

2020-04-16 来源:年旅网
Group standard

VW 01106-1

Issue 2015-04

Class. No.:Descriptors:


welding, gas-shielded arc welding, steel, metal inert gas welding, MIG welding, metal active gas

welding, MAG welding, tungsten inert gas welding, TIG welding, welded joint, sheet steel, sheet steeljoint, sheet metal

Gas-Shielded Arc Welding

Part 1: Sheet Steel Welded Joints – Production, Quality Assurance, andDesign


At the time of this publication, the VW 01106 series of standards – which has Gas-Shielded ArcWelding as its general name – is made up of the following parts:–––

Part 1: Sheet Steel Welded Joints – Production, Quality Assurance, and Design(Part 2:) Rework on Sheet Steel JointsPart 3: Aluminum Welded JointsThere is also VW 01142, Weld Repairs on Aluminum Structures – Product Evaluation and Proce‐dure Notes.Previous issues

VW 01106-1: 1997-01, 2003-05, 2004-07, 2009-08, 2014-11Changes

The following changes have been made to VW 01106-1: 2014-11:

–Section 5.1: 3rd paragraph as per draft amendment VW 01106-1/A1: 2015-03.The following

changes have been made as compared to VW 01106-1, 2009-08:–Standard restructured; requirements and design notes separated–Scope expanded; sheet thickness range expanded to 10 mm–Section 5.2.1 \"Penetration depth\" updated–Section 5.2.3 \"Weld throat length\" updated

–Section 5.2.4: Specifications for weld end overlap added

–Section 5.2.5 expanded with explanations on end crater pipes

Always use the latest version of this standard.

This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.

The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.

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Technical responsibilityGQL-M/2GQL-MDr. Knud NörenbergDr. Frank RöperTel.: +49 5361 9 73623The Standards departmentEKDV/3 Tim HofmannTel.: +49 5361 9 27995EKDVMaik GummertVWNORM-2014-06a-patch5

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments.

© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft

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–––––––––––––––––––––––––Section 5.3.4 \"Fillet weld with deep penetration\": Requirements revised and gap size added inFigure 11

Section 5.3.5 \"Fillet weld on oblique joint\": New second sentence added and Figure 12 revisedSection 5.3.6 \"End-to-end joint\": Double designation for penetration width deleted

Section 5.3.7: Specifications for multiple joint added, new comment added, and Figure 15 re‐vised

Section 5.3.8: Angle joint types D and E added

Section 5.3.9: Specification for type-A plug weld changed and new Figure 22 for type-B plugweld added

Section 5.3.10 \"Special weld types\": First sentence updated\"Multiple edge weld\" section deleted

Section \"Multiple lap weld\" revised and new Table 2 added

Section \"Fillet welds on components with round cross-sections\": \"Fillet weld with deepfusion penetration\" figure deletedSection Figure title updated

Section 6.1 \"Weld quality\": First to third paragraphs specified in greater detailTable 3 and Table 4, no. 3.2.1: Specifications for gap size in stampings addedTable 4, no. 2.12: Comment on lack of root fusion in lap welds addedSection 6.2.3 \"Fused wire bits\" added

Section 6.3.1 \"Microsections, fracture test\": Mechanical test for welds with l ≤ 10 mm addedSection 6.3.2: Specifications for inspection reports added

Section 6.4 \"Rework\": Note on grinding individual parts addedSection 7.4.2 \"Fillet weld\" updated and Figure 34 revised

Section 7.4.6 \"Plug weld\": Application recommendation added

Section 7.5.2 \"Weld throat thickness\": \"Convex weld shape\" figure deletedSection 7.5.3: Design note on weld throat lengths and Figure 46 addedSection 7.5.4 \"Edge projection\": Reference values updated

Section 8 \"Drawing specifications\" revised and note pointing out the weld type symbol addedto Figure 49

Appendix A added with special specifications for exhaust systems



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Scope .........................................................................................................................4Symbols and abbreviations ........................................................................................4Definitions ..................................................................................................................5Penetration width .......................................................................................................5End crater ...................................................................................................................5Temporary weld .........................................................................................................5Smallest common weld throat thickness ....................................................................5Plug weld ....................................................................................................................5Welded joint ...............................................................................................................5Fusion line ..................................................................................................................6Weld metal .................................................................................................................6Weld ...........................................................................................................................6Welded joint ...............................................................................................................6Lap weld .....................................................................................................................6Lap joint fillet weld ......................................................................................................6Unaffected base material ...........................................................................................6Heat-affected zone (HAZ) ..........................................................................................7Gas-shielded arc welding ...........................................................................................7Process description ....................................................................................................7Tungsten inert gas welding (TIG welding) ..................................................................7Gas metal arc welding (MIG/MAG welding) ...............................................................7Requirements when producing welded joints .............................................................7General requirements ................................................................................................7Weld geometry ...........................................................................................................7Weld types and welded joint types ...........................................................................11Welded joint evaluation ............................................................................................20Weld quality ..............................................................................................................20Other imperfections ..................................................................................................24Testing and documentation requirements ................................................................25Rework .....................................................................................................................27Welded joint design ..................................................................................................27General information ..................................................................................................27Materials ...................................................................................................................28Welded joint types ....................................................................................................29Weld types ...............................................................................................................29Weld design – characteristic dimensions .................................................................32Drawing specifications .............................................................................................34Applicable documents ..............................................................................................35Bibliography .............................................................................................................36Special requirements for exhaust systems ..............................................................38

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1 Scope

This standard applies to the production, quality assurance, and design for arc-welded joints onsteel materials.

NOTE 1: VW 01106-3[1] applies to welded joints on aluminum alloys. The evaluation of weldedjoints between other non-ferrous materials such as nickel, titanium, or copper alloys must be basedon this standard as a first approximation.

This standard applies to the DIN EN ISO 4063 processes listed in table 1:

Table 1 – Processes to which this standard applies

Reference num‐




Gas metal arc welding (metal inert gas welding, metal active gas welding)Tungsten inert gas welding, including orbital weldingPlasma arc welding


Weld types:Materials:Geometry:Butt welds, fillet welds, lap welds, plug welds, tempora‐ry welds, and special weld types

Bright, uncoated, and coated sheet steel, as well ashigh-alloy steels and stainless steels

Assembly part thicknesses of 0.5 mm to 10 mm

All arc-welded joints to which this scope is not applicable require clarification with the appropriateDesign Engineering department. Special component-specific specifications, e.g., a change to thequality level for specific imperfections, are permissible and must be entered in the drawing (in thedata record).2

Symbols and abbreviations

The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this standard:CEFHAZNOKOKabb'bRfifsth



Equivalent carbon contentJoining plane

Heat-affected zoneNot OK (not passed)Test passed

Design fillet weld throat thickness, mmPenetration width, mmExcess penetration widthBead width

