刻薄的 retort

vt. make a quick, angry and often amusing answer 反驳 humorist

n. a person who makes jokes in speech or writing humor n. 幽默 cab

n. a carriage for public hire; taxi revenge

n. 报仇,报复 vt. 替……报仇 vindictive

a. unforgiving; having or showing a desire for revenge immortal

a. living for ever 不朽的 pardonable

a. that can be forgiven complacency

n. self-satisfaction 自鸣得意 stone

n. the British unit of weight equal to 14 pounds (6.35 kilos)

Phrase & Expressions catch sight of

see suddenly or unexpectedly in answer to in response to

keep body and soul together

remain alive, esp. by earning enough money to feed oneself 勉强维持生活 pass through

go through; experience 穿过;经历 be beyond one's means

be more than one can afford 付不起 cut out

leave out 停止使用,戒除 at first sight

when seen for the first time 乍看之下;第一眼就 be inclined to

be likely to; tend to 易于……的;倾向于,想 come in

become seasonable or available 上市;有供应

can/could not very well

can/could not reasonably 不好 by all means

certainly; at all costs 一定;务必 a trifle

somewhat, a little come to amount to 总计

take (sb.) to task

criticize (sb.)申斥(某)人 be in the habit of have the habit of 习惯于 (not) in the least 丝毫

Leave over

leave as remainder (the best part having being consumed )留下,剩下 bring oneself to

make oneself (do); force oneself to 强迫自己 make up one's mind

choose what to do; decide 决定 start up

make a sudden movement due to surprise, alarm, pain, etc. 惊动,惊起 speak for

make a request for; speak on behalf of 要求得到;为……说话,为……辩护 in season

available, fresh for use as food 正在当令之时 go on with continue doing

take/have a hand in

be partly responsible for; share (an activity) 参加,介入

Proper Names Paris 巴黎(法国首都)

the Luxemb(o)urg 卢森堡宫(巴黎) Foyot 福伊约(巴黎一餐馆)

the Balkans 巴尔干半岛各国;巴尔干山脉 Lord God; Jesus Christ

Unit 8 Text

Would you choose to live underground if you could gain many advantages from doing so? Weather would no longer trouble you. Temperature would remain the same all the

year round. Artificial lighting could make the rhythm of our life uniform everywhere. And the ecology of the natural world above ground would be greatly improved. Still, the prospect of moving underground may not be appealing to many people.如果你能从




Isaac Asimov

During the ice ages, human beings exposed to the colder temperatures of the time would often make their homes in caves. There they found greater comfort and security than they would have in the open. 在冰河时代,人类当时面临较为寒冷的气温,常常在洞穴里安家。他们发现在洞里生活要比在野外更舒适,更安全。

We still live in caves called houses, again for comfort and security. Virtually no one would willingly sleep on the ground under the stars. Is it possible that someday we may seek to add further to our comfort and security by building our houses underground -- in new, manmade caves? 我们现今仍然住在被称作房子的洞穴里,目的还是为了


It may not seem a palatable suggestion, at first thought. We have so many evil associations with the underground. In our myths and legends, the underground is the realm of evil spirits and of the dead, and is often the location of an afterlife of torment. 乍一想来,这一建议似乎并不可取。说起地下,我们会产生许许多多不愉快的联想。在神

话和传说里, 地下是魔鬼和亡灵的世界,它常常是人们死后遭受折磨的地方。

(This may be because dead bodies are buried underground, and because volcanic eruptions make the underground appear to be a hellish place of fire and noxious gases.)

(这可能因为尸体总是埋在地下的缘故,而 火山爆发又给人们一种印象,似乎地下充满着火与毒气,如同地狱一般。)

Yet there are advantages to underground life, too, and something to be said for imagining whole cities, even mankind generally, moving downward; of having the outermost mile of the Earth's crust honeycombed with passages and structures, like a gigantic ant hill. 然而生活在地下也有其有利之处,设想将整座城市,乃至全人类搬入地下是有

一定的道理的。如果将 地壳最表层一英里厚的地方筑满通道和建筑物,就像一个巨大的蚁冢,这会给人类带来各种好处。

First, weather would no longer be important, since, it is primarily a phenomenon of the atmosphere. Rain, snow, sleet, fog would not trouble the underground world. Even temperature variations are limited to the open surface and would not exist underground. Whether day or night, summer or winter, temperatures in the underground world remain equable and nearly constant. 首先,气候将变得无关紧要,因为它主要是大气层

的一种现象。雨、雪、霰、雾将不会给地下世界带来麻烦。甚至气温的变化也局限于露天地表,而在地下则不存在这种变化。不论白天黑夜,炎夏寒冬,地下世界的温度将保持平稳,近乎恒温。The vast amounts

of energy now expended in warming our surface surroundings when they are too cold, and cooling them when they are too warm, could be saved. The damage done to manmade structures and to human beings by weather would be gone. Transportation over long

distances would be simplified. (Earthquakes would remain a danger, of course.) 如


Second, local time would no longer be important. On the surface, the tyranny of day and night cannot be avoided, and when it is morning in one place, it is noon in another, evening in still another and midnight in yet another. The rhythm of human life therefore varies from place to place. 其次,地方时间将无关紧要。地球表面昼夜分明,谁也


Underground, where there is no externally produced day, but only perpetual darkness, it would be arificial lighting that produces the day and this could be adjusted to suit man's convenience.在地下,没有外界生成的白天,而只有永恒的 黑暗,人工照明形成白昼,


