Issue Date(发行日期): 8 Initiator(发起人): Part Name(零件名称): PET Membrane Switch(LTMSZYN0042) D1: Describe the Problem(描述问题) Supplier(供应商): JPN: (客户料号) Comments/ Attachment if any (如果有任何说明/附件) Closure Date(验收日期): P/N:(文件编号) 1 LOT.No:(生产批号) 5W2H is preferred for problem description(5w2h是首要要说明的问题) ■客户退货品分析并提供改善对策:(图-1)/ the analysis and the improvement measure about the return goods: (picture 1) 1、不合格项目:按键功能不良(按键不导通);/1. unqualified project: button can not work(the button has bad switch contact) ProblemDescription: 不良描述: (图-1) Defective Quantity: N=13 R=13 P=100% (缺陷的总量) D2: Establish the Team(建立团队) Team Formation: (团队组建) D3: Containment Actions(控制行动) Actions(行动) Inspected/used Quantity: (已检查/使用的总量) / PIC (负责人) Date (日期) Result (结果) Attachment (附件) 1、分析客退品并进行分类统计,查找发生原因;/1、analyse and count (无) 28-JUL OK the return goods, find the reason; 25-JUN 2、确认制程中产品有无类似现状。(生产品无类似现象;)/2、confirm if other analogous buttons have the same problem during the OK (无) manufacturing (others have no the same problem) 25-JUN 3、调查生产中 /运输中/客户在库品 。(待出货数量:6000PCS)/3、inquiry manufacturing / shipping /customer’s product(Quantity to OK (无) be shipped:6000PCS) D4: Root Cause Analysis(根本原因分析) (Fishbone Diagram , 3Way5Why or equivalent tools)(鱼骨图,3way5why或等效工具) Fishbone Diagram(鱼骨图) 人员 能够有效检测和发现客退项目, 机器物料/Material 并能够准确判定。/1.detect /Machine and find the return goods, make a good Problem decision. 按键 功能 不良 测量监控/ Measurement monitoring 方法 环境 1.客退品为组合后拆机品,部分实物无法准确判定 /Environment 发生原因。/1.Return goods are disassembled, and can not find reason correctly 2.按键不良按压是可以测试通过。/Button with incorrect press can be tested successfully. Page 1 of 4
Supplier CAR (8D Report)
A. 3Way5Why Methodology(3Way5Why 方法论) No 问题点描述 按键功能不良 (脏点,水印,白点)/ Poor functional key (dirty dot, watermark, white dot) 1way LUPHi人员是否清楚注意事项. (清楚)/ If LUPHi stuff are clear about matters needing attention (clear) 2way 有没有对应的SOP; (有)/ If LUPHi has the corresponding SOP; (yes) 3way 有没有相应的培训教育; (有)/ If LUPHi has the corresponding professional training; (yes) 4way 5way 1 其它客户有没有反制程中有没有发馈类似问题; 现此类不良; (较少发生)/ If (有)/ If LUPHI LUPHi gets finds this other problem in costomer’s manufacture feedback like procedure this; (yes) (rarely) C.再现解析: 1、通过对客退品分析具体如下:/ The analysis of the return goods as follow: ■解析项目:常规测试按键不导通(5PCS)/ analyse program:the button can not connect with normal test(5PCS). ■解析结果:analyse result: ■发生根本原因:线路断线导致按键失效:(如图-2)/primary cause: the circuit breaks line leads the circuit can not work(as picture 2); ■影响因素:/ reason: ①、反复多次折弯导致;/the circuit bends many times; ②、线路银浆剥离导致;/ the circuit silver paste fall off; ③、线路不够柔韧;(线路印刷2次光固(感光固化)UV厚度达到0.21MM)/ the circuit is not enough soft(the circuit UV thickness leads to 0.21mm with printing 2 times); (图-2)/(as picture 2) 说明:“ / Description:“ ”标示位置为PIN折弯后形成的痕迹,线路漏电路线为分析原因造成。 The marked position is the mark formed after bending PIN, the reason to electric leakage ■按键无功能:/ the button can not be functional: ■发生根本原因:弹片反折造成不回弹。(图-3)/primary cause:The metal dome won’t rebound(as picture 3) ■影响因素:1、弹片隔空按压;2、贴合后撕扯面板导致弹片受力挤压;3、弹片超过最大行程;/ the reasons:1、press button without backpanel;2、tear the panel make the dome be pressed;3、beyond the maximum travel ; (产品已经被使用现状无法准确分析原因和责任归属)。/(the switch was used and can not be analysed the reason and the responsibility)。 (图-3)/(as picture 3) Page 2 of 4
Supplier CAR (8D Report)
弹片凹陷反折无法回弹/ the dome can not rebound D5: Corrective Actions(改进措施) Actions(行动) (负责人) PIC Due Date (到期日) Close Date (截止日期) Implemented Evidence (实施证据) ⑴ 使用良品替换客户退货品。/ use good products instead of return goods。 ⑵ 技术建议:取消PIN 2次UV印刷,直接贴贴条增加PIN柔韧性和屈服性。(可以借鉴之前的改善对策成功案例LTRS047-49系列)/ technology suggestion:quit printing UV 2 times, and add label to enhance soft(referring to successful LTRS047-49 before) ■(图-4)不印刷UV实例写真(LUPHI可送样确认)/(as picture 4)quit pringting UV(LUPHI ship samples to confirm) D6: Preventive Actions(预防措施) Actions(行动) PIC Due Date (到期日) Close Date (截止日期) Implemented Evidence (实施证据) ⑴ 客户类似机种同样执行对策内容。(LTMSZYN0044)/ execute the same measure like similar product(LTMSZYN0044). ⑵ 客户组装机壳口建议倒角,避免边沿压迫PIN造成断线;/ Chamfering when assemble products, in case pin was extruded to break line 待客户确认对策后执行 / 《产品流程单》 《样品记录表》 D7: Effectiveness Verification(有效性检验) (review each action mentioned in D5 and D6)(复查在D5和D6中提到的每个功能) Actions(行动) PIC Date Result (结果) Attachment (附件) (日期)Page 3 of 4
Supplier CAR (8D Report)
⑴ 下批PO生产时进行效果跟进验证。/ vetify the next batch of switch when manufacturing. D8: Congratulate the Team(祝贺该团队) Completed by: (做成): Approved by: (批准): / / 《产品流程单》 Date(日期) Date(日期) Page 4 of 4