

2023-08-17 来源:年旅网

Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Computer Science & Technology


Ⅰ.Educational Objectives


This program is designed to provide a thorough grounding in the theoretical principles and knowledge of information retrieval, transformation, processing and application. It remains committed to systematic education for high-level researchers and doers, who have particular interests in the area of electronics, communication, computer, automation, optical information and information sensing. Students with good command of English and personality of innovation can be prepared for any professional role they might choose—research, design, integration, practice in information technology industries, research institutes, universities, the professions and other community groups, and pursue their advanced degrees in computer science and technology, other related fields and cross subjects.

二、基本规格要求 Ⅱ.Skills Profile

毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力: 1. 具有较扎实的信息学科所需的数理基础;

2. 掌握信息学科、计算机科学与技术的基本理论和方法;

3. 具有研究计算机科学与技术领域理论问题和解决实际问题的能力; 4. 了解信息学科、计算机学科的发展动态; 5. 具有较强的英语语言能力;

6. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的方法和撰写科学论文的能力;

7. 具有较好的人文社科知识和人文素质,以及较强的协调、组织能力; 8. 具有较强的创新精神。 Students are expected to gain:

1. Sound grounding in both mathematics and physics;

2. Principles of information science, electronics and computer science; 3. Research and problem solving skills;

4. Skills to understand the development and trend in the computer discipline; 5. Skills to use English language;

6. Ability in document searching, data querying and thesis writing;

7. Attainment in humanities & art, cooperative and organizational skills; 8. Sense of creation and innovation.


Ⅲ.Program Features


Based on math and science, built on information science, directed towards computer science and technology and systems oriented, this program emphasizes on creativity, bears applications in mind, combines software and hardware, and keeps a balance between computer science and computer engineering. It also cultivates talents in analysis of computer systems and computer networking architecture, as well as in research, analysis, design, development and engineering management of software design, tools and supporting environment.


Ⅳ.Major Disciplines

计算机科学与技术Computer Science & Technology 五、学制与学位

Ⅴ.Length of Schooling and Degree 修业年限:四年 Duration:4 years 授予学位:工学学士

Degrees Conferred:Bachelor of Engineering

六、学时与学分 Ⅵ.Hours/Credits


Minimum Credits of Curricular(Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training):210.5

完成学业最低课外学分要求:6 Minimum Extracurricular Credits:6 1.课程体系学时与学分

Hours/Credits of Course System 课程类别 通识教育基础课程 学科大类基础课程 专业基础与专业核心课程 专业方向课程 合计 Course Classified Basic Courses in General Education Basic Courses in General Discipline Common Core Courses Courses in Specialty Specialty-Oriented Courses Total Course Nature Required Elective Required Elective Elective Hrs/Crs 1 185/72.5 160/10 624/39 576/36 240/15 2 785/1725 Percentage (%) 42.0 5.8 22.6 20.8 8.7 课程性质 必修 选修 必修 必修 选修 学时/学分 1 185/72.5 160/10 624/39 576/36 240/15 2 785/172.5 占课程体系学分比例(%) 42.0 5.8 22.6 20.8 8.7 2.集中性实践教学环节周数与学分

Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training

实践教学环节名称 军事训练 电工实习 生产实习(社会实践) 课程设计 毕业设计(论文) 合计 课程性质 必修 必修 必修 必修 选修 必修 周数/学分 4/4 2/2 3/3 11/11 2/2 16/16 38/38 Course Nature Required Required Required Required Elective Required 占实践教学环节学分比例(%) 10.5 5.2 7.9 29 5.2 42.1 Percentage (%) 10.5 5.2 7.9 29 5.2 42.1 Internship & Practical Training Military Training Electrical Engineering Practice Engineering Internship (Social Practice) Course Project Undergraduate Thesis Total Weeks/Credits 4/4 2/2 3/3 11/11 2/2 16/16 38/38 3.课外学分 Extracurricular Credits

序号 1 课外活动名称 社会实践活动 课外活动和社会实践的要求 提交社会调查报告,通过答辩者 个人被校团委或团省委评为社会实践活动积极分子者,集体被校团委或团省委评为优秀社会实践队者 全国大学英语六级考试 全国计算机等级考试 2 英语及计算机考试 全国计算机软件资格、水平考试 获六级证书者 获二级以上证书者 获程序员证书者 获高级程序员证书者 获系统分析员证书者 获一等奖者 校级 获二等奖者 获三等奖者 获一等奖者 3 竞赛 省级 获二等奖者 获三等奖者 获一等奖者 全国 4 5 6 校级三等奖等同。

课外学分 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 6 4 3 2~3 1~3 1~3 获二等奖者 获三等奖者 每篇论文 每项 每项 论文 科研 实验 在全国性刊物发表论文 视参与科研项目时间与科研能力 视创新情况 注:参加校体育运动会获第一名、第二名者与校级一等奖等同,获第三名至第五名者与校级二等奖等同,获第六至第八名者与

Extracurricular No. Activities and Social Practice Submit report and pass oral defense 1 Activities of Social Practice Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province; Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province CET-6 National Computer Rank Examination Examinations in 2 English and Computer Win certificate of Band-6 or higher Win certificate of Band-3 or higher Win certificate of programmer Win certificate of Advanced National Computer Software Qualification Programmer Win certificate of System Analyst Win first prize University Level Win second prize Win third prize Win first prize 3 Competitions Provincial Level Win second prize Win third prize Win first prize National Level Those whose thesis appears in national publications Depending on both the time spent in and 5 Scientific Research ability demonstrated in scientific research project 6 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item Each item Win second prize Win third prize 4 Thesis Per piece Requirements Extracurricular Credits 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 6 4 3 2~3 1~3 1~3 Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.


