

2022-04-08 来源:年旅网




课程名称(中/英文):英语口语/Oral English 课程类别:外语类通识拓展选修课程 学分:2 总学时:32 理论学时:32 实验/实践学时:0

适用专业:四年制本科非英语专业(艺术、音乐专业除外) 适用对象:四年制本科生

先修课程:大学英语(1)、大学英语(2) 教学环境:多媒体、网络 开课学院:外国语学院 二、课程简介




学习内容与现实生活相结合,同时融入语言知识、跨文化意识等要素,使学生深入了解主要英语国家的文化背景、生活习俗和社会知识,培养学生的语言运用能力和跨文化交际能力,为未来入职打下良好的语言基础。要求学生课后讨论难度更深一层、与主题相关的话题,以发展其对主题内容进行深层次讨论的口语表达能力、创新能力和思辨能力,并最终培养基础理论扎实、具有较强学习能力、实践能力和职业素养的高素质应用型人才。 三、课程教学目标










以行业需求、职业能力需求为导向,探索知识能力与职业素养并重、课内学习与创新创业一体的应用型人才培养模式,将语言技能、语言知识、文化意识等要素有机地结合起来,相互促进、循序渐进,帮助学生最终实现交际的目的,提高学生的语言沟通技能、跨文化交际能力和综合文化素养。 四、教学课时安排 学时 主题或 知识点 教学内容 总学时 讲课 实践 完成课程教学目标 1.To exchange greetings with others in formal / informal occasions through different cultures; Topic 1 Getting to know you Getting to know you 4 4 0 2.To identify the rituals of the handshake and greetings in different cultures; 3.To comprehend the meanings of smiling and eye contact in different cultures; 4.To give a presentation on meeting Chinese. 1.To offer and order food in the restaurant; 2.To generate a conversation Topic 2 Food for thought talking about food; Food for thought 4 4 0 3.To identify cultural differences in eating, table manners etc; 4.To plan and run a project meeting by stating facts and opinions. 1.To make and respond to a family Topic 3 Family matters 2

and greeting the Family matters invitation; 4 4 0 2.To describe friends, families and relations; 3.To identify cultural

differences in home visits, family types, and typical houses; 4.To give a spoken report on research. 1.To make conversations about medical treatment; Topic 4 Live life to the full Live life to the full 4 4 0 2.To describe medical complaint; 3.To identify cultural similarities and differences in leisure activities; 4.To give advice and express reasons. 1.To make and reply to a formal invitation; Topic 5 Happy holiday! 2.To talk about customs and Happy holiday! 4 4 0 traditions; 3.To identify cultural similarities and differences in festivals; 4.To give an informal talk. 1.To learn about university education; Topic 6 University challenge University challenge 4 4 0 2.To talk modestly but confidently about yourself; 3.To give advice and to find out about people; 4.To prepare a publicity script for your university. 1.To make and reply to a job interview; 2.To talk about the balance Topic 7 Live to work ... or work to live? Live to work ...or work to live? 4 4 0 between work and life and various aspects of working practice around the world; 3.To identify cultural similarities and differences of working practice; 4.To make a dialogue about a job interview. Topic 8 Travel broadens 3

Travel broadens the mind 4 4 0 1.To ask and answer questions when checking in; 2.To ask for directions and

the mind giving directions around the town; 3.To ask questions and talk about transportation; 4.To understand the different purposes of travel. 合计 32 32 0 五、重点难点及教学设计

Topic 1 Getting to know you 1.教学内容

(1)To exchange greetings with others in formal / informal occasions; (2) To identify the rituals of the handshake and greetings in different cultures;

(3) To comprehend the meanings of smiling and eye contact in different cultures;

(4) To give a presentation with concise and proper beginning and ending. 2.教学重点

(1) Greeting in formal and informal situations; (2) Responding to greeting; (3) Rituals of welcoming a visitor; (4) Topics of conversation to avoid; (5) Accepting or refusing invitations; (6) Giving a presentation. 3.教学难点

(1)The knowledge of cultural information; (2)The topic-related sentence structures; (3)The topic-related presentation 4.教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段) 教学方法

(1) Communicative approach; (2) Task-based teaching method;

(3) Free discussion and interactionmethod; 4) Audio-visual method 教学手段

Multimedia software, PPT software, CD-ROM

Topic 2 Food for Thought 1.教学内容

(1) To offer and order food in the restaurant; (2)To generate a conversation talking about food;

(3) To identify cultural differences in eating, table manners etc.; (4)To plan and run a project meeting by stating facts and opinions.



(1) Courses in a Western meal

(2) Behavior and language in bars, restaurants and markets (3) Typical drinks (4) English afternoon tea (5) Table manners

(6) Stating negative facts 3.教学难点

(1)The knowledge of cultural information (2)The topic-related sentence structures (3)The topic-related presentation 4.教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段) 教学方法

(1) Communicative approach (2) Task-based teaching method

(3) Free discussion and interactionmethod (4) Audio-visual method 教学手段

Multimedia software, PPT software, CD-ROM

Topic 3 Family Matters 1.教学内容

(1)To make and respond to a family invitation; (2) To describe friends, families and relations;

(3)To identify cultural differences in home visits, family types, and typical houses;

(4)To give a spoken report on research. 2.教学重点

(1)Cultural information

(2)Making, accepting and refusing an invitation; asking for reassurance; welcomingvisitors; asking about household rules or seating arrangements (3)Giving a spoken report on research 3.教学难点

