Cildoz, Maria K-GQK-1/3 Version 3.1 K-GQK-1 Department
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Maria.cildoz@volkswagen.de Email
25 Aug 2015 Version 3
Quality Technical Requirement (QTR)
According to VDA 6.1 content 07.2 (DIN EN ISO 8402/3.10) (contains specific adaptations for MAN Truck & Bus AG)
Supplier’s version
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1. Contents
1. Contents ................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 1.2
Version history .................................................................................................................. 3 Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... 4
2. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 6
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
QTR definition ................................................................................................................... 6 QTR process ...................................................................................................................... 6 MLA .................................................................................................................................... 7 QTR-Online ........................................................................................................................ 7 General ............................................................................................................................... 8 Authorisation ..................................................................................................................... 8
3. Questionnaire .......................................................................................................... 8
A. B. C. D. F. G. H.
Procurement process ..................................................................................................... 10 Supply chain / parts supply ........................................................................................... 12 Project management ...................................................................................................... 13 Process development ..................................................................................................... 16 Process validation .......................................................................................................... 21 Change management ..................................................................................................... 22 Risk management ........................................................................................................... 23
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1.1 Version history
Version 2.0 3.0 3.1
Cildoz, Maria K-GQK-1/3 Version 3.1 Change
Revision / new edition for QTR Version 2.0 New QTR questionnaire Formal adaptation
1 Apr 2011 10 Feb 2015 30 Apr 2015
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1.2 Abbreviations
Abbreviation/ technical term 0S
0-series, nil-series
The nil-series is intended to ensure the fit and dimensional accuracy of individual components and assemblies prior to the launch date of a new product. The func-tion of the tools, test equipment and fixtures is also checked under production conditions. The nil-series includes the entire production process as a predeces-sor to series production. It consists entirely of parts directly from the tool.
2nd tier, 3rd tier Subcontractors to the delivering suppliers or assembly suppliers BMG Design type approval (Baumustergenehmigung) BZD Build status documentation (Bauzustandsdokumentation) CAD Computer Aided Design CBD Cost breakdown CKD Completely knocked down Cp / Cpk Process capability index, an indicator for the statistical assessment of a process D-Characteristic A characteristic or feature of a product for which documentation is obligatory ESD Electrostatic discharge FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis FS Forward Sourcing GS Global Sourcing HIS Manufacturer initiative software (Herstellerinitiative Software) HW Hardware JIS Just in sequence JIT Just in time GBP (KBP) Group Business Platform (Konzern Business Plattform) KTL Supplier Quality Manager of the producing plant (Kaufteileleiter) CIP (KVP) Continuous improvement process (kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess) KVQ Group responsibility quota (Konzernverantwortungsquote) KVS Construction data administration system (Konstruktionsdaten-Verwaltungssystem) KVV Concept responsibility agreement (Konzeptverantwortungsvereinbarung) LISA Large Installation System Administration MLA Maturity level assurance (RGA-Reifegradabsicherung) n/a Not applicable NLK New logistics concept (neues Logistikkonzept) OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PEP Product development process (Produktentstehungsprozess) PMP Test feature plan (Prüfmerkmalsplan) PPM Parts per million PSK Product steering group (Produktsteuerkreis) Cildoz, Maria K-GQK-1/3 Version 3.0
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Abbreviation/ technical term PVS
Production validation series (Produktionsversuchsserie). It is designed as the last approval stage for the assembly of individual parts. The assembly must take place using representative series processes with parts directly from the tool. Quality project manager (Qualitätsprojektleiter) = TPL-Q at MTB
Quality program for new parts (Qualitätsprogramm Neuteile, VW extract from Formula Q Concrete) Request for Quotation
Reference point system (Referenzpunktsystem)
Significant criteria, critical criteria. Weighting of characteristics in the statistical process control.
Semi knocked down / special knocked down Start of series production
Software process improvement and capability determination (see ISO/IEC IS 15504)
Supplier Quality Engineer (BTV-Bauteileverantwortlicher) Software
Date of parts availability
Technical guideline for documentation (Technische Leitlinie Dokumentation) Sub-project manager - quality (Teilprojektleiter - Qualität) Sub-supplier management (Unterlieferantenmanagement) Volatile corrosion inhibitor
Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (German Automotive Industry Association) Pre-series release engine (Vorserien-Freigabeaggregat) Pre-series release vehicle (Vorserien-Freigabefahrzeug)
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2. Introduction
2.1 QTR definition
QTR is short for Quality Technical Requirement. It is a quality method of Volkswagen Group with the objective to improve the selection of suppliers in order to be able to ensure the qualita-tive and quantitative requirements of the product over its entire life cycle. This is to ensure that the supply fulfils all requirements of Volkswagen Group.
