THE SILENT WAY 默⽰教學法(SW)歷史背景與淵源
SW是由Caleb Gattegno在觀察⼀位歐洲學者進⾏數學教學後研發出來的教學法。它最主要的學習理論包括了:
(1)學習者若能⾃⼰去察覺(discover)、發現、及創造(create) ,將遠⽐覆誦(repeat)、熟背(remember)來的好--- 普通的教學通常可分為講述模式(expository mode)和假設模式(hypothetical mode)。講述模式中所有的教學內容、型態、進度全權由教師來掌控,假設模式的教學則讓學⽣在實驗、摸索、嘗試中參與學習,加強了學習將度,增進內在的⾃信與成就感。Gattegno認為SW可以讓學習者獲得假設模式的上課效果;
(2)SW所使⽤的教具,如依顏⾊來分類的彩⾊⽊條(colored cuisenaire rods)和發⾳卡(Fidel pronunciation charts),是⼼理學中所說可以幫助學⽣學習和記憶的輔助媒介(associate mediator);
(2)意識狀態(awareness)---Gattegno⾮常重視⼼理學中〝如何學好學習〞(learning to learn)這⾨學問。他認為,意識狀態的發展要由注意⼒開始,然後才透過實驗、⾃我修正來達到融匯吸收的境界。這點也是SW有別於其他教學理論的最⼤特⾊。教材教法⼀、教學⽬標
SW依照⽂法難易度以及教學上視覺呈現的效果來安排課程。所以,祈使句型、名詞複數型、數⽬字、介係詞代名詞、⽐較級、數量詞、時間性量詞等⾮常容易⽤教具和教室場景來介紹的內容都會出現在初級的教材中。以下就簡單舉例SW的課程編排情況(Joel Wiskin, personal communication):Lesson Vocabulary
1. Wood color red wood, red, green, yellow, brown,pink, white, orange, black, color2. Using the number 1-10 one, two, three…..ten3. Wood color red two pieces.
4. Take (pick up ) wood color red two pieces. Take (pick up)5. Take wood color red two pieces give, object pronouns give him
6. Wood red where? Where, on, under, near, far over, Wood red on table. Next to, here, there7. Wood color red on table, is it? Question-forming rules.Yes, on. Yes. NO.Not on.
8. Wood color red long. Adjectives on comparison.Wood color green longer.Wood color orange longest9. Wood color green taller.Wood color red is it?
10. Review. Students use structures taught in new situation, such as comparing the heights of students in the class.下⾯⽰範如何⽤SW教泰國話的教案(Joel Wiskin, personal communication):
1. Teacher empties rods onto table.
2. Teacher picks up two or three rods of different colors, and after each rod is picked up says: [mai:].
3. Teacher holds up one rod of any color and indicates to a student that a response is required. Students say: [mai:]. Ifresponse is incorrect, teacher
elicits response from another student, who then models for the first student.4. Teacher next picks up a red rod and says: [mai sii daeng].5. Teacher picks up a green rod sand says: [mai sii khiaw].
6. Teacher picks up either a red or green rod and elicits response from student. If response is incorrect, procedure in step 3 isfollowed (student modeling).
7. Teacher introduces two or three other colors in the same manner.
8. Teacher shows any of the rods whose forms were taught previously and elicits student response. Correction technique isthrough student modeling, or the teacher may help student isolate error and self-correct.
9. When mastery is achieved, teacher puts one red rod in plain view and says: [mai sii daeng nung an].三、Teacher then puts two red rods in plain view and says: [mai sii daeng song an].11. Teacher places two green rods in view and says: [mai sii khiaw song an].12. Teacher holds up two rods of a different color and elicits student response.
13. Teacher introduces additional numbers, based on what the class can comfortably retain. Other colors might also beintroduced.
14. Rods are put in a pile. Teacher indicates, through his or her own actions, that rods should be picked up, and the correctutterance made. All the students in the group pick up rods and make utterances. Peer-group correction is encouraged.15. Teacher then says: [kep mai sii daeng songan].
16. Teacher indicates that a student should give the teacher the rods called for. Teacher ask other students in the class togive him or her the rods that he or she asks for. This is all done in the target language through unambiguous actions on thepart of the teacher.
17. Teacher now indicates that the students should give each other commands regarding the calling of rods. Rods are put atthe disposal of theclass.
18. Experimentation is encouraged. Teacher speaks only to correct an incorrect utterance, if no peer group correction is forthcoming.
英語教學⽅⾯實例如下(國⼩英語師資訓練⼿冊,p. 23-24,師德):步驟⼀牆上掛著⾳⾊對應圖表、拼字發⾳對應表及字彙表。
步驟⼆教師嘴⾏作發[ u]⾳,但不出聲。學⽣猜⾳,直到有⼈猜對[u],⽼師點頭,且指⾳⾊對應圖表上的綠⾊[u]符號。步驟三教師雙唇做發[b]⾳⼝型,但不出聲。學⽣猜⾳「媽」,「怕」等,直到有⼈猜「爸」,⽼師點頭,伸出兩指頭嘴型並作[ㄅ][ㄚ],學⽣說[ㄅ][ㄚ],⽼師指第⼀個指頭,學⽣說[ㄅ]([b]);⽼師點頭,對⾳⾊對應圖表上的深綠⾊[b]符號。
步驟五⽼師回到⾳⾊對應圖表上的綠⾊[u]符號,學⽣念[u]⾳。⽼師再指拼字發⾳對應表的oo, ue, o等,嘴⾏作[u]⾳,讓學⽣明瞭[u]⾳以這些字母呈現。重複步驟5,[b]⾳拼成b, bb, be等,[l]⾳拼成l, ll, le, lle 等。
步驟七重複步驟,教red, yellow等顏⾊。
以下分別介紹幾種SW中特殊的教具(國⼩英語師資訓練⼿冊,p. 22,師德):1. 彩⾊⽊條(Cuisenaire Rods):
⾧短不同的彩⾊⽊條提供學⽣情境來練習語⾔。例如教顏⾊、樹⽊、⾧短、位置(A red rod is on the table)、動作(Hold up two long rods)等。2. ⾳⾊對應圖表(sound-Color Chart)
⾳⾊對應圖表分上下兩部:上半部為母⾳、下半部為⼦⾳。每個⾳都有特定顏⾊,學⽣同時連結聲⾳符號與顏⾊三者,印象更深刻。例如[O]⾳為⽩⾊,[p]因為咖啡⾊等。3. 拼字發⾳對應表(Fidel Charts)
學⽣利⽤⾳⾊對應圖表上學得的母⾳和⼦⾳,來練習拼讀。同類的母⾳拼獨組合,或同類的⼦⾳拼獨組合,⽤同樣的顏⾊呈現。例如[u]的⾳有可能拼讀為oo, ue, o等,這些字母全為綠⾊。4. 字彙表(Word Charts)