The whole world could be on eight-hour shifts, starting and ending on the stroke everywhere, at least as far as business and community endeavors were concerned. This could be important in a freely mobile world. 整个世界都可以实行八小时轮班制,各地都可


Air transportation over long distances would no longer have entail \"jet lag.\" Individuals landing on another coast or another continent would find the society they reached geared to the same time of day as at home.乘飞机长途旅行将不会再引起“时

差反应”。抵达大 洋彼岸或另一片大陆的人会发现他们所到的那个社会与自己家乡一样都是按照同一时间运行的。

Third, the ecological structure could be stabilized. To a certain extent, mankind encumbers the Earth. It is not only his enormous numbers that take up room; more so, it is all the structures he builds to house himself and his machines, to make possible his transportation and communication, to offer him rest and recreation.


All these things distort the wild, depriving many species of plants and animals of their natural habitat -- and sometimes, involuntarily, favoring a few, such as rats and roaches. 这一切致使荒野面目全非,剥夺了许多种动植物栖息、生长的天然场所--有时候,无意中


If the works of man were removed below ground -- and, mind you, below the level of the natural world of the burrowing animals -- man would still occupy the surface with his farms, his forestry, his observation towers, his air terminals and so on, but the extent of that occupation would be enormously decreased. 如果人类的建筑物


Indeed, as one imagines the underground world to become increasingly elaborate, one can visualize much of the food supply eventually deriving from hydroponic growth in artificially illuminated areas underground. The Earth's surface might be increasingly turned over to park and to wilderness, maintained at ecological stability. 的确,可以想见随着地下世界变得越来越精巧复杂,大部分食物将最终来自地下人工照明地


Fourth, nature would be closer. It might seem that to withdraw underground is to withdraw from the natural world, but would that be so? 第四,人们与自然界的距离将会


Would the withdrawal be more complete than it is now, when so many people work in city buildings that are often windowless and artificially conditioned? Even where there are windows, what is the prospect one views (if one bothers to) but sun, sky, and buildings to the horizon -- plus some limited greenery? 现今,这么多人在城市的

建筑物内工作,那里常常没有窗户,而靠人工调节一切。即便有窗户,你又能看到什么呢(如果你肯费心看一看的话)无非是太阳,天空,以及一直伸展到天边的建筑物--外加一点有限的 绿色草木而已。

And to get away from the city now? To reach the real countryside? One must travel horizontally for miles, first across city pavements and then across suburban sprawls.

搬到地下以后,与自然界隔绝的情况还会胜过于此吗 现在你想离开城市吗?到真正的乡村去吗?你必须旅行数英里,先得走过城市的街道,然后还得走过郊区杂乱无章的建筑群。

In an underworld culture, the countryside would be right there, a few hundred yards above the upper level of the cities -- wherever you are. The surface would have to be protected from too frequent, or too intense, or too careless visiting, but however carefully restricted the upward trips might be, the chances are that the dwellers of the new caves would see more greenery, under ecologically healthier conditions, than dwellers of surface cities to today. 在地下世界文化中,乡村就在城市上面几百码远的


However odd and repulsive underground living may seem at first thought, there are tings to be said for it -- and I haven't even said them all. 尽管地下生活乍想起来多


New Words virtually ad. almost someday

ad. at some uncertain future time 有朝一日 underground

a. below the surface of the earth; secret 地下的;秘密的 ad. under the earth's surface; secretly manmade

a. produced by people; not existing in nature palatable

a. agreeable to the taster or (fig.) to the mind; acceptable 可口的;受欢迎的 association

n. an idea or object connected with another idea in thought 联想 legend

n. an old story handed down from the past, esp. one of doubtful truth 传说;传奇

spirit jn. 神灵;鬼怪 location

n. a place or position 场所,位置 afterlife

n. the life after death as is believed by some people 来世 torment

n. sever pain or suffering in mind or body 痛苦;折磨 volcanic

a. of, like, produced or caused by a volcano eruption

n. outbreak of a volcano; (an example of) the action of erupting (火山)爆发 hellish

a. like hell, horrible, devilish noxious

harmful to people, plants, or animals 有害的,有毒的 mankind

n. the human race 人类 downward

ad. towards a lower level or position outermost

a. farthest from the inside or center crust n. 地壳


vt. fill with holes, tunnels, etc. 使成蜂窝状 gigantic

a. huge, enormous; of or like a giant 巨大的,庞大的 ant n. 蚂蚁 fog

n. very thick mist variation

n. the action of varying; an example or degree of varying 变化 equable

a. steady; not changing much 稳定的 constant

a. unchanging; fixed 永桓的 simplify

vt. make simple; make easy to do or understand earthquake

n. sudden and violent movements of the earth's surface 地震 tyranny

n. the cruel or unjust use of power to rule a person or country 专制


v. (cause to) the different 变化 variable

a. likely to vary; not steady 易变的

n. sth. which can vary in quantity or size 变量 externally ad. outside

external a.外部的


a. not natural or real; manmade adjust

vt. set right; change slightly, esp. in order to make suitable for a particular job or new conditions 调整;调节 convenience

n. personal comfort or advantage; the quality of being convenient 便利,方便

convenient a.便利的 方便的 stoke

n. sound made by a bell striking the hours 钟鸣声 community

n. the people living in a particular area considered as a whole; the area itself 社区(居民) endeavo(u)r

n. effort, attempt 努力 vt. 试图 mobile

a. movable; able to move, or be moved, quickly and easily 活动的 entail

vt. make (an event or action) necessary 使成为必需 jet

n. a narrow stream or streams of liquid, gas, etc. coming forcefully out of a small hole; any aircraft that is pushed through the air by a jet engine 喷射;喷气式飞机


n. falling behind; interval between two related events, processes, etc. 滞后;(事件等的)间隔 jet lag