Penetration depth in sheet i, mm

Face surface coverage (penetration on face surface), mm or % of face sur‐face

Size of an imperfection, e.g., gap size, mmVariable index (1, 2, etc.)Edge projection, mmWeld throat length, mm

Actual throat length in the butt jointActual length of the bead, mm

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Length of weld end overlap, mmWeld throat thickness, mm

Smallest common weld throat thickness, mmWeld throat thickness relative to sheet i, mm

Minimum penetration depth (butt weld) or minimum weld throat thickness(fillet weld) as per drawingPipe wall thickness

Thickness of sheet i, mm

Largest thickness if there are different assembly part thicknessesSmallest thickness if there are different assembly part thicknessesInsertion depth, mmDesign leg length, mm

Total sum of sheet thicknesses, mm

Weld flank angle on oblique joint, or on toe angle (imperfection)

The following definitions apply for the use of this standard:3.1

Penetration width

The width of the weld area along the joining plane in which a crystalline, and thus load-bearing,connection exists.3.2

End crater

Weld pool that solidifies after the gun stops moving.3.3

Temporary weld

Welded joint that is used exclusively to secure components in place temporarily.3.4

Smallest common weld throat thickness

Shortest distance between the component edge/weld metal interface and the weld surface thatyields the narrowest bearing cross-section along the flow of force in the welded joint.3.5

Plug weld

Weld in which the individual parts being joined overlap in a parallel manner and are welded togeth‐er through an opening in the top sheet.3.6

Welded joint

Joint made with fusion welding that comprises a weld, fusion line, heat-affected zone, and unaffec‐ted base material.See figure 1.

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Heat-affected zone

Fusion line, fusion zoneUnaffected base material

Figure 1 – Welded joint


Fusion line

Boundary or zone between the base material and/or filler metal melted during welding and the un‐melted base material.3.8

Weld metal

Material that solidifies after welding and that consists either of base material or of filler metal andbase material.

NOTE 2: Some elements in the weld metal may also come from coatings and/or auxiliary materi‐als (for additional definitions, see DIN 1910-100[2] as well).3.9


The molten welded joint area, consisting of mixed base material and, if applicable, filler metal,where the workpiece(s) is joined at the welded joint.3.10

Welded joint

Area where the assembly parts are joined to each other by means of welding.3.11

Lap weld

Weld in which the individual parts being joined overlap in a parallel manner and are welded togeth‐er, with the upper sheet's face being completely melted.3.12

Lap joint fillet weld

Weld in which the upper sheet's face is not completely melted so that the weld flanks are perpen‐dicular to each other.3.13

Unaffected base material

Area of the base material that did not experience any evident microstructural changes as a resultof the energy applied during welding.

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3.14 Heat-affected zone (HAZ)

Area of the base material that remained solid but, due to the energy applied during welding, experi‐enced microstructural changes caused by temperature.4 4.1

Gas-shielded arc weldingProcess description

Gas-shielded arc welding is a form of fusion welding. An electric arc is used as the heat source. Itburns between the electrode and the workpiece. During the process, the electric arc and the weldpool are protected from the atmosphere by a shield of protective gas. The type of electrode (non-consumable and consumable) defines whether the process is categorized as tungsten inert gaswelding (TIG welding) (see section 4.2) or gas metal arc welding (MIG/MAG welding) (seesection 4.3).4.2

Tungsten inert gas welding (TIG welding)

In TIG welding, an electric arc is ignited between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and theworkpiece. Argon, helium, and mixtures of both – with active gases added sometimes as well – areused as a shielding gas (this is referred to as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)). The filler metal isfed from the side (as with gas welding).4.3

Gas metal arc welding (MIG/MAG welding)

In MIG/MAG welding, an electric arc is ignited between the melting end of the wire electrode (fillermetal) and the workpiece. The welding current flows to the wire electrode through the contact noz‐zle in the welding gun.

When inert gases (low-reactivity gases, e.g., noble gases such as argon, helium, or mixtures ofboth) are used as shielding gases, this is referred to as metal inert gas welding (MIG welding).When active gases are used (e.g., CO2, or mixed gases containing CO2 or oxygen), this is referredto as metal active gas welding (MAG welding).5 5.1

Requirements when producing welded jointsGeneral requirements

Deviations from the requirements in section 5.2 and section 5.3 must be specified in the drawing,verified by means of tests, and described in Test Specifications (PVs).

Unless deviating requirements are specified in the drawing, the requirements in this standard ap‐ply.

For welded joints that are executed entirely by hand, the requirements in VW 01106-2 also apply.5.2 5.2.1

Weld geometryPenetration depth

The welded joint is appropriate if a crystalline joint that is continuous across the entire penetrationwidth b, and that has a measurable penetration depth of f ≥ 0.2 mm at the location with the

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deepest penetration, is created between the sheets being joined. The penetration depth may bemeasured at the location with the deepest penetration.

For sheets with a thickness t ≤ 1.0 mm, the penetration depth f must be ≥ 0.1 mm.

NOTE 3: With certain weld types (e.g., lap welds or single-flare V-groove welds), penetrationdepth f cannot be determined if the face surfaces are part of the weld in their entirety.

Smaller penetration depths must be indicated in the drawing or specified in an application-specificTest Specification. A dynamic strength test and a microscopic examination must be performed inorder to ensure that there is a crystalline joint.5.2.2

Penetration width

The required weld width is yielded geometrically by the weld throat thickness.


Design fillet weld throat thicknessDesign leg length

Figure 2 – Simplified diagram of a fillet weld

The following applies in general:a = 0.7 × z1)

The following applies to actual weld throat thickness s: s ≥ a

Together with figure 3, this yields the following requirement for actual penetration width b on filletwelds on T-joints and on lap welds:b1 ≥ t1, b2 ≥ t2


Penetration width in sheet i (i = 1, 2)Weld throat thickness

Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 3 – Penetration widths in fillet welds on T-joints and lap welds


The value of 0.7 is yielded after rounding 1/√2.

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Together with figure 4, this means that the following applies to fillet seams on lap joints:b1 ≥ t2 and b2 ≥ t2,

unless the design requires a thicker weld throat thickness s.


Penetration width in sheet i (i = 1, 2)Thickness of sheet 2

Figure 4 – Penetration widths in lap joint fillet welds

If the thinner sheet has a significantly higher strength than the thicker sheet, a larger minimumweld throat thickness than smin = 0.7 × tmin may be required. In these cases, b1, b2 must be calcula‐ted using formula (1):

b1, b2 ≥ 1.4 × smin


Weld throat length


Design weld throat length l is the weld throat length defined for the welded assembly by the designengineer. Unless the drawing or Test Specification contains deviating specifications, the weldthroat lengths in drawings are minimum values2) that must not be fallen below.

The actual weld throat length is measured at the butt joint; see l1 in figure 5. It is important to notethat this length can be shorter than the length of the bead; see l2 in figure 5.


