新融合大学英语综合教程3答案-Unit 1
Part I Pre-reading
Section B Listening Practice
1. smile 2. living 3. declaring 4. old-fashion 5. view 6. run away
Part II Active Reading: Information Technology
Task One
1.B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B.
Part III Language Focus
Task One
1. radical 2.intercepting 3.launched 4. frontier 5. implication
6. timeline 7. lingo 8. trigger 9. scenario 10. witty
Task Two
1. The purpose of the training is to help the students capture data by themselves.
2. The research school has launched an investigation on how to build up a socialism with Chinese Characteristics.
3. The two countries have always maintained close relations.
4. Parents should encourage their children to read more books that could stimulate them.
5. The Chinese enterprises have a solid belief that it is of great importance to highlight the emerging markets of South Asia and Africa.
6. We will firmly pursue the policy “One Country, Two Systems” developed by Mr. Deng Xiaoping,to ensure the prosperity and stability of Hongkong.
Part IV Chinese & Foreign Culture Introduction
Task One
In ancient times in China, file transfer was generally by post. You could usually find a station every 20 li. If there were official documents marked with “Send Immediately”, the documents should cover 300 li a day according to the specified rules or requirements. If it was extremely urgent, the documents could be delivered at speeds up to 400, 600, and at the most 800 li per day. While
transferring emergency files, each station would select the swiftest horse, and thus every horse, even if it could be an ordinary one, would devote itself to running at a speed of almost 1000 li.
Since then, the phrases “Urgent in Six Hundred Li”, and “Urgent in Eight Hundred Li” have been used to represent different degrees of an emergency.
Task Two
Part V Academic Reading: Metallurgical Engineering
Task One
1. Fe2O3 + 3CO↑= 3CO2↑+ 2Fe
2. Limestone
3. 92%, 3~4%, 0.5~3%, 0.25~2.5%, 0.04~2%, a modicum/small amount/trace of need
4. vents, escaping, hoppers, bell-shaped valves
5. oxygen furnaces, the older open-hearth furnaces
Task Two
1. 将焦炭作为燃料给高炉加温;当焦炭燃烧时,释放出的一氧化碳与矿石中的氧化铁进行化学反应,将后者分解为金属铁。
2. 典型的高炉由钢壳构成,内衬为如耐火砖之类的非金属耐火材料。
3. 要填装进高炉的原材料被分成若干小袋进料,每隔10到15分钟被送进高炉中。
4. 实验设备表明,鼓风与氧气浓缩能够提升高炉的产出量。
5. 多个高炉产出的熔态金属在变成钢体之前,会在一个巨型盛钢桶里进行混合,这样能够最大程度地减少在单个熔体形成过程中产生的不规则结构。
Part VI Academic Writing: Outline
I. Introduction:
Hollywood has a long history of producing adventure films. Avatar has some obvious merits, but there are also some significant flaws. II. Body paragraph 1: Cinematography in Avatar (merits) A. Feelings of flight
B. Skillful blend of animation with live action
III. Body paragraph 2: Special effects in Avatar (merits) A. Amazing landscapes B. Spectacular explosions
IV. Body paragraph 3: Faults in Avatar (flaws) A. Predicable plot B. Atrocious acting
V. Conclusion (a paragraph that restates the thesis and sums up the
Part VII Developing Skills: Translation Techniques (I)
1. 中国已尽全力将六方会谈相关成员国拉回到谈判桌上来。
2. 她满怀热情地干起了这个让她迷恋已久的新工作。
3. 他犯有抢劫罪,被判两年监禁。
4. 我忘了她很看重的生日,深感内疚。
5. 在丽莎的坚定领导下,相信企业的财务状况近期就会大有改观。
6. 我不愿意和老朋友道别。
7. 这对68岁新人的婚礼是由坎特伯雷大主教主持的。
8. 如果没有人敢挺身而出反对现行体制,情况永远也不会改善。
9. 在独裁统治下,言论和思想的自由都被剥夺了。
10. 虽然你是我爱人,你也无权看我的私人信件。