QTR is carried out for all relevant parts as specified by Volkswagen Group and is therefore ap-plicable to all projects. The validation of the individual result exclusively refers to the quotation and the scope that is to be newly awarded or placed. This means that the result is only applica-ble to the RFQ / enquiry, the project and the supplier site.
Finally, the QTR cover page including the result is part of the nomination agreement. Defined specifications for the nomination are pursued during the further maturity level assurance (MLA) and must be processed by the supplier. (For more information about MLA see item 3.3 MLV).
The QTR process can be initiated by all divisions because it is a generally applicable and cross-sectional process.
2.2 QTR process
The QTR assessment is carried out based on a questionnaire. The supplier of the QTR-relevant parts is contacted in writing regarding the intended procurement and asked to fill in the QTR questionnaire using the ESL-Tool QTR-Online (see item 2.4 QTR-Online). This process is sub-ject to a definite deadline. The non-submission of the questionnaire will automatically result in an escalation up to the exclusion from the procurement process, because such non-submission hinders the nomination process. The plausibility check is based on the documents that are pro-vided to the supplier together with the enquiry.
After the receipt of the full documentation by Volkswagen Group, an internal validation is carried out. Once the validation has been completed, the supplier may be invited to round table talks in order to clarify questions and documents that cannot be submitted. If the documents are insuffi-cient or incomplete, they will be returned to the supplier for correction.
Based on the submitted documents and/or the talks, the result is presented to the supplier and finally signed by him.
The result is displayed as follows:
- QTR approval - “yes” = green traffic light,
- “Approved subject to conditions” = yellow traffic light, or - “No” = red traffic light
After that the result becomes a part of the nomination process. A supplier who has been classi-fied as a “no” cannot be considered for the procurement process. However, this supplier has at least one opportunity to rework his submission at the latest 7 days after the initial plausibility check.
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2.3 MLA
The maturity level assurance (MLA) as a controlling method for project management is based on a maturity level milestone philosophy with a total of eight maturity levels.The main objective of this method is the improvement of the parts quality by the harmonisation of the contents and sequences within the supply chain.
In this way, potential risks are recognised at an early stage and corrective measures can be initiated. For this purpose, a uniform scope of questions (= “measuring criteria”) is available. Depending on the risk classification of the parts, the implementation of the maturity level verifi-cation is divided into maturity levels from 0 to 7.
The core element of this method is the “round table”. Representatives from the internal and ex-ternal stakeholders are invited to join the round table. The objective is to improve cooperation and to analyse the project’s status. The round table is used for introducing the different measur-ing criteria of the respective maturity levels as well as assessing the mutual responsibility and defining the agreed measures / actions and following them up. All individual measures including responsibilities and deadlines are documented in the questionnaire.
The basic maturity level catalogue for use in projects for the maturity levels 0 to 7 is included in the appendix of the VDA volume “Maturity level verification for new parts”.
2.4 QTR-Online
Since QTR-Online is a part of the RFQ Package, the questionnaire is provided to the suppliers in the Electronic Supplier Link (ESL). This will be used for all approved brands*. However, in individual cases a brand may not yet have been approved. In this case, the supplier will need to fill in the Excel version. This Excel version will be available to him via the Procurement depart-ment and also on the GBP at www.vwgroupsupply.com (Start / Information / Business Units / Quality Assurance).
The use of the online tool allows the supplier to fill the questions in more quickly and flexibly. Furthermore, he can create masters in order to ensure faster processing. The tool provides the direct link to the internal departments that will carry out the plausibility check. The non-submission of the answered questionnaire including its attachment will automatically lead to an escalation up to the exclusion from the nomination process.
*Approved brands include:
- Volkswagen Argentina S.A. - Audi AG
- Audi Hungaria
- Bentley Motors Ltd. - Volkswagen India P.L.
- Volkswagen Group Rus OOO - Sitech Sitztechnik GmbH - SKODA AUTO, a.s. - SEAT, S.A.
- Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles - VW Passenger Cars - Volkswagen Mexico - Volkswagen do Brasil Cildoz, Maria K-GQK-1/3 Version 3.0
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2.5 General
You will find general information about the topic of QTR on the Group Business Platform (GBP / KBP) at www.vwgroupsupply.com as well as in the documents Formula Q Concrete and Formula Q New Parts and the QTR manual (Start / Information / Business Units / Quality Assurance).
The QTR questionnaire is an extract taken from the “VDA maturity level assurance”, maturity levels two and three.