(长时间乘飞机旅行后产生的)时差反应 coast

n. the land on or close to the edge of the sea 海岸;海滨 gear

vt. adjust, adapt,; connect by gears n. 齿轮;(汽车等的)排档 stabilize

v. (cause to) become firm, steady, or unchanging; (cause to) keep in balance 使

稳定;使平衡 extent

n. degree; length; area; range 程度,范围 encumber

vt. crowd, fill up; hinder, hamper the function of 塞满,妨碍 recreation

n. play or amusement 娱乐 deprive

vt. take away from; prevent from using or enjoying 剥夺 species n. 物种 habitat

n. natural home of a plant or an animal 产地;栖息 involuntarily

ad. carried out without one's conscious wishes, unintentionally 不自觉地;无意识地

rat n. 鼠 roach n. 蟑螂 burrow v. dig a hole in the ground 打(地洞)n. a hole made in the ground (by foxes, rabbits, etc.)


n. forest land; science of planting and caring for forests 林地;林学 terminal

n. a place or set of buildings for the use of passengers 终点站 air terminal

n. a building at an airport for boarding and discharging passengers from aircraft; a bus station in center of a town for passengers going to or arriving from an airport 航空终点站;航空集散站 occupation

n. the act of occupying or the state or period of being occupied elaborate

a. worked out with great care; complicated 精心制作的;复杂的 visualize

vt. form a picture of (sb. or sth.) in the mind; imagine 想像 visual

a. of or gained by seeing 视觉的 derive

vi. come (from); originate 来(自),起源(于)vt. get hydroponic

a. 溶液培养(学)的;水栽法的 illuminate

vt. give light to; throw light on 照亮,照明 wilderness

n. wild uncultivated waste land 荒野 stability

n. the quality or state of being stable 稳定(性) withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn)

v. move back or away; take out or away 撤退,撤回 withdrawal

n. withdrawing or being withdrawn condition

vt. bring into a desired state or condition 使处于良好状态 greenery

n. green leaves or plants 草木 countryside

n. land outside the cities and towns; country area 农村 horizontally ad. 水平地

horizontal a.水平的 pavement

n. (BrE) a paved surface or path a street for people to walk on, (AmE) the paved surface of a street (英)人行道, (美)铺过的道路 suburban

a. of or in a suburb 郊区的 sprawl

n. a widespread untidy area, esp. of buildings 散乱的街区 underworld

n. a region underground culture

n. ideas, customs and art shared by a particular society; a particular society or civilization文化;文明 intense

a. (of qualities) high in degree 强烈的 restrict

vt. keep within limits 限制 dweller

n. a person or animal that lives (in the stated place); inhabitant 居住者 repulsive

a. very unpleasant; causing strong dislike and fear 令人厌恶的

Phrases & Expressions expose to

leave no longer covered or protected 使暴露在 in the open

在户外,在野外 add to increase 增加 on the stoke

at exactly the time stated or agree upon 准点地 at first thought

when considered for the first 乍一想 to a certain extent

partly, to a certain degree 在一定程度上 take up

occupy (space, time, etc.) 占据 deprive of

take away from; prevent from using or having 剥夺 mind you

(used as an interj.) please note, take this fact into account 听着;请注意 derive from

come from; obtain from 来自,起源于;从……得到 turn over

give (to sb.) for use or care 移交;交给 get away from

succeed in leaving; escape 离开;逃脱

Unit 9 Text

In 1976, during America's bicetennial celebration, a family decided to travel to the American West instead of joining the majority of people that were celebrating on the East Coast. They wanted to follow the trails that the pioneers had made when they began to settle the West. The family was looking forward to making their own discoveries. 1976年,在美国两百世纪庆典期间,一个家庭决定到美国西部去旅行,而不加入在东海




Jim Doherty

We began our trip out West on June 19, 1976, a time when millions of other American families were preparing to crowd into the Bicentennial shrines of the East. 1976


We sized up America's 200th birthday celebration a bit differently. Although the Republic may have been born in the East, it had spent most of its time and energies since then moving west. 我们对美国建国两百周年庆典的看法有点与众不同。虽然共和国诞生在东


So we resolved to head in the same direction in 1976, following the old pioneer trails and the famous rivers. Concentrating primarily on Wyoming and Montana, we would

explore such legendary mountain ranges as the Big Horns, the Bitterroots and the Swan. 因此我们决定在1976年也沿着老一代拓荒者的足迹和名川大河向西进发。我们的重点是考察怀俄明和蒙大拿,同时去领略大霍恩、比特鲁特以及斯旺等充满传奇色彩的山脉和风光。

There was one problem though, I was sure our four kids -- educated about the West through the movies -- would be disappointed. As an environmental editor, I knew that strip mining was tearing up many scenic areas and that clear-cutting was causing widespread damage in the mountains. 不过,还有一个问题。我敢肯定我们的四个孩子--他们关


I was well aware that draining and damming were making a mess of many rivers and wetlands. The grasslands were overgrazed and coal-burning power were befouling the air. Wildlife was on the run everywhere and tourists were burning the national parks into slums. 我很清楚,挖沟排水和筑坝拦水正把许多河流和沼泽地搞得一团糟。草原上牧群太多,烧煤的电厂正在污染着空气。野生动物四处奔逃,游客们把国家公园变成贫民窟一般。

I was prepared for the worst. But how to prepare the kids? 我作了最坏的打算,但孩子们怎么办呢?

