

2022-12-12 来源:年旅网




阅读下面短文,然后从1J5各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将代 表这个答案的代号涂黑。

One,s attitude is always important. If you arc IaZy and weak, you Will never taste any SUCCeSS・ BUt if you are _1_ , SUCCeSS and happiness Win be more Iikely to COme to you.

I IOVe Cating PerSiinmOnS (柿子).But you can,t get them Until autumn. If you try them before the right time, they PrObabIy _2 _bad・

In Grade 9, because Of my POOr grades, my ParCntS WCrC WOrriCd that I wouldn't be able to get into _3_ excellent high SChOOL ThCy PUShCd me to StUdy harder, but I didn,t really UndCrStand _4_ they WerC SO anxious.

SUmmer came, and I StUdiCd hard・ ThC hot Weather Inade me _5 -SICePy and I COUIdn,t focus On my textbooks・ BUt every time I WantCd to StOP _6 _a MOm WOUId shout, nHey you! Think about your future, if you don,t WOrk hard, you'll regret it!V I had to Sit back down again and return to my textbooks _7 -Were full Of WOrdSe BUt all I thought about WaS PIaying _8_my friends and Cating persimmons.

My mom WOUld Say to me, With a SeriOUS IOOk On _9 _face, uIf a PerSimmOn tree doesn,t grow in summer, it can,t bear _ 10 _fruit in autumn! OnIy by hard WOrk Can you get the good result Of your WOrk・\"

AlthOUgh I didn,t UndCrStand it at that time, I _11 _camc to See the truth Of her WOrdS・ A few months later, I SUCCeCdCd in getting into the key high SChOOL It WaS autumn.

WaIking in Iny new SChOOL I COUId SeC quite a few PCrSimmOn trees. It WaS _12 _arcd fnιit that it IOOkCd as if it WaS On fire. Suddenly, I realized that WOrking hard _13 _bc bitter but its fnιit is sweet.

My mom WaS right, if a PCrSimmOn tree doesn,t grow Cklring summer, it can,t bear fruit in autumn. I smiled. I had grown through the SUminer _14_ now it WaS autumn. The fruits Of my IabOrS COUId_15_by InC now! ()1. A .work hard B. WOrking hardly C. hardly WOrk D. hardworking

()2. A. tasted B. taste C. tastes D. have tasted ()3. A. a B. an C. the D./ ()4. A. What B. how C. Why D. that ()5. A. feelingB. to feel C. felt D. feel ()6. A. to WOrk B. WOrking C. WOrk D. WOrkCd ()7. A. WhOSC B. WhO C. What D. WhiCh ()& A. about B. to C5 With D. On

()9. A. her B. hers C. herself

()10, A. hundred B. hundreds Of

()11. A. graduation B. gradual ()12. A.

D. ShC

C. hundreds D. two hundreds C. gradually D. graduated

Very B.so C, SUCh D. too

()13. A. may B. ShOUld C. must D. need to ()14. A. and B. however C. Or ()15. A. D. SO be CnjOyCdB・ enjoyC. enjoyingD・ enjoyed

二. 完形填空10小题■每小题1. 5分,共15分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将代表这个答案的代号涂黑。

I USed to IiVe SeIfiShly, I ShOUld admit・ BUt One moment ChangCd me.

I WaS On my IUnCh break and had _16_ the OffiCe to get SOmething to cat. On the way, I SaW a BUSker (街 头

艺丿∖),with a hat in front Of him. I had SOme COinS in my pocket, but I WOUId not give them to him, thinking to

myself he WOUld OnIy USe the money to feed his addiction to drugs Or alcohol. HC _17_ IikC that type-young and ragged・ _18_ What WaS I going to SPCncl the money on? OnIy to feed my addiction to COCa-COla Or ChOCOIate! I then _19_ I had no right to PIaCe myself above -20Just because he WaS busking・

I StOPPCd and dropped all the COinS into his hat, and he Smiled at me, I WatChed for a while. AS_21_ as it SOUndSJ CXPeCtCd SOmething more to COmC from that moment-a feeling Of _22_ Or satisfaction, for example・ BUt nothing happened _23_, I WaIkCd off. UIt PrOVCd to be a WaSte Of money∕,I thought.

On my Way home at the end Of the _24_・ I SaW the busker again and he WaS PiCking up. I WatChCd him PiCk UP the hat and WaIk to a CafC counter. ThCre he POUrCd the total COntCntS into a tin COneCting for an earthquake fund-raising (募捐)event. He WaS busking for Charity (慈善)!

