于是,两个环状体建筑有意识的对峙,尝试形成有“无限大”意味的∞记号,也取得了与道教文化象征的阴阳符号的某种关联。中心美术馆西北端与信息中心东南端就像“ARCH IN ART”文字的意义一样,形成拱门样向空中跳出的模样,从而提高了作为“CHINARTVALLEY”的城市之门的象征性。从106省道开始向西是缓缓的斜坡状的丘陵。通过顶部镇座的中心美术馆,可以提高从远方看过来的标志性。
荷物搬入、仓库等服务部门,布置在去各展示空间最合理的位于“V”形顶部的建筑的南端。由于基本是环型建筑, 因此自然拥有中庭,面对中庭布置有回廊,从而将各展示空间、各功能区间有机地联系起来。这些配置计划,有意识地将在各个展示空间、功能区间变成可以像在陆地上散步一样的感觉。
设计团队:助川刚,小川贵久雄,工藤胜仁建筑用地面积:20 137m2总建筑面积:4 496m2
北侧的信息中心在现阶段明确的功能还没有确定的情况下,如果把中心美术馆看成是主要为来访者开设的美术馆,那么信息中心希望可以成为来访者和“CHINART VALLEY”的居民,甚至艺术家交流的据点。基本上它应该是“CHINART VALLEY”全体的信息介绍、开发计划的展示场所,在中心美术馆召开展览会的开展式等活动时可以具有某些辅助功能。这些交流活动向其他个人美术馆群,甚至周边的商业区、住宅区加以传播,从而形成艺术街区。□
1 鸟瞰
58世界建筑 2008/03
The Center Gallery can be regarded as a singlebuilding. Along with the other galleries and informationcenter in the north, it can induce more art activities.The plan of the Center Gallery takes the shape ofirregular annulation. We perceive that the informationcenter adjacent should be built into the same shapein order to achieve harmony.
Therefore, there are two annulations facing eachother, which form a symbol of “∞”-infinity. Inthis sense, it has some relation to the symbol ofTaoism culture. The southwestern part of the CenterGallery together with the southeastern part of theInformation Center follows the meaning of “arch inart”to give the image that the arch is just jumpinginto the sky, and improves the symbolization of thecity door in “chinart valley”. There are hills withslope from 106 highway to the west. The emblem ofthe city is more conspicuous when the Center Galleryis located on the top.
The porcelain-coated plank is a particularly artapplication since its craftwork is different from othernatural materials, such as metal, stone and wood.That is why it is especially suitable for the exteriormaterial of art gallery. In addition, it is full of colorand texture, is easy to be made into various shapes
2 透视3 建筑总平面规划
艺术空间/ART SPACE59
4 透视5 平面6 剖面
7 工作室型展示空间8 美术馆型展示空间
60世界建筑 2008/03
and has the enduring trait.
The exhibition hall is made up by five 12m×12m“galleries”, three 18m×18m public“art museums”,and a 24m×24m workroom. These three types ofexhibition halls are divided by public space, thus takethe shape of V respectively. The main entrance islocated on the terraces in the north of the building,which leads the visitors to the inner part. Theprotruding arch part is divided into exhibition roomfor children, lecture hall, library and so on.
The building looks like the shape of V. On the topof its southern part is warehouse. The arrangement isfor people’s convenience to move freight. The buildinghas an annular layout, which forms the atrium andcorridor within the building to combine all the sectionsperfectly well. The whole arrangement is socomfortable that people feel just walking on theground while visiting the gallery.
At present, the function of the Information Centerin the north is not decided. If the Center Gallery ismainly intended for outside visitors, the InformationCenter can play the role of communication centre forvisitors and residents of Chinart Valley, or even forartists. Primarily, it should be a platform to releasenews and development plan. When there are someevents such as exhibition ceremony in the CenterGallery, it can serve as a complement. All of theseactivities influence other private galleries, commercialareas and residential areas for the emerging of an artstreet. □
9.10 画廊型展示空间11 工作室型展示空间
艺术空间/ART SPACE61