Actual throat length in the butt jointActual length of bead

Figure 5 – Weld throat length


Exceeding the minimum throat length by more than 50% requires the consent of the Design Engineering department and the QualityAssurance department.

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5.2.4 Weld end overlap

In the case of segmented longitudinal welds and closed circumferential welds, it is required for theend of the weld to overlap with the beginning of the weld in order to create a weld that is able tobear loads from beginning to end; see figure 6.

The following applies to the length of the weld end overlap: lo ≥ bR + 3.0 mm. Regardless of theformula, however, the length must always be at least 8 mm.


End of weld

Beginning of weld

End crater (see section 5.2.5)Bead width

Length of weld end overlap

Figure 6 – Overlap between end of weld and beginning of weld

Shorter overlap lengths are permissible if a joint that is not able to bear loads from beginning toend does not put the component's function at risk. The Design Engineering department will makethe corresponding specification.5.2.5

End crater

The solidification towards the center of the weld pool can result in crater cracks and open craterpipes in the end crater. These pipes and cracks can be prevented if the process is controlled prop‐erly, e.g., with \"crater filling routines.\" Since end crater cracks are usually the result of open endcrater pipes and are extremely hard to detect during a visual inspection, or are located under thesurface, end crater cracks and open end crater pipes are not permissible as per DIN EN ISO 5817,quality level B.

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End crater

Open crater pipeCrater crack

Figure 7 – End crater (with open crater pipe and crater crack)

5.3 5.3.1

Weld types and welded joint types

Square butt weld on butt joint, welded through

See figure 8. The following requirements apply:––

The faces must be fused completely (face coverage fst = 100%).s ≥ tmin, where tmin is the thickness of the thinner of the two sheets.


Weld throat thickness

Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 8 – Square butt weld on butt joint, welded through


Square butt weld on butt joint, not welded through

See figure 9. The following requirements apply:–

s ≥ smin, where smin is the minimum penetration depth or minimum weld throat thickness as perthe drawing.


Weld throat thickness

Figure 9 – Square butt weld on butt joint, not welded through

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5.3.3 Lap weld

See figure 10. The following requirements apply:–––

The upper sheet's face must be fused completely (face coverage fst = 100%).

If the gap is not parallel (upper sheet resting on top in an inclined position), gap size h must bedetermined at the root point (see table 4, no. 3.2.1 and no. 3.2.2.).s1 ≥ 0.7 × tmin, s2 ≥ 0.7 × tmin

NOTE 4: If weld throat thickness s1, s2 cannot be determined directly, the smallest common weldthroat thickness sN may be chosen as an alternative criterion:sN ≥ s1, sN ≥ s2, and sN ≥ 0.7 × tmin–––

f2 ≥ 0.2 mmb2 ≥ t2

a ≤ 0.7 × tmin (design recommendation)


Design fillet weld throat thicknessPenetration width in sheet 2Penetration depth in sheet 2Face surface coverageGap size

Weld throat thickness relative to sheet i (i = 1, 2)Smallest common weld throat thicknessThickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 10 – Lap weld

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5.3.4 Fillet weld with deep penetration

See figure 11. The following requirements apply:––

If the gap is not parallel (upper sheet resting on top in an inclined position), gap size h must bedetermined at the weld root (see table 4, no. 3.2.1 and no. 3.2.2.).s1 ≥ 0.7 × tmin, s2 ≥ 0.7 × tmin

NOTE 5: If weld throat thickness s1, s2 cannot be determined directly, the smallest common weldthroat thickness sN may be chosen as an alternative criterion:sN ≥ s1, sN ≥ s2, and sN ≥ 0.7 × tmin–––

a ≤ 0.7 × tmin (design recommendation)f1 ≥ 0.2 mm, f2 ≥ 0.2 mmbi ≥ ti


Design fillet weld throat thickness (see figure 2)Penetration width in sheet i (i = 1, 2)Penetration depth in sheet i (i = 1, 2)Gap size

Weld throat thickness (with deep penetration) relative to sheet i (i = 1, 2)Smallest common weld throat thicknessThickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)Theoretical root point

Figure 11 – Fillet weld with deep penetration

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5.3.5 Fillet weld on oblique joint

See figure 12. Oblique joints must be used only with sheet thicknesses of at least 1.5 mm. Thefollowing requirements apply:–––

The upper sheet's face must be fused completely (face coverage fst = 100%).f2 ≥ 0.2 mmsN ≥ tmin


Penetration depth in sheet 2Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 12 – Fillet weld on oblique joint


End-to-end joint

Figure 13 shows examples of end-to-end joints together with the corresponding characteristic di‐mensions. The following requirements apply:–––

sN ≥ tminb ≥ t1

f1 ≥ 0.2 mm, f2 ≥ 0.2 mm


Penetration width

Penetration depth in sheet i(i = 1, 2)


Smallest common weld throat thick‐ness

Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 13 – End-to-end joint

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Figure 14 shows an end-to-end joint in the form of a single-flare V-groove weld. The following re‐quirements apply:––

In single-flare V-groove welds, the faces must be fused completely (fst = 100%).sN ≥ tmin


Smallest common weld throat thicknessThickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 14 – Single-flare V-groove weld


Multiple joint

See figure 15. The following requirements apply:–––

Face coverage fst1 ≥ x, fst2 ≥ x, but always at least 0.5 × tmin, where tmin is the smaller of sheetthicknesses t1 and t2.

The face on the sheet with thickness t3 must be fused completely (fst3 = 100%).f1 ≥ 0.2 mm, f2 ≥ 0.2 mm

Legendfifst itix

Penetration depth in sheet i (i = 1, 2)Face coverage on sheet i (i = 1, 2)Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2, 3)Insertion depth (design dimension)

Figure 15 – Triple joint

NOTE 6: This welded joint type must be avoided if possible.

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5.3.8 Corner joint

There are five different types of corner joints: A, B, C, D, and E; see figure 16 to figure 20. Thefollowing requirements apply:–––

Since convexity usually cannot be exactly determined, sN is measured up to the weld surfacein corner joints.

The following applies to types A to D: sN ≥ tmin, where tmin is the smaller of sheet thicknesses t1and t2.

For type-A corner joints, the faces of both sheets must be completely fused (fst = 100%).

Figure 16 – Corner joint, type AFigure 17 – Corner joint, type B

Figure 18 – Corner joint, type C


Smallest common weld throat thicknessThickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 19 – Corner joint, type D

For type-E corner joints, the following applies the same way as to square butt welds on butt joints(see section 5.3.1 and section 5.3.2):- Welded through:- Not welded through:

s = t1s ≥ smin

Minimum weld throat thickness smin must be specified in the drawing.