The answer, we decided, was to undertake our journey not just as tourists on a holiday, but as reporters on the trail of \"the real West.\" 我们的办法是,不把我们的旅行单单当作假日游玩,而是把自己看作记者,踏着山径小道,采访“真正的西部”。 So all of us, from my kids to my wife, pledged to do our homework before we left and to record on the way everything we did, saw, heard, felt or thought. 所以我们


Predictably, we did not uncover any new truths about the West in three short weeks. But there were plenty of surprises on that 5,200-mile journey and the biggest one was this: I had been wrong. 不出所料,在短短的三周中,我们没有发现有关西部的新情况。但在


Some of the troubles we saw were every bit as bad as I had dreaded. But by and large, the country was as glorious, as vast and as overwhelmingly spectacular as those know-nothing kids had expected! 我们见到的某些问题就像我们当初担心的那样。但总的来说,我们的河山光辉、辽阔和令人倾倒!正像那些一无所知的孩子们所期待的那样。

Half the fun of going west is discovering, along the way, how much the past is still with us. Old wives' tales. Little old farm towns shaded from the summer heat by enormous maple trees on streets. 我们向西旅行,一半的乐趣在于边走边看,看看过去的东西还


White-haired folks reading the paper on their farmhouse porches at sunset. Worn-out windmills standing alone in pasture… All in all, we did not see much evidence that small-town America is vanishing as we traveled through rural Wisconsin, Minnesota and South Dakota. 夕阳西下时,白发苍苍的老人们坐在家舍门廊上看报,牧场上破旧的风车孑然而


It's true that many new homes are rising in many old cornfields. But for the most part, life in vast areas of the American heartland remains pretty much the same as

it was 30 and 40 years ago. 诚然,在许多昔日的玉米地里,新的房屋正在耸起。但就大部分地方而言,美国中心地带广大地区的生活与三四十年前相比,差不多依然如旧。

In the hilly farmlands of southern Wisconsin and Minnesota, we found the fields and forests green and the creeks still flowing. The farms, with their \"eggs for sale\" signs and enormous \"grandma's gardens\" in the front yards, looked prosperous and secure. Not much further north, though, a drought was threatening the land. 在威


In South Dakota, the situation was far worse. \"Haven't seen anything like this since the dirty thirties,\" one farmer told us. Even in normal times, most of South Dakota is dry. Now it was being burned to a crisp. 在南达科他州,情况更严重。“自糟糕的30年


The water holes were dried up and we saw dead cattle lying here and there on the treeless, rolling range. Some farmers were hauling water out to their thirsty stock daily; others were trying to drill deep wells.水坑干涸了,我们到处看到死去的牲口在那


We saw two distinctly different Wyomings. We crossed the first Wyoming between the Black Hills and the Big Horns. Wide-open grassland, fenced and colorless, with red rocks and sweet-smelling shrubs scattered about, it was typical of a hard-used land.


Cattle grazed on it. Oil rigs pumped on it and power lines zigzagged all over it. Freight trains labored across it, hauling coal from strip mine to power plant, hauling uranium and other minerals to refineries. This Wyoming, clearly, was booming.


The other Wyoming started some miles east of Buffalo, an unexpectedly graceful community in the foothills of the Big Horns.从布法罗以东数英里开始,就是另一个怀俄明了。这是大霍恩山脉丘陵地带的一个异常优美的地区。

On one side of town, antelope abounded by fours and fives in the hills, and yellow wild flowers lined the roads. On the other side rose the Big Horns and nearly 10,000 feet up, Powder River Pass cut through them.位于小镇一边的山坡上,三五成群的羚羊到处


The Big Horn canons were incredible, with four and five distinct layers of pine trees somehow clinging to the steep, rocky walls. Far, far below, Ten Sleep Creek was a thin, white torrent on the rampage.大霍恩峡谷简直令人不可思议。陡峭古壁上长着松树,有四


In some of the less wild terrain, we saw deer on the high green hillsides and, as

we climbed up toward our picnic spot, we flushed two does and two fawns. That night, we fell asleep with the roar of Ten Sleep in our ears. 在一些不那么荒凉的地方,我们


We had picked by chance for our stopping place an area rich in western lore. At one time, Ten Sleep -- a small village at the western base of the Big Horns -- lay midway between two great Indian camps. 碰巧的是,我们选择的停歇处是一个富于西部传说的地区。位于大霍恩西部山脚的小村子十眠镇。曾经是两个大的印第安人营地之间的中间点。

In those days, the Indians measured distances by the number of sleeps and the halfway mark between those two camps was exactly ten sleeps.那时候,印第安人以睡眠的次数计量


We crossed the Continental Divide for the first time on a cool morning, cutting through the Rockies in northwestern Wyoming at a place called Togwatee Pass (at a height of 9,656 feet). 在一个凉爽的早晨,我们第一次越过大陆分水岭,在怀俄明西北部一个叫做