The answers to all questions should exclusively refer to the specific bid and may need to be re-evaluated for new bids. The questionnaire can be edited over the entire quotation period, includ-ing during the versioning of a request. If adaptations are necessary due to the versioning and due to internal changes at the supplier, these adaptations need to be answered and assessed again in the questionnaire.
QTR Online can only be accessed via the “ESL - Online RFQ” application.
2.6 Authorisation
There is no separate role for QTR Online that needs to be assigned. The “ESL User” is suffi-cient for the user to answer and edit the QTR questionnaire.
3. Questionnaire
The questionnaire consists of 20 questions that came originally from the VDA MLA (maturity levels two and three). The objective is to ensure that the conditions as defined in the QTR can be followed more easily during the continued maturity level verification. However, a few exten-sions and further assistance by Volkswagen Group will be provided in order to adapt the time period and method.
All questions need to be assessed and answered. The questions need to be answered with a red, yellow or green status (or with “n/a” if applicable) and the fields “Comment”, “Problem”, “Ac-tion”, “Responsible” and/or “Date” need to be filled in.
The assessment rules are as follows:
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Figure 1 - Assessment aid – traffic light colours
If questions are marked with “green” or “n/a”, only the comment field needs to be filled in. For all further assessments, the fields “Problem description”, “Action”, “Timing” and “Responsible” are mandatory. The responsible person can also be the customer.
In order to assist the user with the answering of the questionnaire, a table with all questions and useful explanations is provided (see items A to H). The table shows only the questions / meas-uring criteria (without the “Problem”, “Action”, “Responsible”, etc. fields) with the relevant expla-nation. All of the described documents / references are merely examples and the list is not in-tended to be exhaustive.
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A. Procurement process
No. A.1
Procurement process
Measuring criteria
A quotation by the supplier, meeting the requirements for order placement, has been submitted to the customer.
Supplier quotation
Proof of manufacturability
Assess the supplier, part and pro-cess.
- Within the framework of the contract - the supplier must analyse, confirm and
document the manufacturing feasibility
- of the planned scope of delivery. This
must also include risk analysis covering both the tooling and manufacturing con-cepts.
- All the relevant documents for the de-velopment contract have been agreed (e.g. requirements specifications, con-tractual content, assignment of respon-sibility, quality assurance agreement (including warranty agreement and con-fidentiality agreement) etc.), timing plan, Design management framework agree-ment (KVV) , Cost Breakdown (CBD), Framework Agreement, Logistics calcu-lation, Tooling calculations) -....
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No. A.2
Procurement process
Measuring criteria Assurance that target costs and quantities will be achieved within the speci-fied time period (min. and max. output figures), includ-ing investments (plant, ma-chinery, tools, jigs and fix-tures, etc.).
Proof of manufacturability Minutes of the supplier review
- Feasibility / ability to reach targets has - Schedule been derived from previous projects or, - Layout
in the event of innovative new develop-- Supplier quotation
ment a simulation has verified the feasi-bility (VDA publication \"Robust Produc-tion Process\").
- Demonstrate ability to achieve the quantities by showing production steps, tooling, machines, personnel. State-ments of cycle times and shifts, includ-ing flexibility.
- Demonstration of the planned utiliza-tion rate for, the production facilities which are used only by the Volkswagen Group, and the production facilities which are used together with other cus-tomers (including all production facilities, areas, personnel needed). - ...
- Key processes and Key Performance - Indicators have been defined. -
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B. Supply chain / parts supply
No. B.1
Indicator Supply chain / parts supply
Measuring criteria The potential supply chains have been analysed and re-viewed. The critical paths have been identified.
- Listing of all bought parts containing the following: Details of the sub-supplier pool / service providers (potential Tier 2) including audit status and current ppm rate, semi finished products , raw mate-rials, assemblies, software components, certificates (VDA, ISO/TS 16949), audits made by other OEMs - ...
- Description of supplier tracking in-cluding identification of the critical path
- Plan the ULM.
Supply chain / parts supply
The supply and packaging concept (including Inco-terms) has been defined be-tween customer and suppli-er.
- Examples of supply concepts: in stock, JIT (Just-in-Time), JIS (Just-in-Sequence), NLK (New Logistics Con-cept), Free on Board, Free Carrier.
- Production processes
- In-house logistics layout, in-house
logistics processes
- Timely planning of the packaging
(type and number of items) - Examples of packaging concepts: dis-posable, reusable (Universal including - Logistics requirements specifications
part protection, special), alternative of the plant that is producing the packaging... vehicles
- Examples of Incoterms (International - Packaging regulations for SKD and
CKD Commercial terms): DDU (Delivery Duty
Unpaid) / DDP (Delivery Duty Paid), FCA (Free Carrier). - ...
