

2020-08-10 来源:年旅网


1.XXX 严重碰弯。 XXX Steel tubes 钢管 Steel pipes 钢管 Steel bars 元钢


One castic iron pipe broken/split into two pieces.

3. XXX 钢板………………………… XXX steel plates/sheets Rusty Chafed Bend Dented 碰凹 Deformed 变形 Concave 变凹 Convex 凸起 Badly bent - Stored at open area; - Wet before shipment; - Partly rust stained;

- plates rusted on edges;

- plates with edges dented/buckled in 1-3 positions; - plates with 1-2 corners bent upwards/downwards; - plates with edges waved/bent along entire length; - plates with edges locally scored/gouged;

- Grease spots and oil patches apparent on ___ plates; - Quality and weight as per Shipper’s declaration.


xxx coils with inner edges dented and/or bunckled.affected 2-10 windings xxx coils with outer edges dented and/or bunckled. Affected 2-5windings xxx coils strapped insufficiently, 1-3 strapping bands broken/missing xxx coils strapped insufficiently, missing strapping bands at all xxx coils with 5-10 windings telescoped

xxx coils with grease spots and oil patches apparent on out packing

xxx coils with locally dented/buckled packing, contents condition unknown

xxx coils with locally torn open/pierced/punctured packing,contents exposed and not damaged. ………………………………………………………………,contents exposed and dented on edges,affected 50 windings

quality and weight as-per shippers’ declaration.


一.袋装货(cargo in bags/sacks/bales)

1. XXX包………..,船方不负责……………………。 Three bags Broken 破包 Torn 撕破 Cover torn 袋撕破 Burst 胀破 Split 撕裂 Mouths open 开口 Chafed 擦花 Badly chafed 擦破 Patched 经缝补 Old and frail 旧袋不牢 Covers old and stained 旧袋并沾污 With hook hole 有手钩洞 Holed by cargo hooks 有货钩洞

2. XXX包………….., 并经…………, 重量分别为50. 60…..公斤. XXX Bags Cover torn 袋撕破 Broken 破包 Loose 散口

3.XXX袋……………..由于……………….. XXX Bags Wet 潮湿 More or less we有些潮湿 Caked 结块 Melted 熔化 Evaporated 蒸发 Deteriorated 变质 Stained 污渍

二.箱装货(Cargo in cases/boxes/chests/cartons/crates)

1.XXX 箱………..,船方不负责………………………………. XXX cases with Nails off 钉脱落 Nails started 钉松 , N/R FOR Nature of cargo 货物性质 Due to The contents melting 内容物溶解 And Resewn 补包 Refilled 换袋 Collected 灌包 , weight 50. 60 kilos respectively , N/R for…………….

Bands off 箍条脱落 Bands broken 箍条断裂 Panels split 镶板开裂 Side boards broken 旁板破裂 Boards broken 板条破裂 End split 箱端裂开 Broken at side 箱旁裂开 Broken at bottom箱底破 Broken at corner 箱角破 Bottoms off 箱底脱落 Jammed at corner 箱边压坏 Crushed 压破 Repaired 修补 Repacked 重装箱 Renailed 重钉 Second hand 旧箱 Unsufficiently packed 包装不固 Empty 中空 Half empty 半空 Nearly empty 几乎空箱 Contents leaking 货物流出

2. XXX箱…………………., 内容…………………………. XXX BAGS Broken 破 Crashed 摔破 Smashed 撞碎

3. XXX 纸箱…………………., 内容不明. XXX Cartons Flaps open 箱盖松开 Wrappers torn 箱皮撕破 Chafed 擦花 Badly chafed 擦破 Torn and dented 撕破,碰扁 Contents rattling 内容物有破碎声

4. ……………………….., N/R FOR 内容破损/内容状态.

, contents unknown. ,contents 内容 O.K 无损 Intact 完整 Exposed 暴露 Unknown 不明 Damaged 损坏 Lost 丢失

Insufficiently packed 包装不明 Case fragile 箱脆弱 Covers old and stained 包装残旧,沾污

三. 桶装货(Cargo in drums/barrels/casks/tins)

1.XXX 桶………………船方不负责…………………………… XXX drums Bung off 桶塞脱落 Leaking at plugs 桶塞处漏 Oozing 渗漏 Dented 碰凹 Badly dented 严重碰凹 Punctured and leaking 穿洞并漏

2.XXX 桶………….., 船方不负责内容损失,短少及其状态. XXX Barrels (鼓形)桶 XXX Casks (琵琶)桶 Bands off 桶箍脱落 Hoops off 桶箍脱落 Staves off 桶板脱落 Staves broken 桶板破裂 Leaking through seam 板缝渗漏 Re-coopered 重修理

3.全部……………., 船方不负责桶漏或桶破以及内容短少. ALL Old drums(barrels) 旧桶 Second hand drums(barrels) 旧桶 Re-coopered barrels(caks) 重修理

四. 捆装货(cargo in bundles)