Our van had just leveled off and we were rounding a downhill bend when, all at once, there they were, stretched out before us in a spectacular procession of massive white peaks: the Tetons. My wife gasped and, behind us, the kids began to yell. In truth, it was a startling sight-- a sight none of us will ever forget. 当我们的车子刚刚进


We had seen mountains before, but we had never experienced anything even remotely like that initial impact of the Tetons. It was exactly what we had in mind when we decided to take our first trip \"out West.\" 我们过去也曾见过大山,却从未体验过初见提腾


New Words bicentennial

a. happening once in 200 years; of a 200th anniversary n. 200th anniversary shrine

n. a building or place associated with sth. or sb. deeply respected 神殿,圣地 resolve

vt. make up one's mind (to do sth); decide 决心;决定 trail

n. a path across rough country made by the passing of people or animals 小径,小道


a. of, like or told in a legend 传奇(似)的 mountain range

a row of connected mountains 山脉 disappointed

a. sad at not getting what was hoped for 失望的


a. having to do with environment 环境的

environment n. 环境 editor n. 编辑

strip mine

n. a mine which is operated from the surface by removing the overlying layers of earth 露天矿

vt. take (a mineral or ore) from a strip mine 露天开采(矿物) scenic

a. of or having to do with natural scenery 天然风景的 clear-cut

vt. cut all the trees in (a given area or forest) 将……的树木砍伐光 drain

vt. carry away the surface water of 排(水等) dam

n. a wall or bank built to keep back water 坝,水闸 vt. build a dam across mess

n. staate of confusion, dirt or disorder 混乱、肮脏 wetland

n. land or areas containing much soil moisture; swamp 沼泽地 grassland

n. land covered with grass, esp. wild open land for cattle to feed on 草地;牧场


vt. allow animals to graze to the point of damaging the grass cover 在……上过度放牧

power plant 发电厂 befoul

vt. make dirty 弄脏 wildlife

n. animals and plants which live ad grow in natural conditions 野生动植物 tourist

n. a person making a tour for pleasure 游客 slum

n. (often pl.) street, alley, or building in a crowded, run-down, dirty part of a city or town, where the poorest people live 贫民窟 undertake

vt. take up (a duty, etc.); start on (work) 承担;从事 pledge

vt. make a solemn promise or agreement 发誓,保证 predictably

ad. as one may predict uncover

vt. remove a cover from; find out, discover 揭开……盖子;发现


a. ignorant n. ignoramus无知的人 shade

vt. shelter from direct light or heat 荫蔽 maple

n. 槭树,枫树

folk (AmE folks) n. people worn-out

a. used until no longer fit for use; very tired 破旧的;精疲力尽的 windmill

n. a mill operated by the action of the wind on sails which revolve 风车 pasture

n. grassland for cattle; grass on such land 牧场;牧草 rural

a. of or relating to the country, country people or life, or agriculture 农村的 cornfield

n. (AmE) 玉米田;(BrE)小麦田,谷物田 heartland

n. any area or region that is the center of, or vital to , a country 心脏地带,中心地带 hilly

a. full of hills grandma

n. (informal) grandmother secure

a. safe; having no doubt, fear, or anxiety 安全的 drought

n. a long period of dry weather, when there is not enough water干旱 crisp

a. dry; hard; easily broken 脆的;易碎的 n. something crisp rolling

a. rising and falling in long gentle slopes 绵延起伏的 haul

vt. pull or drag with force 拖曳 stock

vt. farm animals, usu. cattle 牲畜 distinctly ad. clearly graze

v. feed on growing grass (in) 吃(……的)草

rig n. 钻塔 pump

vt. force (water, etc.) out by using a pump 泵 zigzag

vi. go in a zigzag 弯弯曲曲地行走,蜿蜒曲折 n. a line shaped like a row of z's freight

n. the goods carried from place by water or by land 货物 fright train

n. (AmE) goods train uranium n. 铀


n. a building and apparatus for refining sth. (metals, oil, or sugar) 精炼厂,提炼厂 boom

vi. grow rapidly; develop rapidly in population and importance 迅速发展,兴盛 graceful

a. (of shape or movement) pleasing to the eye 优雅的

grace n.优雅 雅致 foothill

n. a low hill at the foot of a mountain 山麓小丘 antelope

n. a deer-like, fast-running animal with thin legs 羚羊 abound

vi. have or exist in great numbers or quantities (物产)丰富 canyon

n. a deep narrow steep-sided valley (usu. with a river flowing through) 峡谷 distinct

a. easily seen, heard, understood; plain; clearly different or separate 明显的;不同的 pine

n. 松树;松木 cling

vi hold tightly; remain close 紧握着;粘着 steep

a. rising or falling sharply or at a large angle 陡峭的 torrent

n. a violently rushing stream of water 激流 rampage

n. excited and violent behavior 横冲直撞,狂暴行径 terrain

n. a stretch of land, esp. when considered in relation to its nature 地带,地


n. the sloping side of a hill 山腰 picnic n. 野餐 roar

n. a deep loud sound as of a lion, or thunder, etc. 吼叫,轰鸣 western

a. of, in, from, characteristic of the west. lore

n. tradition and knowlege, esp. handed down from past times (口头)传说 midway/halfway

a.& ad. in a middle position continental

a. (typical) of a very large mass of land; (AmE) of or in the North American continent 大陆(性)的;北美大陆的 van