NOW I donate any _25_ I have to Charity tins and CnjOy the feeling Of giving. ( ( ( ( ( ( (

)16. A. Ieft B. CIeaned )17. A. acted BJooked

ThOUgh B. FOr

C. PrCParcdD. SearChCd C.soundcdD. SmelICd C. TherefOre D. BUt

()1 & A.

)19・ A. declared B. realized C. CXPCCtCd D. guessed )21 ・ A. SeIfiShB・ awkward C. innocent )22. A. happiness B.sadness C. IOVe )24. A. moment B. day C. break D. )25・ A. WOrk B. time C. energy D.change

D. SPeCial D. hate event

()20. A. it B. all C. him D. them

()23. A. DiSaPPOintCdIy B. UnfOrtUnatCIy C. COinCidentany D. COmfOrtably

三、 阅读理解(共20题,每小题2分,共40分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 項中,选出最佳选项。


JUly 21st, 2007 WaS a typical EngIiSh SUmmerS day — it rained for 24 hours! AS USUaIJ rushed home from WOrk at midday to CheCk On the house・ Nothing WaS amiss. By the time I Ieft WOrk at 5 PnL however, the road into OUr VinagC WaS floodcd. OUrhOUSC had never been flooded but, as I OPenCd the front door, a WaVe Of WatCr greeted me・ Thank GOd the kids WCrelft With me, because the house WaS 5 feet deep in water. We IOSt everything (JOWnStairs. And the PlaSter had to be tom Off the walls, CeilingS PUnCd down.

At first We tried to PUSh On through・ We didn,t Want to move the ChiIdrCn OUt Of home, SO We CamPCd upstairs, We PUt a Sheet Of PIaStiC across the floor to PrOteCt IIS from the damp. BUt after three months, We felt Very sick, SO We moved to U WOOden house in a park. ThC house WaS SmaIL but at first We Were all just delighted to bo in n now PIaCe・ Unfortunately, things took IOngCr thanexpectcd and We Were there for 10 months. The Iife there WaS inconvenient. What SUrPriSed me most WaS how much I IniSSCd being Part Of a COmmUnity (IflX),Wc had IiVCd in a friendly Vinage With good neighbours, and Γd never thought how much Γd miss (hat.

AlthOUgh-Our SitUatiOn WaS Very bad, it's difficult to feel too SOrry for yourself When you IOOk at What,s happening elsewhere・ I WatChCd a news report about floods in NOrthern India and thought, “ Wc didn't have a StraW hut

(茅草房)thnt WaS SWePt away , and OUr house is Still Standing ・Were lucky.”

WC moved back home in August. With DCCembCr coming, there,s reconstruction WOrk to be done, SO its difficult to PrCPare for ChriStmas. BUt I can't Wait — Γm going to throw a Party for OUr friends in the Vinage to Say thanks for their support. ThiS year , I won,t need any gifts — IiVing away from home for months has made me realize how IittIe We actually need Or miss all OUr POSSeSSiOnS , AlthOUgh We arc replacing things, there,s really no rush — We have OUr home back, and that's the main thing.

26.What does the UndCrIinCd WOrd HamiSS'' in the first ParagraPh mean? A. WrOng・ B. MiSSing・ C. Right. D. Found-

27.It Can be inferred from the text that the author __________ ・ A. was SiCk Of Staying UPStairS・ B ・ CarCd much about her ChildrCn.

C ・ COUld not Stand IiVing a WOOden house・

D. did not deal Well With her family affairs during the flood.

28. Why docs author Say that they Were IUCky in the third paragraph? A. Bccause her SitUatiOn WaS not SCriOUS・ B. BeCaUSe many Other PIaCeS WerC flooded・ C. Because She had been to NOrthCrn India- D. Bccause SOme OtherS SUffCrCd even more・

29. What does the author mainly Want to express by telling her story? A. Shc VaIUCd human feelings more than before・ B. She realized ShC almost didn't need possessions. C. Shc found ChriStmaS gifts no IOngCr badly needed・ D. Shc thought her OWn home WaS the most importam. 30. Why did the author move to a WOOden house in a park? A. Because it WaS too damp UPStairS and they felt UnCOmfOrtable. B. Because there are no neighbours around and they felt lonely. C. Because the SitUatiOn in the City WaS WOrSe and WOrSe・ D ・BeCaUSe ChriStmaS WaS COming and they WOUld PrCParC for il.


