Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has set out for a tour of key states, at the start of her campaign to become the first woman US president.
美国前国务卿希拉里克林顿宣布竞选2016年美国总统,将开辟美国首位女总统之路。 She is taking a road trip to meet small groups of voters in Iowa, after announcing her presidency bid in an online video on Sunday.
She had been expected to declare her candidacy for months. 数月以来外界对希拉里宣布竞选总统的呼声一直很大。
Mrs Clinton ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 but lost to Barack Obama.
希拉里在2008年也曾是民主党派总统候选人,但是最后输给了巴拉克奥巴马。 从此次希拉里推出的竞选视频中,她说I WANNA BE THAT CHAMPION.
When families are strong,America is strong.I’m getting the road to earn your vote.And i hope you enjoy me on the journey.
温情不缺强势,柔而刚,软而劲。看来希拉里也是煞费苦心了。 无论结局如何,这位强势女性将成为美国历史上辉煌的一笔。