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Weld throat thickness


Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 20 – Corner joint, type E (left: welded through/right: not welded through)


Plug weld

The following requirements apply to type-A plug welds (see figure 21):–––

The hole's faces must be fused 100% around the entire circumference. Weld concavity is per‐missible if the remaining requirements in figure 21 are met.b ≥ tmaxf2 ≥ 0.2 mm


Plug weld penetration width/penetration diameterPenetration depth in sheet 2Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 21 – Plug weld, type A

The requirements for lap welds (see section 5.3.3) apply to type-B plug welds; see figure 22 andsection 7.4.6.

Figure 22 – Plug weld, type B

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5.3.10 Special weld types

For special weld types not listed in section to section, the weld design require‐ments must be specified in the engineering drawing. Multiple lap weld

Figure 23 shows an example of a multiple lap weld. The following requirements apply:–

The faces of the upper sheets with thicknesses t1 and t2 must be fused completely, and thedimensional requirement for the individual fillet weld throat thickness s1 and s2 of t1 and t2 mustbe met. If there are different assembly part thicknesses and the evaluation is conducted basedon the smallest common throat thicknesses sN1 and sN2, table 2 applies. If there are no specifi‐cations in the drawing, the following reference value applies: a = 0.7 × tmin, 2, 3, where tmin, 2, 3 isthe smaller of the two sheet thicknesses t2 and t3.

Penetration depth f3 in the sheet with thickness t3 must be f3 ≥ 0.2 mm.


s1, s2ti

Penetration depth in sheet with thickness t3

Weld throat thicknesses (with deep penetration) in sheets with thicknesses t1 and t2Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2, 3)

Figure 23 – Three-sheet lap weld

Table 2 – Throat thickness requirements when the sheet thicknesses are different from

each other


Assembly part thicknesses

Smallest common throat thickness



t3 ≥ (t1 + t2)sN1 ≥ 0.7 × t1sN2 ≥ 0.7 × (t1 + t2)

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t3 < (t1 + t2) and t1 ≥ t3

t3 < (t1 + t2) and t1 < t3

sN1 ≥ 0.7 × t3

sN2 ≥ 0.7 × t3

sN1 ≥ 0.7 × t1 Fillet welds on components with round cross-sections

The approximation method shown in figure 24 and figure 25 serves to determine weld throat thick‐ness s.

On workpieces with different geometrical shapes, weld throat thickness s is the shortest distance ofthe angle bisector between the two workpieces.The following applies: s ≥ 0.7 × tmin

Figure 24 – Fillet weld


Angle bisector

Penetration depth in sheet i(i = 1, 2)


Figure 25 – Concave fillet weld

Weld throat thickness

Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

NOTE 7: Imperfections such as undercuts are evaluated as per the required DIN EN ISO 5817quality level. Flanged joint with single-V butt weld with broad root faceThe following requirements apply:–––

sN ≥ tmin (see figure 26)f1 ≥ 0.2 mm, f2 ≥ 0.2 mmb1 ≥ t1, b2 ≥ t2

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Penetration width in sheet i(i = 1, 2)

Penetration depth in sheet i(i = 1, 2)


Smallest common weld throat thick‐ness

Thickness of sheet i (i = 1, 2)

Figure 26 – Single-V butt weld with broad root face on formed workpieces

6 6.1

Welded joint evaluationWeld quality

If no application-specific Test Specification applies and no deviating specifications are defined inthe drawing, the requirements in table 3 and table 4 apply.

The requirements in DIN EN ISO 5817 apply to square butt welds and fillet welds on T-joints, provi‐ded no deviations are specified in table 3. Analogous requirements have been derived for lap

welds; see table 4. The limit values for imperfections must be applied analogously to other types ofwelds (e.g., single-flare V-groove welds, fillet welds on oblique joints, corner joints).DIN EN ISO 5817 quality level B (\"high\") applies.

With the exception of the \"edge fusing\" imperfection (see section 6.2.2), the requirements of qualitylevel D apply to temporary welds (see section 7.4.7). Temporary welds must not impair the functionof the component.

Deviating from, or in addition to DIN EN ISO 5817, the specifications in table 3 apply to butt welds,fillet welds, and lap welds, irrespective of the assembly parts' thicknesses.

Table 3 – Deviations from and additions to DIN EN ISO 5817






Butt welds, fillet welds, and lap welds


Too much excess weldmetal

Imperfection on weldstartArc strike

Multiple imperfections


Fillet welds

No evaluationQuality level



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Quality level




Fillet weld throat thick‐ness too large

Asymmetrical fillet weld(unequal leg length)

—No evaluation

It is permissiblePermissible if the weld throatfor thethickness and penetration widthpenetration widthare OKto fall below re‐quired penetrationwidth b1 or b2 by20% on one sideIf t ≤ 1.0 mm:h ≤ 0.8 mmIf

1.0 mm < t ≤ 5.4 mm:

h ≤ 0.5 × tmin + 0.3 mmIf t > 5.4 mm:h ≤ 3.0 mm

If t ≤ 1.0 mm:h ≤ 0.5 mmIf

1.0 mm < t ≤ 5.4 mm:

h ≤ 0.5 × tminIf t > 5.4 mm:h ≤ 2.7 mm

If t ≤ 1.4 mm:h ≤ 0.5 mmIf

1.4 mm < t ≤ 5.4 mm:

h ≤ 0.5 × tmin − 0.2 mmIf t > 5.4 mm:h ≤ 2.5 mm


Gap size on fillet weldsGap size h at the rooton stampingspoint applies.


Gap size on fillet weldson machined individualparts, fits, and preci‐sion stampings

h ≤ 0.5 mm + 0.07 × tminIf t > 3 mm:

h ≤ 0.3 mm + 0.h ≤ 0.2 mm + 007 × tmin.07 × tminIf t > 3 mm:

If t > 3 mm:

h ≤ 1 mm + 0.2 × h ≤ 0.5 mm + 0.h ≤ 0.5 mm + 0

tmin15 × tmin.07 × tmin

The following limit values for imperfections, as specified in DIN EN ISO 5817, table 1, apply to lap


Crack, end crater crack, surface pore, open end crater pipe, lack of fusion, micro lack of fusion,burn-through, root porosity, weld spatter, micro-crack, pore, porosity, localized porosity, linear po‐rosity, wormhole, shrinkage cavity, end crater pipe, inclusions (reference numbers 300 to 3042).As regards the limit values for porosities, shrinkage cavities, and inclusions, the specifications forbutt welds apply to lap welds, i.e., if required, the limit value is determined based on the actualweld throat thickness s.