A rainforest is an area COVCrCd by tall trees With the total high rainfall SPreading quite equally through the year and the temperature rarely dipping below 16oC・ RainfOreStS have a great effect On the WOrId CnVirOnmCnt because they Can take in heat from the SUn and adjust the CIimatC・ WithOUt the forest COVeE these areas WOUId reflect more heat into the atmosphere, Warming the rest Of thcworld・ LOSing the rainforests may also influence Wind and rainfall Patterns, POtCntiany CaUSing- Certain natural disasters all OVer the WOrId・

In the PaSt hundred years, humans have begun destroying rainforests in SCarCh Of three major resources (资源):land for crops»wood for PaPCr and Other products, Iand for raising farm animals. ThiS action affects the CnVirOnment as a whole. FOr example f a IOt Of CarbOn dioxide (二氧化碳)in the air COmeS from burning the rainforests. PCOPle ObViOUSly have a need for the resources We gain from CUtting trees but We Win SUffer much InOre than We Wiil benefit. ThCre are two main reasons for this. Firstly, When PCOPIe CUt down trees, generally they Can Only USe the Iand for a year Or two. Secondly, CUtting Iarge SeCtiOnS Of rainforests may PrOVide a good SUPPIy Of WOOd right now, but in the IOng run it actually reduces the world's WOOd SUPPly.

RainfOreStS are OftCn CanCCl the WOrId,s drug StOre・ MOrC than 25 % Of the medicines We USe today COme from PlantS in rainforests. However, fewer than l%of rainforest PIantS have been examined for their medical VaIUe・ It is extremely IikeIy that OUr best ChanCe to CUrC diseases IiCS SOmCWhere in the WOrIdS Shrinking rainforests. 31. RainfOreStS Can help to adjust the CIimate because they ________ ・ A. rcflect more heat into the atmosphere・

B ・ bring about high rainfall throughout the world.

C. rarely CaUSe the temperature to drop IOWer than 16°C ・ D. reduce the CffeCt Of heat from the SUn On the Carth・

32. What does the WOrd ,,thisπ UndCrIinCd in the SeCOnd ParagraPh refer to? A. We WiIl IOSe InUCh more than We Can gain. B. Humans have begun destroying rainforests. C. Pcoplc have a StrOng desire for resources.

D. Much CarbOn dioxide COmeS from burning rainforests. 33.It Can be inferred from the text that _________ ・ A. we Can get CnOUgh resources WithOUt rainforests B. there is great medicine POtential in rainforests C. We Win grow fewer kinds Of CrOPS in the gained Iand D. the IeVel Of annual rainfall affects Wind PatternS 34. What might be the best title for the text? A. How to SaVe RainfOreStS B. How to PrOteCt NatUrC CeRainforests and the EnVirOnmCnt D-Rainforests and MCdiCal DCVelOPmCnt 35. The WritCr WrOte the PaSSage in OrdCr to A. introduce the rainforest for US

B. warn PCOPle Of the CffCCt Of CarbOn dioxide C. call On PeOPle to PrOteCt the rainforest

D. advise PCOPIC to do more research On the rainforest


F. SCOtt FitZgCraId, born On SCPtember 24, 1896, an AmCriCan novelist, WaS OnCe astudcnt Of St. PaUl Academy, the NeWman SChOOl and attended PrinCetOn UniVerSity for a ShOrt WhiIe・ in 1917 he joined the army and WaS POStCd in Alabama. Where he met his future Wife ZCIda Sayre・ Then he had to make SOmC money to impress her. HiS IifC With her WaS full Of great happiness, as he WrOte in his diary: MMy OWn happiness in the PaSt Often approached SUCh joy that I COUId SharC it even With the PCrSOn dearest to me but had to Walk it away in quiet StreetS and take down PartS Of it in my diary.”

ThiS Side Of paradise, his first novel, WaS PUbIiShCd in 192O. EnCOUragCd by its success, FitZgerald began to devote more time to his Writing・ ThCn he COntinUCd With the novel the BCaUtifUl and Damned (1922), a COlIeCtiOn Of ShOrt StOrieS ThaIeS Of the JaZZ Age (1922), and a PIay ThC VegetabIe (1923). But his greatest SUCCeSS WaS ThC GrCat Gatsby5 PUbIiShCd in 1925, WhiCh quickly brought him PraiSe from the IitCrary world. Yet it failed to give him the needed financial security. Then, in 1926, he PUbIiShed another COlleCtiOn Of ShOrt StOrieS Ail the Sad YOUng Men.