N/R for Number or pieces 数量 Shortage of contents 短少

五.装卸工人将一捆……………..跌落下水. On bundle of Bar 元钢 Cotton 棉花 Raw silk 生丝 注意:此情况除在大副收据上批注外,还需专门写一份事故报告,内容应包括:船名,Fallen overboard by stevedores Caused by Bundles off 散捆 Bands off/Hoops off 散箍 ,N/R for leakage or breakage and shortage of contents. ,N/R for loss or shortage And condition of content , N/R For……….. ,N/R for Breakage and/or condition Of contents


跌下水的货名,S/O No. 标志号码,发生在第几舱,事故发生日,时,事故原因。



1.XXX 件,由于…………变湿, 船方不负责………………. XXX wet by Oil Water Fresh water Sea water Rain Spray 溅水,浪花 Snow Sweat 2. XXX件, 装船前已有………….渍. XXX stained by Rust Oil Water Paint Mud Contents 货物本身

3. XXX 件浸湿(过)且已………………

XXX soaked and 浸湿

4. XXX 件………………………………… XXX Dry stained 干渍 Traffic stained 运输中沾污 Mildew stained 霉渍

Spoiled 变坏 Mildewed 发霉 Moulded 发霉 Before shipment. , N/R for…………..


一.短(溢)装……………………….. Short(over) shipped XXX cases 箱 XXX bags 袋 XXX drums 桶 XXX packages 件

二.XXX 箱……………., 在争议中. XXX C/S Short 短少 Over 溢装/卸

三. XXX件短少在争议中,如已装上船,则到目的港(如数)交货. XXX Pkgs Short less In dispute, and if on board to be delivered at destination. In dispute 注意:如同一票货分装在两个舱,数字有出入时应分别批注为:

A. 10 Bags over in dispute at No.1 hatch B. 5 Bags short in dispute at No.5 hatch

而不能从以上两数字抵消后写成: 5 Bags over in dispute. 以免在卸货时由于各舱数字不明确



XXX pkgs over landed in dispute XXX 溢卸在争议中 To be rechecked ashore 有待岸上重理 Subject to rechecking 必须重理 Subject to owners’approval. 必须经船东同意

五. 由于发货人……………….来不及装船, 退关. No time, shut out due to shippers’ Cargo delayed. 到货延误 Cargo unprepared. 货未备妥 Lighter unarrived. 驳船未到


一.(根据)发货人重量,船方不负责货物重量短少。 Shippers’ weight N/R for loss in weight. 二.(装船)重量据称为XXXX.吨.

Said to weigh/be XXXX M/Ts (received on board).


一. XXX 件有虫/鼠害.

XXX damaged by vermins/rats.

二. 发霉/发潮,船方不负责货损货差及货物状态.

Mouldered/sweated,N/R for loss or shortage and condition.


甲板货发货人自负风险. Shipped on deck Stowed on deck Deck cargo

贵重货的批注: (1) All cases sealed 全部箱封妥, (2) One case(No.2) seal off, 第二号箱壹箱封条脱落, (3) Seals broken and repaired 封条破重修补 Seals cracked and resealed. 封条裂重加封

注意: 贵重品装船,应严格检查封条是否完好,如完好按(1)批注,船方到卸港仅按同样完好封条

交货; 如封条破,裂,应拒装, 如非装不可,则由发货人当众开箱,重装箱加封后方可装船

在此清况下,可按(2) (3) 批注.


N/R for shortage of contents. At shippers’ risk.

XXXX 小汽车,装船前已受潮/生锈/擦花. XXX CARS Wet Rusty chafted Before shipment.

XXX…………有些……………….. XXX Lorries(truck) 卡车 Cars Machines slightly Deformed 变行 Chafed 擦花 Scratched 刮花 Rusty 生锈


船方不负责………………………………… N/R FOR Less in weight 货物减重 Deterioration of contents 货物变质 Deterioration of bags by nature of contents 因货物特性使包皮变质 Lower of quality of contents 货物质量下降 Lower of value of contents 货物价值下降 Obliteration of marks 标志不清



1. Ship’s remarks:

All cargos for SHANGHAI have been discharged .all holds empty ship N/R for any shortage.

2. ship’s remarks:

All cargos condition same as loading port. Ship N/R for any extra charge of separation.


1. Ship’s remarks:

Received only



Rain work 雨天装/卸 Snow work 下雪时装/卸 Night work 晚上装/卸

At ships’ request (N/R for………)


1……………………船方不负责因此而造成的任何后果. Marks mixed 标志混杂 Various marks 标志不一 No mark 无标志 B/L mixed 提单(货物)混杂 , N/R for any consequence of them.

2.标志……………船方不负责………………………….. Marks Indistinct 不清 Invisible 模糊 Inrecognizable 不明 Obliterated 涂抹 Insufficient 不详 .

N/R for Marks and numbers. 标志号码(混杂) Correct out-turn 卸货误差
