

2022-05-16 来源:年旅网
1-11 全国劳动统计主要指标Main Indicators of National Labor Statistics指 标Item总人口(万人)16岁以上人口数(万人)经济活动人口(万人)全国就业人员年末人数(万人)城镇就业人员单位就业人员 #国有单位 集体单位 其他单位城镇私营和个体就业人员Total Population (10 000 persons)Population Above 16(10 000 persons)Economically Active Population(10 000 persons)Employment (end of year, 10 000 persons)Urban EmploymentUnit Employment State-owned Units Collective-owned Units Other Ownership UnitsEmployment in Urban Private Enterprises and Individuals乡村就业人员城镇单位就业人员工资总额(亿元)Rural EmploymentTotal Wages of the Urban Units Employment (100 million yuan) #国有单位 集体单位 其他单位城镇单位就业人员平均工资(元) State-owned Units Collective-owned Units Other Ownership UnitsAverage Wage of the Urban Units Employment (yuan) #国有单位 集体单位 其他单位 State-owned Units Collective-owned Units Other Ownership Units2012年比上年增长 %20112012IncreaseRate(2010=100)13473511093278579764203591414413.36704.2603.17106.012138.813540411158678894767043710215236.46839.0589.77807.713200.城镇登记失业人员年末人数(万人)非经济活动人口(万人)Urban Registered Unemployment (10 000 persons)Noneconomically Active Population (10 000 persons)注:自2009年始,“城镇单位就业人员工资总额”和“城镇单位就业人员平均工资”即为2008年及以前的“城镇单位就业人员劳动 和“城镇单位就业人员平均劳动报酬”。往年本年鉴及相关资料中1994-2008年城镇单位就业人 指标统计口径相同(下表同)。Note: Since 2009, “Total wages of the urban units employment” and “Average wage of the urban units employment” refer to “Earning units employment” and “Average earning of the urban units employment” before 2008. Statistical coverage of “Earnings of the employment” and “Average earning of the urban units employment” in this previous yearbook and relevant books from 1994 to same with the indicators above.The same applies to the tables followings.9223235391732692-0.51.02008年及以前的“城镇单位就业人员劳动报酬”就业人员劳动报酬和平均劳动报酬指标与此urban units employment” refer to “Earnings of the urban8. Statistical coverage of “Earnings of the urban units yearbook and relevant books from 1994 to 2008 are the