Joint gaps alone (no. 3.2.1 and no. 3.2.2 in table 3) will have a negative impact on load-bearingcapability only in exceptional cases. However, bigger gap sizes do result in unreliable welding pro‐cesses and a significantly higher proneness to additional imperfections, e.g., solidification crackingas a result of large weld volumes and heat input. Because of this, welding conditions with gapsizes exceeding the limits specified in table 3, no. 3.2.1 and no. 3.2.2, are not permissible.For all other imperfections, limit values must be taken from table 4:

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Table 4 – Quality levels for lap welds, derived from DIN EN ISO 5817, applicable to as‐

sembly part thicknesses of 0.5 mm to 6.0 mm







Smooth transition is re‐quired.

h ≤ 0.2 × tIf t ≤ 3 mm:on max. 25% ofthe throat length

Quality level


h ≤ 0.1 × tIf t ≤ 3 mm:on max. 25% ofthe throat length


Not permissibleIf t > 3 mm:h ≤ 0.05 × t



ShrinkagegrooveSmooth transition is re‐quired.

h ≤ 0.2 mm + 0.1 × t

If t > 3 mm:

h ≤ 0.2 × t on max.25% of the throatlength

h ≤ 0.1 × tIf t ≤ 3 mm:on max. 25% ofthe throat length

Not permissibleIf t > 3 mm:h ≤ 0.05 × t


Root excessweld metalExcesspenetration

Smooth transition is re‐quired.h ≤ 1 mm + 0.6 × bh ≤ 1 mm + 0.3 × 'b'If t > 3 mm:If t > 3 mm:

h ≤ 1 mm + 1.0 × bh ≤ 1 mm + 0.6 × '

Maximum 5 mm


Maximum 4 mmα ≥ 100°

h ≤ 1 mm + 0.1 × b'

If t > 3 mm:

h ≤ 1 mm + 0.2 × b'

Maximum 3 mmα ≥ 110°


Abrupt weldtransition

Weld transitionangleOverlap

α ≥ 90°

1.13506h ≤ 0.2 × b'Not permissible



SaggingIncompletelyfilled grooveContraction ofassembly partthickness atweld edge

Smooth transition is re‐quired.

h ≤ 0.25 × th ≤ 0.1 × tNot permissibleon max. 25%on max. 25%If t > 3 mm:of the throat lengthof the throat lengthh ≤ 0.05 × t



Root concavityExcessivelylow throatthicknessThroat thick‐ness belowlimit

See no. 1.8, \"Shrinkagegroove\"

Evaluated the same way as no. 1.8, \"Shrinkage groove\"On max. 25%of the throat

On max. 25%of the throat

Not permissible


h ≤ 0.2 mm + 0.07 h ≤ 0.2 mm× tminIf t > 3 mm:

h ≤ 0.3 mm + 0.07If t > 3 mm:

h ≤ 0.3 mm + 0.07 × tmin× tmin

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No.Refer‐encenumber4011ImperfectionNoteDQuality levelCB2.12Lack of side‐wall fusionOn max. 25%of the throatlength:h ≤ 0.3 × t4013Lack of root fu‐siona h is considered a lackof fusion on the bottomindividual part only if itresults in penetrationwidth b2 as per Figure 10Not permissiblebeing NOK.4012Lack of inter-run fusion(in the case ofmulti-run weldsand rework)2.13402IncompletepenetrationOn max. 25%of the throatlength:h ≤ 0.15 × t3.2.1617Gap size onstampingsThe gap size at the rootpoint applies.If t ≤ 1.0 mm:h ≤ 0.8 mmIfIf t ≤ 1.0 mm:h ≤ 0.5 mmIfIf t ≤ 1.4 mm:h ≤ 0.5 mmIf1.4 mm < t ≤ 5.4 mm:h ≤ 0.5 × tmin − 0.2 mmIf t > 5.4 mm:h ≤ 2.5 mmh ≤ 0.3 mm + 0.07h ≤ 0.2 mm + 0.07 × tmin × tminIf t > 3 mm:If t > 3 mm:h ≤ 0.5 mm + 0.15h ≤ 0.5 mm + 0.07 × tmin × tminNot permissible1.0 mm < t ≤ 5.4 m1.0 mm < t ≤ 5.4 m:mm:h ≤ 0.5 × tmin + 0.3 h ≤ 0.5 × tminIn the case of joints us‐mming adhesive, the bondedIf t > 5.4 mm:joint's gap size is deter‐h ≤ 3.0 mmmined.h ≤ 0.5 mm + 0.07 × tminIf t > 3 mm:h ≤ 1 mm + 0.2 × tminIf t > 5.4 mm:h ≤ 2.7 mm3.2.2617Gap size onmachined indi‐vidual parts,fits, and preci‐sion stampingsFor exhaust systems (see appendix A) the gap size, deviating from table 3 and table 4, must notexceed 1.0 mm.

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Table 5 provides a reference for determining the quality level required for specific loads:

Table 5 – Reference guide for specifying quality levels based on loads

Quality level



Welded joints predominantly subject to dynamic loads and designed for structural durabilityWelded joints subject to minor dynamic loads and predominantly subject to static loadsWelded joints subject to minor loads

6.2 6.2.1

Other imperfectionsWeld spatter

Weld spatter must be avoided.

Weld beads or welding residues that remain stuck on the parts and that could lead to a negativeimpact on function are not permissible.

Spatter-free areas must be defined in the drawing or in a Test Specification.6.2.2

Loss of melting material at edges, edge fusing

For fillet and lap welds located close to a component edge, any loss of melting material at edges(see figure 27) is not permissible.Edge fusing (see figure 28) is––––

Not permissible on welds with quality requirements at quality level B

Permissible on max. 25% of the weld throat length for welds with quality requirements at quali‐ty level C; sharp burrs are not permissible

Permissible on welds with quality requirements at quality level D; sharp burrs are not permissi‐ble

Not permissible on temporary welds

Figure 27 – Loss of melting material at edgesFigure 28 – Edge fusing

In order to prevent edge fusing and the loss of melting material at edges, the design specificationsfor edge projection k in section 7.5.4 must be taken into account.6.2.3

Fused wire bits

Fused bits of the filler wire on components are not permissible; see figure 29.

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Figure 29 – Fused wire bits

6.3 6.3.1

Testing and documentation requirementsMicrosections, fracture test

The weld geometry, internal quality characteristics, and structure/hardness are usually tested usingmicro cross-sections. In the case of longer welds, multiple evenly distributed microsections mustbe prepared as per table 6.

No microsection must be taken from the first and last 5 mm of a weld. Depending on the end cra‐ter's characteristics, the weld end microsection position may have to be farther than 5 mm so thatthe microsection plane will be located before the center of the end crater.

In the case of welds forming a closed contour in which the start of the weld and the end crateroverlap, the quality requirements also apply to the overlap area (see section 5.2.4). However, thisdoes not apply in cases where the overlap area was purposefully positioned specifically in an areasubject to minor loads as per drawing specification.

In individual cases, e.g., when welds are highly susceptible to porosities, it may be necessary toprepare both longitudinal and horizontal microsections in order to evaluate individual characteris‐tics properly. If necessary, the procedure must be agreed upon with the appropriate departments.