HOweVen FitZgeraIdS PrObIemS With his Wife ZClda affected his Writing・ DUring the 1920s he tried to reorder his life, but failed・ By 1930. his Wife had her first breakdown and Went to a SWiSS CliniC・ DUring this PCriOd he COmPletCd novels TCndCr IS the Night in 1934 and ThC IOVe Of the IaSt TyCOOn in 1940. WhiIe his Wife WaS in hospital in the UnitCd States, he got totally addicted to alcohol. Sheila Graham, his dear friend, helped him fight his alcoholism.

36. How many novels Written by FitZgeraId are mentioned in the passage?・ A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

37. Which Of the following is the COrreCt OrdCr to describe Fitzgcrald1S Iife according to the passage? a. Hc became addicted to drinking・ b. Hc StUdiCd at St. PaUl ACadCmy.

c. Hc PUbliShCd his first novel ThiS Side Of Paradise. d. Thc Great GatSby WOn high praise. e. He failed to reorder his lifb. f. HejOinCd the army and met Zclda.

A. f-c-e-a-b-d B. b-e-a-f-c-d C. f-d-e-c-b-a D. b-f-c-d-e-a

38. We Can infer from the PaSSage that FitZgeraId ________________ ・ A. had made SOmC money When he met ZCIda in AIabama. B. WaS Well CdUCatCd and Well Off before he SerVCd in the army C. WOUld have COnIPleted InOre WOrkS if his Wife hadn,t broken down D. helped his friend get rid Of drinking WhilC his Wife WaS in hospital 39. What Can We know from the PaSSage about FitZgeraid? A. He had InadC SOmC money WhCn he InCt Zelda in AIabama. B. He WaS Well CdUCatCd and WCll Off before he sen,ed in the army. C. He WOUId have COmPICtCd InOre WOrdS if his Wife hadn,t broken down・ D. HC helped his friend get rid Of drinking WhilC his Wife WaS in hospital. 40. WhatS the best title Of this PaSSagC ? A. Zclda,s PerSOnal Life B. Zelda,s InneSS and Treatment C. FitZgeraIds FriendShiP With Graham

D. FitZgerald^ COntribUtiOnS to the LitCrary WOrld


NO matter how OId your kids arc, you Can take StePS to improve a healthy diet and to encourage good eating habits・

TiP One: FalniIy MeaIS

Family meals are nice for both ParCntS and kids. ChiIdrCn Iike to guess What they arc to have and ParentS get the ChanCe to introduce new foods to ChiIdrCn・ ParCntS Can also USe the mealtime as a ChanCe to talk With their kids about their life.

TiP Two: Healthy SnaCkS

Kids, especially younger ones, WiIl eat mostly What Can get at home・ That,s Why it's important to have enough healthy snacks, SUCh as fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt and WhOlC-grain biscuits・

TiP Three: Being a GOOd EXamPIe

The best Way for you to CnCOUragC healthy eating is to eat Well yourself KidS Will follow the Iead Of adult they See every day. By eating fruits and VCgetablCS and avoiding fast food and SWeet drinks, you arc Sending the right message・

TiP Four: NO ShOUtS about FOOd

ParCntS might find themselves ShOUting at ChiIdrCn to get them to have healthy foods in front Of them. ThiS in fact Can Inake ChiIdrCn dislike What they arc asked to eat. YOU need to WOrk a bit On different COOking methods.

TiP Five: Get KidS IIlChIded

MOSt kids Wiil CnjOy making the decision about food. TaIk to them about making ChOiCeS and PIanning a healthy meal. It Can help them to make good decisions On their OWn about the foods they Want to eat. 4 LWhat is the author,s attitude towards snacks? A. SnaCkS ShOUIdn,t be CatCn.