Ⅶ.Main Courses in Specialty

离散数学Discrete Mathematics、数据结构Data Structure、汇编语言程序设计Assembly Language Programming、数值分析Numerical Analysis、操作系统原理Operating System、微机接口技术Microcomputer Interface Techniques、数据库系统原理Database System、计算机组成原理Computer Organization、计算机网络Computer Network、编译原理Compiler Principles、计算机系统结构Computer Architecture、软件工程Software Engineering


Ⅷ.Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments) C语言课程设计Course Project of C Programming Language、 数字逻辑课程设计Course Project of Digital Logic、数据结构课程设计Course Project of Data Structure、汇编语言课程设计Course Project of Assembly Language Programming、操作系统课程设计Course Project in Operating System、计算机组成原理课程设计Course Project of Computer Organization、微机接口技术课程设计 Course Project of Microcomputer Interface Techniques、数据库系统课程设计Course Project of Database System、编译原理课程设计Course Project of Compiler Principles


Ⅸ.Table of Teaching Schedule


School (Department):School of Computer Science & Technology

课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 课程 性质 Nature 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 课程 代码 Code 毛泽东思想概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought 邓小平理论概论 Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 马克思主义政治经济学原理 Marxist Political Economy 马克思主义哲学原理 Marxist Philosophy 思想道德修养 Morals and Ethics 法律基础 Fundamentals of Law 军事理论 Military Theory 体育 Physical Education 大学计算机基础 Introduction to Computer Technology 大学英语 College English 大学物理(一) Physics (Ⅰ) 物理实验(一) Physics Lab (Ⅰ) 微积分(一) Calculus (Ⅰ)

课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 专业:计算机科学与技术

Specialty:Computer Science & Technology

其 中 Including 各 学 期 学 时 Hours Distribution of in a Semester Course Course Hrs/ 课外 上机 实验 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 Crs Extra- Oper- Exp. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th cur. ation 36/2 70/4 36/2 54/3 51/3 34/2 16/1 128/8 32/2 224/14 112/7 56/3.5 176/11

12 30 4 22 27 10



40 32 通识教育基础课程Basic Courses in General Education

必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required

32 24 24 16 32 32 32 32 16 32

56 56 56 56 56 56 32 24 88 88

课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 课程 性质 Nature 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required

课程 代码 Code 学时/ 课程名称 Course Name 学分 续表 其 中 Including 各 学 期 学 时 Hours Distribution of in a Semester Course Course Hrs/ 课外 上机 实验 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 Crs Extra- Oper- Exp. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th cur. ation 40/2.5 40/2.5 40/2.5 40 线性代数(一) Linear Algebra (Ⅰ) 概率论与数理统计(三) Probability and Mathematics Statistic (Ⅲ) 复变函数与积分变换 Complex Function and Integral Transform 数理方程与特殊函数(一) Equations of Mathematical Physics & Special Functions (Ⅰ) 人文社科类选修课程 Electives in Humanities and Social Science 40 40 学科基础课程学科大类基础 40/2.5 40 160/10 工程制图(一) Engineering Graphics (Ⅰ) 信息技术导论 Introduction to Information Technology 电路理论(五) Circuit Theory (Ⅴ) C语言程序设计 Advanced Programming Language (C) 数字电路与逻辑设计(一) Digital Circuit and Logic Design (Ⅰ) 模拟电子技术(二) Analogue Electronics (Ⅱ) 电子线路设计与实验(三) Electronic Circuits Design and Experiment (Ⅲ) 控制原理 Theory of Automata Control 信号与系统 Signal and System 计算机网络 Computer Network 微电子器件与IC设计 Micro Electronic Device & IC Design 计算机组成原理 Computer Organization 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics

40/2.5 24/1.5 64/4 16 16 20 40 24 64 56/3.5 80/5 48/3 56 ·Basic Courses in General Discipline 80 48 32/2 32 32

48/3 64/4 48/3 16



64 48

56/3.5 64/4 56 64



课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 课程 性质 Nature 必 修 课程 代码 Code 学时/ 课程名称 Course Name 学分 续表