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C. Project management
No. C.1
Project management
Measuring criteria
The project organization has been specified including the supplier's contact details.
- Key information regarding resource / capacity, roles, tasks and experience (project management, technical devel-opment, engineering, production plan-ning, process development and plan-ning, logistics, quality, procurement...). Nomination of sub-suppliers, manufac-turing monitoring / controlling
- Organisational chart including con-tact details
- List of sub-suppliers
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No. C.2
Project management
Measuring criteria Data formats / documents, communication paths and the project language have been specified.
- The supplier confirms the availability of - all documentation and systems (e.g. CAD, KVS-drawings, standards, test and delivery specifications) to the latest, current level and in the language agreed - The supplier illustrates how he can guarantee the exchange of data (CAD) with the specialist department (accord-ing to VW Standard 99000 or e.g. MAN Standard 3500 and the following.)
- The supplier has familiarized himself with relevant systems on the Group Business Platform, for example LION (Lieferanten Online - suppliers online) , BeOn (Bemusterung Online - Online sampling), KVS (Konstruktionsdaten Verwaltungssystem - Engineering Data Management System), RVS (Rechner Verbund System - Computer Connection System), DFÜ (Daten Fernübertragung - Data distance transfer ), QTS (Quali-tätssicherungs-Teileverfolgungs-System - Quality assurance, parts tracking sys-tem), TGS (Teilegenerationsstand online - part Generation Level Online) - ...
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No. C.3
Project management
Measuring criteria
Deviations from project tar-gets and objectives at deliv-ery level have been reviewed, brought to the attention of the relevant people and
measures have been defined.
Schedule Project plan
Aim: Comparison between the time - frames required and the milestones - provided by the customer. Please en-sure any deviations are highlighted.
The supplier has completed a back-wards pass on the timing plan. This includes: dates of parts supplied (SIP - Stock in Plant), milestones (SOP, 0-S..), tooling production times (+ optimisation), production facilities, sampling dates, dates for Note 1 and Note 3 parts, em-ployee qualification, FMEA, B-release, BMG time frame, gauges and control devices
The focus is on product, process and - the material flow: - - Relevant processes from all affected departments must be considered: e.g. diagnostic, spare parts, assembly and FMEA processes, all types of validation processes, KVP (continuous improve-ment process).
- Measures can be derived from previ-ous projects, products and Audits. - ...
Project management
Strengths and weaknesses analysis and Lessons
Learned documentation have been up-dated. Actions /
measures have been derived.
“Lessons learned” documentation FMEA process
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D. Process development
No. D.1
Process development
Measuring criteria
The manufacturing valida-tion planning for production processes has been defined to verify the process quality.
- Details about the applied technologies (tooling, materials) as well as the inter-nal and external facilities that are avail-able for the production of sample parts have been provided.
- Layout of the production and logistics concept (including the required person-nel for each station and line) and details about the tooling concepts.
Assistance - - - - - -
Process layout Material flow
Production steering plan Work instructions Machine parameters
Design verification plan (for devel-opment responsibility)
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No. D.2
Process development
Measuring criteria
Time schedule for new / modified buildings or approval procedures For green fields and brown fields, a validation must always be available
Buildings and infrastructure - If new buildings are constructed or -
existing buildings are modified, the pro-are in place.
gress of the construction work must be -
monitored within the framework of the project and indicated using a time schedule.
- Critical approval procedures must be considered (e.g. electroplating, coating etc.). Provide a time schedule for the approval procedure if applicable.
- Provide evidence that the measuring chambers, laboratories and functional test rooms fulfil the product-specific requirements (e.g. measuring volume, air conditioning, cleanroom require-ments, ESD requirements etc.).
- Provide evidence that the test facilities and equipment comply with the relevant standards.
- Provide evidence regarding the layout of the manufacturing site including the production process and internal transport routes including logistics are-as, concepts, goods receipt and out-going goods as well as the process flow
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No. D.3
Process development
Measuring criteria
The concept and deadline - Details such as the position of the split Tooling time schedule planning for the series pro-lines, connecting systems as well as the duction tools within the positions of the ejectors, sliders and scope of delivery have been inserts have been jointly defined. This
may also apply to non-series tools that
agreed and confirmed.
are only used to safeguard the launch.
D.4 Process development
The requirements that relate specifically to the produc-tion facilities for the scope of
delivery have been speci-fied.
- The term “production facilities” relates to all facilities or parts thereof that are used to produce, modify, test, check, transport, store, assemble and analyse the customer's products (e.g. machines, plants, equipment, tooling, fixtures as well as inspection, measuring and test equipment).
