This document is for reference only-rar21year.March
Objective 目标: The objective of this policy & procedure is to ensure that any guest’s item found is immediately attended to. 此政策程序的目的是为了保证客人丢失的物品能尽快得到恰当的处理。 Procedure 程序 1. Any staff who finds any articles left behind by a hotel guest/F&B patron should immediately inform their Supervisor or Department Head and check with the Concierge counter to determine whether the guest has left the hotel or not. In case the guest is still in-house, a message should be left at the Concierge counter to advise the guest to pick up his belongings at the Housekeeping Office. 任何员工发现客人在客房或餐厅遗留的物品后,应即刻通知主管或部门经理,并与行李台确认客人是否已离开酒店。若客人没有退房,行李台应给客人留言,请其到客房部取回物品。 2. If the guest has already left the hotel, the found article must then be sent without delay to the Housekeeping Office - Lost And Found section. 如果客人已离开酒店,失物应马上送往客房部失物招领处,不得延误。 3. The found article should be put in a left Property Envelope with the following information marked on the Envelope: 失物应存放于专用的丢失财物封袋里,并在袋上写明以下内容: Date found 发现日期 Name of the guest 客人姓名 Description of the article 失物描述 Name of finder 拾物者 Location of article found 拾物地点 4. The Housekeeper will then record the case into a Left Property Register Book. 管家应同时把情况登记于失物登记本上。 5. If it is not feasible to have the article sent to the Housekeeping Office for whatever reason, it should be given to the custody of the Duty Assistant Manager/Night Manager who will accordingly make an entry record into the AM log book and make arrangements to have the article sent down to the Housekeeping Office as soon as possible. 如果因为某种原因,不能把失物送往客房部,那就应交予当班的大堂副理/夜班经理保管;大堂副理 / 夜班经理应将事件登记于AM日志本上,并安排尽快将失物送往客房部。 6. Under no circumstances should an individual retain any articles found in any area, as this is an offence, which will result in disciplinary action. 任何情况下,不得私藏任何失物;否则将受到纪律处罚。 7. If any of the articles found in any area are considered to be of substantial value e.g. watches, jewelry and/or cash, the article in question should be given to the custody of Duty Assistant Manager who will in turn make a log book entry record in the AM log book, lock the article in the AM safety deposit box to be submitted to the Director of Finance & Business Support’s Office before the end of the day or the next working day. 2
如果发现失物价值较大,例如手表、珠宝、现金,有疑问的物品应交给值班大堂副理,他/她应 3
登记于AM日志本上,并把失物存放于AM保险箱内;在当天结束前或第二个工作日交财务总监。 8. All articles channeled through and kept temporarily by the Duty Assistant Manager/Night Manager must be notified to the Housekeeping Office immediately. 所有通过并由值班大堂副理/夜班经理临时保管的物品应即刻通知客房部登记。 9. All Lost and Found items regardless of value must be recorded into the Left Property Register Book by the Housekeeping Office, which is the centralized point when inquiries are made to recover them. 不论价值大小,所有失物均应登记于客房部的失物登记本上,供客人询问时参考。 10. No articles may be returned back to the owner without verification and signature of acknowledgment. 失物未经验证及签字不得随意返还给客人。 11. For non-substantial value articles, if there is no enquiry for a consecutive period of six (6) months and after continuous attempts or the owner cannot be located, the lost article could be inherited to the finder subject to the General Manager’s approval. Should the finder be no longer in our employment, the final decision rests on the Management as to what should be done with it. 对于无较大价值的失物,若六个月内无人认领或经过努力无法找到失主,在得到总经理批准后可以发给发现者。若发现者已不是本酒店员工,由管理层决定如何处理。 Non-substantial value articles which are perishables, can be disposed off by the Executive Housekeeper at his discretion, recording into the Left Property Register Book. 对于无较大价值且易腐烂的失物,可以根据行政管家的判断处理,并在失物登记本上登记。 12. Whenever owner has been identified and his address known, the Executive Office will notify her/him about the item left behind. Upon owner’s request, the item will be returned to her/him after being properly documented. 只要失主被确认并已知道其地址,行政办公室将通知其遗失物品事宜;并根据失主提出的要求,在妥善记录后将遗失物寄还失主。 Audit 审核 1. All articles kept in custody by the Executive Housekeeper and Director of Finance & Business Support are subject for audit. Henceforth, all such articles must be properly tagged and kept in secured and locked location. 所有保存在行政管家和财务总监出的失物都须审核;所有失物都必须贴上标签并保存于安全上锁的地点。 2. The Left Property Register Book must be most up-to-date at all times. 失物登记本必须及时更新记录。 3