n. a covered motor-vehicle for carrying goods and sometimes people 客货两用车 level

v. bring or come into a horizontal plane downhill

a. (sloping or going) towards the bottom of a hill stretch

v. (cause to) become wider or longer; spread out 伸延 procession

n. a line of people, vehicles, etc. moving forward in an orderly way 行列,队伍 massive

a. large, heavy and solid; huge 粗大的,巨大的 gasp

v. struggle for breath with open mouth, esp. because of surprise, chock, etc. 喘息

n. catching of the breath through surprise, pain, etc. yell v. make a loud sharp cry or shout, as of pain, excitement, etc.; say or shout loudly remotely

ad. to a very small degree; far away 很少地,极小地;遥远地


a.遥远的 偏僻的 细微的 initial

a. occurring at the beginning; first 最初的,开始的 impact

n. a strong effect; the striking of one thing against another 影响;冲击

Phrases & Expressions

size up

form an opinion or judgment about 估计;品评 a bit

to some degree; rather 有点儿,相当 tear up

destroy completely by tearing 撕毁,毁掉 make a mess of

disorder, spoil or ruin 把……弄脏;把……弄糟 on the run

running or hurrying from place to place; in flight 奔跑着;奔逃着 do one's homework

make necessary preparations before taking part in an important activity 作必要的准备

by and large

on the whole; in general all in all

(informal) on the whole here and there

scattered about; in various places 零星分散,在各处 burn to a crisp

burn black or dry 烤焦 cut through 穿过,穿透 cling to

keep a firm hold on 紧紧抓住 be/go on the / a rampage

go about in an excited, mad and violent manner 横冲直撞 by chance

unintentionally; by accident 偶然地;意外地 at one time

formerly 从前,曾经 level off/out

move horizontally (after climbing); remain steady (after a rise) (爬高后)水平移动;(上升后)达到平稳 stretch out

extend prolong 延伸,延续 in truth

truly; really 的确 have in mind

be considering, intend 考虑,打算

Proper Names

Wyoming 怀俄明(美国州名) Montana 蒙大拿(美国州名)

the Big Horns 大霍恩山脉(美国山名)

the Bitterroots 比特鲁特山脉(美国山名) the Swan 斯旺山(美国山名) Wisconsin 威斯康星(美国州名) South Dakota 南达科地(美国州名) the Black Hills 布莱克山(美国山名) Buffalo 布法罗(美国城市名)

Powder River 波德河(美国河流名) Ten Sleep Creek 十眠河(美国河流名) the Rockies 洛矶山脉(美国山名) Togwatee Pass 托格瓦堤关(美国地名) the Tetons 提腾山脉(美国山名)

Unit 10 Text

Do you view work as a burden or an opportunity? Are you the kind of person who looks for ways to save your energy or the kind that finds spending your energy satisfying? Why do people like to complain about work? Find the answers to question like these in the following essay.工作对于你来说是负担还是机会?你是哪种尽量节省能量的




Leonard R. Sayles

Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment. 职业和工作在使人得到幸福与满足方面所起的作用比我们大多数人意识到的要多得多。 We're all used to thinking that work provides the material things of life -- the goods and services that make possible our modern civilization. But we are much less conscious of the extent to which work provides the more intangible, but more crucial, psychological well-being that can make the difference between a full and an empty life. 我们都习惯于认为工作为人生提供物质的东西--提供使我们的现代文明成为可能的商品和服务。但


Historically, work has been associated with slavery and sin and punishment. And in our own day在历史上,工作一直与奴役、罪恶和惩罚联系在一起。

we are used to hearing the traditional complaints: \"I can't wait for my vacation,\" \"I wish I could stay home today,\" \"My boss treats me poorly,\" \"I've got too much work to do and not enough time to do it.\" Against this background, it may well come as a surprise to learn that not only psychologists but other behavioral scientists have come to accept the positive contribution of work to the individual's happiness and sense of personal achievement. 现今我们还常常听到那些老一套的怨言:“我巴不得早点放



Work is more than a necessity for most human beings; it is the focus of their lives, the source of their identity and creativity. 对大多数人来说,工作不仅仅是一种必需,它还是人们生活的焦点,是他们的个性和创造性的源泉。

Rather than a punishment or a burden, work is the opportunity to realize one's potential. 工作不是惩罚,也不是负担,工作为个人潜在能力的发挥提供机会。

Many psychiatrists heading mental health clinics have observed its healing effect. A good many patients who feel depressed in clinics gain renewed self-confidence when gainfully employed and lose some, if not all, of their most acute symptoms. 许多

精神病诊所的主治医生观察到工作的治疗作用。许许多多在诊所里显得精神抑郁的病人,一旦受聘从事有一定收益的工作时,便重新获得自信,并失去部分 (如果不是全部的话) 最严重的症状。

Increasingly, institutions dealing with mental health problems are establishing workshops wherein those too sick to get a job in \"outside\" industry can work, while every effort is exerted to arrange \"real\" jobs for those well enough to work outside.