- Presentation of a production control plan.
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E. Product validation
No. E.1
RG indicator Product validation
Measuring criteria
The planning of tests / trials takes account of all the fea-tures and specifications laid down in the Lastenheft, Bid Spec requirements and drawing.
Trial Plan
- Knowledge acquired from failures in - the field (predecessor vehicles, if appli-cable) must be included in the inspec-tion and test planning. Demonstration in the test plan, relating to internal and external capacities:
1.) Applies to both virtual and real tests and trials.
2.) Implementation planning has to be defined for software components.
3.) Feedback of results from customer to supplier must be assured.
- The following Electric / Electronic (E/E)-specific requirements have to be taken into consideration:
1.) Testing in the relevant ambient con-ditions specified in the functional specifi-cations.
2.) Results from EMC, temperature, start-up/shutdown and under-voltage performance
3.) Take availability of third-party com-ponents into consideration
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No. E.2
RG indicator Product validation
Measuring criteria
Electric / Electronic imple-mentation planning has been agreed between customer and supplier.
Time schedule for electrical / elec-tronic parts Software audit?
- Evidence which Electric/Electronic - features (functions perceived by the customer and system functions, for ex-- ample, speed indication, Anti-lock
Breaking System (ABS), electronic sta-bility program (ESP), rain / light sensor, automatic distance regulator, etc.) ap-pear at which points in the agreed pro-ject time schedule
- Self-disclosure after HIS (LISA) and development after HIS Source Code Metrics
- Clarification of the software auditing after SPICE
- Quantity, delivery point and intended - purpose are known and have been communicated: Samples, prototype parts, test models etc.(sample levels, development status, scheduled dead-lines, quantity, delivery point for prod-ucts based on the general / component timing plan and intended purpose).
- Evidence of development level, part status, place of production and manu-facturing methods
- Recipients of parts have been named - Type and scope of the documentation are set
Product validation
The complete sample / pro-totype production and deliv-ery process has been agreed.
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No. E.4
RG indicator Product validation
Measuring criteria
The functionality of the product (including innova-tions) has been demonstrat-ed and proven by the suppli-er.
- If possible, results of a manufacturing simulation
- Geometric and/or functional verification with reference to the following, for ex-ample: samples, calculations (FEM), simulations (Mold flow), tolerance anal-yses etc.
Assistance - -
Reviews of the time schedule
MoldFlow and other simulation plans
F. Process validation
No. F.1
RG indicator Process validation
Measuring criteria
The measurement / test con-cepts and inspection / test plans for the product which refer to the production pro-cess have been agreed with the supplier and scheduled, taking into account the complete potential delivery chain.
Test feature plan (PMP Prüfmerk-malsplan)
Inspection, test and measuring con-cept
Laboratory capacity
- Consistent and precise proposals con--
cerning location mounting / reference points (RPS reference-point-system),
- special and other (e.g. attributive, criti-cal) characteristics have been drawn up.
- The measurement system design at the supplier is based on the existing inspection criteria plan (RMP). Scope of the reports are set by the Supplier Quali-ty Engineer and monitored with process capability indices (Cpk requirements Volkswagen Group) by the supplier - Presentation of the internal and exter-nal (accredited) Laboratory capacities.
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No. F.2
RG indicator Process validation
Measuring criteria
A positive forecast of robust manufacturing feasibility in full production across the entire supply chain is avail-able.
Positive review of the manufactura-bility
Request a forecast of capabilities and assess it. Critical path
- Examples for evidence are: Process--
FMEA, process flow chart, shop-floor layout, statistical tolerance studies)
- The focus is on the critical path in the supply chain (key technologies etc.)
- A concept regarding the entire manu-facturing process is available, including measurement variables and control loops.
- A concept for ease of assembly is de-veloped and assured.
G. Change management
RG indicator
Change management
Measuring criteria
Change management for changes to product and pro-cess have been agreed be-tween customer and suppli-er.
- Communication, contact person, pro-cedure, systems, language, documenta-tion and deadlines have been specified - Examples for process changes are: changes of location, production process changes, service provider companies, IT changes, building activities (internal supply process changes)
- Presentation of an example of a part history sheet
Assistance - - -
Supplier quotation Changed documents
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H. Risk management
No. H.1
RG indicator Risk management
Measuring criteria
Product-specific traceability is defined and agreed.
- Presentation of batch traceability - Customer-specific stipulations have to be considered: VW 01064 (BZD-build status documentation (Module Marking on production vehicle) if applicable) - Identification markings for parts and traceability must be assured for identifi-cation during both pre-production and full production stages.
Assistance -
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