Table 6 – Number of micro cross-sections for different weld throat lengths

Weld throat length l

in mm

l ≤ 50 50 < l ≤ 100100 < l ≤ 200200 < l ≤ 500

Number of micro cross-sections


For weld throat lengths l ≤ 10 mm, and especially for spot-shaped welds without any gun move‐ment, it is permissible to conduct a fracture test (mechanical destructive test) instead of preparingmicrosections. In this test, the component, or a component segment, must be broken open in thearea of the welded joint by applying a tensile or flexural load. A distinction must be drawn betweenthe various types of failure listed in table 7.

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Table 7 – Welded joint failure types when the joint is subjected to a tensile or flexural




Failure type

Fracture outside the weld, in the base materialFracture at the weld edge within the heat-affected zone



Fractured surface evaluation re‐quireda

Fracture at the weld edge between the component and weld metal (lack ofNot permissiblefusion)

Fracture in the weld metalMixes of numbers 2, 3, and 4

Fractured surface evaluation re‐quiredb

Fractured surface evaluation re‐quireda

The fractured surface must be used to check whether imperfections such as undercuts, hot cracks, or a lack of sidewallfusion led to localized weakness, which would not be permissible. Otherwise permissible.


The fractured surface must be used to check whether imperfections such as hot cracks or porosity led to weakness,

which would not be permissible. Otherwise, only permissible if the size of the fractured surface in mm2 is equal to or great‐er than the product of the design throat length and design throat thickness.

6.3.2 Inspection report requirements

Unless otherwise specified, weld inspection reports for build sample tests (see VW 99000-4) mustcontain, in tabular form, the following information for all welds described in the drawing, excepttemporary welds:

Weld throat lengthWeld throat thickness

Penetration depths or face coverage

Imperfections as per sections 6.1 and 6.2Microsections

Comparison between design/actual valuesComparison between design/actual valuesComparison between design/actual values

Presence, actual values, and evaluation

For every microsection position of a component, withmagnification and resolution levels appropriate foridentifying imperfections

The microsections must come from a single component. If this is not possible due to reasons rela‐ted to preparation, two components welded one after the other may be used.

Suitable means, e.g., dimension grids in the microsections, must be used to show how the actualvalues were determined.

For welds with lengths l ≤ 10 mm that were evaluated with a fracture test as per section 6.3.1, theinspection report must include pictures that document the test method, the type of failure, and, ifapplicable , the fractured surfaces.

If the filler metal is specified in the drawing, the corresponding material certificate is required.In individual cases and depending on the corresponding requirements, deviating specificationsmay be agreed upon between the manufacturer, Design Engineering, and Quality Assurance.

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6.4 Rework

The requirements in VW 01106-2 apply to rework on welds. Supplementary rework guidelines forindividual cases are permissible and must be specified in the drawing if necessary.

Grinding welds, e.g., in order to remove burrs, weld spatter, or excess weld metal, is also consid‐ered rework.

Grinding individual parts before welding is only permissible at the component edge. Grinding thecomponent surface in parallel before welding is not permissible.7 7.1

Welded joint designGeneral information

The specifications in section 7.2 to section 7.5, as well as the notes on design in standard

DVS 0929, have been used as the basis for the production-friendly design of arc-welded sheetsteel joints.

When making arc-welded joints, the greatest possible form strength, in terms of the design goal,must be achieved while at the same time ensuring sufficient reliability and a favorable cost/qualityratio. For this purpose, every welded joint must be \"weldable,\" i.e., the dimensions of the weldingequipment and the accessibility of the weld as per DVS 0929 must be taken into consideration inthe design.

A joint is considered to have \"welding reliability\" if the component remains functional (seefigure 30) under the intended operating stresses thanks to its design (see section 7.3 tosection 7.5) and the material used (see section 7.2).

Figure 30 – Weldability diagram

Welds must be specified uniquely by specifying the weld throat length, weld throat thickness, andweld quality.

These requirements are part of the drawing specifications (see section 8).

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7.2 7.2.1


Classification of materialsSimilar materials

Materials must be classified as similar if there are no significant differences between their chemicalcomposition and their welding suitability (see section 7.2.2).

Dissimilar materials

Materials must be classified as dissimilar if there are significant differences between their chemicalcomposition and their welding suitability (see section 7.2.2).7.2.2

Welding suitability

In general, the following have good welding suitability: unalloyed and low-alloy steels with carboncontents of up to 0.20 mass percent or an equivalent carbon content of up to 0.45%, which, forunalloyed steels, is determined using equation (2):

CE = C +


Equivalent carbon content, as %Carbon content, as mass percentManganese content, as mass percent


Equation (2) is a shortened version of the general equation (3) for equivalent carbon content inDIN EN 1011-2:

CE = C +

MnCr + Mo + VNi + Cu + + 6515(3)

Spots in the HAZ with an increase in hardness are evaluated based on DIN EN ISO 9015-1[3] and

DIN EN ISO 9015-2[4]. The following characteristic hardness values serve as reference values forspots in the HAZ with an increase in hardness:Up to 300 HVUp to 380 HV

380 HV to 450 HVHigher than 450 HV

For welded joints that are prone to stress crack corrosion3)Non-critical in general

Critical. A limit must be specified in the drawing and verified with testsAvoid

Moreover, ratios of the HAZ maximum hardness to base material hardness ≥ 3.5 are consideredcritical. In such cases, a verified limit must also be specified in the drawing.

The welding suitability of unalloyed and low-alloy steels is always affected negatively by zinc coat‐ings. The following applies as a general reference: zinc layers with a thickness of max. 10 µm canbe welded in a sufficiently reliable manner, i.e., up to Z100 or ZE75 as per DIN EN 10346.


Stress crack corrosion can occur in steels with tensile strengths Rm ≥ 1 000 MPa and simultaneous continuous high static tensileloads, as well as hydrogen absorption, e.g., caused by corrosion.

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DIN EN 10088-2 and DIN EN 1011-3 contain notes and recommendations regarding the weldingsuitability of various high-alloy, corrosion-resistant steels.7.2.3

Filler metal

If no specific filler metal is specified in the drawing, filler metals as per DIN EN ISO 14341 (MAGwelding) or DIN EN ISO 636 (TIG welding), such as, e.g., ISO 14341-A-G3Si1, are permissible.For high-strength close-grained steels as per DIN EN 10149-2, it must be taken into account that,for higher strength classes than S420MC, large assembly part thicknesses, and loads that can rea‐sonably be expected to cause a weld metal failure, appropriate high-strength filler metals can beused in order to achieve the same or higher strengths, in the weld metal, in comparison to the basematerial. Appropriate high-strength filler metals are defined in DIN EN ISO 16834. Standard

DVS 0916 provides recommendations on base material and filler metal recommendations, as wellas additional information on the welding process.