And the reverse is true, too. For large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health. Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the \"What do I do with myself?\" question, even though there may be no financial cares. Large numbers of people regularly get headaches and other illnesses on weekends when they don't have their jobs to go to, and must fend for themselves. 反过来也是一样。对许


It has been observed that unemployment, quite aside from exerting financial pressures, brings enormous psychological troubles and that many individuals deteriorate rapidly when jobless. 人们还观察到,失业除了产生经济压力之外,还造成许多心理上的病痛,很多人一旦失业,身体便迅速恶化。

But why? Why should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction? A good share of the answer rests in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job, by the activity of accomplishing. 这是为什么呢?为什么工作竟然是人们获得满足的如此重要的源泉呢?最主要的答案就在于,工作和通过工作所取得的成就,能激起一种自豪感。

Pride in Accomplishment来自于成功的自豪

The human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind, with his will. Each of us wants to feel he or she has the ability to do something that is meaningful and that serves as a tribute to our inherent abilities. 人们渴求取得成就,渴望有能力用自己的手,用自己的脑,凭自己的意志办成事情。我们每个人都希望自己能够做出有意义、并能显示出自己天赋的事来。

It is easiest to see this in the craftsman who lovingly shapes some cheap material into an object that may be either useful or beautiful or both. You can see the carpenter or bricklayer stand aside and admire the product of his personal skill.


But even where there is no obvious end product that is solely attributable to one

person's skill, researchers have found that employees find pride in accomplishment.


Our own research in hospitals suggests that even the houskeeping and laundry staffs take pride in the fact that in their own ways they are helping to cure sick people -- and thus accomplishing good deal. 我们自己在医院的调查表明,即便勤杂人员和洗衣房的职工,也对自己的工作引以为荣,他们通过自身的工作协助治好了病人--因而也就作出了不少成绩。 We're often misled by the complaints surrounding difficult work; deep down most people regard their won capacity to conquer the tough job as the mark of their own unique personality. 我们常常被抱怨工作困难的言论所误导。在内心深处,多数人把自己善于解决


Complaining is just part of working. After all, how else do you know who you are, except as you can demonstrate the ability of your mind to control you limbs ad hands and words? You are, in significant measure, what you can do. 发牢骚也是工作的一部分。


Some are deceived into thinking that people like to store up energy, to rest and save themselves as much as possible. Just the opposite. It is energy expenditure that is satisfying. 有些人误认为人们喜欢积蓄精力,喜欢休息,并尽可能保养自己。事实恰恰相反。消耗精力才真正给人以满足。

Just watch an employee who must deal with countless other people because his or her job is at some central point in a communications network: a salesman at a busy counter, a stock broker on the phone, a customer representative. They will tell you how much skill and experience it takes to answer countless questions and handle various kinds of personalities every hour of the day. 试看一位因其工作处于某个通信网络的中心位置而必

须与无数的其他人打交道的雇员: 一个繁忙柜台上的售货员,一个手不离电话的股票经纪人,或是一个客户代理人,他们会告诉你,每时每刻回答无数个问题以及应付各种各样的人物该需要怎样的本领和经验。

Not everyone can interact with such persistence and over long hours, but those who do, pride themselves on a distinctive ability that contributes mightily to the running of the organization. 不是每个人都能以这样的韧性长时间地与人周旋的。但是能够这样做的人,都为自己具有出众才能,能对所在单位的运转作出巨大贡献而感到自豪。

But work is more than accomplishment and pride in being able to command the job, because except for a few craftsmen and artists most work takes place \"out in the world,\" with an through other people. 但是工作不光是成就和能够胜任工作的自豪,因为除了少数工匠和艺术家的工作而外,大部分工作是 在“外面”进行的,是与别人合作或通过别人来完成的。 Esprit de corps团体精神

Perhasps an example will make the point: 或许一个例子就能把这点说明白。 I remember viewing a half dozen me in a chair factory whose job it was to bend several pieces of steel and attach them so that a folding chair would result. While there were ten or twelve of these \"teams\" that worked together, one in particular was known for its perfect coordination and lightning-like efforts. 我记得曾在一家椅子厂见过6


The men knew they were good. They would work spurts for twenty or thirty minutes

before taking a break -- to show themselves, bystanders and other groups what it was to be superbly skilled and self-controlled, to be the best in the factory. 这


When I talked with them, each expressed enormous pride in being a part of the fastest, best team. And this sense of belonging to an accomplished work group is one of the distinctive satisfactions of the world of work. 当我与他们交谈时,他们每个人都为自己


One further word about work group satisfactions. Unlike many other aspects of life, relationships among people at work tend to be simpler, less complicated, somewhat less emotional. 关于从工作班组中获得满足还要再讲一点。与生活中许多其他方面不同的是,工作人


This is not to say there aren't arguments and jealousies, but, on the whole, behavioral research discloses that human relations at work are just easier, perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and thus simpler to adjust to than the sporadic, the more intense and less regular relationships in the community. 这


And the work group also gently pressures its members to learn how to adjust to one another so that the \"rough edges\" are worked off because people know they must do certain things with and through one another each day. 另外,工作班组也会对其成员稍稍


Beyond the team and the work group, there is the organization, whether it be company or hospital or university. 在工作班、组之上又有更高一级的组织,它或许是公司、医院,或许


The same pride in being part of a well-coordinated, successful unit is derived from being part of a larger collectivity. Working for a company that is thought of as being part of the best in the community can provide employees with both status and self-confidence. 在一个更大的集体中工作,如同在一个配合默契的成功的单位工作一样,其成员也

能获得同样的自豪。在一个被公认为是社会上最好的公司之一工作, 可以给雇员带来社会地位和自信心。

They assume, usually with good reason, that others regard them more highly, even envy them, and that they are more competent than the average because of this association with a \"winner,\" a prestigious institution. 他们常常不无道理地认为,因


We in truth bask in the reflected glory of the institution, and we seek ways of asserting our membership so that others will know and can recognize our good fortune.