B. HeaIthy SnaCkS Can be accepted・

C. Kids Can OnIy have SnaCkS at home・ D. ITS not necessary to Havesnacks at home, 42 ThC best Way for ParCntS to CnCOUrage a healthy diet is _____ ・ A. to have family meals B. to eat healthy SnaCkS

C.to be a good exampleD・ to get kids included

43. What does the UnderIinCd PhraSC HthC right message0 mean? A. Being a good COOk・ B. HeaIthy eating C. Eating fast food. D・ COOking at home,

44. According to TiP Four, What ShOUId ParentS do if kids refuse to Cat healthy food? A. EXPIain how healthy it is.

B. Try COOking it in a different Way

C. NeVCr COOk the Same food・ D・ ASk kids to get USed to its taste.

45. Why ShOUId ParentS get kids included WhCn they make the decision about food? A. To Iet kids Cat anything they IikC・ B. To help kids become a WOndCrfUl COOk・ C. To help kids InakC good ChOiCeS by themselves・ D. To Set a good CXamPle Of eating healthy food.



StUdCntS in JaPan are trying a new kind Of travelling. In the PaSt they COUld Only go to the museums. That WaS boring for the teenagers・ They Often Went by bus. Many Of them felt asleep in the museum・ _46_ They Can go to factories, VillageS and many OthCr PlaCeS they Iike. They explore the great OUtdOOrS and Iearn from the SOCiCty and SOme Of them CVen go to far-away PIaCeS・

EXPeriCntial CdUCatiOn (体验式教育)is now Very POPUIar in NOrth AmeriCa. _47_ JUSt IOOk at the JTB, Japan,s biggest travel agency. 11 has more than 300 different travel PrOgrammCS for StUdCntS ans SChOOIS・ MOre than 25 SChOOl have taken Part in the PrOgrammeS SinCe 2001.

_48_ They travel to fishing VillageS in Kyushu, JaPaneSe VinageS in Hawaii、and farming VillageS in China・ SOme even go to EngliSh ClaSSeS in EngIand・ WhCreVer they go, they CnjOy helping disabled PCOPlC・ _49_ By doing so. they Iearn how to take Care Of others. It,s an experience that StUdentS Wiil never forget・

TraVening in JaPan also does good for the farmers and fishcrmeι‰ FiShing and fanning VinagCrS have hard time in InOdCm JaPan・ _50_ ViSitOrS and groups Of students* COming every year bring them a IOt Of money and a better life. A. Thcy help these PeOPIe get around.

B. It is also becoming more and InOre POPUIar in JaPan・ C. But now they Can go OUt Of doors・

D. But now they Can have PeOPIC ViSit their VinageS・ E. Where are the StUdCntS going?

46. _______ 47. _______ 48. ________49. _______ 50. _________



根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整 单間。(每空只 写一词)

51. ThC ViSitOrS gave US a WOndCrfUl 1 __ yesterday morning, and every StUdCnt enjoyed it Very InUCh・ 52. AI1 ParentS e _______ their ChildrCn to be healthy and happy. 53. Thc restaurant has the best S ________ in the city, 54. The S _____ in the Iibrary says, HKeeP SilCntl

55.0Ur CnCmiCS are Very strong, but We all believe that We Can b __________ them. 56. Bcn didn,t go to SChOOl yesterday,because he WaS b ________ ill.



57. Lily告诉我不要诱使她买太多衣服。

Lily told me _________________________ her _________ buying IOtS Of clothes. 5&评委们问麦莉为什么她要盯着他们。

ThejUdgeS asked MiIey ________________________ her eyes ________ them. 59.迈克真是一个勇敢的孩子!他刚刚救了那位老太太。 _______________________ kid Mike is! He just SaVCd the OId lady. 60•他经常在公共场合吸烟,真是太让人讨厌了。 _______________________ him to SmOke in public. 61.汤姆激动得难以平静。

TOm WaS _______________________ he COUId _______ keep still. 62•离开之前所有的灯必须关掉。

Ail the IightS ________________________ before IeaVing・

63.想要保持牙齿健康,你要远离甜食。 SWeet food if you Want to keep your teeth healthy. 第三节书面表达


假设你是李明,你的朋友PCtCr即将面临中考,然而他却深感圧力乜大,寝食难安,情绪低落, 学习效率低下。请你写一封信给他提一些有益的建议,帮助他调整心态,提高学习效率,轻松迎考。 要点如下:

1 •学会放松(体育锻炼,听音乐) 2 •健康饮食; 3. 充足睡眠;

4. 请你补充一至两点建议。 DCar Peter,

Don,t WOrry about your Study too much ・ First, you ShOUId

I hope you Can Stay in good SPiritS and StUdy better.


