我的妈妈,是一个对生活很专心的人。她有一双大眼睛,灵巧的双手,还有一对长长的眉毛。别看妈妈很文静,实际上她就是一个“ 辣妈〞。
My mother is a person who is very attentive to life. She has big eyes, smart hands and long eyebrows. Although her mother is quiet, she is actually a \"spicy mother\".
有一次,我飞快地写完作业就冲到楼下去玩耍。可我回到家的`时候家却看见妈妈怒发冲冠的指着我的头,说:“ 十个字里有八个字是错的。〞可我却慢吞吞地走向桌子,心不在焉地改了一半,一半却没改,我把作业交给妈妈,妈妈又对我大声地说:“ 为什么错一半改一半却不改,信不信我给你撕了重写!〞我低着头害怕地说,:“ 信。〞于是,我就认认真真改完了错误。
Once, when I finished my homework quickly, I rushed downstairs to play. But when I got home, my mother angrily pointed to my head and said, \"eight out of ten words are wrong.\" But I slowly walked to the table, and changed half of it absently, but not half of it. I handed my homework to my mother, and my mother said loudly to me, \"why do I change half of my mistakes but not change them? Believe it or not, I'll tear them up and rewrite them for you!\" I lowered my head and said in fear, \"believe it.\" So I corrected my mistake.
这就是我的“ 辣妈〞妈妈虽然对我学习严格,但平时在生活上对我的关心和照顾却一样不少,还很温柔。我爱我的“ 辣妈〞。
This is my \"spicy mother\" although she is strict with me in her study, she cares about me as much as she does in her daily life, and she is very gentle. I love my \"spicy Mom\".