Application for Instrument Interlocks Forced(Deforced) Project 装置名称:
Instrument position No. 仪表位号Interlock class 联锁类别 Class 类 Nature of Deforce 解除性质
Deforced time 解除时间Y年 M月 D日 Time in service 投运时间 Y年 M月 D日
Reasons for interlock forced( deforced) 联锁解除(投运)的原因:
Risk evaluation of interlock forced( deforced) 联锁解除(投运)的风险评估:
Performer 制定人:
Safety measures after interlock forced(deforced)联锁解除(投运)后的安全保证措施:
安全要求:投运联锁时工艺生产条件必须满足要求,仪表人员要仔细检查和确认仪表系统工作正常;联锁解除(投运)时,必须有监护人和工艺人员配合,要由厂调度中心统一指挥。Safety request:
There must be sufficient process conditions for interlocks in service, instrument operators must be sure of instrument system in normal service;During interlocks forced or deforced,it is necessary for watchers and process operators to cooperate under the overall controll by Project Control Center.
解除(投运)执行人签字 Signature by operator to force(deforce)
Machine/Electrical/Instrument operator 机电仪中心操作人员: Process operator of process 艺装置岗位操作人员:
Machine/Electrical/Instrument watchers机电仪中心监护人员: Forman of process 工艺装置工艺班长:
确认负责人签字 Signature by person in charge Production生产装置: Machine/electrical/instrument机电仪中心:
Control center调度中心: Production Detp生产技术处: Machinery/equipment Dept机动处: Safety envioramental Dept安全环保处: Manager in charge 主管经理: