His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.
A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident.
Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it. 4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成 百上千的人死于这场海难。
Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck. 5. 每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。来此享受日光浴的游客像沙丁鱼一样挤满了海滩。
Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach. They lie packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunbathing.
6.他们曾经到圣路易斯去过一次,对于那把的新奇食物稍微知道一个大概,可是现在他们的光荣时代已成过去了。他们从此自知没趣,再也不说话了,而且每逢这个毫不留情的机匠走过来的时候,他们就知道 赶快躲开。
They have been to St. Louis once and have a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory is over now. They lapse into a humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless engineer approaches.
1.有些网络专家认为因特网可以防止战争、减少污染,还能克服种种形式的不平等。 Some cyber gurus claim that internet will prevent wars reduce pollution and combat several of inequality. 2. 不可否认,因特网可以增进交流,但它却无法消除战争,因为战争的爆发并不仅仅是由于不同种族间缺乏充分理解而引起的。
Although, the internet can undeniably fosters communication, it will not put an end to wars. Since wars are by no means caused by the failure of different people to understand each other adequately. 3. 只有当网上的活动能够真正取代现实世界中的行为时,因特网才能帮助节约能源,减少污染。
The internet can help reduce energy consumption and pollution, only if doing things online genuinely replaces real-world activities.
The poor are not shunning the internet because they cannot afford it the problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it effectively, therefore, it would make more sense to improve universal literacy than universal Internet access. 5. 因为有了因特网,在不同国家从事类似工作的人们之间收入上的不平等减少了,但是贫穷国家中从事信息产业的人们与他们最贫穷的同胞之间在收入上的差距却拉大了。
Thanks to internet, income inequality between people doing similar jobs in different countries has been reduced. However, the inequality between information works in poor countries and their
poorest compatriots has been increased.
6. 如果人类的本性始终固执地保持不变,不管科技预言家的预言是什么,人类的发明也绝对不能克服其自身的缺陷。
If human nature remains stubbornly unchanged, despite the claims of techno-prophets, humanity cannot simply invent away its failings. 三
1.Many studies indicate that the desert air is so dry that it contains any moisture.
2.Although the children form age 5 to 16 must go to school in Britain according to the laws ,about 1%of the children still can not read when they have primary school. 虽然根据法律每个英国儿童从5岁到16岁都必须上学,但1%的儿童到小学毕业时仍不会阅读。
3.After heard the news ,I knew I fell restless again within a forenight .
4.We think unanimously to answer the question ,we must look more closely at the facts. 我们一致认为要回答这个问题,就必须更仔细地查清这些事实。
5.Though out the world, government at all levels are taking effectively measures to prevent environment pollution.
6.Some people think that the objective items ,such as multiple choices, should be used for an examination, others don't agree, because they believe that this kind test has some bad effect on students leaning.
有些人认为考试中应采用客观题,如多项选择;也有人不同意这种观点,认为这种考试会对学生的学习产生不良影响。 四
I find that walking along the quiet lake can provide refreshment from a day's sedentary job. 2.锻炼和放松自己通常被认为是治疗疲劳症的有效方法。
Exercising and relaxing yourse1f is often prescribed as an effective cure for fatigue.
3.你的活动量越小,机体老化的过程就越快,你就越容易面临生理和心理方面的种种问题。 The less active you are, the faster this aging process accelerates, and the more vulnerable you become to physical and psychoIogica1 problems.
Even if you keep up dieting, you cannot reduce to the point where you achieve the kind of body-shaping you want.
People thought he had happy late years during which time he did litt1e but slept and ate, yet he was often tired and depressed.
6. 过去,人们用搓衣板洗衣服,用手捆干草,很少抱怨疲劳;而如今人们拥有各种节省体力的装置和方便的交通设施,但却总是抱怨疲劳不堪。
In the past when hay was baled by hand and laundry scrubbed on a washboard, people seldom complained of tiredness. However, people feel dragged out and complain a lot in the modern time
of 1aborsaving devices and convenient transportation.
It is generally accepted that the upbringing of the child within the home is closely related to the education of the child in school.
2.詹妮弗是《纽约先驱论坛报》(New York Herald Tribune)的人事科长,在这家报纸里她还负责公共关系方面的特约社论工作。
Jennifer is the chief of personnel for the New York Herald Tribune, where she is also responsible for special editorial work in the field of public relations.
It was two years ago that Jeff met Rose at his sister’s birthday party. They have been communicating with each other by e-mail since then; the more Jeff knows Rose, the more he likes her. 4.这个措施不仅有效地为下岗工人提供了就业机会,而且还有效地控制了物价上涨。
This new measure is effective not only in providing job opportunities for the laid-off workers, but in limiting price increases.