New Words contentment

n. happiness; satisfaction 满足 civilization n. 文明


a. that can not be touched or grasped 触摸不到的 crucial

a. decisive; critical 决定性的,关键的 pschological

a. of the soul or mind 心理的 historically

ad. in the course of history, in accordance with or in respect to history associate

vt. connect or bring together in one's mind 联想 slavery

n. the system of having slaves; the condition of being a slave 奴隶制度;奴隶身份


n. behavior that is against the principles of morality; an immoral act 罪孽 punishment

n. punishing or being punished 惩罚 complaint

n. complaining; a statement expressing unhappiness, pain, dissatisfaction 抱怨 behavioral

a. of or having to do with behavior 行为的 contribution

n. act of contributing; sth. contributed necessity

n. sth. that is necessary; the condition of being necessary, needed or unavoidable 必需品;必要性 focus

n. the central point; centre of interest 焦点 creativity

n. the ability to produce new and orignal ideas and things; inventiveness创造性


n. building or part of a hospital where doctors give specialized medical treatment and advice; a medical institution for special purposes 诊所 heal

v. (cause to) become healthy 治愈,愈合,痊愈 depressed

a. sad; low in spirits 精神抑郁的,情绪沮丧的 depress

vt. make sad, low in spirits renew

vt. reestablish; give new life and freshness to 使更新 gainfully ad. profitably acute

a. severe; strong 严重的,急性的 symptom

a. a change in the body's condition that indicates illness 症状 institution

n. a society, club, college or any organization established for some public or social purpose 公共机构 workshop

n. a room of building which contains tools or machinery for making or repairing things 车间,工场 wherein conj. in which exert

vt. use(strength, skill, etc.) 尽力 reverse

n. the opposite; the other way round, the back 相反,背面 absence

n. non-existence; lack

harmful a.有害的


n. instance of retiring or being retired; condition of being retired 退休 financial

a. relating to money 财政的;金融的 weekend

n. Saturday and Sunday, esp. when considered as a holiday from work fend

vi. provide(for) 供养;照料 unemployment

n. the state of being unemployed significant

a. of noticeable importance or effect 重大的

significance n.意义 重要性 satisfaction

n. be state of being satisfied 满足

satisfactory a.满意的


a. skilled, expert 有才艺的;有造诣的 tribute

n. material evidence of one's worth, virtue, etc.贡品 礼物 贡献 inherent

a. existing as a natural and permanent part or quality of 内在的,生来的 craftsman

n. a highly skilled workman 手艺人,(名)工匠 bicklayer

n. a workman who builds with bricks attributable

a. that can be attributed 可归因于……的 attribute vt. 把……归因为 housekeeping

n. management of a home and its affairs 家政 staff

n. the group of workers who carry on a job (全体)员工 capacity

n. ability, power; the amount that sth. can hold or produce 能力;容量 tough

a. difficult to do or deal with 艰巨的 unique

n. being the only one of its type 独特的 limb

n. the leg, arm. or wing of an animal 肢,翼 opposite

n. a person or thing that is entirely different from another 对立面,对立物 countless

a. very many; too many to be counted broker

n. person who buys and sells for others 经纪人,掮客 stock broker

n. a person who buys and sells stocks and bonds for other for a commission 证券经纪人


n. a person acting in place of one or more others 代表 interact

vi. act on each other 相互作用 persistence

n. the act or fact of keeping on doing sth in spite of difficulty or opposition 坚持

persist vi.坚持 持续 distinctive

a. clearly marking a person or thing as different from other 特殊的;与众不同的 mightily

ad. with power and strength; greatly esprit de corps

n. (French) spirit of loyalty and devotion which unites the members of a group or society 团体精神,集体荣誉感 coordination

n. harmonious adjustment or working together 协调

coordinate vt.调整 整理 lightning n.闪电


n. a person standing near but not taking part in an event or activity; onlooker 旁观者


ad. magnificently; first class aspect

n. one side or view of a subject 方面 relationship

n. a friendship between people; connection 关系 disclose

make known; show by uncovering 揭示 sporadic

a. occurring now and then; occasional 零星发生的,偶尔的 collectivity

n. people collectively, especially as forming a community or state 集体

collective a.集体的 status

n. (high) social or professional position 地位,身份 envy

vt. feel admiration or ill-will toward (sb.) because he has the good fortune one wishes to have 羡慕;妒忌 winner

n. one that wins or seems destined to win or be successful prestigious a. having respect that results from the good reputation (of a person, nation, etc.)有声望的 bask

vi. sit or lie in enjoyable warmth and light (舒适地) 取暖,享受 reflect

vt. throw back (light, heat, sound or image) 反射;反映 assert

vt. demonstrate the existence of; declare forcefully 宣称,断言 membership

n. the state of being a member, of a club, society, etc. all the members of a club, society, etc.

Phrases & Expressions associate with

connect with (often mentally) 把…与…联系在一起 rather than instead of

fend for oneself

look after oneself 照料自己,自行谋生 aside from

besides, apart from 除…以外 long for

desire (to have )sth. strongly 渴望 take pride in

fell please and happy because of 为…而感到得意 store up

put away for future use 储存,储备 pride oneself on

regard as a special reason for pride or satisfaction 以……自豪 make the/one's point

prove that sth. is true 证明一个论点 in particular especially at work

busy at a job; doing work one the whole

considering everything; in general work off

get rid of, dispose 除去,清除