If low-alloy, high-alloy, or other filler metals specially modified as needed for the base materials be‐ing used are required, they must be specified in the drawing, e.g., filler metals for stainless steelsas per DIN EN ISO 14343, DIN EN ISO 17633, or AWS A 5.9/A 5.9M and filler metals for nickelalloys as per DIN EN ISO 18274.7.3

Welded joint types

The type of joint is determined by the designed arrangement of the parts relative to each other (ex‐tension, reinforcement, branching). DIN EN ISO 17659 defines various welded joint types.7.4 7.4.1

Weld types

Factors that have an influence on the weld type

Weld types are defined by:––––

The type of weld joint

The type and scope of weld preparation, e.g., gap optimization (see DIN EN ISO 9692-1)The material

The welding process

Fillet weld


The parts lie on two different planes relative to each other, form a fillet joint, and are joined bywelding. The weld flanks are normally perpendicular to each other (α = 90° in figure 34). Weldedjoints with an angle range of 30° < α < 90° are considered fillet joints. In the case of oblique joints(see section 5.3.5 and figure 34), the assembly parts are at an angle α ≤ 30° relative to each other.A distinction is made between:––––

Fillet welds (see figure 31 and figure 32)Double-fillet welds (see figure 33)

Fillet welds with and without weld preparation

Lap joint fillet welds; this type of weld is predominantly used in cases where the top sheet issignificantly thicker than the bottom one

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Figure 31 – Lap joint fillet weldFigure 32 – Fillet weld on T-joint

Figure 33 – Double-fillet weld on T-joint

Figure 34 – Fillet weld on oblique joint with‐

out weld preparation

7.4.3 Square butt weld on butt joint

The parts lie in a single plane, form a joint, and are joined by welding; see figure 35 to figure 38.

Figure 35 – Square butt weld completely wel‐

ded throughFigure 36 – Square butt weld not completely

welded through

Figure 37 – Square butt weld on offset buttjoint (backup), completely welded throughFigure 38 – Square butt weld on offset buttjoint, not completely welded through

For square butt welds that are not completely welded through, the required minimum weld throatthickness smin must be specified in the drawing.7.4.4

Lap weld

When the assembly parts have different thicknesses, the design objective must be that the thinnerindividual part is located on top so that it is welded onto the thicker one; see figure 39.

Figure 39 – Lap weld


End-to-end joint

See figure 40.

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Figure 40 – End-to-end joint


Plug weld

There are two types of plug welds: type A and type B; see figure 41 and figure 42.Type-B plug welds must be preferred, as they have higher process reliability.

Plug weld, type A

The weld metal completely fills up the elongated oval, slit-shaped, or round hole. Both hole flanksare covered in a single welding operation. It is used with upper sheet thicknesses of up to approx.2.0 mm.

Dimensions in mm

Figure 41 – Plug weld, type A

Plug weld, type B

The weld metal does not fill up the elongated oval, slit-shaped, or round hole completely. Eachwelding operation covers only one hole flank. Welding can be done on one side or on both sides.

Figure 42 – Plug weld, type B

Type-B plug welds are comparable to lap welds. In case of welding on both sides (type-B plug

welds), both welds can be carried out as one continuous ring-shaped weld. In round holes, this willresult in a closed circumferential weld.

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7.4.7 Temporary weld

Temporary welds are not intended to bear operating loads. Their purpose is to:––

Hold threaded parts, spacer sleeves, etc. in their position until they are properly assembledSecure parts so that they can be soldered or adhesively bonded

In order to specify that a weld is a temporary weld, a note must be added to the drawing or to anapplicable document for the drawing, e.g., a Test Specification, a weld documentation document,or a workshop sketch (WSK).7.5 7.5.1

Weld design – characteristic dimensionsDimensioning

When dimensioning welds, the load-bearing cross-section is yielded by the product of the weldthroat thickness (see section 7.5.2) and the weld throat length (see section 7.5.3).7.5.2

Weld throat thickness

Design fillet weld throat thickness a is required in order to be able to calculate the forces acting ona welded joint.

For example, equation (4) applies when designing an assembly with a fillet weld:

a ≤ 0.7 × tmin


In production, the measured actual weld throat thickness s must always be greater than or equal tothe design fillet weld throat thickness a.

If weld throat thickness s (see figure 43) cannot be determined directly, the smallest common weldthroat thickness sN (see figure 44) can be used as an alternative criterion.

The smallest common weld throat thickness sN is the shortest distance between the componentedge/weld metal interface and the weld surface (see figure 45 as well), and forms the narrowestbearing cross-section along the flow of force in the welded joint.

In the case of convex welds, the excess weld metal is not taken into account in any type of weld,with the exception of corner joints (see figure 43).

Figure 43 – Fillet weldLegendasN

Figure 44 – Fillet weld with

deep penetrationFigure 45 – Fillet weld onround cross-section

Design fillet weld throat thickness

Smallest common weld throat thickness

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When determining the shortest common weld throat thickness sN, the shortest (common) distancebetween the two assembly parts being joined by the weld must always be measured.7.5.3

Weld throat length

The weld throat length specifications must ensure that welds do not start or end at componentedges. Figure 46 shows examples with a double-fillet weld on a T-joint.


Optimal design

Sub-optimal design

Figure 46 – Designing weld throat lengths as per standard DVS 0929

In order to improve dynamic load capacity, the actual bead length can exceed the design weldthroat length, e.g., component length (see figure 47).

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Actual throat length in the butt joint – component length in this caseActual length of bead

Figure 47 – Increasing the weld throat length

The fact that there is sufficient strength must be verified with component-specific strength tests.7.5.4

Edge projection

In order to prevent edge fusing and the loss of melting material at edges (see section 6.2.2), thedesign must ensure that there is an edge projection k appropriate for the weld throat thickness; seefigure 48. The following applies as a reference value:– k ≥ – k ≥ whereka, s

Edge projection

Minimum weld throat thickness as required by the drawing or 0.7 x tmin

a + 1.0 mm

+ 1.0 mm, but at least 6.0 mm

0.7s + 1.0 mm

+ 1.0 mm, but at least 6.0 mm

0.7Figure 48 – Edge projection k in fillet and lap welds


Drawing specifications

The drawing (see figure 49, which contains an example for a single dimension), dimensions, andsymbols for the welding processes specified in table 1 must be based on DIN EN ISO 2553. Alter‐natively, it is permissible to list numbered items in a table of all required specification values.

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Design throat thickness (with deep penetration) of 8 mmDesign throat thickness (without deep penetration) of 6 mm

Weld type symbol as per DIN EN ISO 2553 – fillet weld in this caseNumber of welds

Minimum weld throat length; tolerance of + 5 mm unless otherwise specifiedDistance between the weldsEnd distance

Fillet weld made with metal inert gas welding (process 131 as per DIN EN ISO 4063);evaluation as per VW 01106-1; quality requirements as per quality level C instead of B(lower quality requirements) as per DIN EN ISO 5817.