(1)The knowledge of cultural information (2)The topic-related sentence structures (3)The topic-related presentation 4.教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段) 教学方法

(1) Communicative approach (2) Task-based teaching method

(3) Free discussion and interactionmethod (4) Audio-visual method 教学手段


Multimedia software, PPT software, CD-ROM

Topic 4 Live Life to the Full! 1.教学内容

(1)To make conversations about medical treatment; (2)To describe medical complaint;

(3)To identify cultural similarities and differences in leisure activities; (4)To give advice and express reasons. 2.教学重点

(1)Cultural information

(2)Giving information about medical treatment; describing a medical complaint

(3)Describing customary leisure activities 3.教学难点

(1)The knowledge of cultural information (2)The topic-related sentence structures (3)The topic-related presentation 4.教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段) 教学方法

(1) Communicative approach (2) Task-based teaching method

(3) Free discussion and interactionmethod (4) Audio-visual method 教学手段

Multimedia software, PPT software, CD-ROM

Topic 5 Happy Holiday! 1.教学内容

(1)To make and reply to a formal invitation; (2)To talk about customs and traditions;

(3)To identify cultural similarities and differences in festivals; (4)To give an informal talk. 2.教学重点

(1)How to make and reply to a formal invitation (2)The customs in different holidays

(3)Some similarities and differences of celebration in different countries

(4) Masteringsomespeaking skills 3.教学难点

(1)The knowledge of cultural information (2)The topic-related sentence structures (3)The topic-related presentation 4.教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段)



(1) Communicative approach (2) Task-based teaching method

(3) Free discussion and interactionmethod (4) Audio-visual method 教学手段

Multimedia software, PPT software, CD-ROM

Topic 6 University Challenge 1.教学内容

(1)To learn about university education;

(2)To talk modestly but confidently about yourself; (3)To give advice and to find out about people; (4)To prepare a publicity script for your university. 2.教学重点

(1) The collegiate system (2) Universities in the US (3) Some vocational disciplines (4) Giving polite opinions (5) Inviting people to speak 3.教学难点

(1)The knowledge of cultural information (2)The topic-related sentence structures (3)The topic-related presentation 4.教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段) 教学方法

(1) Communicative approach (2) Task-based teaching method

(3) Free discussion and interactionmethod (4) Audio-visual method 教学手段

Multimedia software, PPT software, CD-ROM

Topic 7 Live to Work... or Work to Live? 1.教学内容

(1) To make and reply to a job interview;

(2) To talk about the balance between work and life and various aspects

of working practice around the world;

(3) To identify cultural similarities and differences of working practice; (4)To make a dialogue about a job interview. 2.教学重点

(1)To ask and answer the interviewee’s questions in a job interview (2)To ask and answer the interviewer’s questions in a job interview


(3) To talk about the balance between work and life (4) To make a dialogueabout a job interview 3.教学难点

(1)The knowledge of cultural information (2)The topic-related sentence structures (3)The topic-related presentation 4.教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段) 教学方法

(1) Communicative approach (2) Task-based teaching method

(3) Free discussion and interactionmethod (4) Audio-visual method 教学手段

Multimedia software, PPT software, CD-ROM

Topic 8 Travel broadens the mind 1.教学内容

(1)To ask and answer questions when checking in;

(2)To ask for directions and giving directions around the town; (3)To ask questions and talk about transportation; (4)To understand the different purposes of travel. 2.教学重点

(1)The development of tourism

(2)Planning and giving a cultural visit (3)Talking about transport

(4)Some essential advice for travelers 3.教学难点

(1)The knowledge of cultural information (2)The topic-related sentence structures (3)The topic-related presentation 4.教学方案设计(含教学方法、教学手段) 教学方法

(1) Communicative approach (2) Task-based teaching method

(3) Free discussion and interactionmethod (4) Audio-visual method 教学手段

Multimedia software, PPT software, CD-ROM 六、学生成绩评定







课程总评成绩按百分制构成,由平时成绩、技能实践成绩与期末考试成绩三部分组成,其中平时成绩占总成绩的40%,期末考试成绩占总成绩的60%。 考核内容 理解、分析、评价、思辨、创新能力、英语语言组织能力和跨文化交际能力 英语口语技能 期末考核 期末考试成绩60% 注:关于平时成绩和自主学习成绩的评定办法,请分别参考《大学英语平时成绩的说明》和《大学英语自主学习实施方案》。



(1)Simon Greenall(英)等 主编. 大学英语文化口语教程(上). 外

语教学与研究出版社,2014 主要参考书:

(1)陆军 主编. 大学英语口语教程. 外语教学与研究出版社,2011 (2)夏玉和 主编. 大学英语口语进阶:交际文化.外语教学与研究出版


(3)张成祎 主编. 全新版大学英语语法手册. 上海外语教育出版社,2011 (4)教育部高等教育司主编. 大学英语课程教学要求. 上海外语教育出版社,2017 重要文献:

(1)汪宏 主编. 大学实用英语写作教程. 北京理工大学出版社,2011 (2)张成祎 主编. 全新版大学英语语法手册.上海外语教育出版社,2010 (3)夏纪梅 主编. 现代外语课堂设计理论与实践. 上海外语教育出版社,


(4)张道真 主编. 实用英语语法大全. 外语教学与研究出版社,2002

考核方式 通过课堂表现、作业测评、能力测评、课堂出勤等方面进行形成性评价 成绩比例(%) 平时成绩40% 备注

