专利名称:System and method for providing product
information in LAN
发明人:Choi, Woo-Jun,Kim, Jae-Ho,Lee, Jeong-Eun,Han, Young-Seop,Sim, Dae-Hyun
摘要:Provided is a system and a method for reporting data in a Local Area Network(LAN). The system includes at least one router for broadcasting both product
information of an entire shopping center including product advertisement informationand product information including identification information of each of shopping centerlocal communication terminals providing the product advertisement information, andidentification information of each of shopping center local communication terminalslocated within a coverage area of each of the at least one router; and a user localcommunication terminal for receiving the product information of the entire shoppingcenter and the identification information of each of the shopping center localcommunication terminals located within the coverage area of the at least one router,detecting the product advertisement information included in the received productinformation of the entire shopping center and displaying the detected product
advertisement information, finding product information including any one of the receivedidentification information among the received product information of the entire shoppingcenter, analyzing the found product information to detect product advertisement
information of the found product information, and first displaying the detected productadvertisement information.
代理机构:Dixon, Philip Matthew