Figure 49 – Application example showing an interrupted fillet weld with end distance and reduced

quality requirements; symbolic representation9

Applicable documents

The following documents cited in this standard are necessary to its application.

Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger‐man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi‐cal inconsistency.

Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in otherlanguages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.VW 01106-2VW 99000-4AWS A 5.9/A 5.9MDIN EN 10088-2DIN EN 1011-2DIN EN 1011-3DIN EN 10149-2

Gas-Shielded Arc Welding; Rework of Sheet Steel Joints

General Requirements for the Performance of Component DevelopmentContracts; Subpart 4: Build Sample Approval

Specification for Bare Stainless Steel Welding Electrodes and RodsStainless steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plateand strip of corrosion resisting steels for general purposes

Welding - Recommendation for welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Arcwelding of ferritic steels

Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 3:Arc welding of stainless steels

Hot rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels for cold form‐ing - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanically rolledsteels

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DIN EN 10346DIN EN ISO 14341DIN EN ISO 14343DIN EN ISO 16834DIN EN ISO 17633

Continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products - Technical delivery con‐ditions

Welding consumables - Wire electrodes and weld deposits for gas shiel‐ded metal arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels - ClassificationWelding consumables - Wire electrodes, strip electrodes, wires and rodsfor arc welding of stainless and heat resisting steels - ClassificationWelding consumables - Wire electrodes, wires, rods and deposits forgas shielded arc welding of high strength steels - Classification

Welding consumables - Tubular cored electrodes and rods for gas shiel‐ded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of stainless and heat-resist‐ing steels - Classification

Welding - Multilingual terms for welded joints with illustrations

Welding consumables - Solid wire electrodes, solid strip electrodes, solidwires and solid rods for fusion welding of nickel and nickel alloys - Clas‐sification

Welding and allied processes - Symbolic representation on drawings -Welded joints

Welding and allied processes - Nomenclature of processes and refer‐ence numbers

Welding - Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys(beam welding excluded) - Quality levels for imperfections

Welding consumables - Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gaswelding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels - Classification

Welding and allied processes - Types of joint preparation - Part 1: Man‐ual metal-arc welding, gas-shielded metal-arc welding, gas welding, TIGwelding and beam welding of steels

Gas-shielded metal arc welding of fine-grained structural steelsKonstruktionshinweise für das MIG-/MAG-Schweißen mit Industrierobo‐tern

DIN EN ISO 17659DIN EN ISO 18274


DVS 0916DVS 0929

10 [1][2][3][4]


VW 01106-3, Gas-Shielded Arc Welding; Part 3: Aluminum Welded JointsDIN 1910-100, Welding and Allied Processes – Vocabulary – Part 100: Metal WeldingProcesses with Additions to DIN EN 14610:2005DIN EN ISO 9015-1, Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic Materials – Hardness Test‐ing – Part 1: Hardness Test on Arc Welded JointsDIN EN ISO 9015-2, Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic Materials – Hardness Test‐ing – Part 2: Microhardness Testing of Welded JointsPage 37

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VW 01142, Weld Repairs on Aluminum Structures – Product Evaluation and ProcedureNotesDevelopment Test Specification EP 011.02, Car Body Manufacture Process Guideline;MAG Arc Welding on Steel Sheets; GMAW Welding Joining Technology; see HyperKVSPage 38

VW 01106-1: 2015-04

Appendix A (normative) Special requirements for exhaust systems

The following requirements apply to exhaust systems in addition to, or deviating from, the otherspecifications in this standard:–

The welding process must not have any negative effects on the inner area intended to conveygas. Weld spatter and swarf in particular are not permissible on the inside. Additional cleanli‐ness requirements must be specified in the component drawings.

Welds in the gas-conveying area upstream of assemblies used for exhaust emission controlpurposes and of flexible joints, e.g., inner flange welds, must be made exclusively with spatter-free methods, e.g., mechanized TIG welding. MIG/MAG welding is permissible in the gas-con‐veying area only with the consent of the Design Engineering and Quality Assurance depart‐ments.

Longitudinal weld on sheet casings on converters and mufflers in a butt joint (applies to TIG,plasma, and laser welding):Edge offsetMaximum permissible offset: 0.10 × tSmallest common throat thicknesssN ≥ 0.90 × t (applies without or after the outer contour

is smoothed)

Excess weld metalh1 ≤ 0.20 × t permissible; see figure A.1Excess penetration

h2 ≤ 0.10 × t permissible; see figure A.1

Longitudinal casing welds must be welded continuously without interruption across the entirepipe length without any final flaws.


Excess weld metalExcess penetrationSheet thickness

Figure A.1 – Excess weld metal and excess penetration in butt-joint longitudinal welds––

It is not permissible to rework open burn-through spots

For lap welds on gas-conveying areas, the upper sheet must not melt back to such an extentthat an unwelded overlap length of at least 1.5 mm is fallen below; see figure A.2. In addition,the inner sheet/pipe projection must not melt off; see figure A.2, no. 3.

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Dimensions in mm

Legend12, 3


OKNOKDesign value

Figure A.2 – Extent to which the upper sheet melts back in lap welds on gas-conveying areas, with

a specified overlap length–

In the case of lap joints in which the thickness of the upper or outer assembly part is severaltimes greater than that of the inner assembly part, the weld must preferably be a lap joint filletweld (i.e., with an incompletely fused face) rather than a lap weld (i.e., with a completely fusedface); see figure A.3. The required weld throat thickness is either based on the thinner assem‐bly part thickness (see section 5.2.2 and figure 3) or is specified in the drawing. A change inweld specifications will require testing and is only permissible following release by Design En‐gineering.


Optimal: Lap joint fillet weldSub-optimal: Lap weld

Figure A.3 – Lap joint fillet weld when the upper sheet or assembly part is very thick

In the case of welded joints in which the thickness of one of the assembly parts is severaltimes greater than that of the other part (e.g., raised screw boss for sensor, brackets), under‐cuts of up to 0.2 × t are permissible at the weld edge of the thickest individual parts (as per theundercuts in quality level D in table 4).

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Flexible joints: If there are multiple lap welds between flexible joints (also referred to as \"flexi‐ble pipes\") and gas-conveying pipes, the homogeneous metal layers must be fused 100%.The inhomogeneous metal layers, such as wire mesh, knitted wire mesh, and inliners, must bejoined to the weld across at least 90% of the circumference. The remaining requirements inthis standard are unaffected by this requirement. In addition, the requirements insection must be met.



Knitted/braided wire meshCorrugated tubeInliner

Exhaust pipe

Figure A.4 – Example of a multiple lap weld on a flexible joint

- Filler metals designated as per standards other than those specified in the drawing must only beused if it is verified that their chemical composition meets the requirements in the drawing. Chang‐ing the filler metal used requires approval from Design Engineering.