其 中 Including 各 学 期 学 时 Hours Distribution of in a Semester Course Course Hrs/ 课外 实验 上机 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 Crs Extra- Exp. Oper- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th cur. ation 专业基础与专业核心课程Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 数据结构 Data Structure 汇编语言程序设计 Assembly Language Programming 数值分析 Numerical Analysis 操作系统原理 Operating System 微机接口技术 Microcomputer Interface Techniques 数据库系统原理 Database System 编译原理 Compiler Principles 计算机系统结构 Computer Architecture 软件工程 Software Engineering 算法设计与分析 Algorithmic Design & Analysis 专业方向选修课程(A+B) Electives in Specialty (A+B) 56/3.5 48/3 16 32/2 64/4 8 8 8 8 4 12 8 8 8 56 32 29 64 56/3.5 56/3.5 56/3.5 40/2.5 40/2.5 40/2.5 240/15 56 56 56 40 专业课程专业方向课程Common Core Courses in Speciality Speciality-Oriented Courses 40 40 选 修 Elective 专业方向选修课程组A Group A 计算机科学与技术方法论 Methodology of Computer Science and Technology 微机原理与外设 Principle of Microcomputer & Peripheral Equipment 计算机图形学(一) Computer Graphics (Ⅰ) 组合数学 Combinatorics 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence Java语言 JAVA Language

208/13 · 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 24/1.5 24 32/2 32

40/2.5 32/2

8 8 8

40 32 40

40/2.5 32/2


课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 课程 性质 Nature 课程 代码 Code 学时/ 课程名称 Course Name 学分 续表 其 中 Including 各 学 期 学 时 Hours Distribution of in a Semester Course Course Hrs/ 课外 实验 上机 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 Crs Extra- Exp. Oper- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th cur. ation 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 信息安全与保密概论 Introduction to Information Security and Cryptography 面向对象程序设计 Object Oriented Programming 计算机维修技术 Computer Maintenance Technique 人机交互 Human Interface to Computer 多媒体技术 Multimedia Techniques 并行处理与分布式系统 Parallel Processing and Distributed System 信息存储技术 Information Storage Techniques 电子商务 Electronic Business 信息系统设计与分析 Design & Analysis of Information System 集群与高性能计算 Cluster and High-performance Computation 嵌入式系统 Embedded System 专业方向选修课程组B Group B 安全技术专题 Security Technology Seminar 数学建模 Mathematical Modeling 项目管理与案例分析 Project Management and Case Analysis 软件质量与测试 Software Quality and Testing CMM专题 CMM Seminar 网页设计与网站规划 Web Design and Website Scheme 32/2 32 32/2 32/2 32/2 32/2 8 4 32 32 32 32 专业课程Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 选 修 Elective 32/2 32 32/2 32/2 32 32 专业方向课程·Speciality-Oriented Courses 40/2.5 8 40 32/2 32 32/2 32/2 16/1 32/2 32 16 32 24 32 20 20 24/1.5 32/2 20/1 20/1 课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 课程 性质 Nature 选 修 Elective 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 课程 代码 Code 学时/ 课程名称 Course Name 学分 续表 其 中 Including 各 学 期 学 时 Hours Distribution of in a Semester Course Course Hrs/ 课外 实验 上机 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 Crs Extra- Exp. Oper- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th cur. ation Net技术分析与程序设计 Net Analysis and Programming COBOL语言(S/390) COBOL Language (S/390) MVS基础 Fundamentals of MVS 汇编语言程序设计(S/390) Assembly Language Programming (S/390) DB/2数据库(S/390) DB/2 Database System (S/390) CICS交易处理系统(S/390) Processing Systems of CICS(S/390) 20/1 8 16 20 40/2.5 56/3.5 40 大机班Special Class 56 56/3.5 16 56 必 修 Required Required Required 必 修 Required 必 修 Required 必 修 必 修 必 修 40/2.5 40/2.5 4w/4 2w/2 3w/3 12 40 40 军事训练 Military Training 电工实习 Electrical Engineering Practice 生产实习 Engineering Internship C语言课程设计 Course Project of C Programming Language 数字逻辑课程设计 Course Project of Digital Logic 数据结构课程设计 Course Project of Data Structure 汇编语言课程设计 Course Project of Assembly Language Programming 操作系统课程设计 Course Project of Operating System 计算机组成原理课程设计 Course Project of Computer Organization 微机接口技术课程设计 Course Project of Microcomputer Interface Techniques 数据库系统课程设计 Course Project of Database System 编译原理课程设计 Course Project of Compiler Principles 4w 2w 3w 实践环节Required 1w/1 1w 必 修 Required 二选一 one out of two 必 修 Required 2w/2 1w /1 2w 1w Internship and Practical Training 1w/1 1w 2w/2 2w 必 修 Required 2w/2 2w 必 修 Required 2w/2 2w 二选一 one out of two 1w/1 1w/1 1w 1w 课程 类别 Course Classi- Fied 课程 性质 Nature 课程 代码 Code 学时/ 课程名称 Course Name 学分 续表 其 中 Including 各 学 期 学 时 Hours Distribution of in a Semester Course Course Hrs/ 课外 实验 上机 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 Crs Extra- Exp. Oper- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th cur. ation 必 修 Required 微电子器件与IC设计课程设计 Course Project of Micro Electronic Device & IC Design 毕业设计(论文) Undergraduate Thesis 2w/2 2w 16 w 必 修 Required 16w/16
