

2024-02-22 来源:年旅网
 FBI警告:改变的指纹摘要 在去年的一项研究中,联邦调查局发现了在综合自动指纹识别系统412条记录的显示有人故意变更指纹。研究发现改变指纹的人中绝大多数似乎有广泛的犯罪记录和多次“参与”到执法活动中的记录。 韩晔 2013101234 刑事科学技术新发展

FBI Warns About Altered Fingerprints


Detectives have been fingerprinting suspects — and tracking criminals — for about a century. No two fingerprints are alike.


Even the same finger that’s been cut, burned, bitten, or even shorn off using sandpaper is different than it was before.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation is cautioning authorities to be on the lookout for suspects who may

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be trying to dodge their past by altering the crucial identifiers at their fingertips, as they said in a release last week.


Criminals who want to avoid detection will try almost any method to alter their fingerprints – even sometime enlisting medical professionals to try and change their unique markings.

罪犯为了避免被发现会尝试几乎所有的方法来改变他们的指纹,甚至有时寻找医疗专家去试图改变他们的独特的标记。 In a study last year, the FBI identified 412 records in the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System which showed deliberate print alteration, they said. The biggest number of altered prints appeared to be by people who had extensive criminal records and multiple law enforcement encounters, the study found. Some were violent criminals and thieves, federal authorities said. But especially common were people

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who were involved drug-related offenses, and who had immigration offenses.

在去年的一项研究中,联邦调查局发现了在综合自动指纹识别系统412条记录的显示有人故意变更指纹。研究发现改变指纹的人中绝大多数似乎有广泛的犯罪记录和多次“参与”到执法活动中的记录。联邦当局说:在一些暴力罪犯和小偷尤其是常见的涉及毒品的人以及那些移民犯罪的人中最为常见。 ―Many were deported criminals who altered their fingerprints in an attempt to reenter the United States,‖ said the FBI, in a release.


Most of the alterations found were made by just a single vertical cut down the center of the finger, which interrupted the pattern and kept the fingerprint from having an automatic ―hit‖ in the system. The less common kinds were a Z-shaped cut across the pad if the fingertip, burns using heat or chemicals to obliterate the print, or a combination of methods including biting, or sandpaper.

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大部分的改变只发现是从手指的中心挖去一个小洞,它能够破坏指纹图案并且阻止指纹自动系别系统的“碰撞”。不太常见的类型是在指肚上弄一个z字形跨越,用高温烧灼或者用化学物质消除指纹,或结合的方法咬、砂纸打磨的方法消除指纹。 In 2012, a Michigan State University team of researchers found that altered fingerprints could regularly beat the system. They proposed developing countermeasures by cataloguing alterations, and devising a tracking method which would account for the physical changes.


The FBI asks local agencies to inspect a suspect’s hands before taking fingerprints. If they appear to be unusual, or the print submitted returns an error, they are encouraged to contact the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services for further tips.

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联邦调查局要求当地机构检查之前有嫌疑的指纹。如果他们看起来不正常,或者指纹提交回复了一个错误报告,他们鼓励联系联邦调查局的刑事司法信息服务并让其提供进一步建议。 Partly because of these difficulties, the feds have begun using other biomarkers — from tattoos, to eyes, to palm prints – in the Next Generation, or NGI, system, which began in September 2014.


Approximately 60 million prints were scanned looking for matches in each of the years 2012 and 2013, according to the FBI.


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