专利名称:Method and apparatus for low power
communications between mobile computingdevices
发明人:Siep, Thomas M,Panasik, Carl M,Stafford,
Ronald E
摘要:A network (10) of mobile computing devices (18) communicates by receiving and
rebroadcasting messages using wireless transmission. A message is initiated by firstmobile computing device and transmitted to a set of other mobile computing deviceswhich may be selected on an ad hoc basis. The receiving mobile computing devicesrebroadcast the message to other of the mobile computing devices (18) which have notreceived the message. The message is repeatedly rebroadcast until all mobile computingdevices (18) have received the message or, if the message is intended for particularselected mobile computing devices (18), until all selected devices have received themessage.
申请人:Texas Instruments Incorporated
地址:7839 Churchill Way Mail Station 3999 Dallas, Texas 75251 US
代理机构:Holt, Michael