Similarly/Likewise, they insufficiently treated the political and economic background of the conspiracy. 6.大规模的货币投资,一方面满足了经济高速增长的需要,另一方面也造成了通货膨胀。
Tremendous capital input has met the needs of rapid economic growth on the one hand and has caused the inflation on the other. 六
l. Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post. 通过英语考试会增加你获得这个职位的机会。
2. The discovery of gold in the va1leys will enrich the poor mountain area.
3. Only when the police confronted her with evidence did she admitted that she had sto1en the money.
4. The meeting wi1l afford you an opportunity of hearing good pub1ic speakers.
5. An official statement laid to rest the remaining fears about possible redundancies in the industry.
6. Mary is Pretty bright. As a matter of fact, her teacher told me that she is certain to get a university place this year.
玛丽相当聪明。实际上,他的老师对我说过,她今年肯定能升入大学。 七
1. Black people in the area complained to the government that they had been subjected to repeated racial attacks from the local police officers.
2. The government officials are inclined to apply the science and technology to short-term Projects, which is not beneficial to scientific development.
3. The previous manager did not want to invest time and money in training the employees who could leave the company anytime, as a result of which there was a serious talent drain.
4. We are collecting money for repairs to the church roof. If any of you would like to make a contribution, we shall be most grateful.
5. The scientists are currently focusing on making experiments, in hope of finding effective methods to cure cancers.
6.The speech that the chairman delivered at the conference made much sense to regain the employees’ confidence. 原文:
1. 那个地区的黑人向政府投诉,宣称他们经常遭受当地警察官员的种族袭击。
2. 政府官员总是愿意把科学技术应用于短期的研究项目上,这对科学发展是十分不利的。 3. 前任经理不想投资时间和金钱培训随时都会离开公司的员工,因而造成了大量的人才流失。
4. 我们正在集资来修复教堂的屋顶。如果你们中间有人想贡献一份力量,我们会不胜感激。 5. 目前科学家们在集中精力进行试验,以求找到治疗癌症的有效方法。 6. 主席在会上的发言对于恢复员工的信心是非常有意义的。 八
1.Mexico city is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. 墨西哥城是世界上人口最密集的城市之一。
2.The finding shows that a substantial difference between the opinions of men and woman. 调查结果表明:男人和女人的意见有着实质性的差异。
3. I can’t remember whether i left my credit card home or in the car . 我的信用卡是落在家里还是落在车上,我也记不清了。
4.We cannot assume the suspects to be guilty simply because they are delivered to remain silent. 我们不能仅仅因为这些嫌疑犯保持沉默就想当然的认为他们有罪。
5.The main question that faces Chinese economists at present is how to use the price levers and the competition system to direct resources into areas which yield better returns.
6.It is assumed in the next 20 years the most surprising development will take pace in the space flight ,but now space craft a being developed and they can be used many times instead of only one 人们推测,今后的20年最惊人的发展也许将会出现在宇宙飞行方面。但现在航天飞机正在发展,这种航天飞机可以使用多次,而不是仅仅一次。 九
1. 在焦急地等待高考成绩的那些日日夜夜,我的心中充满了迷惑,不知道未来带给我的会是什么:惊奇,兴奋,还是失望,悲伤。
On those days and nights when I was waiting for the results of the Entrance Examination,my heart was filled with wonder(or uncertainty). I wondered what the future held for me,of surprise and excitement or disappointment and sorrow.
2. 那个女孩快跑赶上了妈妈,并伸出手抓住妈妈,哭着让她给买更多的糖果,饮料,但母亲坚持说他们买的够多了。
The little girl ran swiftly to catch up with her mother and stretched out her hand to her mother,crying for more candies and drinks.But the mother persisted that they had bought enough.
3. 他的妻子被推进了手术室,他在外面一支接一支的吸着烟,来回走动,当看到门打开时,
His wife was sent into the operation room.He walked to and fro outside,smoking one cigarette after another.When he saw the door opened,he felt a thrill of tenseness.
Under the gaze of his colleagues,he flushed with embarrassment and bowed hi head.He casually took up a newspaper and hid hi face behind it, pretending to be reading it.
5.他们说有的注意力都集中在手头的研究项目上,他们相信,只要不灰心,迟早会取得这些实验的成功。 They fixed all their attention on the research project on hand.They believed that as long as they did n’t lose heart,they would succeed in theses experiments in time.
She had just given birth to an infant when her husband left/deserted her.In despair,she shut herself and the infant in aroom,claiming that they would perish together.Thanks to the policemen who came in time,the mother and the daughter escaped death by a hair’s breath(or had a narrow escape).
1. We must figure out how to solve the tissue-rejection problem. 我们必须想办法去解决组织排斥的问题。
2.His behavior under fire approved him a man of courage. 他在战火中的表现证明它是一个勇敢的人。
3. In addition to the impressiveness of the settings, there is a use of the camera that at times seems magical.
除了布景的感染力之外,摄影机的使用技巧有时也显现出不可思议的效果。 4. At first, no ready technical data were available, but we managed to go without. 起初,我们并没有现成的技术资料,但照样设法干了下去。
5. She has some difficulty in giving shape to her ideas. But she resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.
6. The most part of their designs corresponds to actual needs and regulations on environmental demand, the other part needs reconsidering.